Inscriptiones Græcæ vetustissimæ. Collegit, et observationes tum aliorum tum suas adjecit Hugo Jacobus Rose ..

발행: 1825년

분량: 630페이지


분류: 미분류


In lapide sum statua et basis.

goes exactly to the letters, and realis thus; Ου αυτου λιθου εἰμι ανοριας και το σφελας. Non sum ejusdem lapidis et statua et basis. But xviiii ali submission, even this sense seems t o low, and not worthy to bo said to ali spectat Ors. FOr What Wonder tia atthe statue alid basies Ahould be Os different stones, When in thegrenter statues 'tWas scurce evor otherWise, the statuo heing


there is no reason to imagine, that this verb was ever used by

sonte times that form in the present editt. and perhaps MSS. amounts to nothing; nor is it of any moment, that ποιειν osten

any Weight in the present controversy, except the two WOrdsΠΡYTANE IONI and ΣΙΓΕΙΕΣ: and sor Whether of us thesedeclare, I need not mentior . Aiad here be pleased to consider,

whether it would not have been an extravagant manton ness to

intend, that the lalter E in ΣΙΓΕΙΕΣ should be pronounced EI, when this very power is in the preceding syllabie expressed insul I. You meet with nothing similar in the use of O. Another authori resoned to in your Coin mentar3 is ilio Delian Inscription. Τo this i objected, that the inscription was aeolic, and that, there re, the power os the verb EMI was

Purpose. But furtiter, the digamma F, whicli appears in thoinscription, is a strong argument sor iis being IEolic: sor that the digamma was peculiar to that dialect is at least hight y probabie Dom the epithet constantly given it. Tho inscription has



power of the aspiration Waw, be lest to he thrice understood, when 'lis plain, that a character expressive os it was ready athani The reason os our meeting with such instances usΔΙΟΝΥΣΟ is, that in other paris os Greece there Has no capital character denoting the aspiration Waw. This, as weli as illeother aspiration He, Was test to be supplied by the common norma loquendi. On the Contra , supposing the inscription tobo aeolic, it will be liable to no such objection; the power os the words will be τω αwτω λιθω ηm. The T, Mhich I have prefixed to ille o, is absolutely necessau ; for αwros destitute of the articie never means the rame. Now my hand is in. I shalladd another conjecture abo ut the genuine fortia of this inscription. which I am persuaded has been stili surther corrupte l. The reading, which now prevatis, is no verse: and the language, when considered as prose, is vitious. The nature of prose r qui res the article along with ανδριας, as weli as with σφελας, ὀ

haps allow of this hiatus, though the Athenians did not. Τhe Y in AFYΤΟ i imagine has been written near the F in the latertimes, by way os explicating of the antient power of that figure;

no means conclude against mine. For instance, is the AEoliau, wrote ΠMI and the more modem Greevs ΕΙΜΙ, does it therelaxesollow, that tho more ancient Greelis did not write LMI; Forbe pleased to observe, that Fou are bound to maintain a negative illation. V Youmust mean an illation universutly negative. But, with submission, 1 conceive the case to he of a very different nature. You assert, that What was written Ε by the ancient Greeks was Sometimes Pronounced EI: and us a proos of this


hable, or rather certainly true. Lastly, is ille Delian Inscription he. us I maintain, IEolic, 'tis plain, that your account os dialecis and archais in is not applicabie to it. By your account, the distinction os dialecis, assar as relates to the POWers nu and ειm, did not lave place, illiste character H was introduc ed. But, ne cord ing to my explication, we havo in this inscription the power ηm in the formεμι. So that your notion os archaisiti and mine os dialecis arenot found to coincide.


Clarh. Itin. Tom. VII. Pres. P. X. Cf. p. II. UITH rogard to the groat antiqui tu of those pictured vases,as a proos that the author does not err in referring sonte os themto the most remote periods of the Grecian History, he has onlyto mention the stylo os writing Rhicli they soinetimes exhibit. In this vlew os the subjeci, a vase discovered by Μr. Burgon, and now in his possession, is doubly valvable; because of the Inscription it has preserved'. While it manifesta the great antiquiu of the vase it self, also mahes known in the most satisfacto manner, the uses to which these Vesseis Here approprialed, helare they were placed in the sepulchres. It represenis on one

in his te si hand, and to the extremi ty os it two balis are fasten- ed. Upon the other sido is seen the image of Minerva, repre- fient ed by a picture so uncommon ly antient, that nothing like ii

has ever appeared. The painting consi sis os three Colours, ah For the deseription of this re-marhahle vase und the inscriptionfound upon it, the author is enti rely


dii gy red, blach, and white. The figure of Μinerva is delinealedin the black colour: but her alti re is red, and lier tace, hands, and seet, are white. Instead os a helmel, she wears upon herhead the red fer, now in use among the modern Greelis; Domthe top of whicii a crest rises, like that of a helmet. Instead os the Gorgon upon her shield, a Dolphin is represented: ther bydenoting her antient relations hip to Venus and Asturte. Herhair salis straight down her hach; and it is collected into aqueiae, potnted at the end ': this part of the design is traced in a Wavy zig-gag ouiline, Whiel, is purely Etruscan. The sanae may be sa id of her Eone, and the horder of her red pelticoat,upon which the labyrinthine maete is figured, but in the doest Etruscan taste. Instead os a dove aliove her head n ppears a Harpy: there is bowever an O l over the figure os the Charioteer. Minerva is represented in the act os cottabating, and besore the figure of the Goddess, that is to say, upon the lest-hand of the Spectator, the inseription appears written vertieatly instead os horizontally, and Dom right to Iest. Exaetly like the manner in whith the Chineso wear thoir hair. Duiligeo by Cooste


D'Hanc arvillius in Coll. Antiq. e Mus . G. Hamilton. om. III. p. 2ω. Not. 176. Cf. p. 25. L Espni T do Ia Sculpture et de la Gra re des tempsvoisins de Dedale etant, comme on l 'a vu, non o 'exprimer mais de signifer beaucoup; La Clarte . absolument necessat re is cegenre de composition, n 'admettoit Hen d 'inutile is son oriet. auquel tout, jusqu'aux formes memes, etOit subordonne. LaPeinture adoptant cette maxime, toutes les choses, doni elle fit usage, devinrent les Memens du discoura historique, doni ello eloit une sorte d'Eeriture : l'ordonnanee de ses tableaux tendita faire sentir Ia liaison de toutes Ies parties de ce discoura, et is Ies distribuer. de maniere que t 'une aidant a latre connotuel 'autre, te friet s'expliquat de tui meme ot Put Etre compris comme s'il eut sitε prononch ou scrit. C'est ce que je vaistacher de montrer ici par uti exemple. Los Oiseaux enirent dans cette peinture pour differens motiss; possis fur te terrein Ou se passe i 'action, les uias en in-diquent te Geu et leur altitude en marque quelquefois L M. Ceux qui agissent en i'air, avec les Personnages memes, indiquentia eause de coite action, ordinat rement prise du fatum ou de Iadesiliae, doni les Oiseaux eloient les interpretes, et de laquelleles anciens salsolent dependre tous les evenemens. Fieri igitur

omnia a fato ratio cogit fateri. Cie. de Diuinat. lib. I.


35 Idoute a ce siriet et restreindro encore la scene, i Artiste a mis aucommencement de cette pein ture l'Οiseau Meleagride, sorte depoule d'Asrique doni parte Columelle, de Re Rustis. lib. s. cap. 9. et dans tequel on pretendoit avoir sitsi changsies les fillesd' Enho Rot d' IEtolle et de Calydon. Les lauilles placees

dans le territoire de Calydon, un Sanglier d'une tu ille νnonstrueuse εtant venu ravager la Uigne de L'Οye, ou plutot te Cygne, place a coth de l'Aigle, prognostique par son attitude, la in de l'aetion. Le Cygno suti' seau d' A pollon parceque selon Ciceron, . Tusc. Ι. Ce Dieului avolt accorde te don de prevoir la niori. Il prsisage la mortd 'un des cavali ers, devant lesque di il est place; l 'Οiseau qui accompagne te dernier, determine te presage fur tui. Cet Oiseau est uia Chat-huant, bubo, doni rapparitionpassoit toriours Pour suneste, feralis carmine bubo, dit Virgile. Ovide l 'appelle dirum mortalibus Omen: il eloti sui vant Pline funebris et mazime abominatus publicis pracipue auspiciis. Cet Oiseau funebre de ux sois Te psith, est te signe de la mortdu ehasseur il la rencontre da quel il va, et du Cavalier sur lacroupe du Cheval de qui it est place. Le discours continuea inst. Des chasseurs armes et fulvis de chiens altaquerent Panimal,

ruta d'euae nomme Polyphas y perit, mais iis furent promptementsecourus par trois cavallars, doni te dernier eut L mεme destineeque Polyphas. Tous les person nuges Sont Com us, Par tes inscriptions mises a cote deux. Μuis jus tu' a present On ignorequel est te cavalier me nac si de la mori, et l'on ne connoit pasquet est te chasseur sans noni, placε a la telo de tous Ies

qui accompagnerent M sit si agre et Atalante, on doute si cette

chasse est celle du sanglier tue par eux. Cette suspensiora, men agee avec ari, augmente i 'interet, et sali rechercher queis

sont les Personnages inconnus ici: voici ce qui y conduit. Le Chat-huant depassant la tete du Sanglier, montre quocet animal ne sui pas tue dans cette chasse, de laquelle cette Dissilireo by Gorale



disposition fixe la temps, commo elle indique Pobet du tablea v. A Ia taille monstrueum de l'animal, on recon noli cel ui que Diane onvoya pour punir inneo de s a negligence en vers ellerit fallat, dit Homere Diad. ix., rassembler des rhasseurs et desehiens de plusseurs villes, ear tin petit nombre d'hom mea n 'eut

de leurs ore illes; teis soni prsicissiment ceux que I 'on volt admirablement hien Exsicut sis en marbre hianc, dans io vestibulo dola galerie de Florence. La race a 'en est conservεe en Irlande et en Calabre. La chasse oli iis sont employsis, se si en deuxtemps, sui vant Isacius; la seconde et la plus Connue, est celleoli Μelsiugio secoiule d 'Atalante, de Iason, do Τh6see, de Pirithous, de Nestor et des plus vallians homines de la Grece, tua Ie Satiglier,: dans la premiere representeo ici, Μεleagreatlaqua ce surieux animal, qui devastoit les Campagnes, Anc evini a son secours, et perit d'une blessure qu'il en requi. Comme toutes lea parties de l'ordonnance de cette composition contribuent a montrer, qu'elle represente la chasse de Calydon, a laquelle assissierent certainement Anche et Meleagre :il est evident que ce soni eux, doni les nonas soni supprimes ici, parce qu'ils n'y soni effectivement pas necessat res. Car Anc esitant Cla trement designe par te chat-huant qui te fuit, Melsiagredoit necessa trement hiro l 'aut re inconnu, doni te nom Est degage. Comme dans la resolution d 'un probleme Algεbrique. La tete de ee H siros, plus silevsie que celle de tous les aut res, Inontre susuperioritsi fur eux : la longue picque d'Ancsie est te signo dei' interet qu'il prend a cet te action, et si l 'on a place des seu illus de Vigne fous tui et ses compagnons, C 'est POur m Oulrer quec 'etoit son propre hien qu 'il defendoit: ora n en a pas mis hous Ies pas dii sanglier, Pour signifier quo tout Eloit ravage dans Iesendrotta Oh il avolt passe: enfin, jusqu' a la patie du chien hi ess qui l 'attaque .par derriere, to ut montre combien i 'animal si tot tredo ut able, pilisque Cette sorte de chien meprisciit de s 'attaquer, comine te dit Pliue, aux ours, aux sangliers Ordinat res, Et ne conabattoit que contre les Lions et les Elephans. on volt done que de phrase en Plarase, par l'ord nance du