장음표시 사용
4 8. saetos se on l. 658. Allecto expand again irato the gigantic
59. Dromotus, breahing orth ' p. i. 246. 6o- 66. gworda V he wildi cries : hi sworda seelis the couchan palace through fierce longin sor the fleel burias up the uili mad-nes of the fight, an rage et more. As when arare of stich loud rackliniis pile beneat a caldron' si des, an iis ater dances it the eat: in il turmoi o steam Mihin the eething ave 'erleapS, O Past control-upites dar vapou to heaven. For super in his sense more usuali as reposition it omnia' cp. I. o below, viii. 3οῖ, X. 283, xi. 226. unctantis i. e. it Water incit is sussicienti expresse in halladows Throughout the simile Virgil attempis to mis the omewhat commonplace opic os a caldron bollinil veri dignifie language, aeui, Iatices, amnis, etc., and the archai form aquai is his, hom Med. Gud. I, c , a, b the me reading aquae vis bein give by Vat. ROm ., Gud 2 c , an MacrobiusJ. The de is perhaps suggeste by Some ex- Pression in Lucr. iii 29 sqq. o the effect of ange e. g. mens facile effervescit in ira 296 Nec capere irarum fluctu in pectore possunt 299. 467, 68. There recte realis the eace and id the captains of his Warrior g to hin Latinus' ' polluit pacem et indicit '). For Dolluta cp. v. 6, an Sil Ital. i. 32 Qui polluta dolis iam foedera sanciet ensis.'47o satis parem ambobus,' a mate for both: cp. Sil It vii. 63 Nec tamen occisos est cur laetere supersunt, Quo tibi sint Libyaeque satis.'473, 4i . Some re impreSSed by Tumus persona beauty othersi his ancest , therib his deed os fame' Con. . 77. Quo litore, Where o the hore; se on l. 8. 8 . Tyri iactas, Belidae ii. a metri gratia. 49a ipso, of himself, i. e. ithout ein te or rivem Ecl. v. I. Quamvis Sera 'loweve late a night.' 495. Quo disjunctive or; ' P. Lucr. i. 25 Aut alio quovis uno varioque colore uniformi diversifieo ).498. Some go was there to uide his alm right ' lit. his errighano ' . The generat ense, o doubi is 'adsuit quominus erraret: buti seem questionabie hether erranti actually- quominus erraret by akin os negative prolepSis, as e g. furentem i. 659 - ut furens sit by the ordinary prolepsis. In G. i. 56 urim serentem, Aen. ix. 286 non tenuit . . . excedentem' cite in suppor of this negative prolepsis , he participies are stricti present- while bearing, whil departing, an dono in me serat, quin excederet.'5o3. Deroussa, iddie See Ecl. iii Io6 Ae iii 428 and reserences
primo ponto' where primo must in primum'- as hen a ave restwhitens o the sea 'h: ut either is appropriate, an it is illi much hesitatio that Psollo other in ignoring the reponderance of S authorlty
832. morat, perhaps in ha been unti his death Tyrrhus heir dithen Con. : ut it a b classed ith ther example os plup. Where Englisli,ould emplo a simple origi used to eighte the de os omething ein pas and gone, by tali in the in bac to a pomi in pasttime Cp. V. 397, viii. 358, xii. I9; and Ter And. iii 3. oro, ita uti nuptiae Fuerant suturae fiant were o have been .
533, 534 Vulnus, the arro Whic gave the wound cp. perhaPS . et a ucta reatly belong to iter the mois passage of the Volce. Sucli transposition are common in Virgil, e. g. . v. 267 tunsum gallae Saporem vitam animam. the reathis lise; CP. G. V. a . . 536. Daci octium, in the idst i. e. a mediator' sor eace. Uniustissimus unus se ii 426.5 O-543. ea, i. e. Allecto. Tomissi saeta Dotens 'γκρατὴς γενομει χοῦν υπέσχετο havin fulfide her promise ' p. compos Oti and Iussi
imbuisse palmulas in aequore, lxiv. Illa rudem cursu prima Imbuit Amphitriten. commisit funera Dugnao in commisit funestam pugnam. 3 conversa Med. IJ is preserred by Forb. GOSSr. COD. Kenn. etc. to convexa' Rom. Gud. b c and other codicesJ, whicli ProbuS, Donatus, etc. explain by repetitio of per '- per caeli convexa, per aua a CP IV.
45I Ribb. supposes the omissionis a line it some ord like appetitto ovem convexa. Conjectura emendations are convecta' conveho), caelique evecta per auras,' caeloque invecta,' Caeli convexa PeragranS, and conixa. A above l. 528, the absence of Vat. Pal. leave inserenceSsrom S authorit uncertain.
55 I. auxilio dat. Cp. i. 216.552. Rhuncte, a cordin to Hand Turs. i. I, is originali neut of abundis, used substanti vally like potes' and necesse, an soaecominga adverb, rom vhic in time a formed by salse analogy, an al. abundus. It uses are I like satis esse, e g. ac Hist. i. 95 5 pSeabunde ratus si praesentibus frueretur; ' a with genit as here enoughos reacher an panic ), Suet. Caes. 86 potentiae gloriaeque abunde' but o in earlier prose; 3 a simple adverb, quali 0in verbs or theradjective an adverbs e. g. Cic. Div. i. I. 3 erit abunde satisfactum toti huic quaestioni, Sall. Jug. Ι . 18 abunde magna praesidia. '553. Stant, are there. I seem to impi the are o Dot in sui liis an Strength: there is no nee to Se an more efforis to rous them ' Wichliamin Hor. d. i. 16 19 . 554. OVu Seem meret to emphasire the sense of imbuit handset 'Or inaugurate, se above l. 5 2 . The arm that hanc supplied avenowirsi asted blood'-i. e. a chanc quarre has proceeded o bloodshed. 556. egregium ironical, S V. 3. 557. SuDe aetherias auras, in the air of heaven bove ' a distinctfro her proper abod in Acheron . super has almos the force of an adverti in apposition to aetherias auras the Furni roamin no aboveth air, ut in and throti h it. p. 'Manes sub imos iv. 387, i. 8I, Acheronte sub imo ' xi. 23 and sor aetheriae aurae, i. 5 7. 558, 559. Depλrt his place Whateve timet labourae remains, myselfwill direct it. For plura locis p. i. 365 v. 756, ix. 387 tmesis Sufer
. . . St, Ecl. i. 6. fortuna latiorum καίριο πονος, labor fortuna concesSus; cp. miracula rerum, decu hoc aevi' se Ecl. iv. II , ita, and Se note to G. iii 45 a.
of the valley, and solown taetween the woode banks fragosus Suggesis parti the noise, parti the brohen nature, o the stream malain iis Wayamong rockS; Saxis et torto vertio being moda abl. ith ctat sonitum- the means by hicli it nois is produced. 57I. levatiat, relieved ' of her presence . The imp. ma express the gradua relie caused by her removat' Con. , o may be inceptive ' pro- ede to reli eve. Rom. gives levavit.'572-575. extremam imDonit manum, put the last han to, a metaphor fro completin a ork of art so v. Her xvi. II 'Imposita est factae poStquam manu ultima classi, Trist. i. 7. 28 Nesciet his summam si quis abesse manum' of writings hic lac the ultima lima' . caesos, i. e. Almo an Galaesus Mith his mangled sace; foectatique ora Galaesibeing laedatum Galaesum.'
sense the alarmis fir an sword '): hereas igni mus have the unusualinean in os sury, crimino ot igni ein a in of hendi adys- in themids of hot uter at the laughter. In ignes irarum, ignescunt irae, 'cited by Forbiger, the metaphor is notis bolo: ut here, a Con remarkS, it is helped ut by the association it crimino. For igni abl. Se G. i. 234. The infinitives vocari, etc. dependis the notion of saying implied
an dogihi Steps : p. the expression 'oour in hal findiso out. Fortriste SuDDlicium p. Liv. vii 28. 9 iudicia tristia in seneratores.' omnis in limine ortu is variousi explained som mahi nil ortus genitiVe omni Sum,' omnis quies est, in limine portus ' : ut it is probablynom. omni Securitas in promptu est, Servius in es haven or place of reSt,' i. e. death; p. Cic. Tusc. i. sepulcriam portum corporis ' fro Ennius). Ribbeck so too Kenn. surmises that a line is logi e .g. omnisque in limine portu SpeSque metuSque viae pono longosque laboreq.'6o I. Protinus, in Succession.
6o4 6o6. Aliudin to the exploits of Augustus. The Gotae representili tribes o the Danube Cp. G. i. 497), conquered by Lentulus bout 25 B. C. WCanis Arabisvo perhaps represent the ast in generat, asCatuli xi. 5 where the are coupled wit Sacae an Parthi); p. G. V. 29o. The est alludes generali to Augustus expedition to the ast attende bydiplomati successe is no by great victories: P. G. iii 3o, Aen. i. 795sqq. 6o7. For the picture of the gates os a marde by Janu See i. 294. The so-calle temple of anus as a passage it a galeway at itherendisea the Forum in hic stood, a late a the time o Procopium A. D. 527 a Statue of the God Hence Ianus ' ecam a term for an archwayor PaSSage, and we hear os Iani in the Forum summus, ' medius, and imus 'h a places os usineSs; αP. Hor. Sat. i. 3. 9, EPP. i. I. 5 .
Cicero N. D. ii 27 67 derives Ianus abeundo ex quo transitione permiae, Iani foreSque . . . ianuae appellantur: but modem etymologist regar ita Di-anus, connected like deus, wit Sl t. deva. 'brightness: theide of thoroughsare ein a later accident; 'ianua' sc. porta' is probabi an adjectiva sorm se Corssen, inusspr. i. p. 2Ia an edition . 6 II 6I3. tias is repeated in and Supersede by strictentia limina. Mere, hen the athers have resolve o war, the Consul himself in allthe pridem Quirinus robe and Gabine cincture, unbars the crea ing Oora.'trabea l. ISMabove. The cinctus Gahinus a forme by bindin thetoga round the hod by one os it loos end or appets. 6I7. tristes, the gales of OOm.'62o. None ut the in or consul could accordin to Roman ideas, Perform his functio : so hen Latinus refuses, uno hersei deScend toremove the obstacteri War.
622. Probabi sto Ennius Horace Sat. i. 4 6o cites, as a fragmento rea poetor, postquam Discordia tetra Belli ferratos postes portasque refregit.
62 -627. These lines are brachete by Ribbeck as spurious, and placedaster l. 637.
62 . ars arctuus furit is an anomalous variet os the usual sense construction by hic 'pars, used distributively, has a plura ver annadjective or participies in maSc. plur. Some mounte on tali coursers stor in cloud of dust.' 626 627 leves, proleptic: some rub,it unctuous lard the hield tilline are mooth, the dari unti the Shine, an grin their axes o the
629-63I Fullive great cities et up thei anulis to malae ne weaponS.'acteo, se G. i. 24. For the hiatus turrigerae Antemnae in imitationos a common Homeri rhythm cp. Ecl. i. 2 , viii. 53, G. iii 3o, Aen. iii.
63 . clueunt, 'large; cp. i. 849. Rrgento, abi. O materiai. 635 636. tiuo cessit, to this has come.' Eooquunt, recast; CP. Hor. Od. i. 35. 38 o utinam nova Incude diiungas retusum in Massagetas Arabasque ferrum ly637. Classiea, as usuali in Latin riters of the ound or instrument Wit whic soluier are assembled Liv vii. 36, etc. : ut Varro L. L. V. 9 I derives t rom classis,' classici bein those qui lituo cornuve sonant cum classes comitiis ad comitiatum vocant. The origi of urtem classicat is ound in Gellius vi. vii. Is those ho ere rateda cord in to thei properi in the prima classis' being, acco indito iam, te ex classici, and other ' infra classem ' p ix. 8 quaesit an quad-.rigam' et harenas' dixerit e cohorte illa antiquiore vel oratorum aliquis vel poetarum, id est classicus adsiduusque scriptor, non proletarius. FeStus, too spe ali os clasSici testes' i. e. fide digni') tessera, Malchword,' a Liv vii. 35, etc. originali a quare θέσσαρα die, or cube, thena tablet' inlly passed stom manno man as a Sign. essera hospitalis'
Poen. V. I. 25 Ci St. ii. I. 27.
to this book.6 9 65o. His son quic sol lows iuxta ost), Lausus ' nextri him iuxta huic comes Lausus his son.' iuxta is found with dat oni in thederive sense equali wit rem parvam ac iuxta magnis difficilem Liv. xxiv. 19): ut it is possibi that Virgil may so fecit in iis primary sen Se.
sather , and of another fallier than Mezentius. Datriis laetior imuerita laetior quam si patriis imperiis inserviret.'66o 662. furtivum artu the fruit os secret love ' p. surtim ix.
66 . 665. The transition here is abrupi and it may be a Ribbeck thinlis
67o-672. The three brother here mentioned ere sons o Catillus orCatilus , sonis Amphiaraus, at to have Settied in Italy. P. Hor. i. 8. circa mite solum Tiburis et moenia Catili, ii. 6. Tibur Argeo positum
675. Homole an Othrys, mountains o Thessaly the forme is men-gione in connection illi CentaurS, Eur. H. F. 37 I. 68o, 68 I focis at the hearth. For the etails of this story, a tot db Servius, se Con The troops of Caeculus are Hernici and Volsci. 685. QuOS, C. tu pascis. Amasene Dater like pater Tiberinus'), theri ver godis personification of the Rive AmasenuS,mea Anxur. 686, 687. glauctos, Plummeis' Gk μολυβδίδες , of a formietWeen acorns
and almonds, cast in mould sor linging. cliventis, Qui coloured ' see
695, 696. These places are in Sotithem Etruria, West of the Tiber. Requos Faliseos, Faliscans of the lain: mos editions Aequos. The Falisci Were an Etrusca race of Gree origi inhabiting the three eighbouringcities of Fescennium Falerium the Roman Falerii , an Faliscum and Seem to have had n ethnicalis politica affinities it the Aequi Dennis, Etruria,' i. p. Io 7. II 3 though Niebuh inferre suci relationsili stomihi passage, and held that Falisci i akin Volsci. Strabo mentions atom Aequum Faliscum Αἰκουμφάλασκον , hicli ulter Etrusk. Eint ii. 1 . n. Io I understand to e a synonymo Falerii as ein bulli in theglain cp. Aequimaelium'); and a name Aequi Falisci m have grownu Domihi by salse analogy. Servius took aequos as an adjective, butWit a disserent interpretation so oo Ribbeck imagining a log line illisome ver like ducunt ' Conjectura emendations are Fescennino CodeSaequorque Faliscum Fescennino agros aequosque Faliscos,' 'FeScenninaSarces. The omewhat harsh Zeugma by hicli a ver must e Supplied Dominabent, perhaps potnis to an Ofinished conditionis the paSSage. 698, 99. aequati numero 'in even ranks; ' p. i. 599. Iiquidanuhila, the olear hy; ' p. v. 25. Ribbeck, sto Pal. Gud. I, reads
flumina: but li. O , o fho that a Bight of bird in the irris thepotat of the Simile.
in artem, p. iii 323 Cic. Fam xiv. 2. 3 Walson I7 doleo, quae impensa facienda est, in eius partem te Teientiam miseram et despoliatam
712. Rosea rura the Campi Rosei in the fiat valle of the Velinus about v miles ide nea Reate: p. Cic. Att. v. 15 5 Walson 8)
Reatini me ad sua Τεμπι duxerunt, etc. 7i6. classes, hoSisy ranks'-it early use aster ard restricte tonava forces. Livn iv. 34 seems to vertoo this se, 'ClaSS I. at ClaS- Sibus pugnatum apud Fidenas . . . retulereri rem aeque difficilem atque incredibilem, nec nunc lato satis ad hoc amne . Horta is identi fie withthemorianum o Pli ny iii 5. 8), an old ow of Etruria o the right bank of the Tiber no Orte, the junctio of the two lines of ailway rom
Florencerio Rome): se Deianis, Etruria,' i. p. 39. 7I7. Allia, here the auis, unde Brennus, deseate the Roman in 365 . C. O Jul 18 a. d. xv Kal. Aug. hence calleo die Alliensis, and held dies nefastus - Et damnata diu Romanis Allia astis.'7 I9. Saevus. Dil. The torm about Orion setting were proverbial: cp. Hor. d. i. 28. I iii. 27. 7 EPOd. I . 7. 723-729. Halaesus is called Atrides' v. Fast. v. 73; ut sto X. I sqq. it is clea that Virgil does no regar himas Agamemnon' SOn, an Agamemnonius is probably used looselyrior Greeli: asini Trojansare 'Aeneadae: CP. i. 489. rasit, hurries; cp. iv. 58 I. The troop os Halaesus are rom the vine district o the Vulturnus, amous for the
Massi an Falerni an ines Cales a a great wine centre prelo domitam Caleno Tu bibes uvam Hor. d. i. o. 9 CP. i. 30 9, V. Ia I .
73 sqq. Oebalus, no satisfie with the mali an barren ingdom os Capreae Capri , extende his uterio the mainland the places here namedbein North of the Samus, in Campaniam Samnium. 7 I. Cateias, javelins o the fame principi a the inclydes above.
belle an is agreeable to the se of pulcher, e . g. i. 286, V. 728. ForVirhius ome conjecture viribus, o the supposed groim that the sonwould Do have the fame nam a theriather l. 777 below . 76 . Placatillis i. e. on hic expiator Sacrifice are offeren-an amplificatio of the dea conveyed by inguis: ,here Diana' altar i richwit many a sacrifice. Cp. ix. 585, here a here some ould remove
et mahing Iacabilis gen sing. Othera suppos an implied contrast toher altar in the Tauri Chersonese, hic was 'implacabilis. This templeat Aricia a notorious for human sacrifices immite nemus Triviae Sil. Ital. viii. 364 an sor it Oasti pries . . . Who le the layer Andshali himselfie lain. 766-799. coicterit, pers subj. With oris sorce owin to oratio obliqua For the stor o Hippolytus deat se Euripides. Datrias explerit Dosnas, Satisfie his ire' vindictive hale. turbatis, fright- ned. Suoeras, se On i. 481. Paeoniis Παιωνιos), trisyllabi by Syni-
773. Phoebigonam is generali accepte o the authorit os Probussor them S. Poenigenam ' se Introd. II, p. Qiri XXViii. 777. exigeret, final subj ubi in ut ibi ).781 hau soti non the less' i. e. in spite os his sathers sate. 779 78o. ince, scared by monster of the deep the fung upo theshore the drive and his car.'787, 788. The ercer he i. e. the Chimaera , and wilder it felifames, the otter rows the fight mih lood utpoured. For a SimilaruSe os parti c. fremens), here a finite ver Would e more appropriate, CP. X. 98, G. i. 133, iii 5O sor tam in is, G. iii 3o9 an for ructe cxint, . iii. O . 789-79a his mooth hiel Io, illi pliste horas an heiser'sbristEn hide, as laetone ali in old, a might theme-Io, an ArguSine maiden 'saeeper, and Inachus er ire, a river ou in Do hi graVenum.' argumentima, in subjeci, handie by a speiser, riter, or artiSt; Cic. Verr iv. 56. II Ex ebore diligentissime persecta erant argumenta in valvis, Ovid. Met xiii. 683 of a cuph Fabricaverat Alcon Myleus et longo Caelaverat argumento. The wor os an o Tumus Ahiel is an εμβλημα or embosse relie representin I already transforme iam hos , ArguS, and Inachus as a rivergod. 796. The Sacrant,ere a mythica peopte victi scuta, withinamelled' inlaid , or palate shields' i is douhisu Which p. viii. 588, xii. 28 I. Liv ix. o describes the Samnite hieldg caelata auro et argento 'an Dictus is sed generali of an kin of mament, Speciali embroi-dery, e. g. i. 777. 798. exereent, subdue, a G. i. 99. 8OI. Satura' dark oot was probabi some here in the Pontine Marshes, forme chiefl by the stagnatio of the sens an Amasenus Dici Geogr. Pomptinae Paludes ).8o . florentes aero, in gleam in Steel. so i. 33; p. Lucr. V. 45o bina lucemarum florentia lumina flammis, i. oo flammai fulserunt flore coorto. Ennius et Lucretius florens' dicunt omne quo nitidum est ' Servius . 8o6 8o7. Virgo is emphatic agri. 93, ali her maidenhood. ctura
ii. 66. For his picture of light rapi movement P. Eur Bacch. 48 of themaenad' sight Xωρουσι δ' στ' ἔρνιθες ἀρθεῖσαι δρομω and Orthe original of Virgirs dea se Hom. l. xx. 226-229 of the horSe os ErichthoniuS .