장음표시 사용
apparentina mistahen imitation os d. viii. 26 Πεπληγον δε χορον ποσίν, Where χορ ς the place of ancing.'6 6 647. ' Accompanies their tralas illi the even notes of his lyre, striking them no wit his fingers, an no with ivor quid. numaris dative reserario the ong of the ancer l. 6 . obloqui, hich with dative of person usually- to spea against,' contradici, condemn, etc. e. g. Cic. Cluent. 23. 63 vocat me alio iamdudum tacita vestra expectatio quae mihi obloqui videtur'), has here the force os ultering in epiri or ac- companiment, o, With a cognate accus. viserimina defining the ut ter
optato Saeclorum tempore nati HeroeS.'
roli in sud tide through serest in the wori above. CP. G. iv. 366 Sqq.
Where Aristaeus sees the subterranean ources os allisi vers Eridanus included plurimus illi volvitur Cp. Ecl. Viii. 96 G. i. 63. 66a-664. iure bards, hos son was orth Phoebus ear inventore,
Who Paris have alsed man scii se an ali hose orth has on themmemory. It is no clear hether Dii refers to mora character sor hicli sense Con. et Cites Hor. Epp. i. I. 126 sqq. , or uti sui service to Phoebus): ut ei ther meanin is allowable Al the est SS. and Servius Suppor aliquos a coriectio in one or two codices and the testimon os Macrobius ein the ni externa evidenc for alios, whicli on internalground is perhaps reser te. Wit aliquos the de is that at whose mort has earne them the gratesu regar of ume o earth-benefactor ofmankin even o a mali scale have deserve Elysium an idea not --worth of Virgil, of this passage-no sufficiently go, at least to justi sydisregar of ove helmini IS authori ty. merericto μοιγε ποιῆσαι Foraliquos an cp. l. 719 elow.667 668. Musaeus is the mythica sather of poets as Orpheus os ingers' Con.) For umoris exstantem CP. G. iii 37O, Aen. X. 765.67o illius ergo, o his account; an archai constructio fom in Lucretius v. 2 6 dormidinis ergo '), Cicero de Opt. Gen. r. virtutis ergo benevolentiaeque'), an in public documents cite by iv xxv. 7, xl. 52 in a fragment of the XII abies cite Cic. Legg. i. 25. 64 neve
reason, there re'-the repositionalisse ein confine to the in dred forin erga. For the union in ne Phrage of the idea of potnifrom hichan object to hicli p. the expression a dextra,' - αριστερας, πρὸς
67 683. SuDerum, a l. 8 above. Anchises is Mund reviewing the spirit os his descendant to come, one da to PMS O uppe air, ac cord ingto the doctrine explaine incit. 724-75 I. omnem ue Suorum numerum is a further definition o animas, Auseriurique a lumen ituras and forto a in l. 186 meretr- Pween. lustrabat luctio reColens, wassurveyin in ager thought: ' p. for tumo iv. 6 I an sor recolo of musing,' considering, ete , Cic. Phil. xiii. o. quae si tecum ipse recolis, aequiore animo moriere, Plaut. Trin. i. I. 25 Haec quom ago cum meo
animo et recolo. manus, thei deed os might; εργα χεροιν, hether ashere warithe or agri. 455 artistic.
per alium saltum arctiorem evadendum.'715. Seouro latices, Mater of largettiness, a translationis τὸν Αμελητα ποταμιόν Plato, Rep. X. 62 Ahos hos water ali spirit must drinli
to tali iis place sed relictum in textu delere religioni habuerunt amici.' The ni externali round sor suc a vie is that Servius does no commentupon it nor an e rejec it ecaus it involves repetitio an tautology. 719-721. myriather, must, hold that an Souis an leave this place to
726, 727. 'Are nourished by a spirit,ithin a Sou pervadin ever partan quichening the whole, ascit ingles it the might frame. Virgilhere explain the doctrine of the anima mundi' see o G. iv. 119 by a
Serie of expression more or les equivalent-spiritu an mens totam molem an magno Corsore intus an infusa per artus alit, iugitat,
resection ho did Anchises et there so oon 3-by a hin that there are graduate scales of punishment an purgation. Datimurmanos is a curiousi artificia Phras for susserin discipline elow. Datimur, o allthe departed tonemus, of the special e who are purifiexand established in Elysium miti Maur is dou bisul, ut probabi of the sew i it resersto ali Elysium is represented as a mere stage o their a betare returningio arth, ather ilian a the permanent rewar of a good ii se The traii ofthought is then resumed rom l. 7 purification o various ind goes nuntii the wor is accomptished. Durum Se Ecl. ix. 44 refers to sensum an ignom, an is a Lindis predicate illi Polinquit aetheriam sensum an aurai simplicis ignem eing two disserent expression sor the esSenceor Mens divina' undefiled by contact illi theiody Cp. . v. 22 o. 748-75O mille i Auggested by.the χιλιε της πορεία falat. Rep. 6I A, CP Phaedr. 249 A. For Egypti an theories of transmigratio se Williinson's Ancient Egypt ' est. 878 vol. iii. p. 463- 66. Josephus Beli. Jud. i. 8. I telis us that the Pharisees belleve that the ouis of good men passe into otheriodies and the Druids Caes. B. G. vi I seem toliave et a simila belles A theor of transmigration devised by post-Vedi Brahmanism, was accepte Mand modihed by Buddhism cleus, o δαίμων, the voice of heaven. EuDora se on l. 48Ι. 758. in nomen, no hare the Trojan ame: cp. the expression in nomen acisciscere, a GIGnerer etc. to incorporate into a fami in or clari: 'Tac Ann. iii. o Crispum, Sororis nepotem, Crispu Sallustius in nomen adscivit. 76O. Dura, headleSA; Cp. Ecl. ix Servius o Varro' authori ty says that a headles spea was the rewar of a firSt victory. P. Prop. V. 3.
67 Arethusa io Lycotes Sed tua sic domitis Parthae telluris alumni Pura
triumphantes hasta sequatur equos Incorrupta mei conserva foedera lecti; 'Suet. Claud. 28 quem etiam Britannico triumpho, inter militares viros, hasta Pura donavit.'76Ι-763. lucis loca, place 'or tum o light'-i e lis in the worid ove: p. l. 72Ι, G. V. 255. aetherias, of the atmospher of earl, Seeo l. 5 7. DOStuma, laSt, or youngest: the later technica meaning, posthumous,' ould contradici the ex line. p. Plaut. Aul. i. I. I
i two et deri people have a son quid dubitas quin sit paratum nomen puero Postumus 3 764-766. In i. 26 sqq. Ascanius Iulus is the future munder of Alba, while here another son, Silvius is to e the progenitor of the Albani ings Virili apparenti embo lyin disserent tradition Vithout caring to reconcile them in delati. Silvius, accordinito legend was bor aster Aeneas deat h in silvis. whither his mollier Lavinia ad sed in ear of Ascanius an leventuali succeeded Ascanius in the ingdom of Alba. p. Liv. i. 3 forvaryin tradition about Alba. 769 77o Aeneas Silvius, accordin to Servius, as hept ut of his Lingdom oristy-three ear by an usu in guardian; ence the doub si
772. The civic' reat was i ven ob civem servatum in batile. Oaken reath were ung on the oors of Augustus a preserve of the
citigens horis thus hown to succeed to the honour os his anceStor Cp. Ov. Fast. v. 953 State Palatinae laurus praetextaque quercu Stet domus; aetemo tres habet una deos' Apollo, Vesta, and Augustus).779 78o. Se rising on his hea the double crest his ire' own token marks him o for the lis above. Dator is Mars the mythic ather of Romulus, an honoro the wo-creste helmet. AuDerum, i. e. Who S to Come an livem earth acc sing. : p. l. 81. Other explain Pater Oso SuPerum gen plur. as Jupiter: ut ipse suo re obviousi connected, andio can the nomina cristae e peculia to Jupiter 3 For indic stant, signa see Ecl. iii IO3.782, 783. p. i. 287, . i. 35. 78 -787. Prole virum the rea Roman ouges; cp. . . I 69 his description of the procession o Cybele se on iii. III is Suggeste by Lucretius i. o sqq. turrita, i. e. earin a murali corona,' eximii Smunita locis quia Sustinet urbes ' Lucr. l. c.); p. v. Fast. V. I At cur turrisera caput est onerata corona An primas turres urbibus illa dedit γ' and penser, Faeri Queene, iv. II. 28 cite by Munro On Lucr. . . :
79o. Caeli uti axom, sub caelum, in vitam' Forb. so Con. GoSSr., who, however, thiniis there is a hint of the deificationis Augustus and the Julium sidus' Ecl. ix. 7 . Servius explain i ad divino honoreS; Soalso DonatUS. 792. Divi, i. e. Julii. oonctet, inali Oimo,' as condere urbem, etc. 'no as Ecl. ix. 52 o the technica phrase condere lustrum.'79 . The Garamantos in Africa were conquered by L. Corn. Balbus, B. C. I9 so that this line mus have been adde in that ear, laur ear asterinis book was finished Introd. p. xiii). Inctos used loosely sor an Eastem PeoPle, a G. i. 72, iv. 293 seem to reser to the Parthians and their restoratio of the captive Roman standard to Augustus in Syria, B. C. O. 795-797. tellus Ethiopia overem by C. Petronius in a B. . extra Eictera, etc., beyon the path of sun or star' Con.)-i. e. Myon the Zodiac, calle ηελίοιο κελευθος hy AratuS; P. O. i. 23 Sqq. Lucan Phars iii. 253 speaking of Ethiopia amplifies Virgil' image. The d scriptionis Atlas is repeate fro iv. 48Ι. 798 sqq. iam lino, even now, Whil Anchises is speahing, mysteriouSpredictions hemidin Augustus comini huius in actuentum are perplexing the region he wil visit. The referenc is to the emperor'sbourneyto the East B. C. O for setiling the provinces, hic Virgil here representSas predicted long besore, compariniit to the mythic travel of Hercules and
Bacchus. 8OD. urtiant, intrans. a Lucr. vi. 369 pugnare necessest Dissimiles res inter se turbareque miXtas.'8oa fixerit Eur. H. F. 375 sqq. also represent Heracles as illing the Cerynitia deer the common stor bein that he brought it live to EurystheuS.
reserret ab Euro, Caucasiae currum duxere per oppida tigreS.'8o6. et indignantis se G. i. 33. For virtut exictricter virΘΗ, to exertisur Strengthi brave dee is, i. e. valorOUSty Pal. Rom. H, Med. , hiive and Servius Supporis, virtutem extendere factis,' exert our proweSSin brave deeds: cp. X. 468 famam Xtendere factis. One reacliniis probabi a glos upo the thera ut e cannot Sa Which. 8 Io regis, Numa, the sirst great lawgiver, an so in orae ense a Secondsounder: p. Justin. 2. 7 cited by Henry Solon . . . qui velut novam ei Vitatem legibus conderet.'813. reficies, languid; se on l. 722.8 15. Nainglorious Ancus, 'en o to prone to calch the eople's favouring reat : the rutin passion ein stron even besore birth. RuriS a common metaphor Cp. Hor. d. iii 2. arbitrio popularis aurae' the eople' veering Wili, Con. aura favoris popularis Liv. xli. 26; ventu popularis' Cie Cluent. 7. 3o. The character here ascribe to
Ancus is unnoti ced by Liv and Dionysius : ut there as a tradition that, hein jealous o Tullus, he ourte populari ty. 817 8I8. Tarquinios perhap include Servius Tullius, ho therwi Seis no mentioned recestos, recovered, by the eopte froin the ings;
the fascos eing the symbol of authorit populi fasces G. i. 495 . In
Liv. i. a. Brutus spealis of libertas recuperata: Cp. Lucan. V. O7 Regnaque ad ultores iterum redeuntia Brutos' of the murderer of Caesar . 8 I9. p. Lucr. iii Ioo petere a Populo fasces saevasque secureS,' therod an cruet axes.'
824, 25 Three Docti sellis consul in batile theriather against the
Latins B.C. the Son against the Samnites 295 .C. the grandgon against Pyrrhus 279 B.C. Liv. Vii I. 9, X. 28 mi C. Tusc. i. 37 89 . The ni famous Drusus a M. Drusus Livius Salinator the conqueror os Hasdrubal atthe Metaurus: ut the semit are mentione in complimen to Livia Drusilla, i se of AuguStus. Toruuatus executed hi soli sor disobedience tomilitar orders Liv. viii. 7 . Signa, i. e. Standards captured by tlimGaulsat the Allia. 826 sqq. The civit,ar. tween Caesar socer l. 83o an Pompey, Whomarried his auster Julia The appea Daribus armis a both Romangenerat S cp. . i. 489 ; ut ni concorcte so long a the are epi in the darknes of the lower orix noete remuntur . 829-83 I. aggerihus, dro Alpine height an sortres os onoecus: ' no Monaco). It is not known that Caesar entere Ital by this way:but Virgil is a poet, notin historian. actvorsis instruotus Eois, meetinglii in illit,it Eastem arms' i. e. troops seo Greece and ASia).833. For the alliteration See o ii 49 .
iii. prima duo capita epistolae tuae tacita mihi quodammodo relinquenda sunt.' M. Porcius Cato, Censor I 8 B. C. A. Comelius Cossus
gaine the second spolia opima in 26 B. C. Liv. v. 29); the firstaeingaccredite to Romulus ib. i. Io) and the thir an las to Marcellus l. 856belo v).S 2 8 3. Graootii genus perhaps includes, besides the twofamous tribunes, Tiberius and Caius die 133 and 12 B. α , Tiberius Sempronius GracchuS, twice consul uring the econ Punic War. The fallier of the Gracchi 'eame a triumph sor victor ove the Celtiberi 178 B. C. Scipiactas on
and the destroyer o Carthage, I 6 B. C. Lucretius iii Io 3 calis Scipio belli ulmen, Carthaginis horror; and Cicero Balb. 34 speah even os Cn. an P. Scipio ho fel in Spa n n. duo fulmina nostri imperii, ghowing
that the mage had hecome associaled with the name. Munro on Lucr. l. c. supposes that the Scipio ma have referre thei nam to the de of hurling, etc. in cormection illi σκ πτα an hindre Words, rather hanto the more homel stafi' σκηπτρον).8 . Fabricius, rich in overty, rejected the bribes of Pyrrhus 278 .QFO DotΘntem p. xii. 5Ι Hor. d. ii Ι 8. 12 nec potentem amicum Largiora flagito.' Serranus a cognomen o C. Atilius Regulus son of the Regulus o Hor. d. iii. ) consul 257 .C. Plin N. H. xviii. 3 Sab S serentem invenerunt dati honores Serranum, unde cognomen; a Sto . accepte by Cic. Rosci Am. 8 5 and Virgil here. The stor beare a suspici ous resemblance to that o Cincinnatus Liv. iii 26 .anyas the name occursin coin in the form Saranus, some derive it Do Saranum, a to
in Umbria. 8 5 8 6 fessum, enarrando tot claros homines' Goggr. . Maximus was a cognomen of the Fabia Gens, irs bome, accordindito Liv ix. 46), b Q. FabiuS, a genera in the Samnite ar, o3 . in Virgil playS Ponthe name, implying that Q. Fabius ' Cunctator' dictator I B.C. Was
maximus Maximorum' no that he was therargiri bear the name Cic. Oli. i. 24. preserves the line o Ennius, 'Unus homo nobis cunctando restituit rem.'
and poli cy, and Greece, motheris aris an song: and the genera spirito the passage mallescit needies to inquire hether or hy Virgi means toconcede to Greeli Superiorit e g. in oratory. A spirite expansionis iis main thought is ive in Macaulay' Lays, Trophec o Capys, stangas 16 28. Dirantia, se G. iii 34. uCore, o mouldin and HShion ing, vii. 63 . eseriti Θnt actio, se Ecl. iii. I. For Dacis Ribbeck frommost SS read 'paci: ' ut liat is morem imponere paci γ' Theparalleis mores viris ponet' i. 26 modum pacis sacere aliis Liv. ix. I , and pacis dicere leges xii. II 2, savour the common read indi pacis' recogni sed by Servius , hic requires ovulis a the hidirect object illi
855. M. Claudius Marcellus, consul a B. C. Won the thir spolia opima by kill in the hie of the Insubria Gauis, an capture Syracuse,
212 B. C. Liv. XXV. 23-3Ι . Heri mentioned for the Sahe of his namesake an descendant.
857-859. tumultu, a raid ' o Gauls), originali a revolt os Italiannations a explained Cic. Phil. Viii. I. 2- . Servius, in deriving the ordhom timor multus' i sin in the good company o Cicero imselfsistet, shalliphoid' ορθωσει) equos, Marcellus o the spolia opima' in a cavair figlit, and says Anchises wil dedicate them to Quirinus Romulus a thei first,inner Romulus an Cossus dedicate their toJupiter Feretrius Liv. i. Io, iV. O an Prop. v. o. 45 a poem On thetille Feretrius' says, Nime spolia in templo tria condita; but, need notbin Virgil to close consistenc in re tam fabulosa. '86 sqq. The egrogius forma iuveni here celebrated is M. Marcellus sonis Augustus sister Octavia, marrieum. C. 25, at the age of eighteen to theemperor's aughte Julia, an destine sor his heir, ut ut ossa disease
alio me to scalter lilies, right flowers')-unless, wit Con. they accepi a disterent versio of the ther passage But whil admittin thateach echoes the language an rhbethm of the ther, may emo determine the constructio an punctuationis ac upon iis own merit 3887. aeris illi regiono, the and of mist, or darknegs: ' p. i. II
εἰσὶν ὀνείρων .τ.λ. The adoption of this idea nables Virgil to void ma in Aeneas retum to eari by the Same road, and o bring him bach, a it were Suddent an mysteriously, ithout further deScription Homer's distinctio is etween truthiul or. τυμα κραίνουσι and lyin dreams επε' ἀκρααντα φεροντες) Virgiribetween Vera umhrae, rea spiriis that appear in fleep, and falsa insomnia, delusive dreams. His objec probablyis to reproduce Homer it a stigii poeticat variety, ather than to implyan definite doctrine about spirit an dreamS.
Vith Book VII. pens the secon and a sar a the scheme of the poemi concerned principaliortior of the Story the fulsa linent by Aeneas of his mission to conque an civilis the rude tribes os Italy se Introd. to BookIy the Iliad of war succeed in the Odysse os travet. Aeneas reacheSItat an anchors in the Tiber il I-36); ve are introduce to Latinus, kin os Latium, his it Laurentum, an his aughter Lavinia, it theomens prepari nihim o seel a foreigia allianc for her, instea os acceptingTurnus, he native suitor The Trojans fulsit the predictions of the Harpyan Helenus iii. 253 sqq. 388 sqq.), Mundis ity, and sene an embaSSyrio Latinus il Io 7 285 : ut the wrath os uno interposes a besore, in Boo I to prevent a peaces ut fetilement. At her instigation Allecto excites
Amata, the queen, Who favour Turnus acheriau liter' sultor an Amata excites the Latin omen li. 286 4o5 . Allecto the inspires Turnus illi martiat age, an after provokin a roti etween Trojans an Latin is dismissed by uno, ho carries o the wor herseis il o6-571 . Amata and the omen res Latinus to declare War ll. 572-6 o): and the bookend with a catalogue of the forces hicli come to the id of Turnus. Thiscatalogue, say Prof NettieShip no meret a plece of artistic ori man-ghi p. intende to exhibit the rhetorical kill of Virgil. It is a tribute toth greatnes of Ital in her early ays to the land whicli even o old was the mollier os armi es and of heroic eaders vii. 6 3 . Considere Domihi potnt of vlew this episode is singulari in place.'The de of the primitive Semibarbarous condition os Italy an iis peopte iready inte at i 263 v. 73o is orne ut by the conceptionwhicli Virili pulsaefore us of thei leadin spirit s. speciali Turnus, hois throughout Books VII XII the sol and contrastrio Aeneas Though a
gallant soldier hecis impulsive arrogant, an insolent; and Virgil reserves foraim alone the characteristic violentia' X. 5 I, i. 354, 376, ii. 9 45). This keynote of his character is structi in the rs word attributexto him, his aras e to Allecto disgui sed as an old woman, and there re illi claim sat leastrio respect Domin oung man anxit is structi again and again asthe Stor Proceed e. g. X. 57, 2, 28 Sqq. X. Aa, i. 376 Sqq. , 59, and