In latinum. (Pensa in latinum sermonem vertenda). For academies and high schools

발행: 1890년

분량: 133페이지


분류: 미분류


DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. m. 55yοuncures, and ad theseaedges present f a sortificatio liis


LATl NE RESPONDE. XIII. I. In quod oppidum Bellovaci se suaque omnia contulerunt 3 2. Quid maiores istu dixMunt 3 3. Quid pueri, lieresque fecerunt 3 XIV. 1. Quis pro his facit verba s. Qui Bellovacis pedi suaderant ut ab Aeduis deficerent 3. Ciu illi in Britanniam profrigerant XV. 1. in Caesar Bellovacos in fidem recepit 3 2. Cli sexcentos obsides poposcit 3. Cum tu Ambianorum fines pervemisset, quid Ambiani Reerunt 3 XVI. 1. Ubi Nervii consederant 2 Quem in locum in

heres sua coniecerant pXVII. 1. 'Quid spectans Caesar exploratores centurionesque praemisit 3 2. Nonne quaeam ex Belgis ad Nervios perusinerunt p3. Nervii eorum consilium omiserunt Z





DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. II. 57time demands. 2. he legions, some in ne quarter, ther in

another, are resisting the enemy.

XXI. Aster Caesar had exhorte the oldier no to e confuse in mind, he gave the signat sor eginning batile an cameto the tentii legion He ound them Gling, and ming ω- parted he hurriet o into another part 'sor the sis os animating


58 N LATIΝUM.LATl NE RESPONDE. XVIII. 1. Num Caesaris castra 'in planitie ponebantur 2. Quam multos passas collis adversus est apertus 3 3. Quot pedum altitudo Sabis erat ρXIX. . Quem Caesar praem1sit 8 4. Quibus subsequebatur 33. Quos Caesar in itinere δ' honte duxit 4. Qui agmen clauserunt 3 5. Nonne equites facile pulsi sunt 3 6. Nonne hostes adverso colle contenderunt Quo XX. 1. Quae Caesari erat agenda 8 2. Quae quarum rerum magnam partem impediebant 3 3. Num legati Caesaris imperia exspectabant ' quid 1 cerunt ρXXI. . Quid spectans Caesar, quam in partem sors obtulit, decucurrit 3 2. Num decimam legionem longa oratione cohortatus est 3. Quo in loco quisque nes, ab opere de niens, constitit Quare ΘXXII. I. Quemadmodum exercitus instructus est 2 C sortunae venilis sunt varii




and b G. 312, 2 and 317 Η. 4 4, 1. C. Dative of Separation A. 229 8 380 G. 344 Η. 385 2, 4, 2)and 386, 2. D. Agreemen os Participies A. 186 S. 332 G. 439 Η. 438, 1. T. Agreement os Verbs A. 205 d; S. 321 G. 281, Exception 1;

2. A great number of the Atrebates, undertain is ros therivet ere lain. 3. M the Nervii, in Ver clos order, illhasten to the Roman camp. XXIV. 1. ur cavato ere routed by the irs assauit os theenemy. I. The cam solioWers in that ou men ere Victorious. 3. he went out so the purpos os Nundering. 4. me cavat of the Treveri hin been senta thei sisterio Caesar a auxiliaries. XXV. 1. t the centurions os the laurili cohortisse lain, and the standard was lost. 2. Publius Sextius Baculus, a very braV man, as exhauste by many ounds. 3. Some of the

soldiers, deserte by the rear, Withdre Domine batile. XXVI. 1. hendo nes ea that the will e surrounded by the enem 'o the reari 2 ritus Labienus illisen the tenthlegionis a relies to the eventh. 3. The sin that the cam and

legion and commander mere involved in great danger. 'hyris this in tho Dativo eam 3 What conjunction 'MI Is this a Gerunxor a Gerundivo novi almo agmino.


state stat the linger an cavato ere muted that the legions Were surrounde and overcome, and that the Nervii had possessionos the Roman camp. XXV. Caesar perceived that his en ere hard presse and the assai Was at a crisis, stat ublius Sextius Baculus, the chiescenturion, as exhauste many Wounds that the standis of the lauri legion had been los and the standares arer flain thatine soldier of the twelsth legion ere croWde together, and that some ere illidraWing hom in batile. e in stat the enemywere pressing upo eae nais, and that there Was no reserve Whichhe could bring p. An so, natining a hield si omis soldier headonee to the honi os the line and in used hope in the legions. XXVI. Whon the tribune had forme a junctionis the legions and the soldier did not sea stat the enem Would surround them, the stood theiramund more oldly. In the meantime the two legion inicii ha been a guard to the baggage, haring et out O a mn, ere see o sterio os the hill, and the tentii legion, havin been sent by itus Labienus as a restes to Caesar, test nothin undone in the Way os speed.


DE BELLO GALLICO, LIB. II. 1LATl NE RESPONDE. XXIII. 1. Quae legiones in sinistra parte acie constiterunt 8 Qui his obvsinerunt 8 2. Nonne legiones duae Atrebates in lumen compulerunt ρ Quid postea Grunt 3 3. Ubi eromandui proeli antur A. Quo Nervii contendεbant' XXIV. . Nonne equites hostium impetu pulsi sunt ρ 2. Sein castra recipientes, quibus occurrebant 3 3. Qui alii aliam iupartem serebantur 3 XXV. 1. Quo Caesar prosectus est Quos milites consertos vidit s. Num hostes intermittebant 8 Nonne instabant 83. Quid Caesar militi detraxit Quo processit XXVI. 1. Quid Caesar triblinos militum sacere monuit 32. Ubi milites legidnum duarum conspiciebantur 3 3. Quam legionem itus Labisinus subsidio 1sit



N Historical Infestive A. 275 8 530, a G. 650 Η. 536, 1 LATl NE LOQUERE. XXVII. 1. he nival os the tent legion cause aureat

change os assairs. 2. he oldiers, eaning on their hields, dinewed the batile. 3. The malo by thes valor iped ut thedisgrace ostight. 4. The cam solioWers even though unarmed, Will attac the armed enemy. XXVIII. I. The natio an nam of the Nervii Was reducedalmos to annihilation. 2. he old men thin that nothin issas to the conquere l. 3. Caesar illisse compassion toWariis the wretche and suppliant Nervii. XXIX. I. The duatuci, ho are comin Wit imops, ill return home. 2. here are mas and precipices os uot more than


DE BELLO GALGCO, LIB. II. 63 Romans. I. Men os smali stature an move a toWer os very

XXVIII. When his batile is anno cedri the old men, Who,together Wit the Hidren and women, are in the marshes, theywill thin that nothiniis an obstacle to the Roman eopte Andso the Will send ambasindor in Caesar, an ash that he will use compassion toWard the conquere an spare them. XXIX. The town os the Aduatuci hin ver hiis mas and precipices around it nisi fides, and the convue themselves and ali thei possession into that toWn. here Was an approachonine fide, ut a very Ugh do te ali sortissed ii, and upo the wall sharpened stahes and roch os great,eight ha been placed. XXX. O the arrisia os Caesar frequent salties mere made homine town by the Aduatuci, but When the had Men surrounde bya rumpar the hept themselves istin the toWn. Caesar' men gan to buit a toWerint a distance, and theseopte os the Mu tuo inunted themio the Wali Wit remacts bemus me os sosmali stature trusis that the were ablerio move a toWer os sogreat eight.LATl NE RESPONDE. XXVII. 1. Quorum adventu commmatio facta est 2. drealones hostes occurrerunt 3 3. Nonne hostes magnam virtutem praestiterunt 3


64 ' IN LATIΝUM. XXVIII. 1. Quid hoc proelio evenit 3 2. Quid maiores natus derunt Ubi suerant L a. Quomodo Caesar eis usus est 3XXIX. 1. ac pugna nuntiata, quid duatuci fecerunt 82. Quae suum oppidum ex omnibus partibus habebat 3 Quomodo munitum erat L I. Ex quibus Aduatuci erant prognati' XXX. . Primo adventu exercitus nostri, quid actum est 2. Quando duatuci oppido sese continsire coeperunt 3 3. Ubi turrim constitui viderunt, quid sectruut