장음표시 사용
and aposue os Jesus ch in Untit no Ι have conversed With theo hindly about the persection os the laith, in orderthat thou, receiving the exposition os the truth, being made
sor the consession Os His nante.
other reading is: I am attachin to thee. ne original la obscure. The meaning seems to M that he lied only, not naued. The nailing, ho ever, Mema is have been an insentiat part of the punishmetit os crucifixion. It vas common to let i se Mid Masta on the crueified Sueton. Nero, Osi.
compense os the eternal lisse.
And the multitudo huaring What was salil by him, did not
been hauged by Thy sax Our; O Fathur, lut this insignificant
me to Thyseis, that through my departure thure may be access
duci, haVing chosen sor heraeli a holy and quiet illa; and having been unitin to the love of Christ, alie spent her lilablessedly along mith the brethren. Meates hin been very importunate mith her, and promised that he would mae her mistress of his meiath; but not haviugbeen able to persuade her, he Was greatly enraged, and was determined to mahe a public charge against ad the people, andio senil to Caesar an accusation against both Maximilla and allthe people. And While he Was arranging these inings in thepresence of his ossicera, at the dead os night he rose up, andu een by ali his people, haring been tormented by tha deus, he sed do- hom a great he hi, and mlling into the micit os the maris,place of the cit' breathed his lasti And this mas reported in his brother Stratocles; and he senthis servanta, haring told them stat they should bury him among those Who had died a violent deesti. But he murat
to the fame placo, and Shared among theniselves the countries, casting lois, tu order that Oach inight
The oldest Mia his Matthias ; the laur or sive othera have Matthem