장음표시 사용
says : You know that it is customa , at tho ferat os utilemonodbread, to retense one prisonor to Fou. Ι hara one condemned prisoner in the prison, a murderer named Barabbas, and this
Levites: m sin Jesus and his discipies sitiing on themountain called Mamilch; and ho salil to his digeiplos, Gointo est the Worid, and preach to every creature: he that belleveth and is baptized shali M saved, and he that belleveth
thura SNear upon it, uot to giVe any more an account os thesemattere to any one. And they gaVe them to eat and Mink, stud sent them out of the city, haVing giVen them also money, and three men With them; and they sent them aWay to Galilee. And theso men having gone into Galilee, the tales priosis, and the rulers of the synagogue, and the eidera, came together into the synagogue, and locked the door, and lamented With agreat lamentation, saying: Is this a miracle that has happe d