Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


and said: God, terribie and incomparabie, and glorious to Τhine adversaries, Who dicit deliser me out oi the fire, Who di istnot give me up to Thamyris, Whο didst not give me rip to Alexander, Who didst deliver me hora the Wild beasis, Whodidst fave me in the abyss, Who hast everyWhere Worked Withme, and glorified Thy name in me, noW also deliver me Domthese lawless meia, and let me not insult my virginity, Whichthrough Thy name I have preservo I tili nom, hecause I love mee, and destre Theo, and adore Thoe, the Father, and tho


Thus. thon, sussered tho sint martyr os God, and apostle, and virgin, Thecla, Who came stom Iconium at uighteen years old; and with the journeying, and the going round, and the retirement in the mountain, she lived other sevcnty-tWο years. Audwhen the Lord took her, she Was ninely years old. Aud thus is her consummation. And her holy commemoration is on the twenty-sourth of the monili os September, to the Hory os the Father, and the Son, and the Ηoly Spirit, noW and ever, and


IXCE isoni the doscent of the proseuce os our Savi aurJesus Christ. thu uuWuariu i and benevolent anil

I Jolin, aeuompanying the holy apostles Barnabas and Paul, heing tormerly a servant of Cyrillus the high priost of Jupiter, but now having received the gist of tho Holy Spirit through


my keeping severat parchments in Pamphylia. d Wheu it came to pras that they finished teaching in

Antioch, on the fidit os the week they took counset togetherto set out sor the places of the East, and after that to go into Cyprus, and oversee est the churches in Whieli they had spoken the Word os God. Aud Barnabas entrealed Paul to gondit to Cyprus, aud oversee his own in his village; and Lucius


rision mas seen by Paul in fleep, that he should hasten to Jerusalem, betat e the bruthren expected him therae But Barnabas urged that they sbould γ to Cyprus, and pass the Winter, and then that they shoiud go to Jerusalem at the seast. Great

contention, theresore, arose ButWceu them. Aud Barnabas urged me also to accompany them, On account os me being thela servant stoin the beginning, and ou accouut os mo having

fore, this he agreeable to thee, Father Paul, I talae his and go. And ho said: Go thou in the grace of Christ, and We in thopomer of the Spirit. Therelare, hending their linees, they prayed to God. And

thee Where thy martyr lora litus Leen preparuit. Aud me salutedone another, and Barnabas took me to himself


our hands upon him, Wo straightWay removed his sevor. havingcalled umn the namo os the Lord Jesus. And Barnabas had received documents froni Matthew, a book of tho Wοωὴ os God, and a narrative os miracles and doctrines. Τhis Barnabas laidupon the sicli in caeli placo that Wo came to, aud it immediatoly mado a cum Os their fulserings.


io tho templo os Apollo, Which was close at hand in tho lauri

in the mountain, and there me remesned oue dan And the ome came to Amathus, and thero mas a great multitudo ofGreelis in tho temple in tho mountatu, loW Women anu men


d haring set init in a ship smin Citium, me came to Salamis, and landed in the s called istanus, Whem there Wasa placo fuli os idola; and there thero took place lito sestivias

Lit., assemblios os the whole nation.' Another rea ling is: misebius the ibi sit'. There is a legend that tho Job ites coloniaed Cyprus aster they Were driven out os Palestino by Κing David. . The Vatiean Ms. adiis: on the 1 pili os the monili Pauli according to the Egyptians, and according to the Domaus ihu 1 Iib or the monili os dune.



is plaee does not appear on the ancient maps, but there is a modern C.