Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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286-289. Scyllas rhetorica plurat, a Milton's Gorgon an HydraSan Chimaeras dire. Dolua Lernae, the Hydra; p. viii. OO formatricorsoria umbrae, i. e. Geryon, callex tergeminus viii. o an Lucr.

seem here to conceive ne i Ver, o hichae applies the names Acheron, Cocytus, an Styx but in . 55o e 1id a separate conception os Phlegethon surro ding Tartar See Conington' note. 297. Cocyto, dative after Ver implyin motion Acheron Seem toempt itfel into Cocytus, hicli in l. 23 is identica wit Styx Plato,

ister V to or for the satis ' dative ci p. Prop. iii. 3. 35 caelo modo Sol, modo luna ministrat, Cic. Fam xvi. I Acastum retine, quo commodiuStibi ministretur. It is thus used in the Vulgate e g. Gen. l. ingSili. puer autem Samuel ministrabat Domino.'3O5-3O8. tiuo, i. e. ad ripaS; see Ecl. i. 5 . Lines 3O6-3O areaepeatensrom G. V. 475-477 For magnanimum se iii. 7O . 313-3I6. 'There Stoo the each prayin to lautach rs across, Withhand ouistretchen in yearning for the sarther hor ut the grim fer man ahes no this ne an no that-other he eeps sar os upo theri ver sarink. transmittero iv. 5 amore, i. 7Ι tristiS, iii 2I4.32o livicta, the ut dar Walers: ' p. vii. 687 liventes plumbi,' Hor. d. i. 5. Io lividos racemos, i. . Io armis livida bracchia'


ακλαυτον, αθαπτον, ων πιθεν καταλείπειν.

the ea.

probabi the os of the lissi up hich he had climbed, and thus iam tuta tenetiat, lingin to the top, ut not et sala verrit. 363, 364. Quoct in adjurationS, se on ii. Ι I. O by the genia light andat of heaven by our ather, Dyour ope in otin Iulus D cp. i. 56,

366 initos compare the petitio of the unburie corpse in Hor. d. i. 28. 35 licebit Iniecto ter pulvere curras. Velinos, an anachroni Sm: Velia' o Elea, Greel 'Υέλη was Munde about 5 o B. C. by the exiles Domihocaea in Ionia, H di. i. 167 rote, Hist. Greece, Pt II, h. xxxii cP. Hor. EPod XVi. I Sqq. 37 I. That at eas in ome quiet graveri a find the est os eath '- i. e. mih could o have the est, hic is the great theme of the Aeneid, res in a Trojan setilement' Con. . 373 ctua, Mil destre ' se G. i. 37. 38o mittent, uender solemn osserings, a iv. 624 G. V. 5 5.


ῖ83. torrae Ribb. sto ali SS terra' ablat. , mos editor ora account of Servius note, Xplaining cognomino as adjective the and that eam his ame; cp. Plaut Bacch. i. I. 5 quid agunt duae germanae cognomines γ' both called Bacchis '), Veli Pal. i. I A. D. O cognominem patriae meae Salaminem constituit. No oubicit is more likel thata copyiSt,ould tali cognomino as subst an alter terrae, tha that he hould alter terrae terra ' in orde to malae ' cognomine adj. butca Such consideration utweigh the unanimous testimon of SS 3385-387. iam incte, explaine by Stygia ala uncta, froni his post by the Stygian ave ' iam istinc' l. 389), Trom here o Stand.' ultro, Se ii 1 5. 39 . SSent refers to Charon' thought- though Iane them to e of

good ise- domi mansit, lanam secit; go οἰκουρειν Soph. O. C. 3 3),εσω καθῆσθαι Aesch. Cho. I9 . p. Prop. i. 6. 23, 2 Felix Admeti coniunx et lectus Ulixis, Et quaecunque viri femina limen amat; and theide os γυναικεία αρετη scribe by Thucydides ii. 5 to Pericles-ῆς αν

ΙΙ, Ι2. alias, i. e. other than Aeneas This idioni in Gree and Latin including amon a number of person or thing the ne hocis distinguishedfro them is osten miranslateable excepi hy an adver besides etc. :e g. d. i. 84 γε NauSicaa καὶ μφισολοι κιον a With hercam attendant also '); Lucr. i. II 6 pecudes alias' 'brutes in urstead'). Munro cite fro Empedocles νθρωποί τε καὶ ἄλλων θνεα θη- ρων, Liv. v. 39. circa moenia aliasque portas. See Liddeli and coit s. v. Eoos L . iuga, Gree ζυγa the rowerS' enches .etra λεγομενον in Latin laxat foros, Vcleare theam ab S: se G. V. 25O. I . utilis, 'ill-caullied an so leahy; the eam bein connected with gome op material se iv. 8a . Pli ny Ν. H. xxiv. disputingwhether genista bro ' is the h. σπάρτον, referre to by Homer Il. ii. 35 Και δὴ δουρα σέσηπε νεων και σπάρτα λελυνταί continues- nondum enim suisse Africanum vel Hispanum spartum in usu, certum Si et cum Sutiles fierent naves, lino tamen non sparto unquam utas. Aulus Gellius N. A. xvii. 3 quote Varro hi Liburni plerumque loris naves Suebant, Graeci magi cannabe ceterisque Sativi rebus, a quibus σπάρτα appellabant'

415 incolumes, Vat. Med. Rom. incolumis Pal. A nom. Sing. agreein With cymba, the word ould have litti potnt, and the orthography hic malies iis constructio clear is preserabie. Introd. III, p. xlvi. . I9, 2 o. olularis Cerberus, like the Furies, has nahes for hair; p.


Hor. d. iii II. I7 ossam, a lump or bali, Amade stupesying v. 855 with hone and rugged meat.' a 4 425. Sesulto, i. e. in Si P, p. i. 265. For Vacti vivam see V. 438. 26 439. The neutra region se Introd. to this book here aretraces of a notion that a sui term os life en led by a natural honourabie, o happy death Wa a necessar conditionis a complete admission to the derworid' Νettieship Suggestions.' See iv. 696-699, and Plaut. Most ii 2 67, here a hos SayS, Nam me Acheruntem recipere Orcus noluit Quia praemature vita careo. Virgil malle the ouis os insanis ait so the lis the have neve enjoyex Lucretius v. 28 thinlisit natura sor a chil to cui tantum in vita restet transire malorum' se Munro, ad loc. - vie more in harmon with the eeling ,homthe od love die oung, as expresse in the stor o Cleobis and Biton Hdi. i. 3I , o the Christia spirit os thani sui nes for deliverance out os the miseries of this insul orid. The sulcides an unjustly condemnedare classe With infantS, as havin been prematurei cui os , insontes i. 35 self-deStruction involvin no condemnation to a Roman, speciali is a StoiC. 26 429 in limin primo Sc. Orci; not as Ribb. vitae. Con thini s

43o. Near hem the oui condemne to deat upo a salse charge.'For his en os penalty originali dependent on crimine, ' iudicio ' orsoni Such, ord, and gi Win into a common phrase through iis se in legat formulae 3 cp. Hor. d. ii I . I damnatus longi Sisyphus Aeolides laboris, and Se Roby Lat. r. i. I322 1327. 3I-433. TheSe line are Parenthetical, illi resereno no meret tolli neutra region, ut to the lower ori in generat. Virgil hin Ling, perhaps that the juxtapositionis insanis and of the ui usti condemned may seem strange-breali of his description to asser emphaticali that the various region belΟ tiae sectes are assigne after prope inquir byblinos, ne of the traditionat judges of the underwortu Rhadamanthusis found resid in ove Tartarus l. 566 Aeacus is no mentione l. Thephraseolog is that o Roman law; orto recalling the sortitio iudicum 'whil uuaesitor a the preSid in magistrate at a Roman trial: ut thedetatis are ali vague, an it is needies to desine concilium silentum. Minos presides, and shahes the um tis herilia calis a courtis the silentshades an leam the lis an sitis of each. '436 aethere in alto, the ut per ir'-i. e. earth, as opposed to theunderworid. For the thought compare the speech of Achilles Shade, Hom. Od. i. 489 49 I.

4 5 - 4 9. Homer describes the heroines in the lower ori at omelengili Od. i. 225 3 29 . Virgil introduces them very bries for the salieos confrontin Aeneas illi the had os Dido an da laces them ali in the lugentes campi, though ni some an e sal to have die sor love


vincia recens SSet.'

53, 5 . AS ne that Sees, o thinh he Sees, the o g oon rising through the clouds. Primo mense, lihe Gh. αρχομένου 'νος the earlyperio of the natura month. Virgil imitates Apod Rh. v. 479 ως τίς τενεα εν ήματι μηνην ΗἘδεν, εὶ δοκἹσεν παχλυουσαν ἰδεσθαι He is imitated by Ovid. Her xviii. 3I, 32 Lumina quinetiam summa vigilantia turre Aut ridet aut acies nostra videre putat; and Milion, Tar. Lost, ii. 783. 456, 57. Iintius, i. e the lage of Dido' pyre, rom hic he had eSSed her sate v. 3 sqq. . extrema secutam, ' had Sought you end 'cp. i. I9. 4 9 ncteς Homer g ρκος, a thin to gwea by that hicli an ove assurance; CP ii. I 2. 62. Senta Situ lit. rough,ith neglect'- these aste and moulde ingreal , Homer' 'Aίδεω o io ευρωεντα Od. X. Ia). Senta, probablya participia sor stom sino' whence also situs, se G. i. 72 , analogOUSto lentus ' Ecl. i. Cp. Ter. m. i. a. of a agged See si man) Video Sentum, squalidum, aegrum, pannis anniSque obSitiun, Ovid. Met. iv. 436 of the ma tomades Pallor Hiempsque tenent late loca senta.' 66. Whom ould o fhunt Fate suffers S to mee no more '-i. e. is o tum Dom meaecaus Pam Aeneas, know that this is the las chance Fate oves me to address ou. 467. Rrctentem et torva tuentem ardentem torva tuenti animum,' heriuminthean and sullen froWn.' 47 I. MameSia, i. e. marbi : Marpessa bein a mountain in Paros. 47 Swers to her cares and gives her love so love. For the doubledat. illi, Curis Cp. i. 79. 77, 478. atum sc. lato or Sibylla ), appotnted. ultima, i. e. thelast par of the neutral region. 479 48o Tycteus Aesch. Sept. 38 sqq. an Parthenopaeus ib. 525 sqq. Were Wo of the even chiela ho ought an fel a Thebes Actaeastus Ather-in-la os Tydeus and Polynices, a them die, and turne So palethat he neve recovere his complexion. 48 I. a SuPeTOS apud superos l. 568, amon me on arth apud vivos ), horare superi in regar to the shades belo so Superas auras' l. 28 superum ad lumen' l. 68o, supera convexa' l. 75o, aethere in alto' l. 436. p. also Veli Pal. i. of Pompey Quam apud Superos habuit magnitudinem, illibatam detulisset ad inferos, Val. Flacc Arg. i. 79 Tuque, excite parens umbris, ut nostra videres Funera et oblitos superum paterere dolores; and the phras inundi inscription ad superos



esse in vivere.' actuci, sallen; go perhaps G. i. 368 frondes caducas Litcr. V. 363 bacae glandesque caducae '-though there it ma in falling,' and Sorae eare the ordinar sense of apto sali,' perishable' cp. X. 622 . In legat langu e caduca bona ' - propert whic passe homolie heres mentione in a ill because he was chil illes quasi ab eo ceciderit'): so Cic. de r. iii. I. 22 nostra est omnis ista prudentiae doctrinaeque possessio, in quam homine quaSi caducam atque Vacuam abundante otio, nobi occupatis, involaverunt.' 83, 484. From Hom. Il. xvii. I 6, andisi. 59, here Antenor' sons arenamed. PolyDtioeton agrees illi Πολυφοί v Il. xiii. 791 where a V. l.

495- 97. Simila mutilations are described Od. xviii. 86, xii. 75, Smere acts of barbarous venileance but there seems also to have been a SuperStitio that by cutting of the and of his victim a murdere could

The hade ear the odii appearance of the person in iis or at the time

5I5 qq. In ii. 567 sqq. Helen is represente a crouchin in terror and hid in alit e rom Greelis an Trojans: Deiphobus here describes er Striumphantly et coming the Greelis, and reacherousty etrayin him to

Menelaus Each description fuit the poetica purpos oscit contexi and the Oet xv must suppose, a no Caresul to harmonis them evantes Orgia cogia accus. shoutin their Wil Bacchic cry. circum ilhctucetiat.


deast.' Ribbec accepi Schrader' conjecture ' choreis ' objectin to curisas inconsistent I in gaudia' l. 13. 2 wit the description os un-troubled flee in . 522. ut an Trojan hie might et be ' confectus curis' at that time; and l. 22 is ut a poetica expression for the deeP,

heau fleemos a tire man. 523. egregia, ironicat.

529, 53o cti talia . . . Gods, repay the like to Greelis, is pious hethes lip that pransor vengeance. instaurare, Se On V. 63. 533, 53 . fatigat for iis Se Se i. 316 appears orae an example of theidiomaticisse of Pres note on ii. 275 for actires hows that the referen eis to past time. e ma translate it by a partici ple- come o ted by Ocean andering o by wamin voice of heavem; by hat stres of fortune drive to approachisu drear suntes home this realm of gloo 3 539. ruit, is comin On. The had started primi sub lumina solis' l. 255 havin Spent the revious night in the preliminar sacrifices theyhave o been exploring ill ast oon, and the Sibyl am Aeneas that time is etling on. The oume to and through Orcus is supposed tooccup about tu enly-seu hourS- da an a night.5 2, 5 3. inthi road lies ur a to Elysium the lest plies in ners With punishment an talae them to thei place in Tartarus.' imoia, a the

fili up m place' o function), se onm. v. 227 and p Sen. ad Marc. I 2 3 degenerem aliquem et numerum tantum nomenque filii expleturum.'

The expression is obscure, an it interpretation Oubi sui: 3 is perhaps

Conington' punctuation Porta adversa, ingens,' seem to malae actuePSRalso predicate. 55 -556. xa as, latost. Servat, ,atChes; se G. V. 459. 559. StrePitum, Vat. Rom. Pal. I, Gud. b c algo ei cius: strepitu 'Med. Pal. 2. ausit, Pal. I, Vat. 2, Gud. b. haeSit Vat. I, Pal. 2,

Med. Rom. Thus Pal. Gud. b c favour strepitum hausit dran in the in y an Med. strepitu haesit stood fixed scared by the in '). Vat. is uncertain: Rom. confuse strepitum haesit '). strepitum mighteasi lyraecome strepitu i writiei -ut: ' ut is the reverse likely


in Homer Od. iv. 56 presides ver the Elysian elds in Plato Gorg. 5a in he udges the Asiatic dead Aeacus ud in Europeans and Minos bella a jud ge os final appeal). Here heris notis much a jud in a chi esilaole or 'Triumvir Capitalis.' aStigatque auctitque, a στερον προτερον,

perhaps implying the summar natur os hi jurisdiction Con. -punishment bein almos coincident illi the recitat of crime. 568, 569. The crimes that eachiuili foui among me aDuctisuperos, se l. 81 , rejoicin in the die fraud has velle unti the last our os

death. ' istulit, lit. has ut oss' i. e. the consessionis and satisfactionsor crime, understoo though no expresse in iacula which - Simply crimes, as Liv. v. a. 6 quantum piaculi committatur, Plaut. Trin. i. I. 13 liaculum est misereri hominum male rem gerentium. The crime S a

A froin the centre thrice to the ulmos pote.'SusPectus, the pwar vieW; Cp. v. 45 sqq. an Lucr. V. I 'Aterris quantum caeli patet altus hiatus.'582. Aloictas. G. i. 28O.

586. um imitatur expresses the time, and o indirecti the cause, os the punishment, hicli egan whil he was imitatin the thunder: P. Juv. i. 59 ' Qui bona donavit praesepibus et caret omni Maiorum censu, dum pervolat axe citato Flaminiam, Hor. d. iii. 7. 17 Narrat paene datum Pelea Tartaro, Magnessam Hippolyten dum fugit abstinens. The oubleuSe of Our ord occasion, or quando, επεί, ete , is an examPle sinsimilariten lingis the deas os cause and simultanei ty. 59 I. Simularet causal subj. The imperfeci throughout the sentence indicate Salmoneus habit no a Single acl. 593, 59 . ille has the force of quidem, se on l. 3. Norarebrand that,no torches smoli light. turbino, the wind or rus ' of the thunderboli.


595. omniparentis Lucr. i. o6, v. 259 l, a translation of Ομμητα ρ Aesch. . . o , is accepte by mos editor instea os omnipotentis' Vat. Med. both corrected by a later hand : ut it has only one S. in iis avour, and the inappropriatenes of omnipotentis' se Con note)might Mily have te to this alteration. I have not however, Venture toset aside the consensus of Virgilia editors. For the descriptionis Tityos cp. Hom. Od. i. 576 sqq. Lucr. iii. 984 and se Conington' note. 59d 599. Poenia dative, that gro astes sor punishment: cp. Lucan. ix. 696 of the Africa desert Illa tamen sterilis tellus fecundaque nulli Arva bono.' epulis, dat . ad epulas V says Con. but is it no rather ablat os circumst. - at iis mod - dig and ais dwelling the whil deepi his reast ' DE P. rimari is sed absolutet G. i. 38 ; illi accuS. G. iii 534. 6o sqq. Note the poetica skill illi hic Virgil here abandon particula description os individual and thei punishment, an finishes illi a

se broad generat ouches suggestive of a confuse Scenem horrors, herethe ye hamin distinguished a se figures, an no longe disen tangi iis impressions Themasithas Ixion, and Pirithous thus represent the wholectas of unname criminals includin e g. Tantalus, o WhOSe Uni Shment,

umque et u . . .: an ingenious, ut insupporte conjecture SucheXpedient are, in laci, unnecessary. The poet . . . S at length urtaingon an dealin with the subjeci more promiscuousty mention in here acrimina and there a formo punishment, ut o carinito SSig the onet themther' Con Appendixin Ribheck'. Prolegomena'). The punishments there re of the overhanging roch l. o 2 and the sorbidden anquet it 6o3 6o7), though both suggeste by tradition about Tantalus domo treser o hi alone, ut are give a specimens os an indefinite number of




what missortune hath phinge them here.' forma. c. sceleris; ' P. Scelerum formas belo l. 26, in contrast to poenarum nomina: and fortunave is a mi lde way os expressing the fame hing. Cic. Top. 7 telisus that dorma was a technical tenn illi logici an species '- formae sunt, in quas genus dividitur. For indie mersit in indirect questiora seeii. 738 G. iv. 15o-but it is dissiculi in Such cases to draw the line exactlybetween relative an interrogative. 616 6 19. Saxum the traditiona punishment of Sisyphus Od. i. 503 sqq. las the whee was that o Ixion se howeveri l. O above. MA-tricti, racked, i. e. stretched orirawn tight in disserent directions Thosous was fixed in a chair in the lowe worid for his attempta carr Ois ProSerpine :PHogyas, in of the Lapithae an fallier os Ixion burn the temple of Apollo a Delphi. 62O. p. Pind. Pyth. i. 39, here Ixion hom his heel gives the warning

621, 22. Servius thiniis that onmctit . . . imposui potnis to Curio, tribune B C. 5o, hom Caesar bribe away seo the fide os Ponape bypayin his debis cp. Lucan. iv. 19 momentumque fuit mutatus Curio rerum, Gallorum captus spoliis et Caesaris auro' and xit, etc. to Antony, P. Cic. Phil sanim, Att. xiv I 2. I Walsonoo8 ecce autem Antonius accepta grandi pecunia fixit legem. Varius, in a passage romwhicli Macrobius Sat. v. I say Virgil borrowe Vendidit hic Latium populis, agrosque Quiritum Eripuit, fixit leges pretio atque refixit ') probablydid mean Antony but ali e cari sayis Virgil is that hil his langu age