Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


hom these Womanish creatures. And shops are erected and opened every here; and adepis at this meretricious sornication

one of these degenerate creatures, said very mansultri Come,



unie3s Du saW them nahed, you Would suppose them in bowomen. For although not allo ed in Wear gold, yet out os effeminate destro they .en Wreath their latches and fringes With leaves of gold; or, getling certain spherical figures of thosame metat made, they fasten them to their ankles, and hangiliem from thela necis. This is a device of enervatin men, who are dragyd to the women's apariment' amphibious and lecherous beasta. For this is a meretricious and implous formos snare. For God Wished women to be smooth, and rejoice in their loclis alone gro ing spontaneo ly, as a horae in his mane; but has adorned man, liho the lions, With a beata, and endoWed itim, as an attribule of manhood, With shamybreast'-a sign this of strennii and mle. So also cocks, whieli figlit in desonce of the hens, he has deched With combs, as it wero helmela; and so hio a valuo does God set onthese locis, that He ordors them to mahe their appearanceon men simultaneo ly With discretion, and, deli ted with a venerablo look, has honoured gravi os countenance Withgrey haira. But Wisdom, and discriminating judgmenta thalare hoary With Wisdom, attain maturi with time, and by the vigour os long experience give strength to old age, producinggrey haire, the admirabie flower os venerable Wisdom, conciliat ing confidence. This, then, the mark of the man, the beard, by Whicli ho is seen to be a man, is oldor than Eve, and is thotoken of the superior naturo. In this God desimod it rightthat he inould excol, and dispersed hair over man's Wholebo . Whatever smoothness and sosin s was in him mabstracted Dom his fide When Ho formed the Woman Eve,

adapted to the reception os seed, his help in generation and housinold management, Whilo he for he had partod missi alismoothness) rema ed a man, and sh-s himself man. Andio him has been assigned action, as to her suffering ; forwhat is silago is deser and warmer than What is smooth. Wherofore males have both more hala and more heat inansemales, animais that are entire than the emasculatia, pe feci than imperfeci. It is theresoro implous to desecrate



Luxury has deranged ali things; it has diagraced man.

Α luxurious nicen a seeta Querything, attempla everything, fomes eVerything, coerces nature. Μen play the pari of omen, and Women stat of men, contrary to nature; Womenam at onco Wives and hustinia: no passago is closed against

libidino nem; and thola promiscuous lochery is a publici titution, and luxury is domesticatia. O miserabia spectaclol horribie conducti Such ars the trophies of yo sociat licentiousness inita aro exhibitia: the ovidence of theso deias are tho prostitutos. Alas for such Maodnosai Besides, the wretches know not hoW many tragedies the uncertain os interco se produces. For fainers, omineses of childrenos stelas that have been exposari osten mithout thoir kno ledge, have interco se With a son that has debauched himaalhand dinotera that ars prostitutes; and licenco in lusι inous them to M tho men that havo b otton them. Thmo iningsyour mise laWs allo : pmple may sin legassy; and the ex crable indulgence in pleas e they cali a thing indifforent. They Who commit adultery against nature thinh themselum


hoe hom adultere. Avenging justice sollows their audaciuus deeia, and, dragong on themselves inevit te calami , in purchaso death for a mali sum os money. The miserabiodealera in theso mares sali, bringing a camo os fornication, lihe Wine or Oil; and othera, far more Wretched, trino inpleas es as they do in bread and fauce, not heeding the wotas of Moses, Do not prostitute thy daughter, to cause herto M a whoro, test the land tali to whoredom, and the land como fuit os michednem.' Such vas predicted oi old, and the result is notorious : thewhole earin has noW becomo fuit os fornication and wichod-nem. I admire the ancient legislators of the Romans: theso

detested effemina oi conduci; and the giving of tho boo tofeminine purpos , contrary to the la of nature, they judged

and nsile ornament. Α Duin missi his fini Mard: sor missi this, Muin is most graceles.'



produced by tho German, tho Rhino; and by tho Scythia

nes spare aven stela blood, as is reported os furious Wolves. d them, genuer' than the barbarians, whon injured, bearno remembrance of the wrong, but smeep bravely over the deseri, carrying and nourishing their mastera at the samo



purchasing a great croWd os fine cooks, and of peopte to layout the tablo, and os othera to divido tho meat initivij intopieces. And the stafi os servanis is soparated into many divi