장음표시 사용
countenance, bocause He delighted in the finishing of tho habitabio morid, and delighted in the fons of men. Nomthereiore, o son, hear me. Blessed is the man who shalllisten to me, and the mortes Who shali heep my Ways, Walch-
testimony of Proverb8. And tho samo sentiment Was expressed, my friends, is
CHAP. LXIII.-It is proved that this God was inearnate.
rose again and ascended to heaven.'
for eVer and ever: a sceptro os rectitudo is the sceptro of
DIALOGUE MITH TRYPHO. 175CHAP. LXIV. uatin adduces other proofa to the Iew, whodentes that he neeri this Christ.
Hero Trypho said, μ Let Him be recognised as Lord and Christ and God, as the Scriptures declare, by yοu of the Gentiles, Who have frem His name been ali callod Chri
tians ; but Wo Who are servants of God that made this samo
in ordor that Ι might say the scriptures contradicted eachother, you have erred. But I shali not ventum to supposo or to say such a thing; and is a scripturo Which appears to
am entireb convinced that no scripture contradicis another, I inali admit minor that I do not understand what is recorded, and shali strivo to persuade those Who imagine that the scriptures are contradictor' to bo rather of the fame
178 DIALOGUE WΙΤΗ TRYPHO. Lord, the God that creatod tho heavens, and made in them fast, that establishod tho oarth, and that which is in it; and gavebreath to the people upon it, and spirit to them Who walhthoroin: I tho Lord God have called Thoe in righteousness, and will hold Thino hand, and wili strengthon Theo; and Iliave given Theo for a covenant of the people, for a light Oftho Gentiles, to open tho eyes of the blind, to bring out them
O Wildorness, and the villages thereos, and tho houses; and tho inhabitants of Cedar shali rejoice, and tho inhabitants of the roch shali cry aloud irom the top of the mountains:
and that His birili os a virgin had been predicted by Isaiah,