장음표시 사용
CHAP. LXVII.- Trypho compares Iesus with Perseus; and
you quoted. But the Whole prophecy refers to Hegehiali, and it is prouod that t was fulsilod in him, according to theterms of this prophecy. Moreover, in the fabies of those
not lovers of strue must assumdly assent.
we accordingly must diligently scrutinige ali that me meet With, in order to give our assent to thoso things Which tho
Venture to asseri that this man is not Christ. But they admitthat Ho wili come to suffer, and to rei , and lo M Wo
Be weli assured, then, Trypho,' I continued, that Ι amost lishod in tho knowl go os and faith in tho Scriptures by those counter iis Which he who is callod tho devit is saidio have performed among the Greelis; iust as Some mere Wrought by the Magi in Egypt, and othors by tho false prophois in ElijaUs days. For Whon they teli that Bacchus, son Oi Jupiter, Was begotten by Mupiter'H intercourse With Semele, and that he was the discoverer of the vino; and whonthey relate, stat being torn in pieces, and having died, horose again, and ascendod to heaven; and whon they introduce iney into his mysteries, do Ι not perceive that filio devitJ has imitated the prophecy announced by the patriarch Jacob, and recordod is Moses And when they teli that Hercules Wasstrong, and travolled over est the worid, and was begotienis Jove of Alcmene, and ascended to heaven Whon ho died, do I not perceivo stat the scripturo Whicli spealis of Christ, strong as a giant to run his race. ' has been in like mannor
Our God gives, and Will give, retributive judgment. Ho shall
180 DIALOGUE MITH TRYPBO. observor of the doctrines dolivered by Ηim, Ho shali iniso him
up at His second advent perfectly sound, aiter He has madehim immortal, and incorruptibie, and freo from griet. CHAP. LXX.- also the mysteries of Mithras are distorted from the prophecies of Daniel and Isaiah. And when illoso who record the mysteries of Mithras say that he was bemiten os a roch, and cali the placewhoro stose who bellove in him are initiated a cave, do I not percoive here that the ulterance of Daniel, stat
evident, that in this prophe allusion is madeJ to the broad
foreknown to pursuo diligently the fear of the Lord. Μore-Over, these Scriptures are equalty explicit in saying, that thoso Who are reputed to know the writings of the Scriptures, and Who hear tho prophecies, have no understanding. And when I hear, Gypho, said I, that Perseus Was begotion os a virgin, I understand that the deceiving serpent counter ited
But I am far hom pulting relianco in Four teachers, Who res e to admit that tho interpretation made by the
is a correct one; and they attempt to framo anothor. Αnd ΙWish you to observe, that they have altogester tahen aWaymany scriptures hom the translations effected by thoso SeVenty etders Who mero With Ptolemn and by whicli this Very man who Was crucified is proved to have been set sorthexpressty as God, and man, and as being crucified, and as
us some of the scriptures Whicli Fou allego have been completely cancelled.' CHAP. LXXII.-Passages have been remored by the Ieios froni Esdras and Ieremiah. And I said, - I shali do as you pleaso. From the State-menis, then, Whicli Esdras made in referonce to the law of