Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


is one God Who lias seni us His salvation, Whose nante thesemen proclaim: We repent theresore of the error in Whicli me


My brethren, . . . those Who are Virgina in the membersos their flesti and commit fornication in their hearis, and the fornication os their eyes, shali aboliud liko the deluge. Andthoy grow immoderate Dom listening to persuasiVe PleaSures, largetting the God of the knowledge of the gospel; and theirhearis are fuit os arrogance, eating and Minying in their Worship, largetting the holy commandinent, and despising it. That generation is turned aside; but blessed is he that retires into his retreat, sor he ahali obtain rest in ius departure. Κno est thou not, Bartholome , that the Word of our Lord is truo lissi and k Wledge i sor the Lord said to us in His teaching, Every one Who shali look upon a moman, and lusi aster her in his heari, has completed adultery. And on this account ourbrother Peter fled stom every place in Which a Woman was,

tion in their hearis, etc. M iti. v. 23.


ing. they may be heid captive by tho devit: and that they might





His Nood, ins tam that has been sacrificed remaius aster tessentire and alio. Trud, ineresore, is He sacrificed, and trud


lam os a discipis, that thou mayst leam What thou ari inqui ing aster. Egeates said: I Wili exact os thee throum tortures the ginos this knowledge. Tho blessed Andrem declarod: I Wonder that thou. heing an intelligent man, shouldest sali into the solles os thinking that


suffering of tho cross, and to give onoseu up to most shameses punishments and burnings.

Tho holy AndreW answered: I shali be able is have joy Withthee, it thou Wili belleve in Christ, and throw aWay the morallipos idols; sor Christ has sent me to this pro tace, in Whicli Ihave acquired sor Christ a peopla not tha smallest. AEgeates stad: For this Nason I compei thee to mine alibation, that these peopte Who have been deceived by theomay sorsalie the vanity of thy Maching, and may themselves offer graterui libations to the gods; for not even one city has remained in Achaia in Which their temples havs not been sors en and deserted. And nom inmugh thee, let inem Magain restored to the morallip of the images, in order that thogods also, Who hme been enraged against thee, Ming ple ed by this, may bring it about that thou mayst return to their friend-ship and oura. But ii nos, thou a attest varied tortures, Onaccount of the vengeance of the goci; and alter these, fastenedio tho tres of the cross Which thou commendest, thou inest die. The holy Andrem stad: Usten, o son os Math and chiarmine ready sor eternat burnings,' to me, the servant oi God