장음표시 사용
INE INSTRUCTOR. 333selves to it in truth, and return to sobriely, and sanctisy ourseives; μ for the ves of the Lord are on the rigsteous, and His eam are open to their prvor; but tho face of the Lord is against them ibat do evil. And who is ho that will harm us, is me bo solio ers of that whicli is mod for you.' But the best training is mod order, Whichis perfect decorum, and stabie and orderly pomer, Whicli in
action maintains consistence in What it does. Is theso things have been adducta is me mitti ino great aspori , in orderio effect the salvation Whicli solio a from your correctiora ;they have been spolien also, says the Instructor, is me: Sinco he who reproves With boldnem is a peacemaher.''
concern thus: For he destres tho repentance rathor inan
What has to M observed at homo, and hoW our lila is tobe regulatia, ths Instructor has abundantly declared. Andtho things wluch Ho is Wont to say to children by the Way, wbile IIo conducis them to tho Master, theso He suggests, and adduces tho Scriptures themsolves in a compendioussem, setting sorth bare injunctions, accommodating them to the period of guidance, and assigning tho interpretation ofthem to tho Mastor. For tho intontion os His law is to di sipato iear, emancipating he will in order to faith. - Ηear,'
minis of salvation. For I mili disclose my Ways, and laybeiore thee good commmdments ; by Which thou Wili reain salvation. And I lead thee by the way oi salvation. Departirom the passis of demit. For the Lord knoweth the way of the righteous, and the way of the ungodly inali periis.' Follow, the fore, oson, the good Way Which I inali describe, lenium to me attentive eam. d I mill ovo in theo the troasuros of laris ' hidian and unseen by the natio , but Men is m. And the trisaures of Wistam are unsailing, in admiration ofWhicli tho apostle sus, o the depin of the richea and the wistam l' ' And by one God are many treas es dispensed; some disclosed by the lam, ostera by the propheta; sume in the divino mouth, and othere to the h tad of the wirit sing-ing accordant. And the Lord being one, is the samo Imstructor is est these. Here is then a comprehensive precepi, and an exhortation os lite, all-embracing: As ye Would that men inould do unis Du, do ye si Wise to them. may comprehend the commandmenta in t o, as tho Loes sus,
answered, Thou knowest the commandmonis And onhim replying Υea, He said, This do, and thou inalt be savia. Especialty conspicuous is the love os the Instructor aet forinin Various salutary commandmendi, in ordis that tho di covery may be readier, Dom the abundance and arrangementos the Scriptures. φ have tho Decalogue given is Moses, hicli, indicating by an elementary principie, simple and osono hi , defines tho designation os sina in a Way conducise to salvation : Thou inali not commit adulten . Thou statinoi Worinip idola. Thou inali not eorrupi bys. Thou inaltitot steat. Thou shali not bear salso wunem. Honour thyiather and thy mother. ' Α- ω forth. These things are to
an abomination to me. Your ne moons und your sabbaths
GodJ astor sinning is characteristic not of any man, but only
in prison, and ye came unis me.' And when have Wo dono
tion os humanit' both stat oven is Moses and that by thea sues. What, thereiore, is the nature of the training by the a sum, appears to me to require to be treated os. Under this head, L or raster the Instructor by me,y will recount; and I shali again sot besore you the precepis themselves,as it mere in the germ.
neighbour: sor me are membere ono of another. Let not
THE INSTRUCTOR. 339μ Is wo livo in the Spirit, let us Walli in tho Spirit. Let
ruleth, Mith diligonce; ho that showoth mer , with choortul-nem. Let love bo without dissimulation. Abhor that whichis evit; cleavo to that whicli is mod. Bo hindly affectionedono to another With brotherly love, in bonour preserring onoanother. Not fiothsul in businem; servent in spirit, serving the Lord. Rrioicing in hope; patient in tribulation; coni inuing instant in pruer. Given to hospitali ; communicating to the necessities of the sainta. Such aro a sow injunctions out os many, sor the salie os example, Whicli the Instructor, running ovor the divine Scri'
340 THE INSTRUCTOR. fBOOK ui. tures, sera besoro His children ; by Whicli, so to speis, vice is cui up by the mota, and iniquity is circumscribed.
Innumerabis commanda such as these are Writton in the
commands, and helps, and creates the universe.
All that remains there re nori in such a celebration os the Word as this, is that me addrem to the Word our prayer.