The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


BOος FIRST. CHAP. XXIX. XXX. 165 Me interire igitur So mos editora. Oaer ava Recton habere nee pro etiam non ut dictum sit pro ergo etiam non interire eertu aum. vhne and lacher adopti vicaoonjectum ne interire quidem igitur. Nec patronum quaesivit ad judicium capitis Mithre sotigia in advocate in tia tria for his life On the immachment of Socrates, tha celebrate orator Lysia composed a speech, .hie ho ostere him, in dolive in hi own defence, but tho Philompher resuae t acceptrit, deeminii unmani in vallhimself os suo aid. Seo te de Orat. I. liv. Val. m. VI. iv. 2 Stobaeus Sem. VIL Quintil. Inti orat. II. V. Aberam contumaciam a nobis disiain. De Me ipso. ue do immortalitate animorum.

Quum paene. . . . teneria. So editor generalty Κuhner,

tum paene .... tenens.

Ascendere. Grelli and Μ er, escendere. XXX. Ita enim censebat Thea view of Socratos arctainted in tho Phaedo an othe work of Ρlato. s. Dedissent. Grelli and obbo, dedidissent. Seseque .... sevocassent. Suppi qui stom tho preceding qu

bus quique sese .... sevocassent. Μοaer, uhner, an Ti oher read sevocavissent.

explanationis Κύhrior, Who mahea cygni tho subjectis moriantur, and onaidera qua providentes a an anacoluthon sorqua provident. Usu venit - accidit. See relli' able an eoptoua expi natis of thia phrase, in his note o F. A. Wolf'a orie- Bungen, h. l. Qui quum . . . . intuerentur Anacoluthon. Regulari moinouldaavo quod iis ....tis venit, qui .... intuentur, ut .... amularent, or q- iis .... su venit, qui, quum .... intueren tu meetum . . . . amiserunt. AEuhner.

Reverena. In the aenae os timens a rare uae in Cicero. In rie. Grelli rati.


Meditis iva. 4. me dius i. e. Διός fidius iam uetus;

Τὸ καταινεῖν δε ζῆν; Nam hae quidem viis mora est. Cf. io pro Mauro erates tu ipso die, quo erat ei moriendum, permulia divinat,

hane erae mortem, quam nos vitam putaremus, quum eo ore animus tamquam eareere saeptus teneretur, vitam autem esse

eam, quum idem animu vinesia orporis liber uva in eum ae Deum, unde erae ortus, retulisset. quam Tot referred in viis notato mora. F. A. Wolf. 6. Has res Δεικτιμῶς expremum pro rea in his terris, hanc vitam. Graece: τὰ Dθαδε.

in verear. . . . potius Din I bellis ιha there is noctingesse a Iuue an tu litorali no an erit , eerialiam for mari, or rariher Gaiahere is nothinx elae good eis. otio the se of sereri in the senae osuo besi e suppose, apprehend. Quid refer ' ossi utrum diicipat, an cum diis suturi sumusa nam utrumque praeclarum eati miihneri

Adsunt enim. partici enim here impliea an ellipsis;


BOOK FIRAT ΗΛP. XXXI. XXXII. 167. 8upra, vi II: Quis enim non in ejusmodi ausu' sma supply A non omnes eadem sentiunt adsunt enim, eto. T. Qui potest, Qui possiti Understand flari, as it si posses, i. 23. qui is here the interrogative aduere an id formis the ablative os the interrogative pronoun. Quos equidem non iaspieio. Ironicatly as in uae. II. ii T quos Epicureos non eontemn equidem, quippe quο3 nunquam legerim. Contemni Orelli omit this mota, and ose brachetarit; hut tria laund in nearly everroneis the SS., and the light irregularit os conatructio it occasiona presenta no aerious dissiculiy. Comiribus. It was a common belle among the ancients, that crows lived through nine generations os men. s. Ovid. Metam. VII. 274:

Dra caputquo novem comicis saecula pilasae.''

XXXII. Auin non via Foti are noton uing then 'Non vis hom nolo This is the readin os regde and Knliner frem the SS. Regius and Gudianus Ι. relli and Μoser, numne via; obbe, num via. De immortalitate depeliet. Notice the concisenes os the

8. In his ea enim. nother instanceis enim implyinga ellipsis. e ma supply says Oser, Some sentence like this quare nihil mirum si in his labamus in his eat enim, etc. Istos vero. Scit dimittamus..ι .... 68ripiant. Beeaus the underlahe to prove. The subjunctivo os the reaSOn. utares. So tho est SS. Orelli read id eerte. lorieonjectures id vero, hich ischer adopta. Tregder, romtho conjecture osmadvig re Meonctequen8. Non concedant. Danι. Me ahould expect deri; ut so livetiness salieth ω alio obliqua passes ver into the reeta A Wolf. in .... ne intereat. Ut namely, ML Ρro, ne e vectamus in non; sed verbum dandi notioni concedendi togravi adjunctam habet notionem permittendi ιο allowM


Eorum simiaitudo. Stat eum sis, qui procreent. XXXIII. o. Semotas a mente et alaestima muta m to enim rationem ponit in eapite iram in pectore, cupiditatem

nubter premordia. --inum autem. Saepe vitem idem sere denotat quod Qem, etiam, praeseres, ita tamen, ut aliquam opponitionem immisat Pari modo et multo saepiva apud Graeeon δε i torvit eontinuandae orationi. ulinor. - Quod non Gedimani cogitare olemua in verbia et eae auem parie praeterea,

vel idem ex altera parte Latini aimplicior ratione exprimunt per autem. mand 'a Turaevinus I p. 562. Arialalais au Problem XXX. Quaeat. Ι. Cf. Seneo de Tram XV. Aristolati nullum momum ingenium sine mi tura dementi fusi. havorin apud A. Goll. U. A XVIII. vii. Scitote .... intemperiem istam, quam -- λέα dicitur, non parvi nec abjecti ingenii amidere, ἀλλὰ σινα--ν τι

notem xviii. 42.


P. Crassia P. Licinius ramus, aureame Dives consul wit the olde Africanus, . c. 205, succeaasulis a generes, and of high reputo as a taleaman juriat, and orator Hedio a. c. I83 mi grandaon hia thmaam namo. iacher. XXXIV. 82. Spem fore. . . . vilae. Tregder and Tiacher, solio ingra utiva, attribute theae Morda, an weli a the sor

83. Vide ne A Formula urbana monendi et dubitandi, v toribu scriptoribus maxime frequentata, quae respondet Grae--ορα 4.

Cyrenaico Hegesia. Hegesias, a Cyrenaic philosopher, .lio live at Alexandria perhapa about B. c. 260. From thoes et os his gloomy descriptiona os human miae , he received

Dolemaeo. Ptolemaeualhiladelphus. M. Callimaesi A celebrate Alexandria grammarianand poet. Cleo rotum. Ἀn Academi philosopher of Ambracia;

'Eν ὁ περὶ χῆς γραμμ' ἀνάλεξαμενος. This epigram Camerarius has thun rendered:

Solo valedicto Ambraciota Cleombrotua, alto Se de muro undas miait in aequoreas.



Nil inmen huic triste acciderat, solumque Platonia D natura animi legarat illo librum '

vel de praecipiti venia in nrtara saxo, Ut qui Socraticum de nec legit opus.

XXXV. M. Metellua Q. Caecilius Μetellusiacedoni- oua. Ameria frequently quote by the ancient,riter a an extraordinar instanc of human elici . e had sillo alltho highest ossice of the state Mith reputation and glory, and wa carrie to the lanem pile by Bur sonu three of whom had obtaine the consulatii in his lifetime, hile the laurth. in candidate so the ossico at the time os his dealta


mus, thoisonis Achilles. sor a descriptio of his deast, eo in beautilat lines of Virgil, Aen. II. 506 - 558.

Malaiae .... laqueatis. Theae Iines, and the three solio irem are fram tho Andromacho os Ennius. The veraecia an Paratio dimeter. The worda omitted in thoiurat lino ars Virigmae, adstante, est. 3.-uante ope barbariea Literatin his foret Ῥοwer stand- in by him, i. e. remaining Forcellini quotes the halplineis Virgil, Aen. H. 22 Priami dum regna maneiant, a conveΤ- in the samo meaning a these morda Barbariea foret ,

a figure os hic tho es Roma poeta ere ver sond. Tuline elisa infra xliv. 105 Vidi, videre, etc. Domin Lus, paresam periem ut partieipe parem, and aerem aciem in-etinatam; rom Ennius, Eae opibu summis pia egens, auxilio eraui, - urbe orba um, fanasamma de grais,

o pater, O patria, o Priami domus, and major mihi moles, majus miseendum malum mi these occur inclines quotod by Cieero in the Tuscula Disputations. Seemunk's Metres Uahe Greest an Romana, tr. by Beck and Feston p. 23.



e. a. p. ' Quia id dixeri y

persuadent enim mathematici, terram .... Obtinere sor n

urea. . . . Obtineat.


BOOK FIRST. BAP. XXXVI. xxxvii. a 63 In morte. In morie eat a quia moris GLV ithnar. relli and obbo mad in malo. Dieitur illud. Underatan enim. ischer. Ahisarere quidem. Moser, ne carere quidem. XXXUII. s. . minua. L. Iunius Brutus, Wh -- solled the Tarquina. Piam Beeritia . . . . us .... Rema. The three Decii, -- ei troopa ega in givo way devote themaalve and thonrinyis the enem in destruetion, accordin to tho sermula Pr ori d by the pontifex maximus, the ruine into thothlehest of the figlit, and wem flain p- the older in theamat Latin war, the on in the batile of Sentinum, Whilo fightingaminat in Samnites, Umbri, Etrusci, an Galli, and thogra son in the war against yrrhus, according t mmma thorities; thera, however, a that he avrvived thi War. Sta onea. The brothere . Cornelius and Cn. Comeli Calvus, who ero alatu in aule by the Carthaginiana, B. Q. Patilium et Gemintim L. milius aullus, conaul, and Cn. Servilius Geminus, a eonautar, sell in tho dis troua battisos Cannae, . o. 216.


ira ansae ponitur, quia praeeias dieitur pro cur doleret, a dolere o es, quod nune non poteat, eum ait mortuus. Κuhnor' explanation os tho M of thmo imperfecta, and of the preMnt auri doleam, --hio Moae preserario Ellendi'a,-- ia inis An puta et Camillum . . . . doliturum minae, ai

pulamet, .... et me . . . . doliturum eme .... Profecto et C

Vis ver osten, in riter of the golae age, conatrue Miththo ace ativo of the plaee hic any one torma oris tures. Undoubtedi thia conatructio occurre much more frequently

than it lamow met Mith in oditionari or in many placea in the writinga os Cicero sto ablativo has Menarought in by editore, againat tho authorit of the ΜSS. V The objectio urgedagainst our re ing on amount of the repetitionis the syllabis um, em, am, lihner anawera thua: Commentatoreupo the ancient,riter osten have mors doli te ear stan