Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류




uot to blaspheme. CHAP. b. ore the estirens etcere enraged against Joseph on


A sttot alteration is here made Mon tha puneruation ol the original- This resera to the Hebre alphabet. Better, perhaps : And when He began to diu that diacheri is passage is hopetessty corrupti The writer os this sospes tae very litue Greeli, and probably tha taxi fram viata ha -a translating also here tu a bad state.


dred petas of the best gratu; and He called the Mor, and themidoWs, and the orphans, and distributed in them the wheat which He had made. Joseph also took a litus of the samowheat, sor the Nessing of Jesus to liis house.


sanie tengili as a longer Onc.

Was silent, and made him no ansmer. Jesus stad to the master:

y But probably arehitector here is eques to σμνων, a carpenter. Perhaps Metum, cui, is the true rea ling, and not actum. This is his translation os λι πελλην --.' Here again he mines a mistranslation i ams, fortiιu .


me morda have been omitted hero in the M., but the aenae is obvisus


Aster ad these things I Thomas the Israelite have Mitten ab I havo Men, and have recomted them to the Gentiles andio our Methren, and many other things done by Jesus, Who Was

in in the land of Judali. Behold, the ho e os Israel hasseen est, stom the fini even to the last; hoW great signs and mondera Jesus did among them, Which vere exce ingly good, and invisibie to their fallier, holy Scripture relates, and the propheis have bome Minem to His moris in ali the peoples os Israel. And He it is Who iis to judge the Worid according to the will os immortality, since He is the Son os God throughout est the mori l. To Him is due ad sory and honour lar ever, Who lives and reims God through ad ages os ages. Amen.


Cataphas.' Ηe has said that Jesus spoke, anil, indeed, When He Was lying in His crudio said to Mary His mother: I am Jesus, the Son of God, tho Logos, Whom thou hast brought forth, as the angel Gabriel announced to thee; and Father has sent me sor the salvation os the worid. 2. In the three hundred and ninth year os the era os Alexander, Augustus put sortii an edici, that every man aliould beenrossed in his nativo place. Joseph therelare arose, audiaring Mary his spouse, Went aWay to- Jerusalem, and camelo Bethlehem, to M enrolled along mith his lamily in his nativoci . And having come to a cave, Mary told Joseph iliat thetime of the blath was at haud, and that she could not go into the city; but, sald she, let go into this cave. This tookΡlace at sumet. Aud Joseph ment out in haste to go sor a

Or, have sonnd. He is called Ioseph cataplias in Iosephus, antiq. xviii. 2. 2. The Latin translation in Tifehendori has Hierosolyma, Whieli, ns the formin the rest os the translation is seminine, means Vsrom Ierusalem. V But as the Arabic can mean oesy in Ierusalem, V the ace. plures os the neut. Arm may hetiere tutended.