Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


demons; and he made many speectas and ulterances; and Whenthe demons selaed his, he tore his clothes, and remalaed nahed, and thre stones at the people. And there Was a hospital in

that city dedicated to that idol. And when Joseph and thoiady Mary had come to the city, and had tumed Mido into that hospites, the citigons Uere very much afraid; and est thechiel men and the priusis of the idols came together to that idol, and said to it: What agitation aud commotion is this that


head, and the demons test me and fled. At this the satherrdoiced greatly, and said: My son, it is possinte that this Myis tho Son of the living God Who creared the heavens and the

ati the gods sed, and perished by the poWer of his magnificence. 12. Here mas sulfilled the prophecy Which says, Out os Egypthave I called my son. Joseph indeed, and Mary, When in heard that that idol had salien domn and perlahed, tre led, and mere asinissi Then they said: When me mere in the landos Israel, Herod thought to put Jesus to death, and on that account stem ad the children os Bethlehem and iis confines; and them is no doubi that the Egyptians, as Mon as they haVelieard that this idol has been brohen, mill bum us With Me.


chies men of the ci , they received the Lady Mary and Joseph mith the greatest hono and hospitality. 15. On the day after, Ming supplied by them vesti provision

the practice a magie. It Was inflicted also on flaves sor grave offences against their maatera.


He had restored her to health. And that night the inhabitanis os that town exulted missi joy, and thoughι that God and His

they thought of passing tho night. And there Was in that citynn excellent WOmau : and once, Wheu fhe had gone to the river


enterritament os strangere. They turnin into this place; and the ori ment a V to the prisco's Wise; and she Mund her

Wash the Lord Jesus, and thereaster mured the Same mater over her son, Whom she had taen With her; aud immediatelyher son Was cleansed stom his leprosy. Theresore, singingilianis and presses to God, she stad: Blessed is the mollier Who bore thee, O Jesus; dost thou so clea e those Who fhare


us great mealth, and this only brother, We did our best in gellitin maresed, and were preparing his nuptials sor his, aster the



22. MoreMer, both the sistera said to their mother: Ο brother indred, by the aid of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the salutary intervention of this ori, inted out to us