Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


nothing ut hut soni palty Ourna chooses t tellthem, orino v nothinibu what Sorneone eis repentSto them Our eopte reali live in ulter ignora neeos ali essentia facis, and et the clatria o setile ever3 thing, fio by direct action, at an rate by more or less indirect formis political opinion. On the face of things, in the ore-sront of the pressne VS, Comes the execution o the reat and the

monials and parades abolit a thing whieli has no hie no fore incit. A es gue os Nations, hiel the Inite States s et officiali repudiates, hich nowtreat Germany an Russi ascit opponent to beseared, hieli consist os nations acti strugglin tollet,lia it an or iself, hichiasio effective forcet impos it Will, even is it members ad commoti objects-suel a League is a mere theatri spectaeleto amus theseopte Aleague of ations ithout America is an arm in uniformiui Without an armS. Leugue osmations hicli enu an suspeet achother, and have different an incompatthleminis, is assutile a combination as Ouid eis universa Churelicompose of Christians, ews, Musulmans, and

Brahinans. I domo den that tris a nobi and fruit-sul ideat whieli in times to come ill be realised and have a blessed effectipo civitisation. ut to-da iti premature and impossible I do not doubi that t



inspires vlthiopes theseoples and the armies during the war, and was incerely reuehed an belleve in by leadin statesmen. f the President had etainediheduli supportis his countrymen, and the statesmeno Europe had heen in ea contro of thei respective GoVernments perhapsint Christinas, 1918, a praetical Leaque o Nations might have been founded. The oecasion a tost; the aere fir of humane aspiration died doWn, and eight preelous monilis ere vaste in disputes abolit indemnities, protection, formalities, loca trifles, and the impossibi tus o re-settsing shattere&worid. In the meantinae the relations os victor an Conquere entiret. changed ineach counir revolis an diseor hi Oh out largely by the effect of the Covenant itfelici chaos, famine, an hankrupto ensued. et stili statesmen confer, proelaim, und rusti abolit, in orde to carry ut formalpledges to hieli the set thei seat at Versatiles. Toexecute to the letter ver clause of that farrago fgrandiose impraeticabilities-whils at home ruinimpends-is the Bygantine foli os discussin the Creed whils the enem is a theiates. The urgent thin no is-noto kee the yes intent on theparchment of Versatiles an St. Germains-but Osee hoW the sufety, prosperity, and honouri Britain ante secure in the genera chaos-whiel threatens ou country illi the wors evit it has known in iis glorious history.


There is a crymow otiose the Suprenie Ounei and to leave things to the eaque . elli ut look ut realities, and be no Diisled by at this ni3ster of the

oni rea power is in the and of the ritisti and Freneli Prime Ministers with the Italia Minister froni timeri time calle in to formis hird Thistriumvirate of the vietorious Powers, wh alone have po versul armies in the fiet i, virtuali decide on polic3 an summon mali Powers to ratis thei de istoris. They arrange for the executioni the reat and theydistribute mandates to noli ther. But ali his, toliave fuit legat authoi ity, ought tot submitted to the League and formali voted by t. his has not been done and the riumvirale naturali hesitate to submit thei polie to a miscellaneous Ody os minor Stutes whieli have theiriwn interest to consuli Themandates are ni unauthorised proposuis os,hat the principat belligerentio vers ould have done Theyformali declare that the domo intend anneXation, hut only isti to et the native eopte to overnthenaseives. Unfortunately the native eopte no Vviolenti protest they domo Want help. Put aside fori time reatu and Covenant-a least



i eaeli nation has it o vn objectJ The United States, a represented by it President, certaini destre thepeae of the worly to e chieved perhaps by the

herished as a fine deni andiright hope that must behept betore ur 3 es illi academi theories, ut noti, praetica aetton. There are plent os professors, leni ne legi sis, an indeed leudin M. P. 's Ven


domestic problem even more aetate Ireland the

United in dona, the Constitutio of the Empire,

our relations illi France, illi America, theauthorit o Parhument, the latuis of Labour, illi incessant demand and threat of direct action, ' os nationalisation the oviet system, the imminen e finereased rices the paralysis of capital the growthos taxation the extreme dilemma finanee. O V, this molintain os tasks is to iameli forine mind, howeVer poWersu and wist.

I cannot oin illi attaeksin the Prime Minister orliis colleagues. I doubt f the counir seriouslydestres to displae them and Dam sui e that Deither of the oppositio parties camerio poWer, they ΟUldbi in iis to immediate disaster. Butis a criti of

Ir Lloyd George, to suggest that the time has comeso him 'o tali the traditional place of a Prime



Minister i. e. in Parii ament; and that heriliould mulieour home problem his fit si care. There are te ori veni suci, problem to deat with any one os,hi his bi enough to occupy the whole time os a states- man. Parhamen is tosin ali iis restige undemeleney, and is leavin the fiet o praetical orkopen to the adi anein Soviet system. The continuat absene of the head of ur overnment, absorbe in the Europea tangle is havin a paralysin effectinpolicy simila to that caused by the lines and thesulking of r. Wilson o the olidy of the nited

States. I Parhamentary overtiment is tote maintained the ea of themoveriiment must e continuousta in Par ament. No oub there are foreisin problemS, European, Asiatio, African whicli mus bestiandied in sonae Way, unde the genera direetion of the Prime Minister. But so these an for visit abroad there re Competent authorities in the Overnn ent. The properor an for these is the Foreisin Sepretary, no v leaderin themouse of Lords. The there is the Coloniat

Minister, notu mention others. r. aliou Seems

devote to the eaque os attons, an to-day eshould regi et both the Italia secret reaty and his patronage of Zion. The Iristi rebellion maini due, I hink, to the dela an indecision caused by thenbsente an pre-oecupationis the Prime Minister, is certainly the mos formidabie problem os oti time one of the mos formidabie in the entire historvis the


Britisti Empire Nothin can save it froni disaster but genius, oui age, an insight, and ali these, aloneo our publie men the Primeminister possesses. It vili nee ali his powers, ut his time, nil it an onlybe done hiis his personalit3 and his ideas are at work in the naids of his fellow-citi ens, and in themouseos Commons, here the issu has tote Oined.

The public and the res thunder sortii incessant advice, for the mos par in flat contradietion. bone Wil listen to an reaso that they dislike nor belleve an statement hicli opposes their views. But there are two very sinister faeis undet lyin ali public action, os,hicli the publicano v nothin and

is that our very Xisten e and the succes of any 9Olic requires iis to maintain lose allianee with France and good undet standing ith America Howeve much, deprecale polie Whieli France passion-atet holiis tora necessar forter eXistence, O CRnno oppos it, e hardly an remonstrat unles instrio privaey. Whateve internationat utrage onus are committe by the res an public men in America, e have to bear them in silenee There aret O reasons hicli fore iis to conside Americanopinion iis os vita importance. The fit si is that eo verio . S. A. a verbi large debi more thun haliturentire neome, ne-tenthinour hole nationa debl



and excited feeling in America might calidor iis immediate liqiuidation. The secon is that reali stronga tion in reland Wohil inflanae party passion in America to a potnt hicli their talesinen Ouid not

In addition to the undet lyin ris os inflaming

American opinioni asserting govertiment in Irelandis the stili more formidabie ange of rousing violent opposition froni Labour. An attempt a ' vigorous Poli Cy, 4. C., no militar3 oc upationis thesisland in reality, is et by a torm os protest frona ali anti- ministeriai faetions ' Labour silled with ignoranee, rejudice, and wil batile-cries abolit Irishoppression an Labour in iis ille hostilis to ali

ConservatiVe polie is morem les supporte by hat remain os Libera dogmatism. Is the wentymillioris of Oters horare no impatient and faetiolis vere fora unite against the one or two millioris ofrea Conservatives, no esticient overnnient couldeXist. They who holit ut to rea Bolfhevisin toprotect Poland i fave Armenia, to civilis Syria and Mesopotamia-above alia put down in F ei rebels must e reminde that the es rective contro ofBritisti polio is in the las resor in the and of an

incaleulabi massis eleetors, hos rusin destre is toliave no more fighting, no homo militarismint homeo abroad Who suspeet an tendeney to imperialextension, ho stillioldin to obsolete formulas abolitthe oppressionis Ireland by Brita in and who in the


illain close their in is do vnin anythinx vhiel seenisto delay the promise Os the universa reigni Labourand iis inherilande os the esset dominionis Capital.

o Nations doin no v The fifteen or more signatorie dro Outine by one : the remuinde have Conflictin interest and are poweries tomet, even ii theyWere agreed in any common poticy. of the Big Four, America illidre vis ea ago. Asrio Italy, sh alibut fought with Greece ver thei respeetive hares of the spoliis Austria and Turhey. Desperate efforis have been made to kee England and France together-even erue Saprifices and constant disserenoes-forit is a matteris life an death o both of iis . e had to suffer Francesto overrun Syria and o breui iurengagement With the Arab hiess o abandon Armenians in Cili ia-to prepare an eram unrest undinsurrection froni the Taurus to the Persia Gulf. Again, e had O allo France, o sonae Freneli influence, to pusti the oles on to engag the Russiannation to amper iis in ali ur attempis O mahepeaee illi Russia, an no France formali declares

what is in effect war illi the de facto overtiment of Russia Alas The dominant de os reneli politicians is to found olandis an aster Cur on



masses uel a the wori has never et no vn there is comingiver ivitisatio a Change even more

A the head os the ritishmovernnient has been absorbe in continenta polities an raret present in Parhament, succeediti indee to that dictatorshipof the ationalities hich r. Wilson enjoyed onliis firs visit to Europe organised an unorganised Labour forme Soviet whiel, ut themselves intodirect relations illi the ovet Iiment, reate them-selves a the rea Opposition, and sor e their ownxie us illi menaees that werei no means negligi bleo emPty. Governmentis longe deals illi theremnant of the old conventiona parties. t has to