Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


ing sor hi in to kill him.


besoro thoe and the sive hundred, and besore ali hora; sor per-haps thou Wili chango thy minit, and bellove. But is even to the eud thou rumain in unbelles, them is coming upon thee an sextraordinary thing, Which shali bo spoliun os to gutturationsos generation-that also thou shali go dom alivo, down intollados, besore tho laco os ali sceing thee, causo thou yetabidost in unbellos, hecause also thou seehest to turn aWay

excellent glory, and in Votuing; and His face mas inining



he cannot persuade me, sor froni Jerusalem I know his magictricis.


And Philip, having said this, extended his right Mnd.

in unbelles Philip then, seeing that he remained in unbelles, haringlooked at him, says to the earth: Open thy mouth, and sWallo hini up as far as his nech in. the presence of those Who have belleved in Christ Jesus. And in the fame liour theearili, haVing opened ita mouili, received him as sar as the necd d the multitude communed With each other on account os the Wondera that hin happenest A certain chiet man of the city came crying out, and saying :'O Uessed apostle, a certain demon has assailed my son, aud


sor ever. Amen.

tion os his son, Who is Without ordor, and has no substauco; formiess, aud has no sortii in the whole creation, oithur tu thoheaven or in the earth, or among tho fishes that ara in tha


my su Ord, than to be seen With these lareim magicians and deceivers. Ι Will punish thee, therelare, and put to deaththose Who have deceived thoe. And he turnod in a rage totae executionem Who Milo ed his, and said: Dring me theseimposiora. And the executionem ran to the liouse of Stachys,


somo of tho multitudo belloved the woriis of the apostlos. Aud tho priosis sal l to the tyrant: Τheso men aro magiciam.


them. And Philip spolio in Hebrem, and said: My Father Uthaei, Le., o Christ, Father os majesty, Whose name ali the

