Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


in number.


mand, and that ali inali bocomo as Ono child. Such a thingas you may Witness in the body: although the membres areenumerated as mann ali are called one, and are a bo . For, indeed, a commonwealth and a church,' though many individuals in number, are in faci as one, called and addressed by one appellation. And in shori, sirs,' said L byenumerating est the other appotniments of Moses, I candemonstrate that they Were types, and symbolf, and declarations of those things which would happen to Christ, of those ho it was foreknown were to bellove in Him, and of thoso

since What I have noW enumerated appears to me to be sufficient, I revere again to the order of the disco se. CHAP. XLIII.-m concludes that the lais had an end in

Christ, who was bom of the Virgin. As, then, circumcision began with Abraham, and the Sabbath and sacrificos and offeringa and feasis With Moses, andit has been proved they mere enjoined on account of the hartaess of your people's heari, so it Was necessary, in aceOrd- anco with tho Father's wili, that thoy should have an end in Him Who was born os a virgin, of tho family of Abrahamand tribo of Judah, and of David; in Christ tho Son ol

approached God through Him, have received not carnal, but spiritual circumcision, which Enoch and thoso liho him observed. And we have received it through baptism, sinceWe Were sinners, by God's mercy; and ali men may equallyobtain it. But since the mystery of His birth now demandsour attention, I shali spoah of it. Isaiah thon asserted in gard to the generation ot Christ, that it could not bo do-

λ ἐκκλησία. Lat. Vers. hm conventus.


stripes, Was such as could not be declared. Furthermore, that the mon who bellove in Him may possess the knowledge of the mannor in which ΗΘ came into the worid,' tho Spirit

and ἀπειρεῖ πονηρια.



142 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. Assyria δ Nom it is ovident to ait, stat in the race of Abraham according to the flesh no one has beon bom ofa virgin, or is sald to have been bom fot a virgivi, save this

os Assyria.VR i.e. of Abrahamys seed. Justin distinguishes betWeen such essentiat acta as relatin to God's modihip and the est lishment of righteo nega. and Auch ceremonial servances as hin a mero temporary significance. The recognition es this distinction ho alleges to bo necessary to salvation: necessary in this


God and practice of righteousness; but some injunctions andacis mere ii Wise mentioned in reference to the mystery MChrist, on account of A tho hardneas of your peose's hearis.

to resume and complete the discourse.


1 14

DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. by Egehiel, that even is Noah and Daniel and Jacob wero

this Christ in the resurrection equalty With those righteous men who were belare them, namely Noah, and Enoch, and Jacob, and whoever else there be, along With those Who havo knowny this Christ, Son os God, who was besore the morningstar and the Inoon, and submitted to hecome incarnate, and

bo born of this virgin of the family of David, in order that, by this dispensation, the serpent that sinnod from the begin- ning, and the angels like him, may be destroyed, and that death may be contemned, and for eVer quit, at the secondcoming of tho Christ Himself, thoso who bellove in Him and

punished unceasingly into judgment and condemnation offire; but Othors shali exist in freedom hom suffering, homcorruption, and hom gries, and in immortali .'

the institutions given by Moses, and yet bellove in this Jesus Who was crucified, recognising Ηim in be tho Christ os God, and that it is given to Him to be absolute Judgo os ali, and that His is the evertasting hingdom, can they also be savedi ho inquirod os me.


descendanis circumcised 'And I said, I hnow that Abraham and his descendanis Were circumcised. The reason Why circumcision Was givento them I stated at longili in What has gone bolare; and is What has Mon said does not convince Fou, let us again searchinto the matter. But you are aWare stat, up to Μοses, noone in fact who Was righteous observed any of these rites atali of which Wo are talhing, or received one commandmentio observe, excepi that os circumcision, Which began homAbraham. '


on very thin parchment; and by these means stirring you up to retain a constant remembrance of God : at the fame time, hoWeVer, convincing Fou, that in Four hearis you have noteven a fiant remembrance of God's Worship. Yet not evenso mere you dissuaded hom idolat : for in tho times of

belioring that God Will raise us up by His Christ, and willmahe us incorruptibie, and undisturbed, and immortal; and we know that tho ordinances imposed by reason of the hard-ness of your people's hearis, contribute nothing to the pe formance of righteousness and of piety.



do not venture to have any intercourse With or to extendhospitality to such persons; but Ι do not agree With them. But is some, through weah-min dedness, Wish to observe Such institutions as mere given by Moses, from Whicli they expectsome virtuo, but which we bellevo were appotnted is reason of tho hardness of the people's hearis, along with their liope in this Christ, and swish to perform the eternat and naturalacis Oi righteousness and piety, yet choose to livo with tho Christians and the faithsul, as I said. before, not inducingiliem etiner to be circumcised like themselves, or to keep the Sabbath, or to observe any other such ceremontes, thon I hold that We ought to join curselves to such, and associale Miththom in est things as hinsmon and brothren. But is, Trypho, Ι continued, some of your race, Who say they bellove in this Christ, compei those Gentiles Who bellevo in this Christ tolivo in ali respecis according to the laW given is Moses, Orchoose not to associale so intimately With them, I in lihomanner do not approve of them. But I belleve that oventhos' Who have been persuaded by them to observe the legaldispensation along with their confession os God in Christ,

have confessed and known this man to be Christ, yet whohave gone bach from some cause to the legat dispensation, and have doniod that this man is Christ, and have repented notbelare death, shali by no means bo saved. Further, I holdinat thoso of tho seed of Abraham who live according to tholam and do not bellove in this Christ bosore death, shallithewise not bo saved, and especialty those Who have anathematigod and do anathematige this very Christ in the syn
