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account of thoir rendering manhood effeminate, as to banishtheir compoundos and vendors hom Well-regulated states, and banish, iso, the dyers of flowe coloured wools. For it is not right stat ensnaring garments and unguendi Ahould beadmitted into the city of truth; but it is hioly requisito forthe men Who belong in us in ove sorth the odour not ofoinimenis, but of nobleness and goodnem. And let Woman breathe the odour of the true royal oiniment, that os Christ, not of unguenta and scented poWdere; and let her alWays boanointed mith tho ambrosial chrism of modestri and finddelicti in tho holy unguent, the Spirit. This Oiniment os pleasant fragranco Christ prepares for His discipies, com- pounding the oiniment of celestiat aromatic ingredients. Whereiore also tho Lord Himself is mointed With an Oin, ment, as is mentioned by David: Whereiore God, thy God, hath anointed theo missi the osi os gladness above thy fellows;
myrrh, and stacte, and cassia fram thy garments. in But lotus not unconscio ly abominare unguenta, lihe vultures or liuo beetles for these, they say, When smeared Mith oiniment, die); and let a feW unguenta be selected by Women, Suchas mill not bo overpoWering to a husband. For excessive anointings missi unguenta savour os a funerat, and not ofeonnubial liso. Yet oil itself is inimical to bees and insecta; and somo men it benesta, and some it summons to tho figlit; and thom Who Wero sormerly friends, When anointed With it, it turns out to deadly combat. Oiniment Ming smooth oit, do you not thinh that it is calculated to render nobio manners effeminate ' Certainly. And as me have abandoned luxu in t te, so certainly do me renounce voluptuousness in si is and odours; lest throughtho senses, as throuo unWalched doors, Wo unconscio lygive amem into the foui to that excess whicli me have drivena V. Ii, then, me say that the Lord the great High Priest offers in God the incense of sweet fragrance, let us notimagine that this is a sacrifico and sWeet fragrance of incense; but let us underetand it to mean, stat the Lord lays the acceptabis offering os love, tho spiritual fragrance, On the altar.
resumo: oil itaeis summa to lubricato the shin, and relaX the nerves, and remove any heavy smeli irom tho bodnd ws requira est sor this pur se. But attention to a et scenis is a bait which Maws us into sensual lusi. For tholicentious man is led on every tand, both by his lata, his hed, his conversation, by his eyes, his eam, his jams, and is his
Tho rubbing of the feet also with the fatness of Warming orc ling unguenta is practised on account of iis beneficialeffecis; so consequently, in the case of those Who are thus saturared, an attraction and flom talio placo hom tho head to the inferior members. But pie ure in Which no utililyattaches, induces the suspicion os meretricious habita, and isa drug provocative of the passions. Rubbing ono's soli withointinent is entirely different from anointing one's sed missioiniment. The formur is effeminate, While mointing missioiniment is in some cases beneficiat. Aristippus the phil Sopher, accordingly, Qten anointed With oiniment, sald that
Loes.' Then ho adda, d the componnder of unguentimili mari tho mixture,' sinee unguents have been invenmanifestly for me, not for voluptuousnem. For We are is no means to caro for tha exciting properties of unguenta, but in choose What is usosul in them, since God hath pe mitted tho production of Oil for tho mitigation of men's pians.
scent, so also the temperato scent the licentious by the supe fluous persume of unguenti. Such a use of croWns, also, has degeneratia to scenes os
coianem. Accordiugly, physicians, determining by physiologythat the brain is cold, approve of mointing the breast and theminis of the nostriis, so that the wam exhalation passinggently through, may salutarily Warm tho chili. A man ought not therelaro in cool himself With flowers. Besides, those WhocmWn themselves destroy the pleasuro there is in flo ere: forthey enjoy neister the sight of them, since they wear thecmun a ve their eyes; nor their fragrance, since theor put
tho Father of ali; and the crown of the whole chureli is Christ. As mois and planis, so also havo flowors thoir individual properties, some beneficiat, some injurious, fome also dange ous. The ivy is c ling; nux emiis a stupebing eflluvium,as the etymology sho s. The narcissus is a flower With aheaV odour; the name evinces this, and it induces a torpor νάρκην) in the nerves. And the effluvia os roses and violetabeing milesy cool, relieve and prevent headaches. But me ho are not only not permitted to drlah missi othera tointoxication, but not oven to indulge in much wine, do notneed the crocus or the flower of the cypress to lead us to aneasy fleep. Many of them also, by their odours, Warm thobrain, Which is naturalty cold, volatiliging the offusions of the head. Tho roso is henco said is have received ita name ροδον) because it emita a copious stream ρευμα) of odour
But the use of crowns did not exist at ali among the ancient Greeks ; for neither the stators nor the luxurious Phaeaceans used them. But at the games there Was at fidit
Thme, then, Who are trained by the Word are restralaedfrom the use of croWns; and do not in k that this Word, whieli has ita seat in tho brain, ought to be bound about, notbecauso the crown is the symbol of the rechlemnem ofrovelo, but causo it has been dedicated to idola. Sophocles accord gly called tho narcissus the ancient coronet of the great MM,' speahing of the earth-born divinities; and Sappho croWns tho Muses mitti the roso :
They say, too, stat Here delictis in the lily, and Artemis
in the myrile. For it tho flowers mere mado especialty forman, and Senselms peoplo have taen them not for theirown proper and gratesul use, but have abused them to thothankless service of demons, We must heep from them forconscience Aahe. The crown is the symbol of untroubled tranquillity. For this reason they croWn the dead, and idola, too, on the fame account, by this iaci giving testimony totheir Ming dead. For revellers do not vithout croWns celebrate their orgies; and When once they aro encircled milliflowers, at last they are inflamed excessively. - musthmo no communion With demons. Nor must We crown the
speech, and introduced the didactic. I return accordinglyto my subjeci. To resume, then: mo have stomed that in the dopariment of medicine, for heiaing, and somotimes also for moderate more tion, the delicti derived hom Mnora, and tho benefit derivod hom unguenta and poesumes, are not to M overtooked. dii some sari What pie ure, then, is there in soWers to thom that do not uso themi let them know, then, that unguents are prepared hom them, and aro most Mesul. The Susinianoiniment is made hom various Enda os lities; and it is Warming, aperient, draWing, moistening, abstergent, subile, antibilious, emollient. The Narciminian is mado hom thenarcissus, and is inually beneficiat with tho Susinian. The Myrmian, made of myrtie and myrile berries, is a styptic, stopping effusions from the body; and that frem rosos is refrigerating. For, in a mota, these also mero created for ourum. Hear me,' it is sald, and grow as a rose planted by the suems of matera, and ove forin a s eoi fragrance likoirankincenso, and blem tho Loes for His motas. A Woinould have much to say respecting them, Were Me to spe
of flowers and odours as made sor necessary purpοSes, and not for the excesses of luxury. And is a concession must bomade, it is enouo for peopte to enjoy the fragrance offlomere; but tot inem not crown themselves missi stem. Forthe Faster istas meat cars of man, and gives in him alone His o n arti Tho Scriptura thereiore sus, Water, and fre, and iron, and milh, and fine flour of Wheat, and honey,
easily, and render themselves fitter for emergencies. Mor over, silve footed couches argue great ostentation; and the
but solicitude about them is prohibited, for happinem is not
d hs Meetehod himself undis a Mid tali's hide, uia a circumstances compei.
ysses recti d tho unovennem of tho nuptial muta Mitha Mone. Such frugality and sellaeip was praelised not is privato individuals alono, but by the taleis of the ancient Greeta. But why spea of thesel Jacob alept on the
on the oster hand, let temperanco raim us as froni the abyssbenoath to the enterprises of WAefulness. For the oppressionos fleep is like death, which sorces us into insensibili , cu ting in tho light by tho closing of the eyelivi. Let not us, then, Who are sons of the truo licti, close the door against this licti; but turning in on Ourseives, illumining the Ves of the hidian man, and gazing on the trulli iraeis, and receivingiis stream' let us clearly and intelligibly reveal such dreams