Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


in ali directions, and the Lord Jesus Was test alonu on the mos And tho relations os the boy came up and said to the LOM Jesus: It was thou Who di ist throw our son headlong srom the misi.



book. The Lord Jesus, moreOVer, Sald to the master: Usten,


whether He had studieii medicine. And He, in reply, explainedio him physics and metaphystes, hyperphVsies and hypophysica,

the po vera likewise and humours of the body, and the effecisos the fame; also the number of members and bones, of Vetas, arteries, and nerves; algo the effect of heat and dryness, of cold and moisture, and What thsese give rise to; What Was theoperation of the foui upon the body, and iis perceptions and


sor evem e. Amen.


LXAMAS, of tho propraetors hody-guard, heinglearned in the lam, knowing our Lord Jesus Christisoni the Holy Scriptures, coming to Him by saith, and counted Worthy os the holy baptism, searchingalso the memorials Writteri at that time of What Was dono in the case of our Loes Jesus Christ, Whicli tho Jews had laid up in the time os Pontius Pilate, sound theso memorials writton tu Hebrem, and by the lavour of God have translated them into Greek sor tho insormation os ali Whο cali upon the name os our Master Jesus Christ, in the seventeenth year of the reignof our lord Flavius Theodosius, and the fixili of Flavius Valentinianus, in the ninth indiction. AH ye, therelare, Who read and transser into other books, remember me, and pray sor me, that God may bo mercisul tome, and pardon sius Which I have sinned against Him. Peace bo to those Who read, and to those Who hear and tb thela horaeholds. Amen. In tho fineenth year of the goverament of Tiberius Caesar, emperor of the Bomans, and Herod being king of Galilae, in

' The 15in year os Tiberius, reehoning -m the death ol Augustus, mas A. D. 2s, A. U.c. 782, the st year os the 202d Olympiad, in the consulahip os C.


126 TAE APO TMAL GOME . the ninelaenth year of his rute, on the eighth day besors the lenta os April. Which is the twenty-fifth ot March, in thoconsulfhip of Lusus and Rubellio, in the laurth year of the two hundred and second Olympiad, Joseph Cataphas being highpriest os tho Je s. o account that Nicodemus Wroto in HebreW, aster thecross and passion os our Lord Jesua Christ, the Saviour God, and lest to those that camo aster him, is as solio :-CIIAP. 1.-Uaving called a coiincit, the high priesis and scribes Aunas and Cataphas and Semes and Dathaos, and Gamaliel, Judas, Levi and Nephthalim. Alexander and Jairus,' and therost os the Jews, came to Pilate accusing Jesus a ut many things, saying: Wo know this man to be the son os Joseph thecarpenter, borii of Mata; aud hu says that ho is tho Son os God, and a hinx; moreover, he proianes tho Sabbath, and wishes todo aWay Willi the law of our sathera. Pilato says: And Whatare tho things Whicli ho does, to fhoW that he wishes to doaway With iti' The Jows say: We have a laW not to cure

any one on the Sabbath; but this many has on the Sabbathcured the lame and the crooked, the withered and the blindand the paralytic, the durub and the demoniae, by evit practicos. Pilate says to them: What erit practices i They sayto him: He is a magician, and by Beelzebul prince of the demons he casta out the demons, and ali are subject in him. Pilato says to them: This is not casting out the demons is anunclean spirit, but by the god Esculapius. Τho Jews say to Pilate: We entreat your hioness that hestand at thy tribunal, and be heata. d Pilata haring eassedinem, says: Teu me hoW I, Ming a procurator, can try a ring Τ



another reading is: Annas and cataphas and Joseph, the three salsa int-


Cataphas say to Pilate: All the multitude os us cry out thathe was boni os fornication, and are not belleved; these are proselytes, and his discipies. And Pilate, calling Annas and Cataphas, says to them: What ara proselytes Τ They say tollim: They aro by birili children of the Greeks, and have nombecome Jews. And those that said that He Was not bom os

fornication, Vig. Marus, Asterius, Antonius, James. Amnes,

Zeras, Samuel, Isaac, Phinees, Crispus, Agrippas, and Judas say: We are not proselytes, but are clindren os the Jews, and

3 one Ns. adds: Procla.-the traditional name os Pilato, Wise. Three Mns. add : And by Beelzebul, prince of the demons, he casis out thedemons, and they are ali subject to him. . i. e. let them see to it. 3 There is considerabio variation in the MM. M to these names.