Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 4: The Writings Of Clement Of Alexandria, Volume 1

발행: 1867년

분량: 502페이지


분류: 미분류


in the Musis, Who mae a man loquacinus, divine, Vocia.

For him .ho is fluent in moria ho calis loquacious; and himwho is clever, vocat; and divine,' him Who is skissed, a philosopher, and acquainted Min the truth.




might never be able to allego the excuse of ignorance, inasmuch as they are able to hear also What Wo havo in Our


produces rhetorio in order is persuasion, and

disputation for Wrangling. These aris, therelare, is notconjoinod mitti philosophy, Will be injurious to every one. For Plato openly called sophistry an evit art.' AndAristolle, folloWing him, demonstrates it to be a dishonestari, which abstracta in a specious manner the whola businessos migdom, and professes a Wisdom Which it has not studiod. speah briefly, as the Monning of rhetoric is the probabie, and an attempted proosy the process, and the end persuasion, so tho beginning of disputation is What is matter os opinion, and the procem a conten, and the end victo . For in the fame manner, alio, the beginning of sophistry is the apparent, and the process twosold ; one os rhetorio, continuous and exhaustivo ; and the other of logic, and is interrogato . Andiis end is admiration. The dialectio in vomo in the schoois,on tho other hand, is the exercise of a philosopher in mattersos opinion, sor the sise of the faculty of disputation. Buttruth is not in theso at all. With reason, therelare, the nobio apostle, depreciating these superfluous arta occupied about Wotas, sus, Is any man do not ove heed to Wholmome


logic n Whicli, those to Whom inis garrulous mischievousari is dear, Whether Greeri or barbarians, plume themaelvm



Wo must not, then, aspire to please the multitude. Forme do not practise What will please them, but What we knowis remoto iram their disposition. μ Let us not be desimus of vainglory,' says the apostle, provoking one another,

changes his persuasion is cogened, while ho largeis that timoimperceptibly tahes aWay some things, and reason othera. And aster an opinion has been entertained, pain and anguisti, and on the other hand contentio nem and anger, eompei. Above ait, men are boguiled who are ei ther bewitched by pleasure or terrified by fear. And ali theso are voluntarychanges, but by none of these Will knowledge ever be attained.


other agricultural implemenis, are necessary for the culture of the vino, so that it may produce eatable fruit. And as in hiisbandry, ω also in medicine: he has learned to purposo, Who has practised tho various temons, so as to be able toculli vate and to hoal. So also here, I cali him truly learnodwho brings everything to bear on the truth; so that, homgeometry, and music, and grammar, and philosophy itseli, culling What is usesul, ho Mariis the faith against assauit. No , as Was sald, the athlete is despised Who is not furnishodior tho contest. For instance, ruo, Wo pratse the experiencedhelmsman who has seen the cities of many men,' and the physicipn Who has had large experience; thus also somo describe the empiric.' And he who brings everything to bear on a right liso, procuring examples imm the Greelis and barbarians, this man is an experienced Marcher aster truth, and in reality a maia os much eounset, like the touch



po er of distinguishing the spurious from the genuine Mid. And our muc,knowing gnostic can distinguisti sophist ironi philosophy, the ari os decoration from gymnastics, coohe iram physic, and rhetoric from dialectics, and the other fecis hicli aro according to the barbarian philosophy, hom thotruth iuel . And hon necessary is it sor him Who destresto be partiser of the power of God, to treat os intellectualsubjecta by philosophisingi And h- service lo is it todistinguisti expressions whicli are ambiguous, and whicli in the Testaments are used synonymo lyl For the Loes, at the timo of His temptation, shilsully malched tho devit by an ambiguous expression. And I do not yet, in this connection, seo hoW in the worid the inventor of philosophy and dialectics, RS Some Suppose, is seduced through being deceived by tho form os speech Which consista in ambiguitu. And is the propheta and apontes knew not tho aris by Which the exercises of philosophy are exhibited, yet tho minit of the prophetic and

instructive spirit, ultered secretin cause ali have not an intelligent ear, demands shilsul modes of teacting in order toclear exposition. For the propheta and discipies of the Spirit


catly is motas and detas; but We must repudiate entirelythe ari os Wrangling and wphisim, since these sentences of tho



not only a simple modo os illa, but also a style of speech d void os superflui and nicety, must be cultivared by him Who has adopted the trus lise, it me are to abandon luxum astreacherous and profligate, as the ancient Lacedaemonians a

in A victory dis imus to the victor and the vanquished. Ps. xlix. 9, 10, Sept. - Εcclus. xix. 22.