Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

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andio. The expression Dositum G. v. 3o3 Aen. v. 68Ι, i. 3O), affati os the conclamatio is cry vale, vale' , an corpus are ali Significant: Anchises say that he is a good a.dead. 6 5. manu, i. e. in batile, See bove l. 434. Anchi Ses, ear o lise,

moment. For the stelin about os o buria se vi. 325, 333, 365 Hor. Od. i. 28 Soph. Antigone. 6 8. emoror, heep, years asting. i. e. lingeri myclise; ' p. iii. 48I, X. 3O HOr. d. iii 27. 5 impudens Orcum moror.'65I-653. effusi, iathed in ears, cp. xii. I 3o. O the idec oramus, tobe supplied homuli contexi, depend the petitio obliqua ne vellet fato urgenti inciundere, clo add Des weight to the oad os late ' p. urgente ruina xl. 888 Liv. iii 16 id prope imum maxime inclinatis rebus incubuit.'

656. fortuna m καιρος, P. G. iii 452.658. SPETRSti, See o Ecl. viii. 28 tantum nefas, Vs vile a thought.'

iubebas 3 669 67o sinite, etc., let me return and rene theight neve shall,eali die unauenged to-day, i.e I at an rate ill die hard numquam . octie,see o Ecl. iii 49.


675. in omnia, Sc. discrimina.

68o Ribbeck and Conington thin that subitum ' Vat. and Servius is

required by the SenSe a Suhito Med. Pal. Ver. γ, b, etc. could hardlybe ouplest,ith ctictu mirabilo instancin G. iv. 55 Aen. viii. 8I, hereMSS. nive subitum. But in the thera and CP. V. 5aa, X. 73 . 683. Deta, a Cone os flame, x. 27o: so v. Fast. vi. 635 of Vulcano in the paternit os Servius Tullius ' Signa dedit genitor tum quum

caput ipse corusco Contigit, inque coma flammeus arSit apex, Met. X. 278, 27 amici numinis omen Flamma ter accensa est, apicemque Per aera

duxit.' p. Liv. i. 39 Servio puero dormienti caput arsisse.' Deae originalty top, then or the rod a the opis the flamen's cap the camitself, and an head covering regum apices Hor. d. iii aΙ. o)-so metaphori catly

thi once: and Gossr tal escit it meremur. Statius an Claudian quote by on. seem to have underStood the word as here punctualed. 692-69 . Subitoquo, etc. is virtuali a tempora clause, See o Ecl. vii. 7, G. i. o. intonuit 1aovum so ix. 63o), a good omen in Romanaugury, e Cic. Div. i. 39 82. multa cum lueo illi facem clueens, a


al three alternatives, substitit, erravit resectit the orderis Sense being fato erravit Creusa substititne, etc. The indicative ood in a dependent interrogation is unusual excepi in certain formulae See o Ecl. iii Io 3 : an perhaps may be explaine here by regarding the constructio asbeginning it a direct question 'Did she ...' etc. 7-and then, by the additionis incortum, assumin the formis an in direct question, ut ithout the Sual change to subj. ood Gosfra put a queStion a resectit: Ribbeck conjectures 'fato mi erepta Creusa Substitit . . .'

756, 757. tulisset, oratio obliqua, agri l. 9 above refero ei nihistoric

762. Phoenix the eacher and Diendis Achilles, Il. ix. 434 qq. 767. his sud denarea in the continuous fio of hexameter might elibe intentionat, a though Aeneas ere overcome by the pictureae has uSt calle up, o Trojan pol and captives laetare, See est. Ioa. 772. Augustine cites his verse a typica in iis majesti rhythmos hebeaut of Paga ari Dom hic the Christia mus flee. 773. Otta maior Great statur is attribute to hades an apparitionsas being supematural hardi fas Con suggestshas being no longe cribbed, cahined, and confined by the ody. p. v. et ix. 269 ubi mortales

Tirynthius exuit artus, Parte sui meliore viget maiorque videri Coepit.'774, 775. Steterunt, See o Ecl. v. 61. affari, historica infiti. 77Υ. Pal. ISi , , , ive te comitem hinc asportare. the scansionos hic Servius corrects by transposing the word a in the texi mentioni the var lect. portare' Med. . Other SS. omit ino. Forb. and Goggr. rea nec te comitem portare, a lihelyrio represent the originallexi rom hic the thers ere corrupted: ut a Con rem RrkS, RSPOT-tare is les likel toae a substitute for portare than vice verSa. 779. HIe, the might ruter; So Vii. Io, X. 875. 78O. An example of Zeugma: obeunda ' o some such thought must besupplied rom Panctum. 78I, 782. ubi, te ere Lydia Tiberiows it gentie id belween land ricli in brave men. Lyctius, i. e. Tuscus' xi. 316), accordin to the traditiona origi of the Etruscans seo Lydia, P. Viii. 499, X. II, X. 55. This tradition firs recorde by Herodotus i. 9 ), an repeate by many Roman writers se for example Hor Sat. . . IN TaC. Ann. v. 55 Plutarch, Romulus 25, te ), was discredite by Dionys Halic. i. 28. 3o , who maintaine that the Etruscans ere υτOχθονες but modern reSearchinto Etrusca monuments an ari potnis clearly to thei Oriental assinities. Se Dennis, Cities and emeteries of Etruria' ed. 878 , Introd. p.



788. eum nonotrix Cybele, a Phrygia goddess, and worghippe onMount Ida iii III, i. 785, ix. 6I8, x. 25ν Catuli lxiii. where se Eliis .cletinoi The speec os Creusa is arisuli contrive to exculpate the herosrom ali tame orae loss, an to malae his secora marriage illi Lavinia seem the per mance of a divine command ' Storr). Her prophec about Italyris apparenti largoiten in iii. 7, 54 I72, etc., an inconsistency hicli suggest that Book ii. was ritte besore iii and which would have been remedie had Virgil live to revis the Poem. 792-79 . P. Hom. Od. i. o6-2o9, of Ulysses t in to embrace his




Aenea goesin to teli the stor of hi sevenaears wandering P. I. 755, V. 626 , SuggeSted of courae by the wandering of Odysseus in Od. x xii: Thrace, Delos, Crete, the Strophades Isiands, Epirus, the coasis of ouili Italy, and Sicilyaeing the main stages. As Homer' mythica geographyliadaecome par of the stock of epi commonplace a certain similarit ofdetat in the two accounts ouldae inevitabim: et the two lines os adventure ni meet in one place the land of the Cyclops and there Virgilioes no repeat Homer' Story but appropriatescit, an mahes Aeneas rea thesmit of Odysseus experience Polydorus as suggeste by Euripides' Hecuba; and the Harpies by Apollonius: ut the scene a Delos li. 73IΙ7 the vision os the Penates ii I 7 sqq. , and the meeting illi Andromache ll. 3o sqq. seem tote original. For a chronological arrangementsee Con. Introd. to Book III ad .

. iversa, in distant place of exile an a lonely i. e. unoccupied, p. ii. 714 shore. Fo ctiversa - remote. cp. i. 26 I xii. 62I; and ac Ann. V. 6 fore ut in diversas terras traherentur.' 5. uti ipsa defines the exactuoint, jus unde Antandrus; i. e. at thepoint here therio dies between ount Ida and theraea. 7. incerti, Seein ii. 788. 9 IO. et See o Ecl. Vii. 7, G. i. o. eum in et tum, καὶ τοτε δη: P. Vi. I, Io5 an qui et ille Catuli. iii II. I 2. magnis is seem here an viii. 679 to e distinguished rom the penates, who ere minores di. Vesta apparently asine of the magnidi. In ii. 296 Hector bring her Domiti temple cp. l. 293 in ii. 32o

Panthus bring seo the citade to Anchises house sacra victosque Penates : and in ii. I Aeneas has it hi in sacra, patriosque penates. In iii I 8 Aeneas sees in vision emgies sacrae divum Phrygiique penates ' in v. 74 he worships 'Pergameum Larem et canae penetralia Vestae : inix. 258 Ascanius adjures Nisus per magnos Penates, Assaracique Larem et canae penetralia Vestae. Penates et magni cti, or Penates et Vesta,' seem thus a poetica phrage so the vardians of the nationa hearth, transferred accordin to the genera conception of the Aeneid, sto Troyto Rome.


I 3. Mavortia, sacred to Mars: Hom. Il. xiii 3ΟΙ.

18. Aonoactas Aenos a the mout of the Hebrus is mentione byHomer Il. v. 5eto , and iis Mundation an hardi have been attributexto Aeneas. Virgil may have confuse i Wit Aeneia in Chalcidice H di vii. Ia 3 Liv xl. hicli claime Aeneas ascito under a claim hicli, lihethe whole connectio of Aeneas it Sicily seem to have grown ut os the worshi of A Doδιτ' Αἰνείας of Aeneia o Aeneium a mere local

36. Secundarent, petitio obliqua aster Venorabar, d worshippe . . . praying them to malle the vision propitious and lighte the omen.' 38. genitiuSQuo eici, an plant myanees against the sano' i. e. themound in hic the shrubris firmi get. 2, 3. Paroo, Wit infin. noli,' p. Ecl. iii. 94 so suge quaerere' Hor. d. i. 9. 3, ' fuge suspicari ib. i. I. 22 fuge credere Lucr. i. Io52, mitte loqui Hor Epod. 13. 7, mirari mitte Lucr. i. O56, absiste Aen. i. 399. viii. O3. Celerare, i. e. by disturbin a grave. non me, etc., knowolint Troy bore me of no alien stoch; Trojan is theblood that flows Do this stem. tibi, dat ethicus aut neque, thenegative bein carrie o sto the precedin clauSe P. X. 529. Neque

externus hic cruor manat is the ense.

avarum, in quo Vari sunt; ' p. i. 355 Gossr. . See below l. 4957. Savonarola is sal to have been determine to abando a oridi fora religi ou career, by the voice of wamin alWays repeatin to hi in his line. Sellar, ' Virgil, P. I 2.)45, 46. io . . . teXit here a I flain and covered with an iro growtho spears, and the har dari gre into a tree.' Seges, P. G. i. 42, Aen. xii. 663. iaculis increvit acutis et iacula quibus confixus sum)increverunt.' For the abi. p. . i. 18o.


Polymestor Eur Hec. 7. furtim manctarat. πεξέπεμψε ib. 6. 5 . res, the id of Agamemnon,' p. i. OO. Viotriola, an Xam Pleos false analogy the seminine victrix bein treate a m adj. like delix.'57. aera, accurSed; CP. Hor. Epod. . o Remi acer nepotibus cruor, horribilem et sacrum libellum Catuli xiv I a The wor is sed os person in Plautus; of things, notae re Catullus : se RamSa on Plaut. Mosted. V. 3. 4. 6O 6 I. Celerata se on ii. 576. linqui, IIS linquere Donatus nTer And. prol. 16. It is no deponent, ut passive introduce for variety;cP. Ecl. i. 85 Aen. V. 773, i. hoSOitium, Se on l. 15 above. 62. inStauramus, , celebrate. The word nee no impii ires.rites See o iv. 63.

63. arae. Wo altare inscribe Dis Manibus' seemo have been the usual number Ecl. v. 66 Aen. iii 3O5 iv. 6IO, V. 81. 65. e more. OsSra on l. 369 belowsoint out that Virgil constantly

uses his o simila expression ex more,' more, ' in morem, ' Ordine, '

rite ' in describin sacre rites, it the intention probabi os commend- indito his countr nen, n the ground of antiqui ty the rite and practice of the old Roman religion the restoration of hich was par of the polic os Augustui Aen. viii. 678 7 16 mor. d. i. 5 2o iii 6 Sellar, Virgil, pp. I 3, 14; ettieship SuggeStionS,' p. 38- O . e more thus virtuali m

Romano more.'

67 68. Sacri Sacrificiat,' P. V. 78. animamdue, ete , W lay the

spirit in iis tomb. an invokecit it the last ou cry conclamatio, seeit 6 Virgil here resecis the Roman idea that the ouis of the departed

were Shut, in the tomb, p. v. 34; v. Fast. v. 5 Romulus ut tumulo fraternas condidit umbras: whil in Aen. i. he adopis the Greel idea that the went tomades Theclan age an rhythmo l. 68 reflec Lucr.

7 . An imitation o Gree rhythm, p. Ecl. i. 24, iii 53 Aen. Vii. 63I, ix. 447, and Hom. I l. i. 1 Πηληιαδεω 'Aχιλῆος The istan is Delos. 75 76. ATquitenens, Med. Pal. γ, a ist), Ιst . Macrobius Sat. vi. 5 teStifies to 'Arcitenens,' hic mos editor adopi: ut though arquus arcus' is no found in Virgil, the archai form might haveremat ne in the ille of a god Apodo is ius, duti sui, a fixin theimsetile istan sor his mother Latona revinxit o Mycono, astenedio ' p. religare ab vii. 1o6. The Latin and Englislicidio m loo a theac sto different potnis: so a dextra' 'on or Io the right.' Myconos is called humilis' by Ovid. Met vii. 63, an is no ready losty whencesom have read Gyaro celS Myconoque. But Virgil ad n persoli alknowledge of these gland and Latin Poet are apirio cali ali fland high see ix. 15 . Ancient riter generali ha litile notion o accurate description os localitieS-e g. Polybius o Hannibar passage of the Alps :see Bosworth Smith Carthage and the Carthagini S, Pp. 188, 189.



8o. in Anius, in os mei and pri est o Phoebus in one' ictem :

ΙΙΙ-II 3. mater, themother of the gods that wellet o Cybela. 'oultrix, See o G. i. I , and cp. Catuli lxiv. 3oo cultricem montibus Idri: 'Plaut. Amphitr. V. I. 3 l. Io65 Et tibi et tuis propitius caeli cultor advenit. Coryhantia ora G. v. 5 Hor. d. i. 6. . in nctis, ete , henc the rites rapi in salthsul silence'-i. e. the mysteries of the Μegalesia' Liv xxix. cp. Hor. d. iii 2. 25 qq. eones, X. 253 Lucr. i. 6o cp. the whole descriptionis the rites of Cybele which foliows):

the magna ater Idaea came rom essinus in Phrygia . . 236 the Phrygia Cybeleaeing coniunded with the Cretan Rhea mother of Iupiter.

a specious ut no certain change' Kenn. . I 25. Baeotiatam, P. G. ii 487 an on iis passive orce, Aen. i. 22. iugis, abi. of respect the hilis of Naxos here the bacchanal roam.'I27. et oretiris, etc., the eas that solet round many an iste. concita, ΜSS. an Servius, ho Says, ' naturale St, ut concitatiora sint maria vicinitate terrarum 'mon preser consita consero') thichi set or studded

an Hor. i. 4. o intersus nitentes Vites aequora Cycladas.'I 29. Detnmus, Petitio obliqua aster hortantur. IZI. Curetum, the ancient priesis of Jupiter in Crete. 34. teolis, abi. Os respect- rear chigh-roosed citadet. I 35, 36. GT refers to the ext two clauses as et a that in hicli it stands No ali as etl nigh done-ou Ships raWn P, our me en-


Petitio obliqua, ' pra hi mi his grace to et what en he granis to urWear State.' fossis stius, p. i. 385 trepidis in rebus Hor. d. iii. a. 5, rebus dubiis egenis, afflictis, lassis' G. iv. 4493.

I 52 insertas, windows in the wali: seo Lucr. i. II inserti sun dunt radii per opaca domorum,' here it is more appropriate to light introduciniitselfI55. Canit, ulters, se on ii. 23. ultro, unsought, se on ii. I 5. The Penates comerio visit Aeneas, leavin thei prope home-i. e. eyondwhat mightae expected. 159. urbi, Lavinium tu moenia, etc., mali ready a reat cit sorveat gods like usa Cp ii. 294.162. Cretae, locative, at Crete. O the directions o gi ven asthough so the rs time to see Italy, se ii. 788. Line I 63-I66 arerepeate Dom i. 53O'533. I 67, 168. Darctanus an Tasius, accordi to legend were brothera: Dardanus ecominil uter of the Troad Iasius os Samothrace. The ille Father Iasius ' does no impi stat Virgil understoo him to e sather of Dardanus; ut there appear toae gome confusion belween them a Quomus reser o Iasius, et Dardanus is etfewhere the author of the race: whil in vii. o Dardanus, no Iasius, is sal to have penetrate to


17o Corythmn, i. e. Cortona in Etruria. Tradition state that Electra, the wis of iis eponymous ounde Corythus, ore oraeus a son, Dardanus, ho, ein dri ven ut os Italy, Munde Troy Cp. Vii. O6-II, X. Ο, X. 179. requirat, petitio obliqua aster victa in commands.'



-I IOA qq. , o Dardanu ODItal the command ' antiquam exquirere matrem' l. 6), Which was thus ambiguous having been rongin novo errore referre to Crete novo perhaps, modern,' 'in these alter dayS,' eing parti meant to eighte the force of vetorum by an artificia contrast: cp. Hor. A. P. 65 ardentem frigidus Aetnam Insiluit, Soph. O. T.

an Storm and the waves re rough beneat the dar ess. imber nimbus. tenetiris, abi os Circumst inhorruit, os a roughuneven Sursace; 'so horrere, horridus, etc. and in ree φρίσσειν, φρίξ Od. iv. Oa . P. Catuli lxiv. 27o flatu placidum mare matutino Horrifican Zephyrus, 'Lucan. V. 4 6 non horrore tremit pontus .' I98, 99 nox umictre, the darknes of the torm 'in tenebrae ex imbre ortae. ingeminant, act. Sed intransitively, P. i. O .

storm-WindS; See On ii. IO. metu, C. Argonautarum, i. e. Zetes and

Calais, ho relieve Phineus, a mythic in o Salmydessus in Thrace, tormente fortis crimes by the Harpies.