Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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xii famna). His cliose allies and associales, too are chies like egentius, the contemptor divum,' hose ei sera vis animi' x. I98 is parallel o Turnus' violentia; Messapus, the reaiy-breaher xii. 289); and sens,leader of the obber-tribe of Aequi vii. 7 5 sqq). Remulus, his rother-in-law, is hie of a simila tribe ix. o sqq.): and Cisseus and Gyas X. 317), Caeculus the o of Vulcan vii. 678), and Metabus the fallier of Camilla xi. 39, 567), are minor characters hicli illustrate the fame

genera conception. I- . tu quoquct, i. e. eSides Misenus an Palinurus et uno, ete ,

thyriam stili haunt th place of est, an a nam marks thyclom in the great Hesperian land is that indeed e fame. The pol is no the

home an istand an Virgil himself iii. 386 spealis of Aeaeae insula Ci Cae.' Apoll. Rhod. iii 3Io malles Aeetes spea of going with his fallier Helios

Circeii,it Circe is par of the post Homeri localisation os the legeiadso Odysseus long the coasis of the Mare Tyrrhenum hy early Greeli traders. o Aeolus was place in the Lipari Istands, the Sirens at Misenum,

37. amfora rerum, iri sis o postum os assairs'-i. e. at What epoch: P. Lucr. V. 275 of changes in the value os disserent metals Sic volvenda aeta commutat tempora rerum, Hor Sat. i. 3. 2 Tempora Si fastosque veli evolvere mundi.'



55. ante taliOS, etc. See iaci. 347. 59. tecti medio, P. iii. 232, ix. 23O, i. 547 more usualty illi neut. Plur. See o i. 22. in Denetralitius, i. e. in impluvio: se on ii. 512.66. De mutua per vices mutuas,' linkin Det with feet. Lucretius uses mutua adverbiali in invicem,' e laevo sit mutua dexter iv. 3o 1 and

Pro metti est,ip suggest that per mutues may be neut plur os a tost a Q. Permutuus,' it a simila adverbia construction and o perhaps ' ad Prima G. i. 13 . p. however, per tacitum' ix. 3 an reseretices there

the cene, here the sulphurous ater of the Albula sal into the Anio. Other identis it illi sonae sulphurous pring on the oad to Ardea, rnea Laurentum; a vie apparenti Supporte by r. Bum Rome and the Campagna, P. 399 . 88. iuoulauit Priesis o peopte lepi in temples to obtain propheticdream or a divine cur so diseas : Plaut. Curc. ii. a. 16 Nihil est mirandum, melius si nihil sit tibi aster feein Aesculapius in a ream), Namque incubare satius te fuerat Iovi. So Gree ἐγκοιμῆσθαι, ita Hdi. viii. 44. 9 I. imis Avornis, 1 ex imis Avernis; ' a closely connected ith Acheronta, the powers of the deepest heli' Con. 3 loca abl. 'ad-dreSSe Acheron in the depilis of Avernus '-i. e. is translate in spirit toorcu and there converses it the power below Kenn. ahis best. 96. conubiis, triSyllabie See iaci. 73.


98 sqq. For the nationa Roman sentiment of the pride o Empire hereeXPreSSed P. i. 278, ii. 7, 157, iv. 229 Vi 852, X. 4 8 an See Sellar, Virgil, xi. I pp. 322 sqq. . ferant cori aster final in to aiseour nam to heaven '-i. e. malae it reno ed. The transition to a simplerelati V clauSe in quorumquo . . . victebunt men, WhOS deScendantS,' etc. no doub suggeste the v. l. serent.'IO6. ggere here os a raised anh, as l. 273 of a cauSeway. For religavit ab Englisti fastene to ' see o iii. 76, and p. Lucan. Vii. 86o Nudus ab Emathio religasset litore funem.'IIO. PSe, Med. I, Pal. Rom. Gud. b c ille Con. Forb. homo correctio in Med. and the ter timon o Priscian an Servius reserrin itto the later omnipotens of iii. 25I, hos Will the Harpy profeSSe to anno Ce But monebat refers to the present time of sulfilinent twas

II 3. ectendi, Tot ἐσθ&ιν. i. e. an abstraci verba substantive sed sorthe concrete idea of laod cp. Signa sequendi V. 59O. IIS. Qua is, a term for at calies o hiscuit marke With quares: CP Athenaeu iii II in βλωμιαίους ἄρτους τους χω 'ας εντο πις, Ους ΡωμιIῖοι κοδρατους 'quadratos ' λεγουσιν the proces is describe in Moretum,' quote by Con. . Some flat round loave score into quare have been Dim at Herculaneum se Mayor o Juv. v. aliena vivere quadra.

II 6-II9. at eatin even ur abies ' say Iulus-a ordolone in jeSt. That Wor at onc proclai med ur troubles enes at once his sathercaught it rom his ipf, and awestruch with the omen, hecked hi speech.'DTΘSSit 'Ascanii vocem, interpellando, ne infausta ille adiiciat' Gosfr.).DTimta, Primam re adverbia in force in continuo; Cp. X. 2 2, an See Warer, Q. V. XX fili. 4. 123. his prophec is ascribed to Celaeno iii. 25 See note ad loc. I 28, 29. This is that hunge of hic he polae 'his as Walting Sat laStrio putis en to ou destruction. Famine, hi chris iself exitium,' here Put an en to fritia Con. . Ribbecla conjectures ' exsiliis, Whichris plausibi e but potior lectio dissicillima.' 3 . TePonite, Set o again, i. e. after libation, so the secon CourSe; See o G. iii 527 Aen. iii. 31 and p. viii. 73. I might here rite ponite ' ut ther Virgilia usage favour the ordinar SenSe.


bolt in tot en of wrath. I 7. Vina Coronant; See note tori. 724. Ι53, 5 . Tatores, ambasgadors' lit. pleaders'); an old Romanterna, a in the la preserve Cic. Legg. i. . I Foederum, Paci S belli, indutiarum oratores, setiales, iudicesve sunto. Velati may, a Con. Uggesis, e parallel o 'Iκτηρίοις κλάδοισιν ξεστεμμενοι Soph. O. T. 3 - κλα- δους ξεστεμ uisoυς ἔχοντες); and scio, might perhaps refer o reathingolive-branches illi Ool viii. 28). ut the lata sense Wreathed ordecked with olive-branches ' seems etter: p. i. Io an See note ad loc. I 57-159. umili, shallow. For the cuStom p. V. 755. molitur, prepares; so terram molitus aratro G. i. 39 , molirier arva Lucr. V. 93 . The de is that os reali in the ground Dinnis, batilem enis' of a parapet: no the fame ac vallum, though the genera description iSthat os a Roman cam P. 16o. hypermetri verse se Introd. IV, p. liri an note O . i. 295. Med. is corrected o Latini, evidenti to avoid the hypermeter. 165 1RCΘSsunt, C. Sese,' in rivalr os spee o boxers skili.'Ι67-I69. in Veste, Willi gar uni nown; se on iv. 18. mectius, in

the centre of the tectum auaustum ' describe below p. i. οὐ Dido'S reception of the Trojans his edifice combines the temple and the Senate-house Virgi has also em Ploye itis a sortis muscum o Romanantiquities ' Con. . 172. silvis ot Poligion silvis religiosis; ' p. i. 4 I viii. 598. Girt with rea groves of olden sanctity.'I73, 7 . rimos Virtuali adverbial Seein . . omon, an augury' Ο Si γ'-i. e. a happy omen. Virgil describes the coronationis a Romant in the lictors illi thei fasces, the agi e-heade sceptre an ivorychair bein Etruscan symbol of royalty introduce accordui to DionyS. Halic. iii 193 195 on the conquesti Etruria b Tarquinius Priscus, ut more probabi on the accession o an Etrusca prince to the throne of

176. Perpetuis, long-rangini'-i. e. in labrohen line, a distinc Dom triclinia: ' p. viii. 83 and Lucr. v. 428 of a portico Stans in perpetuum paribus suffulta columnis ' i. e. iis hole tengili).I77-19 I. Aspirite rendering of this passage illi Mund in Conington's

verse translation.

182. The warrior are distinguished Do the ings que, heresore, Vat. 2, Pal. Rom. Gud. is Preserable to qui ' Vat. I, Med. b, J. 186. On quo Se iii 464.187, 188. Quirinali, of Quirinus ' Romulus , an anachronistic epithetos the augur' stafs applied ais to the trabea striped obe' l. II. lituo by Zeugma illi suocinctus in the genera sense of equipped.' Ι 89-I9I. Quem, etc., who stiri e of Ol dam Circe' love, and by thetouch of her goiden and and the orce of her pelis ecam a bir of

many-coloured ing.' Comunta. non quae erat, Sed quae esse cupiebat '



192. Such a the sane illiin hose alis The in enthroned the Trojans alis' Con. . intus seems righil explaine by Con a a pleonasti adver in templo' sc intus ); p. Lucr. i. 965 corpora trepidant δε sedibus intus, i v. Ι 87 cibus atque umor membris adsumitur intus, vi. 168 Flagrabat stomacho flamma ut fornacibus intus.' Muraro on iv Io9 is cite by Cori. a mal in intus a preposition illi abi. - in ' ut his firs editio hardly

number), is a bestiat. addit be genuine, ' auget is no doubi a very likel gloss explaining numerum addit ' : ut might no addit almost equali be a glos o numorum auget i. e. add another od 3 Themaxim 'potior lectio dissicillima can hardi overthro Suc Strong S.

as it were in a genealogy The fame doub occursu. 35o Se note ad loc.).222-227. How great in stor that wept rom erce Mycenae ver Ida' plains, hat destin drove two orid o Europe and of Asia intostri se, is nown both to wellers ori arth's ulmos bound asar here Ocean tum again, an to those ut os by the ldmos of the our Zones, the region of the Sun's erce heat. Note the structure of the Sentence: Quanta . . . terit an quibus concurrerit depending on auctiit thesubject of hic is further expande in the two clause si duem Suh- movet, a Quem irimit-i. e. wellers in the extreme nori or the



ex Pont. V. Cp. Plin. N. H. iii I9 23 ibi Alpes Germaniam ab Italia


bred by stealth εκλεφεν by Anchises rom descendant of thos give by

die o the Sigea plain, o captive in captivit be led wh could notflamin Troy have sire ali her sons γ' acrobius vi. 1 cite Enn. Ann. 359 Quae neque Dardaniis campis potuere perire, Ne Cum capta capi,

nec cum combusta cremari.'

297. Pecto, ironicat; ay gooth, m poWer lie Spent, my at is glutted an a resti '3o , 3O5. SeouTi, with gen. asci. 35o, an laugh at Ocean and a me 'Mars . . valuit. The quarret between the Centaurs and Lapithae is generally e. g. . i. 55 qq. Hom. Od. xxi. 295 Hor. d. i. 18. 7 ascribe toine influence of Bacchus; ut Mars is naturali calle the author os abloodydray. Diana sent the great wild boaret plague Calycto because iis Ling, Oeneus, hau omitte her hen sacrificinito ther god. Hom. Il. ix. 533 qq. . 3o7. at in o grievous ad been done by Lapithae o Calydon γ' The constructio of What is naturali an interrogative is accommodatest bya sori attraction, to that o Lapittias, Calyctona in the revi ous clause For Aeelus in poenam sceleris ' p. i. 29. The eeling that commission o crime implies ipso facto iis expiatio by punishment eadsto frequent intercliange of expreSSion denotin crime an punishment Seevi. 569 commissa piacula, and p. the phraSec commerere noxiam. ob meritam noxiam, etc. Ribbeck, follo in Servius an Macrobius, reads Lapithis .... Calydone merente' abi absol.); a v. l. hic has ome

IS. authority, ut es than at rat si glit, Win to the inconsistenc ofcodd. Thus Vat. Gud. b ove ' Lapithis,' ut 'Calydona merentem: 'Med. Lapithis ' correcte to Gas' an Calydone' correcte to na')butis c. pl. merentes ' Rom. alone givin abi throughout Ribb. hinks that Virgil est both reading on his S: ut is no a clue to e found in Vat. MERENT i. e. merentem'), hic might e mistahen or an abl. and so ead to the correctio of the ther accusative.3



versus habere cordi et memoriae operae pretium Si ' ROby l. c. P. XXXVi).327, 328. Octit et . . . Octere, See o Ecl. V. . ora, inspectS, Laetos, forms ' se l. 658.

froni iis basea that Aeneas solio ers may not in Latinus by a marri age, or beset the Italia landi ambire, Se iv. 283. 338. Coneute, riti up, 'eXamine; So Or. S. i. 3. denique teipsum Concute.'3 I. Gorgoneis, Properi an epithe of her serpent-locks cp. ll. 346, 45o G. V. 482.3 3-3 5. tacitum, the silences of Amata' chamber is in contrastri hersubsequent excitement. oodvehant, lepi Seething.'


nerve and thrillinil her limbs illi re, ere et her oui ath cauillit thetiam in the depths of heroeari, in gentie toneS, a matron USe, hespake, it many a ea sor her aughter and the Phrygian bridat.' Amata urge two pol nis-her aughter' happiness, and the polic os aforeim alliance: ut nata Phrygiisque ymenaeis may be a hendiadys, heriaughter' marriage it a Phrygian.' 363, 36 hat was' not thus the Phrygian wain to Lacedaemonmade his way an bore sat Helen to the Trojan landi' at non Rom., Gud. an non' Ribb. rom Med. Vat. Pal. WantingJ; p. X. 4 . Denetrat, historie pres. Pastor, as Hor. d. i. 5. Pastor quum traheret per freta navibus Idaeis Helenen perfidus hospitam. The epithet Lectaeam suggestitie divine origin and so perhapcher beauty-as TennySOn, Dream os Fair omen'

369-372. Phol that any De land independent of ou rule is V rei gn, Vand that this is the oracle' meaning Ay, and Turnus too, Dyo see theorigi of his ouse, has Inachus an Acrisius for his si res, Mycenae' very sel his home. Amata' first lea somewhat prosaicali expresSed is, An independent Italia race suc a that o Turnus is foreim under

like throngS. ferooes, a Con observes, potnis parti to the insensibilityos Amata, ho in contrast to the op vacuo atrio rushe through crowdso rough men ceu quondam, as a times' se on ii. 367), ans er toως τε it frequentative oriSi in Homeri similes.

385 sqq. This description o Bacchic orgies an frenet is altogether Greek, and Suggeste by gome Gree work suc a the Bacchae o Euripides' Con. . For indications o familiarit o Virgi P part it that


396. Dampineas hastas, vine-wreathe wands; i. e. the thyrsus, calle κιωσι νον βελος ur Bacch. 25 velatam Dondibus hastam' v. Met iii. 667. A shar potnt was ometimes concealed by thera cone orleaves a the head of the wand Catuli lxiv. 256 tecta quatiebant cuspide thyrsos'): ut hasta here, as βελος Eur. l. c. se Sandys note , is probablyOnt a descriptive metaphor made possibi by the adjective attache toit.' incinctae Dellibus refers to the lawn-shin νεβρίs worn by the semale Bacchanal S: p. νεβρίδος ρὸν ενδυτον Eur Bacch. 137, an See Sandy on

3o. For arma alimSSO Ribbeck ad opis the conjecture arva, noldoubtini quin multo pulcrius excitetur Turnus hi . . . quam Si laetu in arma' esse jubeatur.' laetus, however, is est alien illi ara as 'libenter' l. 3o bove, iii. 69 etc. and this lenissima medela, as Ribb. styles it seem qui te uncalle sor Parta, Vat. Rom. Gud. b, c; iube Med. Servius On Aen. i. 35.