Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


Firm against adverse shoch;

The translator has done .hat he oovid in render this hymn literalty. Ho Ma been obliged, M ver, to add aomeWhat is it in the Way os ex naton, sor othemiso it Muld have been impossibio to secure anything approaching the flow of Εngliah versification. The originat is in inany parta a mere string of epitheta, Which no ingenuity could render



Unto God their hymn of praise, Jesus Christi Nourished by tho milh of heaven,





He propheticatly exposed this ignorance, stat existed in them, and intimatod that they would not undoretand tho thingss hen. And noW the Saviour inows Himself, out os His abundance, dispensing goods in His servandi according to theability of the recipient, that they may augment them is exercising aetivi , and thon returning to rechon with them; When, approving os those stat had increased His money, thoin laithsul in litile, and commanding them in limo stecharge over many things, He bade them enter into the jπof the Lota. But in him who had hid tho money, enuustedio him to be given out at interest, and had ovon it bach ashe had received ii, without increase, Ho said, Thou michedand Hothsul servant, thou ouotest to have ven my moneyto the bankers, and at my coming Ι should have received


ho does not choose What is best; God is laee of blamo. Asto tho Mint in hand, it is the b iness os some in lay out theword at interest, and of othera to tost it, and either choose itor not. And the judgment is determined within thomselves. But there is that species os knowledge whicli is characteristic of tho herald, and that whicli is, as it mere, characteristic os amessengor, and it is service te in Whatever Way it operates, both by tho hand and longue. For lio that so eth to the Spirit, shali of the Spirit reap lita evertasting. And let us notbo weary in mell-doing. in On him who by Divine Providenco meois in With it, it consere the very hi est advantage'- the beonning oi faith, readinem sor adopting a right modeos liso, tho impulse toWatas the truth, a movemant of inquim, a trace of knowledge ; in a Word, it gives tho means of salvation. And those who have been rightly reared in thowotas os truth, and received provision sor eternat lite, Wing their way to heaven. Most admirabin theresere, tho apostlo

Both must thereiare test themselvos: the one, is ho is qualified is speis and leavo bellind him Written recorda; theother, is ho is in a right state in hear and read: as also somo in the dispensation os tho Eucharist, according tocustom, enjoin that each one os the peopte individualty inould talio his parti ono's oWn conscience is best for eli sing accurately or shunning. And iis firm foundation is a right lise, With sultabio instruction. But the imitation of those who



have atready been tested, and who have led correct lives, ismost excellent for the underetanding and practies of tho commandments. So that whos ver inali eat the broad