Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

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would wage 3 patrio either in Neptunio of thesisland cp. ll. 2o9, 2I or' incestrat, old-es tablished ' p. Cic. de r. i. 8. mos erat patrius Academiae adversari semper omnibus in disputando, and G ii. 52, hi chhardi supporis Conington' suggestio that it in proprio.'252. Furiarum, of the Harpies, a Lindre monster to the Furies. AeSch. Eum 5 mixes Harpies an GorgonS. 253. vocatis, des involaed, CP. Vili. O 7.-55'257 ctatam, C. satis, cp. i. 382 iv. 225. nostrae Caectis explainSiniuria, the mitti violence to s. For caectos os attempte murde COD. compares Soph. N. 126 sqq. subigat denotes Celaeno' Pu OSe. The prophec is fulfille vii. II sqq. where it is attributexto Anchises- an inconsistency hic nei ther admit no requires explanation. I WaSpar of the traditio of Aeneas, and was variousi attribute to Jupiter, the

Erythraean Sibyl. o Venus; by Virgil onlyrio Celaeno.

Nil opus est bello pacem veniamque rogamus, Liv. i. 16 Pacem Quirini precibus exposcunt. For obscena See o G. i. 47O. 26 alis o the might gods, and proclaim a fittin sacrifice' l. 632 .mRgna, and so more powersu than the Harpies. 266. Iazicti, almost in placati'- be alme an save the good. Soo PersonS, Ter Ad. v. 1. 18 53 Quum servit maxime tam placidum

to e a separate fland wit Virgil perhaps a Con suggesis sto Il. ii.

275 ADollo mustae the temple of Apollo at Actium, the arva urbs l. 276 at hicli Aeneas and an celebrates gameS' l. 28o thoughformictatus nautis applies belle to the temple o the ouili promontor os Leucate. The sight rs Leucate, and then Actium the introductiono the alter ein a compli mento Augustus, ho se de the templeaster his victor ove Anton an Cleopatra. Deritur heave in Sight,'

Cic. Prov. Cons. 9. 22 Cuius litteris, fama, nuntii celebrantur aure meae, 'Ov. Met ii 25 celebrarant carmine ripas; ' P. Lucr ii 3 5 volucres concelebrant ripas.' Me mahe the hores of Actium gay



28 . Meanwhile the sun completes the ear' fuli round .' annum accus os motion through or ver denotes the ourse traversed in that time. 286-288. shiel of hodox, brass, nce orne by might Abas I fixo the oo that front us, and mar the deed illi his legen . . . .' Ahas, ome Gree Warrior no the legenda ain o Argos, despite thecoinciden ce note by on carmino, See o Ecl. V. 2. Aeneias, Sc. dedicavit,' cp. Ecl. Vii. 3O. 29 I. Eoonctimus, ,e lose hom sight; ' p. Claud. Rap. Pros iii I O Sicaniam quaerit, quum necdum absconderit Iden, Plat. Prol. 338- φευ- γει ει τ πελαγος αποκρυψαντα γῆν, huc. v. 65 5 ἐπειδὴ αναχωρουντες απέ- κρυσαν του 'Aργειους . See bove l. o for the converse idea Moes, the hilis' a G. i. 2 o o Corcyra ορεα σκιοεντα Γαίης Φαιηκων Hom. Od. V. 279.

29 -3 3. The find that Priam' son, Helenus, is in os Epirus and marrie to Andromache, give u to hi by Pyrrhus This stor Was


Reddita corporibus primis land frequently of what is ordaine by the laws

See too the nexi line. 3 I-3 3. tamen, aster ali, reser in speciali to amissaΘ. avuncurus, beeauSe Creusa, accordin to ne account, a Priam'siaughter. 3 8. multum adverb. ace. . no usual where another accusative is ex-PreSSed but acrimas functit, lacrimare. Cp. Prop. iii Ia ii. 22 , 7 Nec tantum Niobe bis sex ad busta superba Sollicito lacrimas defluit a Sipylo. Ribbeck, notin the inconsistenc of this line illi IAetus I. 347, Ginkscit is a duplicate of l. 3 hic may have originali stoo ' haec

multum lacrimans v. i. s. fundit Incassum fletus. But Helenus might be la to eicome them, hile sonowsul a the reminiscence theybrought. Servius notes Virgit' ar in no mahing Helenus spea here Morbe mus have seeme flat aster Andromache.3 9. Simulata, Mad like o. Trojan memories are revive in thenamesalven to the localities of Helenus to n. 35 . Rulai, archai gen ., P. i. 54. 36o, 361. Clarii adj. of the god os Claros, nea Colophon, here asan Oracle of Apollo, consulte by Germanicus, ac Ann ii. 54. The gen. -ii os adjectives is usuali uncontracted in Augusta Poets see belo l. 7Oa. Sentis intelligis ' the senses of a seeraeing alive to supematura lactM; CP Tib. i. 5. 3 praesentit haruspex Lubrica Signavit quum deus exta notis, Sit Ital. v. 12 huic superos sentire monentes Ars scit. Draesetis, sWift-flying. Bird gave mens hymight praepetes' , o cry oscines' Hor. d. iii 27. II . Dennae, p. Prop. iii. . II selicibus Pennis lausto omine .' 362-367 namque, etc., so the voice os heaven religio se G. i. 7o has ove me lai Presage or my whole ourse, and ali the god have urged me by their ili.' Servius explain omnem . . . religio as hypallage for omnis religio dixit prosperum cursum ' ut it is simpler ahenos bove, Drossera ein virtuali adverbial, an qualiWin vixit. For canit see



377. hospita, Stranger' ξένα); p. v. Fast. i. 3 Acta per aequoreas hoSpita navis aquas, Cic. Rab Io 28 adeone hoSpes huiusce urbi S, adeone ignarus es disciplinae et consuetudinis nostrae Τ' 38o Helenum is subj of Solae an fari. 381 383. Firs the of Italy, hichiso thou deemes close at and

coasis asar a pathles Path divides it rom thee. vicinosque, etc. Ouid more naturali be a Subordinate sentence, cuiusque vicinoSque

longis terris, descriptive abi. illi longa the rhetorical ingle of the linebein perhaps intende to mar prophetic obscuri ty' Kenn. . ProDinduam the coastis Calabria bein jus opposite to Epirus; p. ll. 477 478

385-387. Iustranctum, cp. i. 6o7. inferni laeus, i. 4 Lbelow. Aeaeae, of Aea in Colchis, s Αἰαίην νῆσον of Circe' istand Od. X. 35. DOSSis, conj of purpoSe aster lustranctum, etc. 389-39 . Cum tibi dat eth.), when as ou stan in anxiou mood by the water os, seclude stream'-i. e. a secluded spo of the Tiber Se Vii I. 8 Sqq. Secreti, viii. 6 Io Capitum, descriptive gen after fetus, thirtyhead Os Oung. enixa l. 327 above. The prediction is repeatet almost verbatim viii. 43 qq. 394. morSus, See bove l. 25 and so the Solution vii. O Sqq. 399-4o a Narycii seo Narycia in Locris Tradition represente Someos the comrades OD ax, o the re turn voyage rom Troy, as Setti in On thecoastis Bruttium. The Sallentini lani the Gulsi Tarentum. Petelia, O the east coastis Bruttium Munde by Philoctetes heniri ven ut stombleliboea in Thessaly. illa. etc. fame Petelia that resis o PhilooteteS' Wall. This mali town made a gallant stand against Hannibar clieuienant,

middie Sense; p. l. 5 5 elow, ii 393 7o7. The Romans Praye or acrifice Withaea Covered, p. Lucr. v. 119M Nec pietas ullast elatum aePevideri Vertier ad lapidem atque omnis accedere ad aras. Greet writer like DionySiu an Plutarch note his custom a strange to them. Virgil em PhaSi Se thi as ther religious observarices se above on l. 65 , an aSSignS




429-432. metas, the are torium round Cape achynum, a the goa orturning potnt os a spatium; se xii. 546. oessantem, 'lingering. cae

Κυμη, the originaliam of the Gree colony is perhapS more Stricti accurate: Cumanus heing the adjective forme stom Cumae, a frequently in Livy. ut that Virgil observe this distinctio is no certain and the Cumaea Sibyl is familia to all. 42. The haunte lakes, an Avernus illicit echoing oods' silvis,

abi. os reSpeci, p. G. V. 374 Aen. ii 522 . Inous, Lucrinus and Avernus. Averna, of the whole region clivinos, i. e. the abod os divi; ' p. Prop. i. 18. 27 di uni fontes.

443, insanam 'stengled ' by the divine inmatus, a describe vi.

47-FO . Tuo Sula ima, i. e. in a Cave vi II . Canit, retelis, ii. 24. notas et nomina, mares and words, a poetica expression or rittencharacters perhaps hendi ady sor notanda nomina. the word she would note do n, Cp. . iii. 58 foliis, p. i. 74 Juv. viii. 126 solium recitare Sibyllae. Servius here cites Varro, ' in foliis palmarum Sibyllam scribere solere; Claudian in later times, impli es that linen was sed for the Sibylline books, quid carmine poscat Fatidico custos Romani carbasus aevi' Beli. Get. 23 I, 232).4 8. actem, Sc. solia. It has the force of tamen,' sor at that' although he has ut them in order Dr. enned conjectures et quae



52. inconsulti, Mithout advice' cp. vi I 5 dum consulta petis')-inthis senaei παξ λεγόμενον, Sual ly - αι3ουλος, imprudent. Plaut. Trin. i. a. Iao inconsultu meo,' without m advice.'

53- 57. morae expla in clispenctia quin actoas l. 456 negative consequence aster tanti, ae nocios o time by dela be so important in Oureyec tibi . . . a to Stomyo stom visit in the prophetes an prayin heros her grace ios . . . Volens to ulter the oracles, an ope her lip to Speali' vocem tuu ora . canat, resolvat, cori in petitio obliqua aster Doseas. Se unctos, Properi os the wind, here of the ait sinus

50. Repeate vi. 893 os Anchises, ho an no the Sibyl, a promised by Helenus expound to Aeneas his fortune in Italy. Aster ritin Book iii, Virgil seem to have modi fie his plan, mahing the Sibyl conduci Aeneas to hea his destin frona Anchises in the lower orid and ad the Aeneid been revised, e might have adapte Helenus promise here to

ii. 22.

ῆγεμόνας τῆς ναυτιλίας συνεκπλευσαι ἰν iaci DO Epirus i. a. remigium auDDlos, Mahes up the tale os ars, i. e. supplies o malle good deficiencies; p. Lucr. i. Io Dum . . . suppleri Summa queatur, and supplere Supplementum in militar language, o recrui ting. For omigium remos Cp. i. oa, Aen. viii. 8 Hor. d. i. 4. 4. 73. ferenti, HVΟuring, se G. ii 3II.

77, 478. Se there is Ausonian land malae thithe with ou fhips' Helenus poliat to the eas coast o Italy Calabria nearestri Epirus, and then adds, as is correcti nihimself, yet this coast to yo must leave bellind:'the destine 'Ausoniae tellus heing on the surther o weStern Side. P.

482- 84. Andromache, too, ad at ou final parting bring garments figured it iloiden embroider an a Phrygia cloah sor ScaniuS, nor comes bellin Helenus in her present. honoro, Ribbeck Do Pal. Gud., I, P P. Sit Ital. xii. Ia nec cedit honore Ascraeo amave seni' of


Ennius , and the statement of Servius, Scaurus Introd. II, p. xxviii honore legit.' honori ' Med. St. Gall. Gud a b c muS be archaicabl. as igni' G. i. 23 , sorti' iv. 65, an many example in Lucretius, e g. fini i. 78 Munro, ad loci , mucroni ii 52o Virgir fond-nes sor occasiona archaism no doub mahe ' honori possibi as ablat. ;but it seem best o folio Ribbeck in readinctionore, anda avoid the n- satisfactor attempis to explain honori a dative. 87. sint, fina cori. At be memorials. Iongum, enduring.'49 I. utiesceret, i. e. si viveret: ' he now ouldie a out in eam like yours. aequali, P. G. V. 46O. 93, 494. LiVe an prosper, e hos destine career has no been Tun, cp. iv. 653. Helenus an Andromache have ad thei suli hare ostroubie an are nil iam caelestibus ullis debentes' See o xi. 5 I). Sua ' propria ' cp. . i. 56, ii Sa), an in his secondar Senae stand here Mih

setting of Orion a the summe and winter solstice ere suppoSed to beattended with sto S. his constellation a identi fie in mytholog witha giant sonis Neptune, certain star bein calle his et an sword For Arcturus and the Hyades See o i. 7 cireum Anioere ive the notionos caresut watching '-wheno the derivative circumspeci.' 5I8. constare, that ali is settied' i. e. consistent, nothing ut os place),cP. Lucr. v. 46o Severa Silentia noctis Undique cum constent remainsunbrohen' , v. Fast ii 453 flamina non constant are unSteady ' , et.



xv. 258 Summa tamen omnia constant' os the uniformit of Nature asinwhole, despite change os part S).52O. Velorum, en descriptive os alas, Wing whicli are satis thesails that in the hip ' p. decus aevi,' operum laborem, etc. 525. Corona See o i. 72 vina coronant ).529. Grani us a mooth courseae re the winx vento, abi instr. , and was us it sal breeges.' emeed not suppos an inversion ventum viae lacilem ' nor an allusion in fert ventus serens' l. 473 . 53 Sqq. DateSCit, ' opens ut, cp. l. II bove. The harbour is Portus Veneris ' ea Hydruntum, o the Calabria coast, ouili os Brundisium. From a distanc the temple seems to vertian the ea; on comin nearer

ation o Tarentum RS Suali ascribe to an inponymous Taras, son ofNeptune. ino, aster his ' i. e. after leavin Portus Veneris and sat lingpast the Iapygian eadland when Tarentum ould e seen in the a tolli right. Aeneas Oe no coaS inward so acto pascit, ut strities right acros to the Lacinian promontor oppoSi te contra , calle ctiva rom alamous temple of Juno. Caulon S south of Scylaceum, but would e seen firstin round in the Lacinian head land as Scylaceum lies in a bay. Aetna would soonte in sight: ut the would haveri get round Leucopatra bes ore the could hear o see Charybdis, hic is suppose to e ea Pelorum. The mention o Charybdis, however talies Virgir geograph srom thedomain os realit to that fiction.


578. Encolam Pindar l. c. , Aeschylus Prom. V. 334 , and Ovid Met. v. 346 mahe the iant unde Aetna Typhoeus and Typhon; 'Whom Virgil ix. 15 and Lucan Phars. v. Io I place unde the istand of Liarime Callimachus Dei. I 3 put Briareus unde Aetna.

58I, 58 2 mutet in Pal. Med. is correcte to mutat: ' ut the gula is required by oratio obliqua. Servius approve the v. l. molet: ' P. Ecl. V. 5. Subtexere, lit. ,eave beneath, as Juv. vii I9ν ostener in iis secondarynotion D drawin a vei over, ac subtexunt nubila caelum Lucr. V. 468; Nox subtexta polo Lucan. v. o v. l. subiecta' ferro subtexitΠr aether' b. Vii. I9. 583-587. monstra, i. e. the portentous nolses of Aetna aethra αἴθρη Od. vi brighines of the hy, fair,eather; heres star 'heen; ' p. ii 2 7 nox intemPESta, Se G. i. 2 7. 588. Eoo, i. e. 'Eωος στηρ Lucifer), the morning star Drimo Eoo, asmorningia ed. 59I The strange and unknown semblance of a maia in retchedilight: 'cp. Liv. XXi. 4O, here Scipio calis HannibaΓ soldiers, after crossing the Alps emgies, immo umbrae hominum.'593. ira, etc. 'His filii, was horribie, his bear unshom his garmentlagged it thonis ' Kenn.). p. v. et xiv. 165 iam non hirsutuSamictu . . . et spinis conserto tegmine nullis Fatur Achaemenides, Tac. Germ. 17 tegmen omnibu vagum, fibula, aut si desit, spina ConSertum.'The allusion to Virgil is clear in Ovid, and probabie in Tacitus, ho WaS great eoder of Virgil Introd. I, P. XV.).596. SQue a iV. O3 V. 7o8, i. 68 , ix. 5 9 Perhaps metri gratia sor sis; the copula notieing requirex: p. the use of iamque, neque enim.'6oo lumen, aliis light of heaven that we reathe. At an light areidenti fie in poetica language, p. . i. 3 o iv. 22o Ribbeck eadS numen, Med. ISt, Pal. IS havini nomen ' ut p. vi. 363. lumen, Gud.,

proachin that of the indefinite article, hicli mus have become common in the angvage of ordinarycii se sor inus to have passe into in,' uno



etc. in Romano languages. p. Ter Andr. i. I. I sorte unam adspicio adulescentulam' κουρην τινά .6o5 6o6. spargite, sin me piecerneat; ' p. V. 6Oo M. V. 522. Dereo

hominum Virgi has ni three ther examples of suci, hiatus at thetri hemimera caesura an Dot), viz. . . , v. 3 3, 463. Se Introd. IV, p. liii.6o7. Me palle, and claspin myanees clun there in suppliance'-lit. rollinil in the diis at myanees' loca abl. . 6o9. eincto illi agitet, ,hat nex his sussering a Fortune' hand.'

Sat. i. I suggestio that Virgil is here followin Attius Philoctetes

quem neque tueri contra nec adfari queas. The meaning ill then be, ,hom non could agi lyaehold, and non address.' 625. asDorsa, Ribb. hom ed. 'eXspersa, Forb., Con. etC. nauthorit of Servius, ho explains it m madefacta, an adds nam si aspersa dixeris, i. e. irrorata, V ταπώνωσις et hyberbole iunguntur. But splashed, the meaning lai me exspersa, is quali appropriate toasDOPSa; p. imbre lutoque Spersus Hor. Epp. i. I. 2; aram

Sanguine aspergeret Cic. N. D iii. 36 88 and the Vulgate equivalent to sprint ted a Nings ix. 33, dipped Rev. ix. 3 also aspergine abovel 53 . For exspersa the ni certain Xample S Lucr. v. 372 exspergi quo possint moenia mundi' - Scattere abroad' -Catuli. xvi. 77 and othersiein doubilat an Servius criticis applies a much to this a toasDorsa. In Pite, there re, of the argument that the les usual word is more likelyrio have been alterest, I have preserre t folio Ribbech. 632. immonsus, in ali his bulli '-vv. l. immensum ' Pal.), and immensam. to agre With antrum an Saniem respectively. 63 -636. sortiti, havin drawn tot sor ur Severa paris. Homer Od. ix. 33 sqq. mahes them dra tot so muro go it Ulysses. torolaramus, p. the descriptionis thi proceSS in Od. ix. 38 sqq. Mohat,

646, 47. eserta, See o ii. 13. cum traho, the while I rar i. e. since I have been dragging on myclise.'652 fuisset, virtua oratio obliqua aster victim me, I devote myseisto' i. e. determine that I Would oin on constructio see i. q.

658, 659. ingens it monstrum, o lumen trunon manu, thathimselfhaddopped. Quintilia viii. 4 cites a V. l. manum.'