장음표시 사용
And that tho Lord Himself was uncomeb in aspeci, the
THE INSTRUCTOR.275 Spirit testifies by Esaias : And we saw Him, and He had noiam nor cometiness; but His form mas mean, inferior tomen. t Who was moro admirable than the Lordi But it Was not tho beauty of the fiesh visibio in the e , butthe truo beau os both soul and bodn which Ηs exhibitet whicli in the former is beneficence; in the lalter hat is, theflest immortali .
adornment of temperance. But those WOmen Who
beautisy the ouiside, are una ares ali Maste in the inner depius, as is the case With the ornaments of the Egyptians; among Whom temples With their porticos and vestibules arecaretally constructed, and groves and sacred fietds adjoining ;tho halla ars surrounded with many pillars; and the walis eam With foretgn stones, and there is no want of artistic
palating their πω, and heing their hala, and pracusing the
looked at, not as it made sor domestic econo . Wheresore in the comic poet the sensibio Woman says, What can me momen do Wiso or brilliant, Who sit mith hair dyed yello , outraging the character of gentieWomen; causing the Merthrow of houses, the ruin os nuptials, and accusations on the part of children In the fame way, Antiphanes the comicpoet, in Mamaea, ridicules the meretriciousnem os momen in Words that apply to them ali, and aro framed against therubbing of themselves With cosmeties, SVinget
and by I Wili fortib them Mith tho divine Scriptures. For
and that years os liso may be added is us; φ both is not
hunting alter the pleraure that belongs in another, and is diverting our inclinations. Love os dataties and love os Wine, though great Vices,are not of suta magnitudo as fondnem for fine . Afuit table and repeatin cups ' are enough to satisου ν d.
oen mere a man to Meome a Midas Would ho M satissed, but mould be stili mor, craving other Wealth. Such p ploare ready to die missi Seir gold. d is Uutus y is Nind, aro not those momen that aro cravabout him, and havo a fellow-Deling missi iam, bliud too 'Having, then, no limit to their lusi, they puin on to inam lemnem. For the theatre, and pageanis, and many speci tors, and strossing in the temples, and loitering in the streela, stat SV may be seen conspicuo ly by all, are necessam tostem. For inose that glory in their looks, not in heari, dreas is piisse othera. For as the brand alio a the flave, sodo gauis coloura the adulterem. For though thou clothothyseis in scarlet, and dech thyseli missi ornaments of gold, and anotat thino eyes missi stibium, in vain is thy beau says the Word by Jeremiah. Is it not monstrous, that whilo horam, bitas, and the rest os the animais, Uring and Mundisom the grass and meadoWs, rejoicing in ornament that istheir oWn, in mane, and natural colour, and varied plumage; moman, as is inferior to tho bruto creation, inould thinhheraeli so unlovely as to need forety, and bought, and
Head-Messes and varieties of hea&dresses, and et orato Maidings, and infinite modes of Messing the hair, and costly specimens os mirrore, in Whicli they arrange stela costume hunting after inose that, lino silly chilhen, are crazy about inela figures,-are characteristic os Womon who havo tost allaenso os inme. ΙΤ any one mero is cali these courimans, he would mahe no mistaho, for they tum thoir saces intomasis. But us the Word enjoins to loa not on the thingsthat aro seen, but the things that are not men; for thothings that are seen are temporal, but the things that are not
as it it mero somo excellent Work or maste iece. The deception rather requires a veil thrown over it. For as tho
Grook fabio has it, it Was not a fortunato thing sor the beau-tisul Narcissus to have been tho beholder of his oWn image. d is Moses commanded men to mahe not an imago tor resent God is ari, hoW can these Women be right, Who by thela οὐ reflection produco an imitation os their o niihenem, in order in the falsisying of their face ' Lihewissalso, When Samuel the prophet was sent to anoint one os inosons os Jesse sor hing, and on seeing the eidest os his sons
turas out the redemption prico os a Mople that mere about tobo massacria. And that decoration mines Women eo tesans,
and men e minato and adulterere, the tragic poet is a Witnem; thus dis ursinget
Breasis are beaten in lamentations, and gries desolatos theland; and est the feet, and tho summits of many-Duntained Ida, and the cities of the Trojans, and the stipa of the
Hemen delictis in t o charioteers, by Whom alone thechariot os fire is guided. For the mind is in in aWay byple ure; and tho unsullied principie of reason, When notinstructed by the Word, slides down into licentio ness, and gela a fati as tho due reWard os ita transgression. An example