Novissima verba: last words 1920

발행: 1921년

분량: 251페이지


분류: 미분류


scholari judgment, the histor of the dea; the

Oxior essayisis se mostly the lesse signs of theehange. The Dean is eritical, renchant, aliDost negative. Nothin s brilliant, o fuit os it ofirony, of home thrust ut credulit an ignorance has appeared. e might thin he had inherite thessashing rapieri a uehilde Dean were it no that his long studies of the Platonisis ad endowed imwith the Socratio ein os pungent probin to the ooto ali fornis of conventiona an emotiona sophistry. The literar honours of this tri-partite discussion rest vitii Dr. Inge, ho has certainly on the fit si round

Theae of the Dean's argument is disproo of the

belle in a Law of Progress automatio ineVitable, Continuous, moral, and beneficent-stated in iis ostviolent forin by Spencer, an stili the movin spirito democratio rhetorio veryWhere. As he hows, itis to misiis Darwin' sciende is, assume that ueha law of human perfectibilit is a necessar result os evoliition. r. Inge hows o litile modernastronom eneouruges the glorification of Our planetand the infinite elsare o it inhabitants. or oes scientis histor disclos an continuous imprΟVenient in man 's nature and happiness. ut the dogmao necessary progress in hings politica is the mis-ehievous ure that persuades the eopte that hui



seem be Omini' i necessarily good, and that the law of change is destine to wee away SUChantique superstition a Country, Property, Order, and overtiment. An the law of Progress in religion 'has distorte Christianity. he eansweeps side peneer' preposterous dogmatism os

differentiation in the Universe, as ei as Heger sdream Dan unalterable an infinite Absolute bothos hieli are anathema to the philosoph of experienee With a great dealis his the school of thought with hioli Phol is in perseet agreement. e re meliorisis, no optimisis. e trus that an canbelle himself an his artii, ut has O automatie perfectibilit to look o. e agre with Huxle that osmi natur is a froni an ' friend; ut it is extravagant to calicit an 'sinemy. e domo se any certaint that man mustae perseet But e liope todo the est unde dissiculi condition to improvemur

It is no the busines of an ecclesiastic t se trullis in Conite, but tris the parti a philosophe to under- stan him. In assumin that Conite' philosophy

and aere motio os Positivis religion; ut it is Progress the End -that is, the objectis humanendeavour-and a it is lora inspired by ove, it is mora progress and hein based on Truth, i is eversubjeci do external imits Astronomy. Physices,


That is nough and the are notis ali bus withmetaphysical revelations abolit the Universe, nor illithe amin inconsistendies hicli obtrude On the prayers of theologians It is a misianderstandinito assume that Conate either stated r attempte to



The Romanes Lecture is a veritable mine of home- trullis, and it seintillates,itharilliant epigrams Buthome-trullis have their righter fide in praelice, and epigram to osten ver-state them ill the bee me paradoXes. A Bisho one tot an eminent Dar-winia that he a the ape in him; ut do

' descendant of Onkeys Θ The rationa view of histor admit that civilisatio obbs and lows in suc- Cessive stages os decline andiro vili AEut the do trineos recurrent cycle is rejected by competent students a plainly contrary to faeis. The Dea regard seven

as the Dar Ages and worthless. e consigns toΝii vana the Latin ather and the Catholi Chureli,

Tribonian and Roman law, Bygantine polity literature, an ari, Chartemagne, Alii ed Theodorio, undotio. Does history ho v that ' civilisation is adiseas aliatos invariabiit fatui, utiles it eourse schecked in time t How ould the Dean heckdivitisation Have devastased the lovesines ostile orld Have enflaved the animal creation V D dogs, ais, horses, heep, Catile, and elephant eonside iis orae human deviis Russians an Germans have done horrid brutasities, ut hasno the civilisexu ori riseri u in abhorrenee Hasno the conscience of men-ani stili more of Omen impelle them to deed of humanit in vas populations uel as ere unparallele in forme Ages ΘComte certainly held that the Catholi monotheismo the Middie Ages Was an induanee mPon Ῥηgnn


antiquity. It is strange indeexto indis Anglicanecclesiastic ridiculing that a superstition.

. . . . .

remember a forme Dean o St. PauΓs hoWrote a great book in ruis os Latin Christianity. am proud to thin that Comte 's hole Coneeptionos historyci governed with the sume de os imperish- able ad 'ance, both mora an intellectuat, hieli eowe to the Middie Ages, and even to the Dar Ages. To rite that Conite inaedis a Theocracy, o the subjeotioni Staterio Chureli, orno repression faree thought-this is misrepresentation for the very centre es his system is Complete independen e fState an Chureli, o materiai and of spiritualio ver, and Dunlimited freedom os opinion.

with the Christia tria o Falth, Hope, Ove. The

selves t be downhearted by the nobi indignatio of



with the Dea that the wari 191 exhibite o the

whole a cyclica reversion to mediaeva barbarism.

He admit that there is illi soni fassin in thebarometer of temperament, ' ut e find that theiragedies of the perio ure ather o the Suriace than in the natur of humanity, and that sueti an utputo menta energy, re arde by uel a harves of truth, is Without precedent in an Mevolution. Hepoinis the advance in internationa unit and


tive soli of man has Mown 'ohe man os science is certain that foresight ill mahe the reisin os manupon the planet ille an firme than hesore. Thespiriti scienoe is the spirit of hope. The sume tempere optimism animates the theresSays, hici, ure occupie in traeing reeent develop-ments in philosophy, religion history, economiCS and biolom . Their main busines is to ho develop-ment, hicli the domo elaim tote ut nil automatio, neceSSary, O Continuous, ut hicli O the whola, and with frequent fallures and reactions the tali tobe conductive to human welsare. The essuys o Philosophy an O Religio are uel occupied illicritieisin os repent specialis theories, ut Deither

an masteri study os Historica Research by r. G. P. Ooch is an invalilabi summai nos ali that hasbeen done in oti times to how ou the seope os history lius graduult widene tit it has come o in-chide very speet of the se of humanil ' animinens and alinos an immeasurabie advance in historio studies. oliis splendid furveyis recent historyampi justi sies the editor' ord in p. 103 Osingle generation before ever learn so ueli, nolintyo the worid a round it, ut also of the do ings f pre- violas generations. V Alas the omanes Lecture would ni lea iis to thin that e re progeniem




sarily With none ut elementur education, and united by only one interest-that o gaining higher vages and liking thei labour easter. O gain theseends, they are Suali indisserent to the welsare fother citigens an to that of Country, hieli many of them regar as a diseredite Idol. Ali his ouldeome unde the ea of the Anarchy hicli the Romanes Leeture soresees, ut et i seem to fallin illi the genera optimism of this Oxford oliuite. The cono)ni Deuelopnient is reate frona threepoints of vlew- The Industria Scene, 1842, Mining operations, ' an The Spirit fossociation, al by r. C. R. Fay, o Cambridge Thethree aper give a fati statement frona ell-knownteXt-book und Parhamentar inquiries, of the deplorabie ex iis of the industria stivitisation hicli the

Romanes Leeture denotances But it goesin oratio What reat nil continuou improvement have been


accomplislied in ight yeais by the untii in efforis of men in association led by public-spirite me and

It is indeed an dea hieli, ut an rate in the Universities an in ur science phoois, the warning os successive Romanes Leetures have notoet eliminated. In these times of Industria Unres no more alii-



Soeialism of this in ' is o necessit the negationo liberty. Therathic o Propertu the Ethic o Socialis in Clas Warfare, ali est pon the logical postulate that o destro the institutions os odiety,

liberty of actio must e suppresse an fore mustbe sed O asser the rule of the socia theorisis. Bolfhevisita, illi it horrors, is a loca an specialform os tyranny but ali communisti an guild Socialism involves the fame despotism-the Same monopoly-the crushing ut o ali ho resis thedominant factions is a necessit for Soelalisin und tr. Cox hows that this dogma is blandi asserted notonly b Lenin, ut by the leader of InternationalSocialism, by prominent ossiciat os ur great Trades Unions as et a by the intellectual. ho ex-

poSsessed by the coal-miners, and the dependetice of Legislatur and the overnmen on an enormous in- creas of Lubour Otes The necessities of eari ying