Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


Vith ali in hearto rejoice in the immense improvement in the workin lives V of Our Deople. Ali good ei and women ejoice incit, bles it, and worisor it . ut his indispensabie materia progress , directi due to Inionisin has been Oiled by a deep



charge at the bar o Hunianit with a ieiled sympathy illi the olfhevis dogma of Labour dominatio an exchisive master of Society, with whatevertend to the violent dissolutionis the Britisti Empire, with a triendi indifferende to the orgies of tunderati assassination in Ireland In the nited ing-dom, in Europe in Asia, Africa, o the Empire thecauS O Labour, e re old, is the ne hin that counts o Which Workin me ought to promote. Τhe avowed aimis organised Labour no is notrio improve the conditions of emplOyment, ' ut toextinguisti Capitalism an Labour no is absollite master of the Constitution Dit chooses t ac in concert. he ' dictatorshi of the proletariater means the devotionis the nationat wealth to the interest of the manual labourers. There illi no pare capitalin the hand of any upperi middie clas to e sed for socia an charitable ui poses there ill e OU99er o naiddie clas at all. e nee no discusswhether his is a good o a ad result. Many social


the minor forins os charitable endo uments and of socia benevolen e re in the fame perit That erilis caused by two genera an increasin forces hichare transformin modern society. The first is theenorinous increas os ali prices-doublingis iret,sing the values veryWhere. The ollier is the genera and increasin impoverishment of the whole orde os propertu holders. It was his classislone hieli earby ea found the ast sum devote to ali ind of charitable endo uments. An this clas is hein reduce to extreme pressure an even to penury. sthe odia revolution designe by Soelalisin ere tosucceed, this clas Would nil in extinction.



have astemat least two or three years of our nationalineome. Nothin ea reptae this lige deficit ut production. An Labou demand are mahin produc tion impossibie.

By the sudde demand of doubie and trebie ages, by breahin contracis, and defyin discipline, Labouris graspingit the exclusive receipt of the whole profits of industry. The result is that capital ill notembar o undertakings of whiel the whole produceis elaimed by the manual orkers. The enormΟuSwealth investe in ratiways mines, an saetorie is hecomin insolvent an unsaleable book-debiis for Labour, dominant in the Commons, refuses to Vote the inevitabie is in rates. mirect action: means the government of this Empire by excited groups of Workmen obviousi ignorant of the complications os internationa polities. It is alminxat what ali historyprovecto have been the ors of ali fornis fiovern-ment, hen a at Athens, O the deati, o Pericles,nois handsi sonae thousandi mo orators di aggeddo vn thei Stateri ruin.


partis the charities. It wasione by the militonsolati sinat earning an fixe incomes. ut thesmal traders, the hard-worke professionali men,

tinction They an hardly et a vini is it s. The profiteering and the speculatio due to the

-do uel in charit giving. his hendetortii illhave to e done by Labour. Labour oes not et realis this. In time, no doubi it,ill realis it Butthe de of a Orkmun subscribin his uineas to Hospitali amome for Incurabies Ounds likera est. Thei societies, hiel dea in hundred of millions, vili do it soni day. ut ill Themay of the eman ipation o Labour comes here ill e cruei times for hospital and ut fornis of good works ofrelie to an an misery. o temporar hel9, Ο State id, no petiy charge ill sum e Titi Labourtearns it ne v uty the sicli, the helpless, and the destitute illae foret pinched. It is no meret the Hospital an Charities hichare menaee with ruin, unti the Deopte in the massundertake thei support. The mos urgent eas ofat is that o Minister os religionis at the disserent Chiarches. The celibate Priesthood of the Roman

Chureli, maintainedin very modest sine by the continuous gists of the entire congregation, a Strii gleon even in these times. he humbi and lessiterate



Minister of the Free Chut ehes ill survive But theepiscopa Chureli an iis olei g have to pas througha eruet time os pressure, in hieli naan3 of theirietter

making, an ali the spiritua educationis the ancient Churoh of thei falliers. ut the intervening timebefore Labour has leui ne how o replaee halcit is bent on destroying this ill e a hard timerior theold oor a Vel tis for the ne v oor. An it is no hospitais, charities, an Chiarchesalone that illis isse is the extinction o capitalismand middie-olas is uehieved by direct action secur- in the master of societ by orkmen Literature, learning Selenee, ari, an culture have di suppearedunder olfhevisita, and the essentia aim Of hat to-


lay is culicd ostialisit is ille prohibition on the accumulation os capital evenis naul savings, in theliand of private anillies. O v any genera vie of history, even aiiographi a dictionary, ill ho v that almos ut fornis of ivilised progress have been redandisurture in families here sonae inherite re- solaree enabled iis member to devote thei livinito study to thought to poetry to art. Ali these mustbe ree. They annot e produee to the order, ormaintained by the allo vanee, os a Workman 'S hab- Soviet in fael. IV may ope that in a distant future a Vietorious and cosmopolita ergatocrac Willsin a means o supply the intellectual, moral, and spirituat need os modern civilisation, ut the passingos capitalism an persona properi to communismand the supremaeyis organised Labour illi a processioth long and omewhuttainsul to hat has presume to ali iself an uppe V and a iddie

The impulse of the readeri doubi illi to treatali his iis an impossibi future, and the warning Sthat os an turmist. It is quite rue that our solidand sensibi peopte are very a fromiein Leninisis, and have o sor o di eam os abolishing ages, emplΟyers, an Capitalism. ut the oui se hic horganised Labour is tal in has the gradua an conoeale essee o paralysin and dryin ii capitat. The tumultuous inter hange of valites, and thesudden luging up os emergene industries during



the war, Oupleti illi the eekles inundation ofPaper money, aUSed OnSpicuou Case of prosileering wealth, an a genera impression os increased spendin power. ut his impression is a mere illusion a in Russia, here an notes pas by the





interest, hos ulteranees involve no ther's responsibility ma at an rate a What he hink plainly, Withouidear or favo ur, as he has done ali his life Theenormoti complications of the situation and the multiplicit os incident an interest mali an all- round judgmen alinos impraeti able-yet u oneside judgmen is ors than non ut all. Da mantias ait rea and weighed the ne VS reporis, and state1nent in severat Ournals of different partyeolour, ali the debates in both Houses, night by nightirona beginning to end together illi the content offoreig as et a provincia an Irish ournals eventhe editoria articles, hieli a least disdiose ha the

poliey, he wissio do so in ignorane os essentia facis. Butio ver sexu, evenis those ho tuli interest inpolities, an preten to do hic How entiret is allthis knowledge hut Orfroin the went mission men