Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


Nazareth, and thero abide.

Wonderies indoed, that tho Gril os the world should bo thus borno and carriod about through the woridi 27. Thereaster, going into the city os Bethlehem, they sa there many and grievous diseases insesting the eyes of the


are compassionale, and mercitui, and suli os affection. Τhougmest me imo sons, Os Whom Thou hast uaken aWay the one: this one at least leave to me. Wherelare tho Lady Mary, See-ing the servour of her Wreping, had compassion on her, and

31. Moreover, there Was thero a leprous Woman, and ste


io come in my Way, I Went to Bethlehem. There going into


iram the iri, and never astemares appeared to heri And theses nom had rest stom him, and gave pralae and thanis to God, and along mith her au Who mero present at that miracle. 35. Another Woman was Ering in the fame place, Whose son mas tormented by Satan. He, Judas by name, as osten asSatan selaed hi, used to bile est Who came near him; indit he found no one nem him, he used to bito his omn Mndsand other limbs. The mother of this Wretched creature, then,




throne mas put to righis, and brought to the exact mensure of the place. And those that stood by and saW this miracle merestruck vrith astonishment, and pruised God. And the w dsused in that throne mere of those which are celebrated in thetime of Solomon tho son os David; that is, Woods os many and various iuniis. 40. On another day the Loes Jesus Wont out into the mad.


and sa. tho boys that had come together to play, and solio edinem; but tho Mys hid themsolves hom Him. The Lord Jesus,

i Perhaps the correct reading is forniee, archWay, and not fornaee.


rades accordingly ment to him mitti hasta, and lauud his lyingon tho ground like one deassi Then his relations came and took hini up to carry him bach to the eity. And aster theyhad como to that place Whero the Lord Jesus mas sitiing likea hing, and the rest os tho lmys standing round Him like IIis

inention is made in the Gospei. 43. On another day, Joseph sent his son James to gather Wood, and the Lord Jesus went With him as his companion. d When they had come to the place Where the Wood Was, and James had be=n to gather it, behold, a Venomous Vi r