장음표시 사용
summation. Tongues, sciences, prophecies, become e
hausted ; faith, hope, chari , are permanent.' Fiath, whicli Chrises patienco introduced; hope, Whicli man's patiencs Walis for; chari , Which, With God as Μaster,
226 TERTULLIANUS exista merely in the mindr though in many forma lihewiso Ilabour alter it in boo, sor the pur se of μκ ning the Lord;V in much as it is is quali J which has been exhibited by tho Lord Himself in dily virtus as weli; ii it is truo that theresing miud eastly communicates the infla of the Spirit missi ita scorporealJ habitation. What, thereiors, is tho businemos Pationes in the bo ' In the fidit place, inex businem isJtho amet ny os the flesti a victim M able to appease in Lord by means of the sacrifice of humiliation-in maring alibation to tho Lord of sordidρ raiment, together missi scanti- ness of Aod, content With simple diei and the pure driis of
sackcloth and aines. This bodily patience adds a grace toour pruere ior good, a strennii to our prayers against evit; this opens tho ears of Christ fouri God,' dissipates severi , eliciis clemency. Thus that Babylonish hing,' alter beingoxilod hom human form in his seven years' squalor audneglect, because he had offended the Lord; by tho imm lation of the patience of his body not only recovered his Engdom, but-What is more in bo destred by a man- made satisfaction to God. Further, is me set down in order
perfected in the s k; fand,J finalty, by the patience of the
Invecta, generalty m move lea, horaehold sumitum.' Or, mortification, adflictatio. ' ce. fleahly mortification is a victim,' e si Or, mouening.' Comp. de Paem. c. s. ' Christi Dei.
7 Dan. iv. 3 37. Comp. de Pam. c. 12.
in stat patience of the worid's misusage. When, hoWeve it is led fortii unto the final proos of happiness,' unto the . occasion of the second baptism, unto the aci os ascending the divine seat, no patience is more needed there than bodily
of his om n ulcer, While ho sportively replaced the verminthat brahe out thence, in the fame caves and feedinyplaces
Feretrum V-lor carrying trophies in a trium , the bodies es inodead, and their effigies, etc. 3 Compare Pa. ii. 4. R i.e. With rage and Saappianiment.' Job ii. 8. R Operarius.
tablislies humility; malis long for repentance; sera her sealon consession ; rules the flesti ; preserves the spirit; bridies the languo; restrians the hand; tramples temptations underfoot; drives aWay scandals; oves their crowning grace to
is tho delight of tho bellover; invites the Gentile; commendatho servant to his lord, and his Iord to God; adoras sto Woman; maris the man approved; is loved in childhood, pratsed in youth, looked up to in age; is beauimus in every sex, in every time of lde. Come, noW, flet us seri Whether
is is the rute, this the discipline, these the woris of
Christian spatienceJ, not like M is that patience e spoheo of the nations of the earth, false and disgracesul. Forin ordor that in this also tho devit might rival the Lord, hohas as it mere quite on a par excepi that the very diversi os evil and good is exactly on a par With their magnitude initaught his Niscipi J also a patience of his oWn: that, I
os God, the patience of Christ; let us repay to Him the patiencri Which He has piad do n for us t Lot us offer fio HimJ the patience of the spirit, the patience of the flesti,
belleving as Wo do in the resurrection os flesh and spirit.
CHAP. I.-Introduciton. Origis of the streatiae. APPY is tho sacrament of our' mater, in that, is Washing aWay the sins of our early blindness, weare set iree, fand admittedJ into otornat lisol Atreatiso on this matter Will not bo superfluous; instructing not only such as are just being formed sin thesaithJ, but them Who, content With having simply belleVed, mithout fuit examination of the grounds' of the traditions, car in their mindJ, through ignorance, an uniried fandmerelyJ probabie faith. The consequence is, that a Viper of the Cainite heresy, lately conversant in this quarter, has carried aWay a great number With her most venomous doctrine, mahing it her fini aim to destroy haptism : Da courariwhicli is quilo in accordance With nature; for Vipers and asps and basilisks thomsolves generalty do affect arid and wate less places. But we, litile fishes, aster the example of our. IXΘΥΣ' Jesus Christ, are born in Water, nor haVe me
sale in any other Way than by permanently abissing in
Thero is absolutely nothing which mahes men's minia more obdurato than the simplicity of the divino Works whicli arovisibio in the aet, When compared Mith the grandeur Whichis promised stereto in the esseet; so that iram the very faci, that With so great simplicio, Without pomp, Without any considerable novelo os preparation, finalty, Without expense, a man is dipped in Water, and, amid the ulterance of some W Words, is sprinkled, and then rises again, not much ornot at all) the cieaner, tho consequent attain ment os eterni is esteemed the more incredibie. I am a deceiver is, on thecontrary, it is not hom their circumstance, and preparation, and expense, that idola' solemnities or mysteries get their
heing a moman. Seo 1 Tim. ii. 11, 12.3 consecutio aeternitatis. R Admirationem. . Le. that tho a se he vata, and the grand imposiabis.
materiai causes of His own operation in the contraries of
fo high dignity ' Tho authori , I suppose, of the liquid
234 TERTULLIANUS in iiset supplied a Worthy vehielo to GOd. What fot ins
liave collected rather the praises os mater than the reasons
tulin that it is not to bo doubted that God has made themateriat substance whicli Ho has disposod throngliout ait His producis' and works, obey Ηim atio in His o n peculiarsacramenis; that the materiat substancri Which goveras terrestriat lito acta as agent likeWise in the celestiat. CHAP. IV.-The pri menal hovering of the Spirit os God onerthe watera typical os baptism. The universat element of