Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


peac misera, ' Who instructing those Who are at war in thoirliso and errore here, load them bach to tho peace whicli is intho Word, and nourish sor the lise whicli is according to God, is ius distribution of tho bread, thoso that hunger alter

and joy, and the bones v hich havo been humbled shali rejoice. Turn Thy saco hom in sins. Blot out minis iniquities. Creato in me a clean heari, o God, and reneW a right spiritin my in aes paris. Cast me not a V hom Thy face, and talio not Thy Holy Spirit irom me. Restore in me the joy os Thy salvation, and estabiisti me missi Thy princoly spirit.' q



He Who addresses inoso Who are present berare him, both testa them by time, and judges by his judgment, and homthe othera distinguishes iam Who can hear; malching the Words, the mannem, the habita, the lile, tho motio , thealtitudes, the look, the voice; the mad, the rota, the beaten path, the fruities land, the w ded region, the fertile and fair and cultivaled spol, stat is able to multiply the Med. But he stat speahs through books, consecratos himself before God, coing in Writing thus : Not for gain, not for vainglarn not to bH vanquished by partiali , nor e laved by fear,nor elated by pleasum; but only to reap the salvation of those Who read, Which he does not at present participate in, butaWatting in expectation the recompense Which will certainlybe rendered by Him, Who has promised to bestow on tho



tand and tho word. Thus tho Lord did not hindor Domdoing good while heoping tho Sabbath; but allowed us to communicate of those divino mysteries, and of that holy light,

speaher; rather not in his Volce, but in his underetanding. God gavo to the chureli, some apostles, and Some propheu, and Somo evangelisis, and some pastore and teachera, for the


THE MISCELLANIES 357 persecting of tho minis, for the work ol tho ministo, for tho



abis secis mill be adduced; and to these Will bo opposta allinat ought to be premised in accordance With the profoundest contemplation os the knowledge, Which, as Ws proceed to thereno ned and Venerable canon os tradition, hom the creationos the woriri Will Qvance to our vieW; setting beiore us whataecording to natural contemplation necessarily has to M treMedos besorinand, and clearing oll What stands in the way of this arrangement. So that We may have our eam ready fortho reception of tho tradition os true knowledge; the sollbeing previousty cleared of the thoras and of every meed by the hvsbandman, in order to the planting os the Vine. Forthere is a contest, and tho prelude to the contest; and thereare somo mysteries before other mysteries.


eyes see What is presented betam stem. But somo look at objecta for one Nason, ostem for another. For instance, the

cumstances. For it is not he who, has virtus, that needs the Way to Viriue, any more stan he, that is Strong, ne S reeOVery.

sam, and which contains ste saith; and that me should passover What is Myond and superfluous, Whicli meam oui and dotatas us to no purpose, in things Whicli conduce nothiug totho great end. Othera thinh that philosopis mas introducedinis lito is an ovil influence, for tho ruin os men, is an evilinventori But Ι inali ino' throughout the whola of theso

Sromata, that erit has an erit nature, and can never tum

oui tho producer of auot that is mod; indicating that philosophy is in a sonse a Work of Divino Providence.


OBJECTION TO THE NUMBER OF EXTRACTS FROM PHILOSOPHICAL WRITINGS IN THESE BOOKS ANTICIPATEDAND ANSNERED. reference to these commentaries, whicli containas the exigencies of the eam demand, the Hellente opinions, I say thus much to those Who are fond of finding fauit. Firet, even is philosophy Were us tess, is tho demonstration es ita Melemness does good, it is yetusefui. Then thoso cannot condemn tho Greelis, Who hau only a mere hearsay knowledge of their opinions, and have not ontered into a minuto investigation in each depariment, in Order in aequaintanco With stem. For the refutation, Whichis based on experience, is entirely trust orthy. For thoknowledgo of What is condemned is found tho most completo demonstration. Many things, then, though not contributingto tho final result, equip the artist. And otherWiso eradition commenda him, Who sola sorth the most essentiat doctrines soas to produce persuasion in his hearere, engendering admiration in those Who are tauot, and letas them to the truth.

And such persuasion is convincing, by whicli thoso that lovolearning admit the truth; so that philosophy does not ruintila by being the originator os false practices and base deeds, although somo have calumniated it, though it M the oleari mage of truth, a divine giri in the Greelis; nor doas it Magus away hom the faith, as ii Wo were bo iched by somo delusive ari, but racter, so in speis, is the use of an amplercircuit, obtians a common exercise demonstrative of the faith. Further, tho juxtaposition os doctrines, is comparison, saves the truth, imm which festo s knowledge.


This, I thinh, is signified by the ulterance of the Saviour,