장음표시 사용
tices. For ho violates his martiage adulterousty Who Mes itin a meretricious Way, and heus not the Volce of the Instructor,
to attempt even to practim conciniment, missi referencs to
wholly dein to God, and is abandoned by tho Word as a dein bois by the spirit. For What is holy, as is right, abhora
mortat inali put on immortaliW; When the insati lenem oldestre, Which rusties into licentio ness, being trained to miti restriant, and made Deo from the love of corruption, inali consign the man in evertasting chasti . For in this moridthey many and ars oven in marriage. in But having done illi the wocts of the flesti, and haring been closted withimmortali , the flesh itself being pure, me purine aster that which is according to the meas e of the angeis.
Thus in the Philebus, Plato, who had been the diseiple os thobarbarian philosophy, mysticatly called those Atheista whodest y and pollute, as far as in them lies, the Deity dwellingin them-that is, the Logos y association with their vices. Those, theresere, Who are consecrated is God must neversive mortally θνητως). Nor, Paul says, is it meetto mahe the members of Christ the members of an hariot; nor must the templo os God be made the temple of baso affections.' ' Remember the four and tWenty thousand that ere rejected for fornication. But the experiences of those who have committed sornication, as I have Hready said, are pes Which correct our lusis. Μoreover, the Paedagogue warns us most distinctly : Go not after thy lusu, and abstain from thino appetites; for Wine and women mill remove the wise ; and he that cleaves to hariola will becomo more daring. Corruption and the worm shali inhorit him, and ho shali be held up as public example to greater Ahame. And again-sor he wearies not of doing goo He Whoaveris his Ves hom pleasuro crowns his life.'Non est ergo justum vinci a rebus venereis, nec libidinibus stolide inhiare, nec a ratione alienis appetitionibus moveri, nec desiderare pollui. Ei autem soli, qui uxorem duxit, ut qui tunc sit agricola, serere permissum est; quando tempus sementem admittit. Adversus aliam autem intemperantiam, optimum quidem est medicamentum, ratio. Feri etiam auxilium penuria satietatis, per quam accensae libidines prosiliunt ad voluptates.
scripturo, Tahe no thought What things ye shali eat, orwhat things ye shali Minh.' For to tae thought of thesethings argues greed and luxum. NoW eating, consideredmerely by itself, is the sign os necessity; repletion, as We have said, of Want. Whateuer is beyond that, is the signos superflui . And What is superfluous, Scripture declaresto bo os tho devit. Τhe subjoined expression maes the
and exquisite moriung of Mid, and stili more, os artiueiathair and wreathed curis; and furthermore, of staining the ves, and pluaing out halas, and painting missi muge and white lead, and heing of the hala, and the miched aris that
And a certain poor man named Lazarus was laid at the
cru s Whicli feli from the rich man's table.' This is thograss. Weli, the ricli man was punished in Hades, belagmade partiser of the fire; Whilo tho other flourished again in tho Fathees bosom. I admire that ancient city of the
Lacedaemonians Whicli permitted hariola alone to mearsso ored clothes, and ornaments of gold, interdicting respect- lo momen iram love os ornament, and alloWing co tegansalone to doch themselves. On the other hand, the archons
tho beautitia, that is, love os fine , not tho beautisul itself, and who under a sala name again practise idolatry, are to bebanished far Imm tho truth, as those Who is opinion,' nothno ledge, dream of tho naturo os the beautiful; and so liso here is to them only a deep fleep os ignoranco; imm Whicli it
beautiles and comely, and destro to grasp this Mone, learingilio ornaments of earlh to the worid, and bidding them far
weli bolore me fali quite aes p. I say, then, stat man requires clothes for nothing elso than the covering of the bo , forde enco against excess of cold and intensi of heat, test thoinclemen of the ala injure M. And is this is tho objoci ofelothing, seo that ono h d be not assigned to men and anotherto momon. For it is common in both to be covered, as it is toeat and drinh. me necessi , then, betag common, We j gethat the provision ought to be similis. For as it is commonto both to require things to cover them, so also their cooringsought to be similar; although such a covering ought in beassumed as is requisito for covering the eyes of Women. Foris the semeso sex, on account of their meanem, destre more,
me ought in blamo tho habit of that evit training, by mhicho ten mon reared up in bad habita become more effeminatethan momen. But this must not be yielded to. And is somo accommodation is to be made, they may be permitted to use
'eing of clathes is also in be rejected. For it is remotoboth Dom necessity and truth, in addition to the faci that reproach in manners springs hom it. For the me os coloursis not beneficiat, for they Mo of no servico against cola; nor has it mything for covering more stan other clothing, exceptine opprobrium alone. And the agris leness of the colour
of the rites os initiation, along With purple and silver plate,
d our liso ought to be mything rather than a pageant. Therelam the dye of Sardis, and another os olive, and another
grem, a ros coloured, and scarlet, and ten thousand other
raiment that he indicates; but he shows tho immortat adorn-ment, Woven os salth, of those that have found mereri stat is, tho church ; in Whicli the guiteless Jesus Ahines conspicuousas gold, and the eieci are the Midon traseis. And is suchmust be Woven' sor the women, let us meave apparet ple ant
ὸ Prodicus, of the laland of Ceus.' Or is a conjectural emendation ol the leat, Is in thia me must relax
oye. For the pictum sades in course of time, and the Washingand si ping in the medicated juices of the he wear aWay the moes, and render the fabrics of the garments weah; and this is not favo able to econo . It is tho height of foesisti ostentation to be in a fluiter a ut peploi, and xystides, and cphaptides,y and μ cloas,' and tunios, and hat couersshame,' says Homer. For, in truth, I am ashamed When I seeso much wealth lavished on the covering of the secret paris. For primevat man in paradiso provided a covering sor hisahamo of branches and leaves; and noW, silico ineep have been created for us, let us not be as silly M sh p, but trained by the mes, let us condemn sumptuo nem os clothing, saying, μ Ys ars sheep's w t.' Though Miletus Mast, and Italy be pressed, and the Wool, about Whicli many rave, be
For as mell-nurtured bodies, when stripped, sh- their Vimur more manifestin so alio beauu of character inoms iis magnanimi , When not involved in ostentatious Aeseries. But to drag oncs clothes, letting them down to the soles of
his foet, is a plece of consummate lappe , impeding activityin Walhing, the garment f inping the suriace diri of thoground like a broom ; since even those emasculated creatures tho dan re, Who transfer their dumb shameless profligacy to the stage, do not de ise tho Mess Whicli floWs amay to sueti indigni ; Whoso curious Verimendi, and appendages offringes, and elaborate motions os figures, sto the traising of sordid effeminacy. It ono inould adduco tho garment of tho Lota machingdown to the soot, that many-flowered coat shows the flowers of miadom, the varied and unsading Scriptures, the oracles of the Lord, resplendent With the mys of truth. In suchanother robo the Spirit arrayed tho Lord throuo David, When he sing thus : Thou wert closted with confession and comesiness, pulting on light M a garment.' As, then, in the fashioning of our clothes, we must keep