장음표시 사용
Christ, as Thou dicit hcar me in the caso os tho dead men, and didst not suffer them to be caten up, so also noW hear me, that the executioners may not inllici death upon these children, but
io tho multitudes: As hc has done to iis, So let us also do tollim. Let us rise up, then, and susten a rope to his ueck. and
against us, and dishono est us, and tollast our doings to thopmplo in every placo and country, and hast mado our WorkShops and our temples to b omo desolate, in order that sacria ficos may not be Mought in them y Because of iliis, then, me
inflicted upon me, along missi his demous. These tortures are
that they Were in great affliction, and said to the alabaster statue : Stos the wator, sor they have repented. And I say tothee, that ii tho citigens of this city inali bolieve, I Will bunda church, and place thee in it, hecauso thou hast done me this service. And the statue ceused sto ing, and no longer brought sortii mater. And tho men of the ci , haring come out to thedoors of the prison, criω out, SVing: HaVe pity upon us, Godof the stringer, and do not according to our inbelles, and according to What me have dono to this man, hut inhe a Virom us this mater. AM Andre came sorth out of the prison; and the mater ran this Way and that hom the laet os theblessed Andrem Then ad the multitude seeing him, ad criedoui: Have pity Mon M.
370 a S OF PETER AND ANDREM.on him. Peter sus to him: Go into tho cit' And tha old