장음표시 사용
they relate stat linen gaments wero invenlad. And Heu lanicus says that Alossa queen of the Persians was thesiret who composed a letur. Theso things are reported
by Scamo of Mitylene, Theophrastus os Ephesus, Cydippus
os Mantinea, also Antiphanes, Aristodemus, and Aristolle; and besides these, Philostephanus, and also Strato the Peripatetic, in his books cinerentv Inrentions. I havo added a se. delatis from them, in order in confirm the inventive and practicatly usesul genius os the barbarians, is whom tho Greelis profited in their studios. And is any
discourses reached Greece. Alcmaeon, the son os Perithus, of Crotona, fini composed a treatise on nature. And it is related
that Anaxagoras of Clazomenae, the son os Hegesibulus, fidit published a book in writing. The firet is adapt music topoetical compositions Was Terpander of Antissa; and hesei the laws of the Lacedaemonians to music. Lasus os Hermione inventin the dithyramb; Stesichorus of Himera, the hymn; Alcman the Spartan, tuo chorat song; Anacreonos Teos, love songs; Pindar the Theban, the dance accom- panted with song. Timotheus os Miletus vas the firat tooxecute those musical compositions called νόμοι on the lyro, with dancing. Moreover, the iambus mas invented by AN
chilochus os Paros, and the choliambus by Hipponin os Ephesus. Tragedy owed iis orion to Thespis the Athenim,
and comedy to Susarion os Icaria. Their dates aro handed - by the grammariam. But it mere tedious to vocibitam accurately: presently, hoWeVer, Dionysus, on Whose account tho Dionysian spectacles are celebrated, Will bos Wn to be later than Moses. They say that Antiphonos Rhamnusium, the wn of Sophilus, fidit inventin sch lastic discourses and rhetorical figures, and was the fidit ho pled causes for a see, and wrote a forensio speeta sordesiver' Diodorus says. And Apollodorus os Cuma fidit
d Lycurgus, Who lived many years after tho taking of Troy, legislated ior the Lacedaemonians a hundred and fisty ars before the Olympiads. We have spolien besors of the age of Solon. Draco he was a legislator too) is discoveredio havo lived a ut tho threo hundred and ninth olympiad. Antilochus, again, Who wrote os tho learned men hom the ageos Pythagoras to the death of Epicurus, which took place in the tonth day of tho month Gamelion, mahes up altogether three hundred and twelvo years. Μoreover, some say that Phanothea, the Wise of Icarius, inventia the heroic hexameter; othera Themis, one of the Titanides. Didymus, homoer, in his Work On the Pythagorean Philosophy, relates that Theano os Crotona mas the firat Woman who cultivaled philosophyand composed poems. The Hellenic philosophy then, accord-
philosophy comprehenti not the whole extent of the truth, and besides is destituto os strength to persorm the command-ments of the Lord, yet it prepares the way sor the trulyroyal teaching; trianing in some Way or oster, and moulding the character, and filiivg him .ho belleves in Providenre sorine reception os the truth.
But philosophy, it is salit, Was not sent by tho Lord, but
or angel that had learnod something os tho truth, butabode not in it, that inspired and taught these things, notwithout the Lord's knowledge, Who knew besore the constitution os each essence the issues of futuri , but Without His prohibition. For tho thest whicli reached men then, had somo advantage ; not that he who perpetratod the thesi bad utility in his πo, but Providence directed the issuo of the audacious deed to utilib. I know that many are perpetuatly assailingus With the allegation, that not to prevent a thing happening, is to be the cause of it happening. For they say, that thoman who does not talie precaution against a thest, or does not prevent it, is tho cause of it: as he is the cause of tho conflagration Who has not quenched it at tho beginning ; and tho master of the vesset Who does not reos the sali, is the causo of the shipWroch. Certainly those who are the causes offucii evenis are punished by the law. For to him Who had
ρο er to prevent, attaches the blame of What happens. Wosv to them, that causation is seen in doing, Working, acting; but the not proventing is in this respect inoperative. Further, causation attaches to activity; as in the case of the shipbuliderin relation to the origin of the verael, and tho bullder in relation to the construction of the horae. But that which does notprevent is separated imm What tahes placo. Wherelare theeffect mill bo accomptished; Meauso that which could havo prevented neister acts nor prevenis. For What activi do that Whicli prevenis not exert Now their assertion is reduced
ilio man who did not provent the thest. Let them then say, that it Was not Hector that burned the ships of the Greelis,
Was a concurring cause. NoW the devit, being possessed offre vili, was able both to repent and to steat; and it Washe who Was the author of tho thest, not tho Loes, who didnot prevent him. But neither Was the gist hurisul, so as torequire that prevention Ahould intervene.
But is strict accuracy must bs employed in dealing miththem, let them kno , that that which does not provent What wo assert to havo taken place in the thest, is not a cause atali; but that what prevenis is involved in the accusation of ing a cause. For he that protecta mitti a shield is thocause of him Whom he protecta not being Wοunded; preven, ing him, as he does, imm being Wounded. For tho demonos Socrates Was a cause, not is not preventing, but is
menis, are right, When the foui has not the poWer of inclin tion and disinclination, but evit is involuntary. Whenco ho ho prevenis is a cause; While he who prevenis not j ges justly the foui's choice. So in no respect is God the auctoros evil. But since free choice and inclination originate sin'
and a mistisen jud ent somelimes preolis, hom Which, since it is ignorance and stupidit' me do not talis piansio recede, punishments are rightly inflicted. For to taliosevor is involuntary; but When one inhes laver throno his
but indured by the plera e stat is in it, and imagining it
mori considera it destrabis; uch being the case, to De ourselves irem ignorance, and from evit and voluptuouscholae, and above ali, to mithhold our assent from thois delusio phantasies, depends on o selves. Tho devit is
λ Jota viii. 44. Clement reada πρόγνωσιν sor πρόδεσιν.
THE MISCELLANIES 409 disposition, as bodily diseases from a bad constitution, butaro guided is universat Providence to a salutam issue, eVenthough the causo be productive os disease. It is accordinglythe greatest achiovement of divine Providence, not to alloWtho evit, Whicli has sprung srom voluntam apostasy, to remainuseless, and sor no good, and not to becomo in ali respecta
injurious. For it is the work of the divino wisdom, and excellence, and poWer, not alone to do good for this is, so tos is, the nature of God, as it is of fire in marm and of light to illumine , but especialty to ensuro that What happens throughthe eviis halched by any, may come to a good and useful issue,
and to use to aduantam those things Which appear to be eriti, as also tho testimony Whicli acerum hom temptation.
Thero is then in philosophy, though stolen as the fim is
Prometheus, a uender spar capable os Ming fanned into flamo, a traco of Wisdom and an impulse from God. Well, bo it so that tho thieves and robbere are tho philosophersamong tho Greeis, Who hom the Hebre. propheta be retho eoming of the Lota received fragments of the truthi notmissi fial knowledge, and elaimed theso as their o- teactaings, disguising some minis, treating othera sophisticatly by their ingenui , and discovering othor things, for ehaneo they had the spirit os perception. y Aristolle, too, assentia in Scripture, and declared sophistry to havo stolen misdom, as Wo intimated before. And the apostle avs, mich things me speis, not in the words which manys
ovent: to the Greeis, foolistinem ;' for those Who in theirown estimation are Wise, consider it sabulous that tho Sonos God should speah by man and that God should have a Son, and especialty that that Son aliould have suffered. Whenco their preconceived idea inclines them to disbelievo. For tho advent of the Saviour did not mahe peoplo seolisti,
sent sortii light, is bringing sortii in opposition the de ised
designates the doctrino whicli is according to the Lord, thowisdom os God,' in ordor to fhoW ibat the true philosophylias been communicated by the Son. Further, he, Who has ashow of Wisdom, has cenain exhortations enjoined on him istho apostle: μ That ye put on the neW man, Whicli aster God