Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu. Vol. LXIII - 1994

발행: 1994년

분량: 477페이지


분류: 미분류


come a member of the Institutum in Rome); William T. Κane, Loyola, Chicago

'γ Kane presenis a problem to the investigator. His was the earliest request for what hecamethe Institute os Iesuit History: he collected books to enrich Institute research: he publislied in Mid-America: he was on site: but he was never invited to be a member of the Institute, possibiybecause he did not have a doctorate.'qβ Eugene H. Korth. b. 23 November 191T: e. 1 September 1936, p. WiSconSin


6For the time heing, the concentration will be materials pertaining to the work of the Iesulis in the Mississippi Valley and iis immediate approaches, with streSS upOn the SO- Cial and cultural development in whicli Iesulis have had pann)''. 6FOr the time beingis, viconcentrationis, and uimmediate approachesis wereali signals that the Institute was afloat. Iacobsen later listedin'y the Institute 's projecis as: Iesulis in Florida, in New Spain, in New France, in the Interior and Louisiana, and the restored Iesulis in the Middie west, as weli as translations Ofouistanding earlier works by such as megre and Rochemonteix. The titie of the journal Midinmerica seemed to give some focus, but the focus never held. Shieis' trips to Texas and Mexico to collect photographs of documentsin' , Delan-gleZ's trips to the East to photograph documents pertaining to French America''':William T. Κane 's plans to buy books in Latin America ' , even the request refused) to Art. Melanςon '' to allow photocopying in extenso of the Iesuit Montreat archives ali indicate a very broad focus incleed''J.



The problem waS relational. BOlton waS Setting up an institute to study Jesulis along the Pacific rim. The InStitutum Historicum Societatis Iesu had achronological but not a geographicat limit. Felix Lubillaga '', for example was doing research on Florida ''. Who waS Stepping on whose loes' And the Institute was conscious of the problem. Allan Ρ. Farrelt wanted an Englisti copy of the Ιnstitutela constitution to print in the April or Iune issue of the Iesuit Educationalouarteri' as a modet of what a constitution could be ''. Wilson replied that ii might not be a good idea to publisti the constitution and effectively blocked iis publication

vi hile it is tme that Father Generat approved the mundation of the Institute, at thesame time he apparently Sought to restrict iis activities within very narrow limits. SuchrestrictionS were cauSed, at leaSt aS We Supposed, by the representations os Iesulis onthe Archivum who wished to keep large areas of Jesuit history as their exclusive

The Historical Bullet in had been publislied in St. Louis beginning in 1922. During the time it was under the editorship of Raymond Corrigan 1932-1943),

it ceased to he 6A Review of Service for Teachers and Students of Historyn and hecame HA Catholic Ouarterly for Teachers and Students of Historyn; that is tosay, it gradually lost iis pedagogical bent and hecame more and more researchoriented. Some years later, Iolin F. Bannon, with Lowrie I. Daly''y of St. Louis University and Ernest I. Burrus of the Institutum Historicum Societatis Iesu, set up the Saint Louis University Collection os Iesuitica Americana, microfilmS OfJesuit manuscripis frOm severat great collections around the worid. Lines of de- marcation around these Various enterprises would he very difficult to drawρ . There were also problems with the printer, of both Mid America and the Volumes sponsored by the Institute. Austin G. Schmidi '', the director of LOyola University Press, wrote Iacobsen to teli him he should find a new printer. RisingcOStS and the recondite nature of the articles made any further subsidigation impossibi e 'β. Delangleg perceived ali this as a personat attack on him by an Vedu-

' See Minutes of the American Iesuit Historical Conference of December 195T. IacobSen Papem, WAmerican Iesuit Conference, solder; and Iohn Bannon in the Hispanic American Histori


cobsen, and Shiels). I O other departures influenced the course of the Institute. Wilson, the real munder of the Institute and iis enthusiastic patron, len the presi

spent the year 1942-1943 as a scriptor but not as a member of the Institute, norwas he a member during his years in Detroit) and was replaced as President of

yola University by Ioseph M. Egan '''. The provincial Cloud was replaced by Gerald A. Fitggibbons'l' in 1936, who in turn was replaced by William M.

By 1950, the Institute formalty consisted of Iacobsen and Roubik as resident members and Hamilton and Shiels as non-residents, although in reality the number of contributors to research on Iesulis in America was much higher. Butthere was a significant shist in the focus of the joumal. Beginning in 1942 arti-cleS appeared on non-Jesuit themes; for example, articles on Edward Creightonand the Pacific Telegraph, on Thomas Jefferson and democracy, On Edward I. Dolieny and petroleum development. From 1955 on there were no articles in Midinmerica by members of the Institute. In 19 6 and belween 1958 and 1970there was no article by a Iesuit. On the occasion Os Iacobsen's death, Espinosa wrote 'l'.

6Father Iacobsen devoted his major efforis as a historian to the work of organiging the Institute, editing Midinmerica, which in effect hecame the jOurnal of the Institute, and



change Semices and never retumed.

'st Wilson to Iacobsen, 18 February 1942. Iacobsen paperareCorrespondence inim Mison re Midinmerica and the Iesuit Historical Institute, solder.


tenac and the I uitta noted criticisms of Delangleg' previous books: si TheyJalike merited the criticism that he is reviving old controversy with iis old tires, and that he is quite panisan in his method os discussing his problems. Severat re-views of his books Nute, Κellogg, Cox) are on hand and will show the correct-neSS of this statementisq*'. For this reason, the censor recommended a delay in

printing the volume, though it appeared that year 1939).SOme ten years later, IacobSen, manning the Ship practi catly by himself,



editing of the Historical Bulletin and teaching in the years after World War II


Et Instituto de Historia de la Compania de Iesus, estabiecido en la Universidad LO-yola de Chicago, surgio en et Sigio 20 como una tentativa, no la unica, para rastrear laSraiceS jeSuiticas solerradas en sueto americano durante sigios. Nacio et 11 de junio del 936, fundacion dei padre Samuel mox Wilson, inspirado por Ierome I. IacobSen. Allado de Iacobsen colaboraron en Loyola los miembros fundadores William Eugene Shieis, Iean Delangleg, Gilbert I. Garraghan jesultas, y et laico, Jose Manuel ESpinosa. AdiSinncia, como miembros correspondientes, contribuyeron Raymond Corrigan y Raphael Noteware Hamilton. Et Instituto asumio la revista Midinmerica, pensada en Su comienZopara eStudiar la vasta Zona regada por et rio MisiSipi, pero pronio la inVestigacion Se expandio por et suroeste de los Estados Unidos, incluido et norte de Mexico, y por la parte hancosona det Canada. Os componentes dei Instituto patrocinaron la publicacion de seis libros y 29 articulos y muchos Otros articulos escritos por jesultas que no formaban parte de su plantilla. En 1942 comenZaron a presentarSe articulos sobre temaS no jeSuiticOS, y a partir de 1958 pocas de las contribuciones a la revista iban firmadas por mlembros de laorden. La revista permanecio brio la direccion dei Instituto hasta 1981, pero la aparicionde enticlades dedicadas a investigaciones paralelas, et desgaste de los miembros de la comision editora - hombres dedicados a la ensenanga a tiempo pleno - y las eventuales defunciones y salidas no acontecteron en vano. La labor de los fundadores y de los que les Sucedieron no me infructuosa. y Ciertamente, en particular desde 1936 hasta 1950, et Instituto Cumptio con exito includabie su mision de recobrar para et presente et pasado delos jesultas en vastas zonas de America.


One of the most popular Englisti Iesuit martyrs, Robert Southwelt was bornin Horsham St. Falth, No oth in late 1561. Ηe attended the Jesuit college in Douai and resided at the Englisti College in the fame city from 1576 to l5TTwith the exception os a few monilis in Paris froni November 15TT). He lest for

In 1955 Father Philip Caraman, S.I. found a ricli assoriment of materialpertaining to the Englisti Iesuit mission among the manuscripis in the Fondo Gesuitico collection in the Jesuit Archives in Rome. Among the manuScriptSwere Various important letters hom SOuthweli and Henry Garnet. These letters