M. Tulli Ciceronis De imperio Gnaei Pompei oratio ad Quirites: (Pro lege ...

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Aa Cicero ad nos io recommon a proposia io a popular assembla hic mas projudico against ii, and Uin he Huld avo been oblige i persuade, ii mas ruthor his obieetrio vivo foro and significanos to the laesing and Minos of tho eorum by solita fori inela opinion in a esear and gra tu Matomoni, hic mas maderat ono instraretive and interestin by onnectin ii mii in histor ol ita fimo. Itis these oonsiderations Uta determine tho hiae area montandiomae olis speeta, hic is ono vivis inierano fori Delings, in Mopla This is homWalso by the in ione, and the entire absenos of any atron expression intended toproduce conviction. Almos ad inferendos are mado Mina phraso mill any one fili do it eo T, Io,1 ,15, 16, 23, 2.. ruis omnum altioris vive by fio. ra: taeensim eat enim de Cn. Pompei Mnsulari eximiaque virtute.



aere mas an justification or necessit si creare on more a Pomer ah variano missi ita fundamenta primcipies of the constitution: hether inere mas, onebus Pompeius obhom the successae conductis thomam ut be ense sed 'heine finalty his prevaeus life ave adequato guam eos that he mota nos miseus in nem elevationis his dignis to the overthromos in republic Ad these questions mere avolae hine orator, Minus an auo discussion mus have appeare inconvenient for his pur se Cicero h tho intentio of heraeoptorio transferri Pompeius ih conductis in mar so his endeavom are ni directed i alienohenim stili more by his spem thesim resolve of the P se.

iis necessaeo the secondisu fhe re nefa an tangemus character of the mar in taladmissi in cholas of the gener 'orare imo sections mim have been dispensed missi in a politicia harungue, for nebther the necessit nor in danger of the mammouldaedente by an opponent thoum the larier is greatly exagger ed by the orator '' but considering the or

i j rumann Gesta Roma, Dr. 166, meli rematas, Thebesi es in imops of tho enomyinadaue destrue ritis fleetsannihil od tho mos important atro holds capturo an in Pari destruod, and the oldior hacno doubtrahat hvmulta nquor evehon in furinor sita es thoiada and tho Euphraios Tho historians es antiquid ars innosi unani--us in vincitat Pompeius had lituo Ion o M. Mabearaneos more against Lucullus. The hin es Pontus hialom iram iam a great pars of his conquests, an revongedhimself hae in doleat os Triarius in amybas rotan rum,



ior, specialita, ita discussion es theso tW divisio mas certaini nos placo I mas intende focara the convictim has in mar in question magone, o in succes of mhic in mellare of the fato dependia, and that ther ore ae choice of a commander required ad the ineafer caro.

o. The orator ausa nexa firmer basis for thoargument of the inita part in hic in generalitas mens ' of tho qualities require his great genera is

foliomed by the proo ita Pompeius inite in himselfiat theso qualitios in in his si degrae his parios his spem Cicero has exeo exvit great ars, andias mitia certain moderatio in his panegyri ,hichia stomnino calmnes; dicione. His abilis comes out conspicuo lyricae passages in hic herapeata of the auoces of Pompeius in the marmis in pirates, and his nobio moderatio in victo , and alao Where hominis out stat ita position es in Asiatio provinces requires the appotniment of - - -- homa bonos meret a soldier, but also a man, is ines severebirie muniriea re nos orae ulteri ruined m

fortunate circumstanc a ne ma at a very timo militar disciplina ha disrum ared, and in honour es the



near ita sceno os mari in head os a considerable lor fias circum ano mus havo aer disti inemore meissi, inam his in f ira fimo sections of the spe hae had afrongi recommendedi speedrandenergetio re mal of the mari I. The meatas partis in spem is evidently the eonfutatio, in rebusfing of his opponenta argumenta a Cicero seems f mahe in inferes of tho Maserio depen solet upon, successsiarissu of themar, he appestrario regar in argumenta of his P nenia a quis urimorium an serious refutation. The objection, Hortensius, ina aureum nos sono enim exto a single man is frea, as moremus, and Mured by lares, jus a though Hortensius, When hebrough formata the fame objectio in opposing the Gabiniandam, had Memmius en in his consention orhad opposed in propositionae, eae migre fed themiliiset talent of Pompeius. Rence, insisadit om incitat taedear o fhos Who regatae ita re Medconferring of mili faet command Domine fame persona tangemus to the republic vere mundi a Cicerogoea in tam a rhetorica picture of the tro te indinam into hic in state ad Monar Stant annuances of the pirates, and pratae Pompeius a there orer of in securis of the empla and the hono os in Bominiame, infimafingit the samo time stat the opposition to the presens tam lita has of the



erella Iaw of Gabinius, ad originare mereb in jealous at these services..2 Cicero inendum so the objection catulus,mhobia maintaino in is innovations mus Mintroduce against in principies an regulations finiar ance orae Thia patrios certainbaad nos faued forare stat extraordinar circumstances requirediora time extraordinar meas es aut Herim L henopposing the Gabinian lam, he had referre so the in ances of Marius an Sulla A as homin homminous repe od violaetions of the constitution hia provexto M. Nom hom does Cicero mee ita frest minori hee a laatrio the passi of the constitutioni io hom in ita insere Marius himself, and iam os Pompeius, tha the rulem in Cance ore hadiaready been frequently deparhedrirem, and hinc in there mas nothing su rising in cnem deviatio fimmiti in sophi et mould necessarib excitemur indiae nation, ii Raad nos, an rate a rhetoricia ground of excuse The enumeration of the innovationa, hichia Mon introduce in in personis Pompeius, mas intende si amation in the eoplo in bello in Pompeius mas an Rogeiner extraordinary personage' ', - - his greatam inrem ad ther me tam hos do. For is in Roman other lita iam a senatem in Mose movid notio frequently

have enis sed important commanda and extraordina pomerario one and the fame mamim Dio xcciet 1. 31mso. da: qui ad omnia

nostrae memoriae bella emscienda divino quodam eongilio natis reae videatur.



3. The meataeas of his rescio, or moreo rectin perversio of the viems of his opponendi, o Id nos taurio have been see by Cicero hinc in aspecta digression Ara heramella vo the suffering oline provinces me orator has in consequenoe of this, been quite musib reproache missi a mearisomo repetition and intaediomo have been absurdinoum in mar the whole passage, an interpolation. Thorepetition is mi an apparent one, and there are good rearens for it In the earlier passages, in Whia similar



ho resis thes sage of the Iam is stili furare remine d af the endita rem Magio by remuntingine important personages hom in rank of the optimates, amore them militar notabilities of the his strepute, hodiania Cicero in recommending the accubano of the Manilian propos his Mech, apari tro ita great attractima of the oleariod gracesia narrative, and the harmoni iubea rotae med oundellan age, Whichmahes is a masse lace of the medium medioemediae in semis et offers the special interest inachom uberier ita hom an other relicis antiquio, me candia ver in regular arrangement of a spe iubeto ingio in deliberativo clam his sectio of the argument maracae sam timete regardinis a modes of the demoria, isti semina o Martim a in oforatore Whichris emptorix rvi andi re besides intho dimo a Roman republico exceps in rihelaticiarione sim res

iu See esp. Auci adier. m. 8, 11. Cie Orator, g 161 igerit bitur eloqueris, qui poterit parva summisee, modica tem-yerate i. o. in ita mediocre dicendi penua , moum praviter diaere. Fuit mandua in Manili leue Ometua; temperata

Oratione Omandi emtam pergereti m a. ii' adierem. VI. o. 8 nec Me sentia eam Isc demonatrativum eo quod raro Meidit in vita neptesentim Ommentandum est; neque enim id, quod soleat oecidere ut faciendum ait aliquando, non vortet velle quam commodiga me orae Deere; et, amaratim' emma minua acie remetatur, at in ivdiei sitia et in deliberatisia muris ave mapnae artea vergantur laudia aut vituperationis, quare in Me quoque uenere macte nonnihil induetriae emaumendum Fuisue M.




I. Quamquam mih semper frequens conspectus Ivester mulio iucundissimus, hic autem locus ad agem dum amplissimus, ad dicendum oreatissimus est visus, Quirites, tamen hoc aditu laudis, qui semper optimo cuique maxime patuit, non mea me voluntas adhuc, sed vitae meae rationes ab ineunte aetate susceptae prohibuerunt. Nam cum ante per aetatem nondum huius auctoritatem loci attingere auderem afatueremque nihil huc nisi perfectum ingenio, elaboratum industria adferri oportere, omne meum tempus amicorum temporibus fransmittendum putavi lia neque hic locus a vacuus umquam fuit ab iis, qui vestram causam defenderent, et meus labor in privatorum periculis asto integreque versatus, ex vesta iudicio fructum estis lissimum consecutus. Nam cum propter dilationem comitiorum fer praetor primus centuriis cunctis renuntiatus sum, facile intellexi, Quirites, et quid de me iudicaretis et quid aliis praescriberetiae uno, cum et auctoritatis in me tantum sit, quantum vos honori- db COOste



bus mandandis esse voluistis, et ad agendum facultatis fantum, quantum homini vigilanti ex forensi usu prope cotidiana dicendi exercitatio posuit adferre, certe et si quid auctoritatis in me est, apud eos utar, qui eam mihi dederunt, et a quae in dicendo conaequi possum, iis offendam potissimum, qui ei quoque rei 3 fructum suo iudicio tribuendis esse duxerunt. Atque illud in primis mihi laetandum iure esse video, quod in hac insolita mihi ex hoc loco ratione dicendi causa falis oblata est, in qua oratio deesse nemini possiti Dicendum est enim de Cn. Pompei singulari eximiaque virtute auius autem orationis diffossius es exitum quam principium invenire. Ita nihi non tam copia

usim modus in dicendo quaerendus est.

.. II Atque ut inde oratio mea proficiscatur, unde in haec omnis causa ducitur, bellum grave es periculosum ' vestris vectigalibus a sociis a duobus potentissimis regibus infertur, Mithridate et Timne, quorum alter

relictus, alter lacessitus occasionem sibi ad occupandaemAsiam oblatam esse arbitrantur uitibus Romanis, honestissimis viris, adferuntur ex Asia cotidie litterae, quorum magnae res aguntur, in vestris vectigalibus exercendis occupatae; qui ad me Pro necessitudine, quae mihi est cum illo ordine causam rei publicae periculaque rerum suarum detulerunt Bithyniae, quae

nunc vestris provincia est, vicos exustos Ase com

plures regnum Ariobarmnis, quod finitimum est e tria vectigalibus, totum esse in hostium potestate L. Lucullum magnis rebus gestia ab eo bello discedere; huic qui successerit non satis esse paratum ad fantum bellum administrandum unum ab omnibus sociis et

civibus ad id bellum imperatorem deposci atque ex db COOste