장음표시 사용
gis no asked for Se like this.' aciem, a vi. 788 Vii. 399, ii 558. Dallicta morte futura, p. viii. O9.6 9. lacrimis et mente, moda abl. - with or, in tear an reflection,' pausing though awhil and wept.' 651 65 . Relics o dear hil sate and heaven allowed receive myclise
Walson 63 nunc mihi nihil libri, nihil litterae, nihil doctrina prodest.'
696 699. fato os a natura death; merita, of one earne in illi atanother' hand cp. ii 434. For the de of a premature death delayingadmission to Orcus See i. 27 sqq. Crinem, P. Eur. Alc. 75 76 Ιερος γαρουτος των κατα χθονος θεων οτου τόδ' εγχος κρατος αγνίsy τρίχα. amnaverat, hadisi ven ver; Hor. d. iii 3. Ilion . . . mihi caStaeque damnatum Minervae. 7o I. rations, p. sacem ducens it 69 flashingos he goes against the sun a thousan variediues.'
The scene os his epigode in the stor of the Aeneid was suggested by avariet of the Tria legend whic made Anchises die in Sicily, and placeda Trojan colon in the fland The de of the mera games an muchos thei delat is homine games in Iliad xxiii gi veni Achilles in honouro his dead men Patroclus Thesbum in of the ships Orme par of the Trojan legend cit sceneae divariousi lato in Greecem Italy, or at some
Cic. r. ii 6 sic ego nolim equidem: ' et wit an and 3r PerS. e. g. Plaut. PerS. i. a. 5 equidem si scis tute, Pers. v. non equidem hoc dubiteS, Prop. iii. 23. 5 Hic equidem Phoebo visus mihi pulcrior ipso, ' Cic. Att. xiii. 26 equidem credibile non est: ' 3 with ther cases scist
PerS. e. g. PerS. i. IO Per me equidem sint omnia protinus alba, or 3rdPers. e. g. Ter Eun. v. q. 34 955 equidem orante, ut ne id faceret, Thaide. 28, 29. velis, abi. a in tendit iter velis vii. 7. omittoro, bring ohaVen; Cp. 'deducere ' devenire, etc., here 'de- implies a fixe terminu ad quem.'37. in iacul A, Mith avelins ' abi os circumStance; P. V. 5 Ι 8. Tiniso S, more commoni Crimiso.' 52-5 . 2Drensus, storm-caught; ' P. G. v. 42I. Suis proprii S,'aS
55. ultro, beyonyalliope; ' p. i. 45. 56. Not indeed, a Pthink, without the purpos and the wil os heaven. 'equi'Θm though in connectiora it reor, Aeem onlyrio Strengtheniauci; See above l. 6. ctivum Med. Pal. Gud. a, b See Inti Od. III, P. XIV. 6o volit, Ma he dei gn 'cio os Iupiter i. 733. 62. acthibeto, involae; cp. Hor. d. iv. . a alteris Te menSi adhibet deum. 6 . Si . . . oxtulerit doub is implied: the expression ein originali connected with some superstitious ear of speakindito confidently cp. the Gree opt. ith αν-a modi fie future See also vi. 77o and PPlaut. Capt. i. 2. 1 Iam ego revortar intro si ex his quae volo XquiSi vero Catuli. xiv. 17 si luxerit' come dawn '). Hor. Epp. i. 7. I 'Quod Si bruma nives Albanis illinet agris.'
9O. ObstuDuit, heres as always writiei opstipuit' by Ribb. despite the
95. The Gonius o tutela deit o places vii I 36 or persons Hor. Epp. i. a. Ι 87 wa represente unde the sermo a serpent e g. on the walis os Pompeii an in Etrusca tombs, se Dennis' Etruria,' i. p. 7O, 287 as also a the famulus δαίμων or 'familiar suppose to attenddemigod an heroes, the predecessor of the blach at o mediaeva witch- crast. p. Val. l. iii 458 placidi quas protinus angues Umbrarum famuli
lingui rapuere coruscis. Sit Ital. vi 288hspeah of a serpent as famulus Sororum Naiadum. On Etrusca tombs the demons are generali ac- companie by serpents se Dennis' Etruria,' i. p. 287, and the oodcuts
facing PP. 263, 35 . 99 Temissos the spirit ein supposedo attend the sacrifices in iis
but not in Homer. II . Dares, Mel malched, Ecl. vii 5. II 7. mox talus, i. e. oon to e the ounder os an Italia houge. Μommius hom nostheus, ora the analog of meminisse stom μεμνῆσθαι. On Memmius, the frien an patron os Lucretius se Munro on Lucr. i.
4I- , Sellar, Roman Poets of the Republic. p. 8a ed. I 881). O thethree Roman gentes here referrexto Trojan ancestry the Memmia plebei an does no appea in histor tili 73 B. c., after hicli it supplied severa tribuni plebis: the Sergia patrician had a consul B. C. 437, and in later times the notorious Catiline; hile the ni Cluentius nown tous is Cicero' client in B. o. 6. Probabi Virgil ishe to compliment
os a City; ' p. Cic. Verr. i. 5. 34. quae navis si in praedonum pugna VerSaretur, urbis instar habere inter illos piratico myoparones galleys videretur.' Wo examples for his se of opus are cite hom StatiuS, Vi Z. Theb. i. 6, callin a funera pile montis opus' where however onus' i probabi the true read ing) an Silv. i. a. 3 os a portico, Inde Per obliqui erepit porticus arces, Urbis opus,' here it seem to city'Swork, i. e. hic it too a hole it to bulld cp. Hor. A. P. 63 of aharbour sive receptus Terra Neptunus classes Aquilonibus arcet, Regi Sopus. A et ter parallel is Ovid. Fast. vi. of the ouse of Vedias Pollio, pulle downi Augustus Urbis opus domus una suit spatiumque tenebat Quo brevius muris oppida multa tenent, where the obvious reser- ence suo Sige. ight, possibi tali it agri a very ity' osum Ἀργον
υμων πονων Dem de Cor. I6o an perhaps labor ille domus Aen. i. 273 The passage Dom Ovid, however feem decisive so the rendering vastin a ity. versu, a 'row or iank of Oars P. G. V. I . 125. Olim ni times, a G. ii 3ον; CP Aen. ii 367. I 27, 28. In a caim 'tis stili, and riges Do the nrume deep, a levet Spol, here bashing ea-bird love to est.' tranquillo, abi. Os circumSt.; CP. Lucr. V. In tam tranquillo et tam clara luce, Ter Eun. . . Io37 Gaudeo esse amorem omnem in tranquillo, Liv. iii I nec cetera modo tribuni tranquillo Peregere.'Ι3o. Pater, the ire; i. e. Aeneas, a presidin ove the Poris of FOUnger mem; p. ll. 358, 24 below.I34. DODulea in honour Os Hercules perhapsae auge these ere funeral
CP. G. i. I 23 aera vincere summum Arboris.'I58 longa, is no absolutet an otiose epithet, can hardi bear at the
Sil It iv. 28, 29 Iupiter senstin Mars to encourage Oung Scipio, afte Ward 'Africanus.' at the Trebia an mali him ave his sather's the thenconsul s-li se Te duce primitias pugnae, te magna magiStro Audeat, et Primum hoc Vincat, Servasse parentem. That in close connection illi his ib. Ia we in 'hoc arcete nefas cannot affect it bearing upo Virgi Ps
199 subtrahitur, beneati them vanishes the ourae' or su ace' . Solum navis est mare' Gosfr.): so Ovid of the hy, et. i. 73 Astra tenent caeleste Solum, and Val. Flaccus of the ea probabi imitatin Vir.
gil Ar iv. I ' Pontique iacentis Omne solum. The rapidit of themotion ahes the round or ursace appea toae glidin rapidi backan effect hic may be understoo by looking ut of the vinclo os a
describe by Apoll. Rhod in the passage hic Virgil here imitates Arg.
ευδιοων πτερυγεσσιν). Celeres perhaps reser to the bird s motion: or perhapscit is a mere epithe of alae. 218 ultima, i. e. the lalter par of the Course. 22O 22 I. alto, a sual epithet os seopulo, no particulari appropriate here. I does not in much more than inbove the water.' brevibus actis, ahallows, usuali brevia.'
technica religious en sor presentin osserings, ound in iv xxix. 27 cruda exta victimae, uti mo est in mare porricit: se ais l. 776 elow. The authori tydor the change is Macrobius Sat. iii a), who citinifro Fabius Pictor exta porriciunto, adds porricere ergo non proiicere proprium sacrificii verbum est. The emplo)mentis an antique technica term is nodoubi Virgilian: ut a the cord actuali give by MSS. is persectly sui table there seem hardi reason nough for the change.
281. Vola facit, spread sail; Cicero Tusc. v. O using the phrasemetaphori catly explain ita pandere vela orationis.' velificare Juv.
28 . atur, Se Ecl. i. 39. 288 29o. In the mi is of the valle was a circula theatre Ohither Wit many thousand round hi the ero ent lato the iddie of the assembi an too his eat on a platso ' or Mound '). The tisatriciscus is ground chose so the races, it a rat sed platsor o mound exStruetum for Spectators conseSsu, VariouSi expiatae a dative seeo iii 5 1 with ver of motion, like it caelo, etc. o loca ablative, SG. i. 43o, etc. A variant 'in medium suggest that the origina readingma have been 'consessum' accus os motion to), the finali of which was ei ther omitte besore followin Μ or miswritte a IN. Ribbeck, hinking onSessu dat. and that a Subst toro 'his require&with exstructo, 'SuppoSes a line los aster resectit. 3O7. ferro, se on l. 66. The andie os in axe is ornamented illiraised silver ork. 3II, 3Ι2. The quive may have been reali Amaronian a the Amazons
eum signa locum, ubi ea cistella excidit has her eyes o the place '). The rendering Con. they i. e. men Sent to do O-are marking ut thegoat' by drawin a line or ther means , eSides involvin an wkward change of subjeci, Mouldae ea in o spirite a passage.'32 . Diores is o clos bellin Helymus sub ipso that hic remost Do mages torit Helymus hindmost, an he almost ouches Helymus' shoulder incumhans umero . calx heel is sed looselyrior 'soot; ' p. x. 89D Juv. i. nudis presSit qui calcibus anguem: an so frequentlyos human kiching Ter Eun. i. a. 54 285 'calcibus saepe insultabis sores),' Cic. Tusc. v. certare pugnis calcibus unguibus, Hor Sat. ii. I. 55 Sed neque calce lupus quemquam nec dente petit bos, Juv. iii 295
aut dic, aut accipe calcem.' 326. ambiguumque Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. b, c-Vat. Want in Drepre-Sents d a.φηριστον in Iliad xxiii. 526 Εἰ δε- ἔτι προτέρω γενετ δρυμος ἀρισοτε - ροισιν, ω κεν μιν πaρελασα h ἀμφηριστον ἔθηκεν - diu more of the ourse