Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


going through the cities and regions os Lydia and Asia, preachedio ali the gospei os Christ. And having come to the city os Ophiorma, Whicli is called

Hierapolis of Asia, he Was entertained by a certain belle 'er, Stachys by name. And there Was Witti him also Bartholo- me , one of the seventy discipies os the Lord, and his sister

Stachys, Philip along With BartholomeW taught them thethings of Jesus. And Philip's sister Alari me, sitiing in the entry of theliouse of Stachys, adilressed heraeis to those coming, persunding them to liston to tho apostles, saying to them: Our brethren, and sons of my Father in heaven, ye are the excellent riches, and the substance of tho city above, the delight of the habitation Whicli God has prepared for those that love Him. Gampleunder Dot the snares of the enomy, the writhing serpent. Fortiis path is crooked, sinco hu is the son of the wiched one,


the peoplo gave ear, and a great multitudo of them fleeing homthe enemy mere turned to Jssus. and wero added to Philip and thogo about him. And the salthsul more the more confirmedin tho love os Christ. And Nicanora, tho Wi se os the proconsul. lying in bed under Various disemes, especialty of the dyes. having lienes about the Apostlo Philip and his teachin . belleved in the Lool. Forshe had even besore this hones abolit Him; and having calle l

tho sister of Philip tho apostlo, seding her, spolie to her intho Hebrem longuo busore Philip and Bartholomow. and alltho multitude of those Who had belleved, sanug: Alcinalma,


thon hast salien into the madness of these deceivers. Theofirat of them, therelare, I shali eut ois by an erit death; and then, not sparing them, I shali cui their sineWs, and put thonito a most cruel death. Anil having turne l. hu said to thoscat out him: Bring out lar me thoso impostors of magicians. And tho public executionum having ruit into tho hiause of Stachys, and laid hold of the Apostle Philip. and Bartholome and Marianime, dragged them along. lending them to Whuro the proconsul Was. Aud tho most Bithi ut Stachys sollowed, and nil the salthsul. And the proconsul secing them, gnashed his teoth, saying :ΤOrture theso decet vors that have duceived many Womon. and


these mori.


throughout the whola city round a ut that ad should come, men and momen, that they may ses her indecency, that shetravola aboni mith these magichans, and no doubi commits adultery milli thum. Anil he orderod Philip to be hanged, and his atales to M picrced, and to bring also iron hooks, and his heels also to be driven tiuough, and to Lo hanged head down- Maias, opposite tho templo on a certain tree; and strutch out Bartholomem opposito Philip, having nassed his hanci ou tho mali os the gato Os the temple. And both os them smilud, seoing each other, both Philip and


os light.