Inscriptiones Græcæ vetustissimæ. Collegit, et observationes tum aliorum tum suas adjecit Hugo Jacobus Rose ..

발행: 1825년

분량: 630페이지


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35 4

Cf. p. 28. I. Knightius de Inscriptione Elea. Eph. Class. X XU. Tnis Inscription is so entire and weli preserved, that there cata be no doubi concerning any one os the letters; and as it is evident. by the alteration os an o into an Σ in the second line. and hy the insertion os an Σ in the ninth, that it was revised and

corrected aster it had heen Engraved. there Can he no suspicionos any errors committed by the engraver, as in the Greek of the Rosetta stone, und consequently no grounds for conjecturaleniendation. The straight lines are deeply indented with achisset, and the circles and dois stampi incuse with two solidblunt politis os different siZes. The letters are os sornis Mundin Other very antient inscriptions ; und, though sonte of them arounusual, they have ali heen explained in Works on Palaeography. In more common characters, and divided into Hords, they seemto be as sol lows:

The firsi and principat disti culty os construction, Which theselinos present, is in the Woriis ciρχεμ oemno; and to Inahe sense


of them, me must suppose an Ellipsis os the governing preposi

hundred years' alliance to he under the tentii monili tu archon; that is, under the last os the thon current year. Whicli probabiγCOubis ted, as ut Ong the early Rouians, of ten inoiaths Witti intercalations; the primitive usages, as Weli as language, os the Latins having been mostly RIolic. It se ins much more pro-hable that the expression ShOuid denoto the Commei cement of the trealy under the tenth monili iv, than iis termination under the tentii decenniat archon, Which Would have been more properly EX pressed by ες αρχον δεκατον; and as for the read ing

The sense of What sol lows in the inscription is sufficient lyobvious, and may be thus rendered in Englisti: V But is auy thing be wanted or required, either tu speech oraetion, let them assist euch other in ali other mattera, and also Irom or against war: but i they do not so Guist, let those icho

fulsing may have violated the treas, pay a talent of silcer toIupiter olympius for fuered sertices: und is any individuus, behe a citieten, a free inhabitant paying public contributions, ormel ely a free inhabitant, do vis te what maν he herein written, let him ntio be held in the sine os expiation herein written.

Tot is not only the legitimate forni os the article or pronounin the nominativo plural of the Doric aud aeolic, but the on lyform used in the genuine rem alias os those dialecis: as in thetreati es between the Lacedaemonians and Argives in the fifth book of Thucydides. The ahovo cited critic, however, joins his favorito contraction os κατὰ to the partici ple in ken in a passive sense, und applies the compouod to Iupiter, et ν ΔΩ 'ολ-πI περ καταδεδηλημεντ, not giving himself the troubie to ascertain that the verti δηλε ζαι only occurs in a passive or middie form


APPENDIX. with an active sense ; and that it never Was, nor ever could be, surioined lo the preposition κατα sor the fame reason iliat,

probably sor no other reason than because ille re is no Other passage extant in whicli it is requirod in a passive sense. FETAΣ or e τας may possib ly inean os ara εταιρεια orassociation. sanctioned by law, os persolas liable or quali sed toservo the higher ossices os the state, and therosore constitutingilie tirst order.

tiators, which τελεσται, in a religious sense, Can Only mean.

Here it evidently signifies a rank or order bet ween FETAΣ thehighest, and ΔΑΜΟΣ the lowest os persons responsibi e to thestate; that is, os Deo persons; si aves heing amenable to those hose property thev Were. In the Doriati treat , however, preserved in the fifth bookos Thucydides, ετας signities a Citi Zeu generalty : where fore it probably does so here, as τελεστα do es a Deo inhabitant paying, and δα uos one not paying contributions; neither having the riglit os suffrage, which was almost every where heredita . Tlio construction os the lalter part of the eighth and hegin- ning os ille uinti, line, here admitted, is certain ly somewhatharsh; and the late learned Dr. Vincent endea voti red to sosten


the fame verti.

Hesychius interpreta εφιερεια to be τὼ επὶ vola ιερείοις απο-θ-uevci, whicli afforda a me an ing sufficiently near to that hererequirod sor the επιαρον before writ ten, tinniely, the talent of silver io be pa id as an expiatory sine to dupitor, ενεκα των λατρει ομενων; nor is the forna more different than differen ce os dialectmay reasonably account sor. M r. J. M., in ieed, divides audrenders the last words in the plate, ενθα επὶ ἱερεν κ ενεχοιτο περεντευθα γεγραμμεν μ', Whicli an ordinary maher Os Latin versi Ons, Preserving, even When giressing ut the uia intelligibie, someregarii to tense, sense, unis syniux, inight perhups translate, hic sacro obstringatur hinc scripto,' ' Or quod hine scriptum est: 'but Μ r. I. M., with more justice, treais his Own Greeli as it deserves, and scarcely re talias a trace of it in his own equat lyoriginal Latin, hie ad templum inhiberetur eo quod ibi scriptum est: ' Surcly it might have occurred to him, that is ἱερ ν signi


ter se, we Cannot mucti Wonder at his translating a present by a past, When he finds it ready made, though with a Proου pective meaning. The Same consistency in consusion prevatis throughhis whole version; which, smin Leginning to end, provides in Past tenses, and not only supplies the editors of Stephens 'sLexic On With u new oxample of syntax in αρχοι κατα τρο, butwith an equat ly Deis mode Os transluting such choice morseis byrendering it inciperet dehine' In the Attic dialect an optativo is niways potentiat with tho dubitative or potentiat particle δν, and always desiderativo with oui it; but no such distinction is obsei ved in the Homeric Greek ;and in this inscription the usage appe ars to he complet ely re versed, though in the ubove cited Dori an treati es of Thucydides, tho Attic idioni appears to havo prevalled, kr the sei Ne requiresus to read Γντινα, instead Os αντινα, at the end of the secondireaty I he Dorians and molians, indeed, do not seem tohave ever udopted this Attic forna of the particie ; which is,however, only their O n old sori a xαν with the initiat amputat edaster the Ionic fashion. rio sinis, it is true, αντινα in the latereditions of the first trea ty, but at τινα is the rea ling of the earlyones, Whicli succeoding oditors should have reta ined, and alter-ed the verb sol lowing froin to exoret, both written withtho fame letters in the Original docti inent, and probably in theautograph of Thucydides '. These two Dorian treatios Hore concluded in the third yearos the ninetieth oldimpiad, and by comparing them With this now under Consideration, there will appear a differente in langu age, Style, forna, munners, and Every thing else, Whicli villrender the alio ance Os twO hundred years' priori ty to the lalter by no means too mucti; though I admit that the dates of allthese very early Inonuments, anterior to authentic history, orbeneath iis notice, are extremely uncertain. We Inny never-thel ess rest assured that though archaisms os expression were reistained in heroic poetry, and archaisms of form in the initials of nn mea on coins, down to a very late period, non e but tho customary modes os speech und writing in uso among the partios would he employed in a troaty os alliance, interesting to all, and theresore required to bo intelligibi e to ali. Such e ver has been, and ever inust be the langunge os diplomacy, while guided by

in Lib. V. LXXIX. Ib. LXXII.


The sinat iness os the fine, too, or penalty sor infraction os the treaty, is another proos os ita hi gh antiquity; a single talentos silver, admitting it to bo the largest talent e ver in use among the Greeus, heing a very minute sum in the scale os public ealth, even of the most paliry os their states, aster the abortive invasion Os Xerxes had ope ned the treasures os Asia to them. As for ille tradition attributing the invention Os the aspira ted consonants θ and χ to Epicharmus Or Simonides, vster thosi xii eth Olympiad. it deserves no more credit thau that whichattributes it to Palamedes ut the siege os Troy. These poetsmay possibi3 have introduced them in to their respective countries, under sortiis not in use there hesore : but the lalter, as it appears in this inscriptiou, is found in the mo8t ancient semi-barburous alphabeis os italy : and the former, as aliove described, and uisoas represented by a cross in a circle, is on the most rude an dearly coiias os Thebes, struch near the commen ement of theari, in which we may observo at least foven stages of progressive improve ment or variation, prior to the subversion os the cityis Alexander the Great'. The number os coins, too, still Thoso os the fimi, have the

Boeotian shield on cine fide, With a squam incuse in severat divisions os disterent depilis uii the Other. Those Os the se nnu, the Same with tho initiat letter ei ther squamor round . in the centre os the in-

are various compositio .

Those os the sinth, have thosamo fhield, and on the reverse a



extant of each, proves that nono of them could have been very rapid in progress, or stiori in duration. Those struch aster

the rebuit ding of the city by Cassander, are totalty different

in device a s weli as subric, anil, excepi in brass, are extremely


The lunguage, however, of this treaty, though more Rrchaic than that os any other prose, extant, is far tess so than the Homeric longue, not only in the abbreviations and contractions

of the words, hut in the application os the articie to the propernames, both of the parties and the god ; the generat omission ofwhicli, according to the Latin, rather than the subsequent Greekidioni, is among the most curious as weli as most indisputabie prooss of the very remote antiqiiity os the Iliaci and Odyssey, hetween whicli and e very other Greeli compositionnow extant, there seerris to have intervened a chasm os darknesssufficient to change the idiom cis speech, though the wordsgeneralty continued.

The two instances os laconis in in the substitution os tho 1 sor the Σ, in the sirsi and se venti, lines of this inscription, seemto be qui te accidental and irregular, the dialecta having probablybeen intermixt in the customary and rarely-writtera speech of theso litile obscure states. Elis, indeed, became aster ards a considerable et . and

arded head os Bacchus cro vnedinith ivy. in v squi ire incuso, inseribed DE. Those of the seventii, have thesame shield, and on the reverse a vase With sorne symbol, and theletters ΘΕ or ΘΚBH, and ostenthe initials os a inagistrat 'S name. is eoining appears to have last-ed n long time, as upon some os them thp II is an aspirate; as in


The ΕYFΛΟΙΟΙ, the other contracting party, Were Probablyone os these litile constituent states, and perhaps this troaty was in commencement os their union ; for they cannot be the peoplo of ΕΥA in Arcadia, which does not appear to have been With in the circle of the alliance, and whicli eould not possibiy have supplied them with so long a name, by a syllabie, according to any principi e os derivation ever achnowledged by any dialeci. R. P. X.



LAco NuM contra Timotheum decretum, quod Laconica dialecto in quibusdam rebus eum Elea Consentiente conscribitur. Lectores sorsan hoc in loco videre volent. Clim autem verissime, me judice, Τοupius illud decretum corrupto corruptius appellet, et multae variae lectiones in omni linea extent, ejus auctoritas plane nulla est. Quare ego nunquam in libello meo advocavi, hic autem niate Oculos LeCtorum Pono, ne opus mancum videatur. Quoties iii hoc decreto emendando luborarini viri eruditi, e Porsoni verbis ipso Decreto postpositis patebit. Decretum est Laconum contra Timotheum quod veterem atque severam musicam corrupisset et indecoris figmentis de Semeles partu juvenes ad vitium allexisset. Μ eminero Plutarchus ΟΡ. Tom. M. P. 238. Athenaeus XIV. p. 636. et Cieero De Legibus II. I 5. Ego decretum e Casau boni nota ad Athen. v m. p. 352. exscribo. Casau bonus autem, ut ait, e Boethio exscripsit. Glareanus autem in sua Boethii editi otio I. I. haud eodem modo edidit. Praecipuas e variis lectionibus

addidi. 'Est.ἰ δε Τιμόθευ ό Μιλν σιορ ελθων' ἀμετεραν πόλιν