Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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remain, he Diores Would stipsas to the front, an leave behin his rivalno in doubisul case' i. e. mali him o longer ambiguus,' ut learly beaten. amhiguum relinquero might naturali leave undecided, asLucr. v. II 33 in ambiguo verbum iaculata relinquit: ' ut so the senseabove given p. v. Mel. i. 537 Alter in ambiguo est an sit deprensus; 'and sor Virgir echo of Lucretia phraseolog in a disserent Sense Ecl. X. q.

Some edition read ambiguumve ' sal by Heliasius to e Mund in hiscopies , hic nives an easter senseri Mould ei the get ast in o leaveth contes undecided --i. e. malae a dea heat), an is supporte by Iliad

doub have ad his e re im: ut the coincidence of S. authori ty, supporte ascit is by the ther passage of Homer, Confirm us in preserring the more dissiculi reading. It is more lihely, too that V should aris stomQV than vice versa. r. Kennedy sor ambiguumve, urge that HelymuS, bella ali alon in front, is not ambiguus: ' ut surely, it Diores o closeuponaim, hecis ambiguus acto hether he illae paSSed, o not. 327 3 29. iamque fero, and juS no , iii. 135. ut forte μως τυχεν, ascit appene that: ' p. l. 38 below, vii. 72, 5O9. The ense Where' Catuli. i. 3, vii Io hardi Seem to occur in Virgil. 332. titubata. Wit this for stoma neuter ver cp. Subitus,' placitus,' tacitus. Solo, probabin soli, as elsewherea though it mightae the sole of the oot a Lucr. i. 25 Pieridum loca nullius ante Trita solo.'

3 o, 3 I. The term here sed heton to a Roma theatre: at the vastseate assemblage and the lder in the laremos place' i. e. the irimus subselliorum ordo in the orchestra, hic mus have been a very marhedseature; p. Lucr. V. 78-8o Munro , and ac Ann. xiii 54. 3 And wori that win more savour here the or is lair. veniens - sho in itSelf, G. i. 54. 346, 347. Sudiit, iam up to'-or, as e might say, iam in sor aprige. I Salius ere o have rs prige, Euryalus ould e second, and Helymus third Diores gettingione rectctantur Med. I, Rom. Gud a is more appropriate to expres Diores Deling than reddentur ' Pal. Gud IJor redduntur' Med. a, b, J. For the meaning rendered ' a his ue), se note to iii 333. 355, 356. Iaucte virtute,' merit, asci. 46 I. tulisset, had undone; 'cp. Ecl. ix. 5 and reserenceS. 357. Simul his πιμα τοῖσδε, p. Hor. Sat. i. Io. 86 Simul his te, candide Fumi Prudens praetereo, Tae. Ann. iii 6 pontifice et augures, Septemviris simul et sodalibus Augustalibus.'359. artem Pal. Rom. Gud J, the handiwork; cp. Hor. d. v. 8. 5 divite me scilicet artium' 'work of ari, in Plur. , EPP. i. 6 17. Some edition read artes' Med. b, J, a poetic Plurat.



as dat incommodi-taken down a spoli ho Greet s. ho ad fas tenedit uinas an offering rom thei Spolis a Troy ut When and by whom ahendo Τ363. Draesons almost in promptus, ready to aci; a spirit os emprige.'366 auro vittisque hendia lysy- vittis auratis. Other reser auro tolli custom os gilding the horris of a victim G. i. 2I7 , velatum eingapplied o both ord by a Strong Zeugma This iuveneus, howeVer, Sno intende for sacrifice, and the vittae are mere ornaments like thecoloured ribbon o a priZe X. 372, 373. Unconquere Butes huge os rame, ho boasted that he camesrom Amycus Lebrycian clan. Venien se ferebat ηύχεσο ερχομνος lar Veniens P. X. 5 4, I9. Con. Connecis immani orpore illi Asforohat stati exalon in giant bulli' , arguing that Virgil alway uses aeserre in his sense an never Mithout ometh in to qualis an completeit, excepi here it is connected ith ord expressing the directio of themotion, as in ii. 72. i. 24 I vii. 492 ' an objection hich seem answered by his own subsequent remar that o gento must be ahen illi se ferebat Amyous, a mythi pugilistic champion hing of the Bebryces in

Bithynia , illed by Pollux in a combat describe in Apoll. Rhod. ii 5 I

os intenctero Uraeolii tergo, hypallage so 'intendere bracchiis ter. gum; se iv. 5o6, and belo l. 5 4- fit the gauntietis his arms.' O . tantorum, etc., 4 Vast the hides of Sevenauge Oxen, at sitis,ithlea an iron stitched in ' i. e. tanti erant caestus.' o6. longo, I long of time a Cic. Tusc. iii I . 29 quae longe ante videris, Hor. d. i. o. neque in terris morabor Longius ' a 'sar hack,' i. e. Dares recolis at thesight of the weapon 3x ulterly, 'as in longe alius 'etc. The example cited rom Lucr. i. Quae nisi respuis ex animo longeque remittis banish sar away' might suppor ei ther a or 3), between hich two our choice lies.


sontes avertitur, 'Aen. i. 58o erumpere nubem, ii. 73 omnem VaSiSSevicem, Thuc. iii 3 4πεξελθοντες τουτους.

39. his simile is Virgil siwn Apollonius Rhodius has ne of a avethreatening to verwhelm a sitim ii. 7 Sqq. molibus, mounds.' 446, 47. ultro more tha this'-i. e. nolint wasted his blow, ut ove reache himself an seli se on ii. I 5. gravis graviterque repetitionto heighte effect a in Homer' μεγας μεγαλωστί. 5Ι. caelo, dative it ver of motion, a ii. 186, 398 688, X. 55, i. 87, 92. 56, 457. aeduore toto, ove ali the lain; se on ii. 2I. For the rhetorica force of ille se on l. 3. 66. ieel o no more than morta strength, an Heauen' lavourchangest 3' conversa, ecause his hi therio invincibi career ll. 37o-37 has no been checked. The meaning of Viros alias seem determine bycecte Deo in an cas it - greater than Dares has et besore, an not different fro his o n.' 473. SuDerari animis, 'in the height of his triumph -lit. in excessis spiritS. 48o arctuus, rising igh to the strohe). illisit, c. 'caestus or


48 I For some remark o the metrical effect os his verse see Conington's note. The sud de collapse scit rhythmis ver appropriate to the Suddentali of the x See Introd. IV, p. liv. 83. meliorem i. e. letter than the lis of such amoward a Dares : p. xli. 296 for the reverse dea os a man 's lis eaeingaeiter than Sheeinor Xen.




event in the histor os Sicily-perhaps the wars it Rome an sal os

SyracuSe . . I a. For the connectio Subito . . . magnoque futurum,

etc. P. X. 73 an reserenoes; Subitum Ribb. and Con a in ii. 68o: ut Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. b, c, etc. Vat. anting concur in subito, hichalso is es lihelyrio have been substitute a a Variant.


534. The readin here is dissiculi to determine. I honorem' Con.

DOm Med. 2, Gud. , , c gives the easteS Sense, Milled o to dra. i. e. receive a specia honour, cp. viii. 552 an Gree ἐξαιρετον δῶρον λαμβάνειν, etc. a But honores Pal. ROm. Med. I, Gud IJ has much stronger IS authori ty exsortem must then portionieSS, i. e. havin been exclude Domin prige l. 5 I9 , though no else heres in in his sense without gen Milo ing, e. g. vi. 428 vitae exsortes.' honorem' a theorigina reading, ho comes the les obvious honores in the fini hand of ever uncia an one of the est cursive SSI Dr. Kenned ingeniouslysuggest that Virgil,rote 3 honoris' gen sing. aster exsortem'), whichearly scribes too sor acc plur. and wrote ac honores ' and that commentators seelinia dissiculi in the unusual constructio thus give to exsortem, altere an taught later scribes to rite 'honorem. Whil retaining honoros it the best SS, andio Deling that in a writer of such Deedom an variet os expression the exceptionalisse of exsortem ithout gen . Se is a conclusive Objection to that reading, I Strongi suspect that Dr. Kenned is right in his conjecturc. I so it wouldae necessar to unde Stand sortem' or honorem after clueere- Willed ou though debarredfrom honour, o receive it neverthel S.'537, 538. in magno munere, abi. Os circumstance, as i. e. unde theconditions os a nobi gist; ' p. viii. 273 Cic. Verr. i. 3. II 5 hoc vix ab Apronio in summo beneficio pro iis mPetratum eSt. o ferre . . . clecterat See i. 3I9.

5 1. Nor did good Euntio grvdg the honou set above his o . Forconstruction uSuali accus of what is grudged cp. Cic. Rull. Ioa illi qui honori inviderunt meo, Phil. i. non invidebit huic meae gloriae.'5 2. Quamvis it indic. Hor. d. i. 28. ID quamui . . . ConcesSerat,' Liv. i. quamvis . . . emeneras: neVer in Cicero excepi in a passagewhere Or. iii. 3. 86 he oin to his discourse a verse of Lucilius. 5 5 sqq. his account of the ludus Trojanus' a a complimen to Augustus, ho Suetonius Aug. 43 had revive it a Rome, and ais to Prominent Roman whos sonS perhaps had recenti appeare in it. Asinspecta statur an surphise, no mentione in the programme ll. 66 sqq.), it heightens the liberalit of Aeneas, an form a Pleasan contra St to the intense excitementis Previ ou competitioni See Hen , ad loci . 55o ctucat, petitio obliqua asterito, impera. avo, in honour of his


whi te blage pon his tost sorehead. athis hieolor maeulis is explained by What ollows vestigia Doctis, a periphrasis sor Dectes, rimi denotingine front par of eac Mot. 568 Atii in complimen to Atia, mollier of Augustus . he was daughtero M. Atius Lalbus and Julia, a sister os Iulius CaeSar. 572. Repeate stom l. 538 above. 573. Trinacriis Con homo Bodleian SS. must uret be right. Trinacrii Ribb. sto Pal. 1 Rom. b , agreeing illi Acestas, i flat;

the contrast being obviousty it Sictonio ectuo-Acestes mount in the reston Siciliari horses. Trinacriae' Med. Pal. 2, Gud. a 2 c, etc. mUSthave been a correctio sor Trinacrii' by erroneous comparison Trinacriae iuventus' l. 555 after the final f had stippe oui.

58 sqq. The boy advance in ne ody loosel described as agmina),whicli immediatel brealis p into it three turmae l. 56O , a movementdescribe by the three id phrage iscurrere Dares, agmina SOIVere, victuctis otioris These three turmae then o through various intricate manaeuures, compared by Virgil to the windings of the labyrinthi the sportive play of dolphins the whole passage ni indicatin the reneral natureo the evolutions. They gallopis in even troops, brea Ling the line into three divisions it parte band and again a cal the wheel an couch

s legen telis, the Labyrinth ad iis path inwoven among lind walis, and the tangie puggle of it thousand ways, o hi de the trac bywandering that non deieci and non retrace.'58 -586 actversi Med. Rom. , and adversis' Pal. Gud. b c are sequat authorit an mean ing-vig. that the three turmas o chori advance an retreat ach on it own round In the circular evolutions hichsollow, ac describes iis orbis,' ut so acto ut acros the orbes of the others For another SenSe os orbe impectire se viii. 448.

388. It is suggeste that Virgil, despatring os reproducing the ance os Daedalus on the hiel o Achilles It xviii. 59 sqq. , as an appropriate simile too the nex thing that occurret to him, the labyrint of Daedalus.

For this alter p. vi 27 and Catuli lxiv. II 2-IΙ6.59O, 59 I. Signa sequencti, trach, lit. martis os sollowing. falloro CP Ecl. i. 48 Aen. V. 68 the cori denotes Purpose. Promoabilis, os Styx vi. 25 Catullus I. c. hac inobservabilis error, Virgil vi 27 'in extricabilis error: cp. δυσεύρετος Eur Bacch. 22Ι. 595. The word luctuntuus Dor unctas occur in Rom. c: ut are omitted

in Pal. and added by a laterian in Med. Gud. Ribbec omit them.


6o2. The game i. e. honos, observance, a viii. 268 is no called Troia, the boy the Trojan band. V ' o the agreement of ctioitur ii hpredicate ather than subjeci p. Ter And. iii 3 23 amantium irae amori S integratio est. Troia a the nam of the game Suet. Caes. 39 Troiam lusit turma puerorum'): an to place the comma at ueri an translate, the boys are calle Troia, the band the Trojaniand 4eem very needleSs.

hom Med. c. refertini sollemnia, in recurring rites.' 6O9. id . . . virgo, See o X. 98 millo coloridus deScriptive abi. - multicolorem. 616. Superesse, infin exclamantiS, Seem i. 37.

62o Tmarii, o Tmarus, chili in Epirus Beroe must then have les Troywit Helenus, married in Epirus, and perhap as a Widow lest Epirus,ith Aeneas iii. 7 sqq.). The SS. va aetWeen MARII Pal. c J. MARI Rom. an Schol. Ver. an MARI Med. Gud. having bero marii, an bero . . . mari. The v. l. Ismarii' o Ismarus in Thrace, Ecl. 4. o in ne late S is internali plausibie Thrace an Troybein allie countries iii. 5) so that a Trojan might wel marr a Thracian But the ni trace of it in good SS. is an attempto correct

62 I. fuissent, cori in virtua oratio obliqua- Who, he knew had Once had ran an nam and children. The clauseris thus referre to the mirados Iris, an suggest her reason sor chooSing the Orm o Beroeet P. Vi. 39 .

626. Virgil' chronolog here seem inconsistent With i. 55, here thetime os Aeneas arrivalis Carthage is calle the festima aestas of Wandering sor, are tol l. 6 above that at the time of the games a earhas passe since the funera os Anchises That ea mus have been penta Carthage aster Dido' speech at the en of Aen. t so that the ea os the ames ould e the ei th, no the eventh, OS Troia excivium. The delatis of the chronoloo however, re indefinite se Kenn ExcussuSi Aen. V. 626 and we ma suppos that a fina revision, had Virgil livedio mahe it, ould have remove suc actua discrepancies a that under



66o. Denetralibus, i. e. Jeartiis in the centre os cach home connected with the worshi of Lares and Penates: p. Catuli lxviii. Ioa penetrales socos: Cic. Har. Resp. 27. 57 deorum ignes soli mensas abditas et penetrales socoS, and . . i. 27 67 explaining the nam Penates,' ab eo quod penitu insident; ex quo etiam penetrales' a poetis vocantur.' 663. Rhictio, abi. o resp., stern os ainte firmood. DuDDes, M., Rom. Gub. - fortasse hic rectius,' says Ribbech, ho reads puppis' hom Med. Vat. anting): se Introd. III, p. lVi. 667-669. ut . . . Sio. Scanius rode u justo he waS. Ger equo,

69I. Quo superest, ei ther I at that is est to do an susser), cp. xii. 6 3 Exscindine domos, id rebus defuit unum, Perpetiar 3 or 2 iurpoor rem ains' quo suDerest de classe' . Both here, however, and in l. 796 belo supposed to lavour a)J, the common Lucreti an se See on


717. habeant, petitio obliqua illi sino. 72I, 722. subvecta, upwasted. facies, image; se l. 658. 73o. hard race of savage lis await your conquering an in Latium. See o i. 261. 733, 3 . namque late in the clauSe Cp. Ecl. i. 4. tristes umhrae, thos gloomy hades, 'in apposition to Tartara: o Pal. Rom. Gud.; ve hei addet above the line in Med. l. Tristesve umbrae' ould beoni a repetition os impia Tartara though Con thini scit might implythe intermediate region etween Tartarus and ElySium.


754. In number seW, their courage een or ar. For the apposition CP. i. 338. 755. eSignat aratro, Romano more urbis condendae; a in the sto of Romulus and RemuS. 758. Pro laim an assembly, and gives laws to the lder he has um-moned. This picture os, Homeri βασιλευς deli veri nitiis decisions δίκαι, θεμιστες to the submissive αγορα Grote, Mist. Greece, Par I. h. XX: Maine, Anci Law,' ch. t was appropriate to Augustus, who Summoned the Senates pro forma, butini to register his foveret g decreeS. 761 AnCHSe a ater has a τεμενος βωμος τε θυηεις Od. iii 363 etc. ,


8o9. The combat of Aeneas illi Achilles is described in Il. xx. 58 sqq.

allusion to the torno Laomedon cheatin Apollo an Neptune of their promise reward sor bullding Troy Hom. Il. xxiii. 4 sqq. Hor. d. iii.