장음표시 사용
Od. xxiv. 3 to Hermes' and natural to the conception os ψυχοπομπός:anxit oes no seem beyon the possibi limits hic Virgil whomowhere eis uses the word allows himself in the se of language. 2 9. Diniferum, a natura epithet os a mountain, p. cl. X. butthere Seem to emo pines in Africa. 252. Darilaus niten alis, poisin himself on even ing. Darilaus, asino. 657, ix. I , Seem litile more than a stereotype expression originalty implyin Wings equali Sprea sor figlit, or some such dea. 256 258. Just so herae 'turix heaven and earth owardi or along the sandy coastis Libya an clove the wind in his course agi came rom his mothe s sire i. e. Atlas, Maia eing one of the leiades , 'enie Cyllene'sol pring. Ribbec restores ' ad ' fro Pal. 2, Gud. I Med. a, b, c, gi ring AC iis accordin to Ribb. AT , an Pal. I AO: perhap rightly butine eviden ceris incomplete. Withou ad ' litus arenosum is accus Ofmotion toWardg or OSSibly a Dr. Kenned suggesis Volatiat Iitus is like currimus aequor, i. e. ove V or latoni ' the shore. The expedient of separatin litus harenosum hom volabat, an makin litu . . . vento S-Que Seeabat in volabat inter, i. e. a mere repetition f the revious line, introduces a fregi dissiculty in the meaning fisso at without improve-men in ense. Bentley' emendation, legebat for volabat, is ingenious,
259. magalia cp. i. 21 his a varietysor mapalia G. iii 3 o, here See
26 I. Allude to by Juv. v. 5 Nam Virro, ut multi, gemmas ad pocula transfert A digitis, quas in vaginae fronte solebat onere elotypo iuvenis praelatus Iarbae Cp. Aen. i. II it Juv. iii Ι98 se belo l. 329. 265 invactit, attach him with ords as aggreditur dictis' l. 2), and go addresses stemly' Kenn . . 269. torquet, mi des,' direcis: Cp. X. 93, ii Ι 8O. 27 I. teri . . . terris, a ingle probabi intentional, and analogous to the contrast os quantit notice on l. 663. p. canit . . . canentem X. 9I-192 4I7, I an ' Parere parabat above l. 238. 273. Omitted hom the texti Med. Pal. Vat. Rom. Wantingaere), butaddedi a later han in the margina ud. a, b, have it inserted in disserent WayS c ni hamn it in the textis originalty rillen. I might have either lipped in or dropped ut Domin transcriber' more or les Persectrecollectionis Jupiter' speech l. 233 above and in the absence of Clearer eviden e may be retaine sor convenience of notation. 27 . De Iuli, the promise of ou heir Iulus, lit. hope assorde by ' gen of Subject).277. mectio Sermone, in id discourge, expresses the Suddennes of Mercury' disappearance. Servius explanation, hat way through in dialogue, i. e. ithou Aenea replying, is Ver-ingenioUS. 283 28 The thought in his in are expresse in a sori os oratio obliqua, a in . v. O , o 5' Con. . ambire circumire precando, MHor. d. i. 35 5 pauper ambit sollicita prece Ruris colonus; cp. the Englis colloquiali Sm to come round a person By what addres can heentrea the maddene queet what firstaegi in canae mahel'
οἱ φρονέοντι δοάσσατο κερδιον εἶναι Iliad xiv. 23.
289-294. Plent, etc. conj. of petitio obliqua dependent on the command implied in Vocat. Sese interea. . . temstaturum i ordinaryoratio obliqua dependent on the de of simple talement implied in vocat. Heiid them fit out et . . . saying that he himself, etc. Qui . . . moctus, what he happi est cours for his need. Fo moctus ratio' p. xii. 157, etc. 297-299. motuSQue, etc., was the firSt to calch the comin change,searing here ali seeme sala. Once more et Fame ring news that maddens herieari, of shi ps quippe an mustering re s. omnia tuta timens explain Prima-before anyone elS could se any danger Eactem, i nom. Sing. a generali assumed must refer bach o l. 73 p. a possibie parallel in xi. 336. Is it however, impossibi to malle it acta plur in eadem quae adhuc timet γ' the sense would thenae, Rumour confirmitier Dars.'3OI-3 3. Lili a Bacchanal, oused by the stir of the sacre emblems, When the cry o Bacchus is heard and the recurring rite goad his votaries, an Cithaeron alis them it shout by night. Sacris, the thyrsuS, cista, statue of the od, te carrie in the Bacchanal procession an violently Shahen; P. Hor. d. i. 8. II non ego te, candide Bassareu, Invitum quatiam, iii. 15. I Pulso Thyias uti concita tympano ' and Eur Bacch. 64 sqq. trieterica τριετηρίδες ib. I 33 , i. e. returning mery ther ea IS the Olympi πενταετηρίς as a cycle o fou sud ears. p. v. FaSt. i. 394 Tertia quae solito tempore bruma refert, Macrobius Sat. i. 8 3 in hoc monte Parnasso Bacchanalia alternis annis aguntur; an Sandy on
327. Suscepta, lit. raised; properly like tollere' os a sather ac-knowledgin his of pring by the symbolica actionis listin it rom theground Ter And. i. 3. I quicquid peperisset, decreverunt tollere, ib. ii. 3. 7 mor Sat. i. 5. 5; p. ναιρεῖν AriStoph. Nub. 53 I. In Plaut. Epid. v. I. 34 of the mother, as here filiam quam ex te Suscepi: cP. X. 547. 328, 29. Durvulus Aeneas, perhaps rom Catuli lxi. 216 Torquatus
Volo parvulus ... Dulce rideat ad patrem. Juvenar allusion is ellinown v. 138 nudus tibi parvulus aula Luserit Aeneas, nec filia dulcior illo.'imen, aster ali; see o Ecl. X. 3I. For referret recali' CP. X. 766, and Juv. i. 66 multum referens de Maecenate.'33o. Then hould I no seem ulteri duped an sorsahen. capta is Stronger than decepta' ould ea solucr i. 938 o physici an Sweetening the edge os a cupis medicine 'Ut puerorum aeta . . . perpotet amarum Absinthi laticem, deceptaque non capiatur though eguile ma no bebetrayed' Sed . . . recreata valescat. Cp. G. i. 426. 333. fando, See o ii. 6. 337. Pro re, a the case requires, i. e. I nee say ut litile; pro tempore Ecl. vii. 35. 339. aeo, i. e. coniugalia. Aeneas retoris to Dido's indignant hospes l l. 323 that he neve thought of any the than hospitalia foedera. '3 3, 3 manerent, of the present reguli, would stili e standinet; 'Posuissem, O a past contingency, d should eremo have bulli. recidiva, revived or restored ' a Virgilian se cp. vii. 322, X. 58 of the word,
is almost pleonastic though perhapscius suggestin the dea os personalessori, as osten Min ipse, G. iii 395, etc. P. G. iii 32 ii. 156 Aen.
on litile tablet or clois' responsa sortium ' Liv. i. 56 of the Delphic
sar away. Virgil reproduces the Gree notion of 'Eρινυες- personificationo the curses that ait o wrong-doin and the Sting os accuSin con-
I2-4I5. imProlae umor, P. Ecl. viii. 49. animos . . . relinquat, bidher proud spirit telyto love lest aught sh leave uniri ed, and die in alia. 'frustra, i. e. f Sh could regat Aeneas love ithou it. 19. Ad I have boni the thought filii been able to expect so great asorrow Pshal also have Strengl to eradurerit. For sperare Se on Ecl. viii. 26.42Ι-423. Solam, etc., forso alone that traitor made his hiend toIouconfide his ver inmost thoughis: ou ni kne the timeo reac hissoster Side. colere, rectere, histori infin representin imperfeci frequentati Ve), P. Ni Saa. ΘΠSus, lit. Dei in S, as xii. I . actitus Et tempora, hendi ady tempora viri molliter ade di.' 27. Diomede a said o have stolen Anchises bones, ut et illi somuch ill fortune in consequence, that he reStore them to Aeneas. Servius nives the stor On Varro' authori ty, adding that Cato gaio Anchises reached
Ital alive. Virgil ascribes to Dido that stron Roma seel in against
violation os tonabs, o hicli as fierward due the preservatio of the Christia catacombs a Rome Cicero Tusc. i. 1 et 27 reser to the inexpiabilis religio' on this polii as evidence of a belle in a future existence. cinerem ManeAve, ashes an Spirit, are osten coupled, as bove l. 3 ;
peto. Dum freta mitescunt, et amor dum temperat usum, Fortiter ediscam tristia posse pati.'
Cho. IO57), and an ingenious emendation suggesis Euiadum; but it is no eas to se ho the letters I could have beeome ENI. Virgil mixes his recollections of the 'Bacchae' and the Orestes.' 47I. Scaenis, o the Stage' Vat. Med. Pal. . The o. i. suriis' sto iii 33 33 Poenis' i. e. Ποιναῖς , an saevis, aris from an de that Virgil ould thin of the reat entheus an Orestes, no of thei repreSentation O the stage se Con note agitatus, driven, a iii. 33I, xii. 668 the meanini celebratus tragoediis, suggeste by Servius, eingles sui table to the contexi here, though supporte by Ausonius, Epigr. lxxi libido' Quam toga facundi scaenis agitavit Afrani; cp. . iii. 287.476, 77. exigit, weighs, 'determines: cp. Quint. vi. 5. quid dicendum, quid tacendum, quid disserendum sit, exigere consilii est.' Dem
perhaps Virgil as Con suggesis may have been translatin this ordissed of the garde of the Hesperides soporiferum, a fixed epithe of ORDaver, is curiousi inappropriat here so the pri estess, o preserve the oldenapples, ould notor to ut the wakefui dragon to fleep. Hone and Poppy-Seed sprint ted ora ood were a Roman delicacy so in Hor A. P. 375
Sardo cum melle papaver is among un necesSar luXurieS. 87. Carminibus, charms, Se On Ecl. viii. 69. Dromittit solvero, CP. Vii. 433 and reserenCeS.
97. SuserimPonant Vat. Med. I), let them the servanis placeupon it.' Superimponas ' Pal. Gud. A so Ribb. continues the directionsto Anna: and the v. ll. Superimpones,' ens. e perhaps oin to this a the origina reading. 'Anna xvould naturali require Assistance so that the plura is no inconsistent,it the injunction os secrecy' Con.); and this gives o the whol theaeSt Sense. 5OI, 5o a mente it Eouoivit, Sh cannot conceive or realise suc a
a ingenious emendation read concipere here gormanam bein then the Subjeci: p. Bentley' emendation evehere for evehit Hor. d. i. . 6. morte, abi. of circumst. 'at the death ' p. l. 436 above. 5O -5O6. Denetrali in Secte in tecto interiore l. 49 . intencti Iooum Sextis, by 3Pallage so the more usual intendit serta loco; cp. ixit harundine malum V. 544. 5 Io te contum, os an indefinitet large number, a G. i. 5 Aen. viii. 7Ι6.5 II. An three- sold Hecate maiden Diana of three laces. Diana Dea Iana was orshippe a P tri-ceps V three-faced hermam bein Hecate, a an inferna deity vi. 18); Luna, a celestiat Diana, a terrestriat ' Κenn.): p. Hor. d. iii. a. o diva triformis.'5I2-5I6. Sparserat, etc. a Ort o inferna lustration, analogous to thata funerais vi 2 29 sqq.); P. Hor Epod. v. 25 Sagana per totam domum Spargens Avernales aquas.' a lunam, by oonlight; so ad lumina' viii. II, ad lunam Juv. X. I M abyor ad loc. . um laete i. e. et lac,' and the uice of dar pol sonous herbs; ' p. i. 72 poena Cum Sanguine.' amor, in ove-charm ' in his sense παξ λεγομενον), here os a SupposedeXcrescenc on a oun Mar forehead thought to e devoured by themother; ut i secured e re he id so praerosius), sesultas a love- philtre. 5I7, 5I8. mola see Eel viii. 8a Aen. i. 233 salsae fruges ' . Diis puris; osten in connection it sacrifice, pia vitta' l. 637, farre pio 'v. 7 5. The ablatives are modal- with alte mea an clean aiads.' in Veste Cp. V. I 79 Vii. I 67, ii 169), abi. Os circumstance. With looSeneddress: ' p. horridus in iaculis v. 37; potan in rosa' Cic. in ii. 2o; magno in aere alieno maiore etiam possessiones habent Cat. i. 8 and the adverbia phrases in aequo, in propinquo' Roby L. r. i. I976 .etauta, iddie, See o Ecl. iii Io6 Aen. i. 228. A sin te ungandalleo ootis sal to e hown on ancient ork of ar represeritin sacrifice; ut pedibus nudis ' Hor Sat. i. 8 2 ), an simila exam Ples, indicate bare seet
538, 539. iuVRt, C. eOS: 'because the are leased' have ad myhel besore, and gratitude so savours of old stand firm in mindiu hearis 3 The ne carries o the question, an Suggest a surther oub as to the possibilit of this reason p. Catuli lxiv. 18 An patris auxilium sperem 3
quemne ipsa reliqui, i. e. et USne, quem . . .'
55 I. more ferae, like Some it thing. expresses a longin , o sorbestialis opposed to human iis, ut the freedom and eas of wil lis asopposexto the restraint an troubles o civili sation se Con. who aptly compares the language Sed of Camilla, on l. 57 sqq. 55 a Sychaei, Med. and apparenti Pal. Ist SYCHARIES, withi rit tenove and ES scratche out Vat. Rom. wanting. Servius rea Sychaeo ' adjeci.), Whicli mos editor adopi, though occurring noWhere et Se. Sychaei, says Con. 'look like a correction ' ut might no Sychaeo'be introducest to avoid the repetitionis final sound in cineri . . . Sychaei 3 The similarit to an adjectiva termination Ouid est account for thea lectiva use i admitted of Sychaeo.'553, 55 . TumDebat, P. i. 29. Certus euncti, resolve to stari; ' p. certa mori below l. 564. The genitive is analogous to that of respeci,' infelix animi, etc. 559. iuventa, Vat. Med. iuventae Ribb. sto Pal. Gud. a, b,
Vii. O7, i. 738. xii. 29o. ed. a b read varioque irarum fluctuat aestu, 'Probabi Dor recollectio of l. 532; p. i. 668. Vat. Pal. Gud. etc. S
Aeneas oes no malae of at once the Carthaginians it try to bum his
576 instimulat, Vat. Pal. Gud. c; stimulat Med. 3). The juxta- positioni 11 and I maywelthave consused a copyist sisy to the omissiono the lalter. 577. Quisquis os oes no impi doub that it was Mercu . ut it is a common formula os address like Zεῖς σω ποτ' ἐστιν AeSch. Agam. 16O, Cp. X. 22, 2o the idea apparently beindito disclaim irreverene in address- in amo by a nam os human choice. Thus in Plato, Crat. O D, E,
Socrates lay down the principi ori περιχεων ουδὲν ἴσμεν, υτ περ αυτων
578. O come, an ai us it thyriavour sen star in heaven to helpust fictera, i. e. the weather, hicli the were supposedo influence;
G. i. 33 doubtiat. Suppos it ad whom ad I then to ear, illideat at and 8 Qui mori decrevit, nihil habet quod amplius metuat'
Gosgr.), motui, OriSt; not a Gossr. for metuissem.' tulissem, etc. the ordinar constructioni an apodosis, J Should have . . .: the concessive fuisset servin a a protrai S. foros, decliS, a vi. Ia. On exstinxem exstinxissem Se i. O I.
potnis ut Suggestions ' p. 3 the great speech os Ma in Sophocles Σύ
and what has been sal in the Intioductio of the influence of the Greeli
6o8. 'And thou Juno the agent and witnes os ali his oe, i. e. quae has nuptias Conciliasti.' as bove l. 2 sqq. 166. interDPes m a medium etwee two parties; so interpres corrumpendi iudicii, ' abriberyagent, like sequester, Cio Clu. 8. 25 sequestre in indice corrumpendo
6 Io, II. cti morientis Elissao, perhaps referring to the notion os a δαίμων or geniuS, P. iii. 63; ut more probably god that ook pon or that ili avenile Elissa' death, i. e. the eavent protectio that
belongo to her os right. meritumque, to , turn to my oes the lavour the deserve, i. e. os vera eance n thei authors.
6I . torminus, originali a tone illa fixe in the ground as a bound- ary the of an fixe or fir decree, Lucr. i. 77 alte terminus haerens,'ib. i. o57 Vi 6 Cp. Hor C. S. 26 stabilisque rerum Terminus of thelandmais o Roman power, that a not be removed, ut standet fastfor ver ' his fixit was symbolised in the statue o Terminus, hi chwould no xiv way even to Jupiter o the Capitol Ov. ast ii. 66 668, cp. the whole paSSage ll. 637 qq. . The word hi terminus aeret areobviougly the apodoSis to Si . . . Doseunt the ense of the whole passagell. 612 62 being iste metis reach Italy, he must; ut may his day therebe se an evit.'615 62 o. e nee notor to harmonis this impassione imprecationwith the actua event of the later book of the Aeneid, or even illi thelegend that Aeneas tost his life within three ears, his od not eingrecoverest rom the rive Numicius it poetica appropriatenes here eing qui te independent of an suppoSed sulfilment. The stor that Charies I. Opene a copy of Virgil in the Bodleian Librar at this passage is is true a curious instance of the occasionalioint of such superstition a that of the Sortes Virgilianae ' Introd, I, p. vi).
strength be iven. Fight hore it shore, figlit ea illi ea, an menwith mei be a for the Trojans and thei children' child reni' o the combination o an and 3r pers in exoriare aliquis p. Plaut. Epid. iii. 3.17 Heus fora exite huc aliquis, Ter Ad. v. 4. 26 aperite aliquis ostium, Tib. i. 6 30 Tunc procul absitis quisquis colit arte capillos.'For nevolosuus, Gud. and ther SS. a vii. 47o read nepotes, prob