Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 2: Justin Martyr and Athenagoras

발행: 1867년

분량: 487페이지


분류: 미분류


Was hing, you say that the Psalm refers to him, although tho Words of the Psalm expressty proclaim that reserenoe is madeto the evertasting Κing, i.e. to Christ. For Christ is Κinnand Priest, and God, and Lord, and angel, and man, and captain, and stone, and a Son bore, and firu made subject tofussering, sten returning to heaven, and again coming With


130 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. sun; and ali tribes of the e th shali bo blossed in Him, alinations shali cali Him blessed. Blessed be tho Lota, tho God os Israel, who only doeth Wondrous things; and blessed

writton, Tho hymns os David the son of Jesso ars endod Moreover, that Solomon Was a reno ed and great hing, bywhom the templo called that at Jerusalem Was bulli, I know; but that nono of thoso things mentioned in tho Psalm ha pened in him, is evident. For neister did ali hings Worstiphim; nor did ho reim to tho enti of tho earth; nor did hisenemies, falsing beiore him, lich the dust. Nari also, I ventureto repeat what is Written in the book of Κings as committodis him, hoW through a Woman's influenco he worshippod theidias of Sidon, which thoso of tho Gentiles Who know God, the Maher of est things throuo Jesus the crucified, do notventuro to do, but abido every torture and Vengeanee even to

. CHAP. XXXV. eretias eonfrm the eatholies in the faith.

And Trypho said, I bellove, hoWever, stat many of those Who say that they confess Josus, and are called Christians, eat meais offered to idols, and declare stat they are by nomeans injured in consequence.' And I repliod, Tho factinat there are such mon confessing themsolves to boChristians, and admitting tho crucifiod Jesus to bo both Loes and Christ, yet not toaching His doctrines, but inose of

the spirits of error, causes us Who are discipies of the trus


shali decolvo many of the faithfui.'' There are, therelare, and there Were mann my friends, Who, coming Dinard in the name of Jesus, taught both to speah and act impio and blasphemous things; and these are called by us alter the name of the men from Whom each doctrine and opinionhad iis origin. For some in one Way, others in another,

toach to blaspheme tho Maher of Hl things, and Christ, Whowas foretoid by Ηim as coming, and the God os Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob, With Whom me have nothingin common, since Wo kno them to be atheisis, impious,unrighteous, and sinsul, and confessors of Jesus in namo

Only, instead os Worisippers of Him. Yet they style them-selves Christians, just as certain among tho Gentiles inscribellis namo os God upon the works of their own hands, and partari in nefarious and implous rites.) Somo are called Marcians, and some Valentinians, and some Basilidians, and some Saturnilians, and othera by other names; each calledastor the originator of the individual opinion, just as eachone of those Who consider themselves philosophers, as I sal abolare, thinhs he must bear the name of the philosophy Whichhe follows, hom the name of tho father of the particulaUdoctrine. So that, in consequence of these evenis, We kno that Jesus foreknow What would happen aster Him, as wellas in consequence of many other evenis whicli IIo forotoldwould besali inoso who belloved on and confessed Him, tho Christ. For ali that wo suffer, even When hilled by triends, Ho foretoid would talio place; so that it is manifest noword or act of His can bo found fauit with. Wheresore me pray lax yοu and lar ali other men who hate us; in order



hosis, and Jacob, in parabie by the Ηοly Spirit; and your

interpreters, as God says, are foolisti, since they say that reserenoe is made to Solomon and not to Christ, When he




our teachers, Who laid dom a laW that Wo fhould have nointercourse With any of you, and that me inould not havseVen any communication With you on these questions. Foryou ulter many blasphemies, in that you seeli to persuade usthat this crucified man was With Moses and Aaron, and spolieto them in tho pillar of the cloud; then that he became man, Was crucified, and ascended up to heaven, and comes againto earin, and ought in bo worshipped.


Christ. For one receives the spirit os understanding, another of counset, another of strength, another of healing, anotheros foreknowledge, another of teaching, and another of thesear of God.V

only. But we, Who aro instructed in the wholo truth,' honour Them both in acis, and in knowledge, and in heari, eVenunio death. But you hesitato to confoss that He is Christ, as the Scripturos and the evenis Minossed and dono in Hisname prove, perhaps sor this reason, test you bo persecuted by tho rulers, Who, under the influunce of tho wichod and deceities spirit, the serpent, Will not cease putting to destinand persecuting those Who consess the name of Christ untii



Who have ears, even hom the facts which have been concedod


138 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. bach, to Whicli are attached tho legs of the lamb. And tho

tWo goats Which wero ordored to bo offered during the fast, os whicli one Was sent aWay as the scape fgoa , and the Other sacrificed, mere similarly declarative of the two appearances of

ali siniters Willing to repent, and heeping the fast Which Isaiah spealis os, loosening the terms of tho violent contracis, and heeping the other precepis, lihewise enumeraled by him, and whicli I havo quoted,' Whicli those belloving in Jesus do. Andsurther, Fou are aWare that the offering of the two goais, Whichwere enjoined to be sacrificed at the fast, Was not permitted totahe place similarly anyWhere else, but only in Jerusalem. CHAP. XLI.-The oblation offire Mur roas α Aure of the Euchariat.