장음표시 사용
Sixtus an Clemens, at a vas expenee hada assembi os Imme divine to recens and
going. So that in conclude In a mord, Isin that is talian soo errore ut os the ope's Vulgate, an a many ut os the rotestant ope Stephens', I an et ut an editionos ac in columns, vit ut using an book unde so years old that halicio exacu agmemor sor mord, and What a firat amaxe me, orde so order, that no tW tallies, nor moindentures an agre belleri
This minutuo ad thei honour os mur Graec letter indeed Whenes sa by the prinis that our Grace vas in suu Convocation, and had addresse his aiest upon ocius an Occasion, an consequently mas immerse in msines of the hiinest importance I conciemnedmyself, that I shouldae so immersed here in
books, an priva , a noto kno a more prope occasion os addres to our Grace Ona due consideration nati vhich, I gave vere pectio an ansmer, and designe to ait onyo in person, hena came to London, here
inon fame, that in m designe edition os tho Ne Testament, I purpos to leave ut haverse of John's Episti I. chap. 5. . .
demonstratio tomach other. Whermupo reiecising the printe editions of each, and the s vera manuscriet os seven centuri an under, I made se of none ut these of a thou-
eopies, in the time os in Counci o Nise, vithout the error of 5 moria. No in his ror I indulge nothin to any eonjecture, o me in clauer, but proceed solet Non authorit ot coples, and atherso that age. An What miliae the event about in sal verse os Iolin, I, eae uno uot ei; harin notisse at the old eopies that I have
But by this Το see, that in m proposed vork, the sate of that verse in e a merequestion os Det Yo endeamur in Pro , and thae ali ou aspire o, that i m. have been urit hy the Apostle, hein consonant in his aer doctrine This I concede to ou; an it theriourth centur linem that tot let ite mean, aen Goae name hut is that age did notaino. id, then Arianis in iis height vas beat m, vit ut the hel os that verse: and Iet the factumve as it mill the doctrinae s
Nescio, vir eruditissime, an ad aures tuas sorte pervenerit, me novae Novi Testamenti editioni operam dare, et ea ea a pleraque Per Europam, quae mille annos habeant, tam Graeca, quam Latina exemplaria consuluisse. Cum a tem in illis non postremum locum occupet Ode Evangelii Sti Iohannis Graecus in bibliotheca Beroliniensi de quo vir doctissimus D. J Ionatus mentionen facit, in sua ad e braica Biblia praelatione hujus variantes ctiones, si in marginem alicuius libri diu tra scribi euraveris, mihique per legatum regium, vel
alium quemvis mitti, magna me Volaptate affeceris, et grata mente ad posteros transmittenda. Velim autem ut hunc ad modum fiat collatio: han. XVII. 16.σιν 'De του κύσμου --ΣΥ, καθως ἐγὼ ἐκ του κοσμον - ἐμα νασον αὐ
l. τους ἐν τῆ δεηθεω σου ὁ λογος στιν ὁ - αλήθεαι ἐστι. Ubi odicis Alexandrini variationes habes, 4o sic a me in libri margine descriptas, ut et ordo Verborum, et singula, quae vel deficiunt vel
superant vel variant, nullo labore oculis obvem .enturi Ceterum si hoc negotii in te susceperis, ita sat scio diligenter in eo versaberis, ut quod in praefatione fieri necessum erit auctorem te eius collationis esse Iiterato orbi praedicare possim. Londini, M. M. H. 72I.
give it right. Phanodici sum Hermocratis F. Proconnesii : Craterem autem et asin et Colum ad Prytaneum dedit Sigeensibus. Phan dici, i. e. δῶρον donum am the os orpresent os Phanodicus, horam three esseis, a Crater, a Bason, an a trainex, sor theus os the Prytaneum. This inscription a Ptaverit, as engravedon ne of thos three esseis an euher atsrs mas transcribeLupo this stone, to mavas 45 in benefaction numn to the commonalty Withou door, o else astemards, heu hevesset might be old, and ne cast, is conti . Due the memoria oscit. The secon inscription I conceive, Was en grave on another of these vesinis but therelamuch more dissiculi in readin and distinis suishing that, than in former. ut te plata theres mentio of the fame present, as in theother: a Crater, a Bason, or Stand, and a Strainer: