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In his book Virgil, in orde to provide Aeneas illi Italia allies, vatis himself of the legend of Evander, the mythica introduce of a foretencivili sation about si xt years e re the Trojan war. The pening inessito Tumus muste in his orces ii I II) the we have the rive gost Tiberinus appearing to Aeneas in a ream an biddin him see Evander ll. 8-65 upon hic Aeneas satis p the stream to Pallanteum Evander' town, an is indi received by the ing. homae find keeping theseas of Hercules it. I 183). Evander telis the stor of Hercules exploit in lanng the monster Cacus, and the prat se of Hercules are sun ll. I 8 3o5 aster hicli the in discourses on Italia histor and bows the Spol hereaster o e samous in Rome ll. 3o6-3 9 . Venus asks Vulcansor divine armourri proieci her son, and the Cyclopes are et to ork ll. 37o-453). Evander send a sere unde his son Pallas it Aeneas, and adinses them to as aid of the Etruscans of Caere, long in revolt against thei savage in Mezentius it. 45 -6o7 . Arrive a Caere, Aeneas ismet by Venus earing the armour made by Vulcan, and the book loses
wit a fuli descriptio of the hield suggested by that of Achilles in Iliad
xviii), on hicli are engraven the future destinies of Rome, particulari the victor of Actium and the exploits of Augustus it. 6o8 731 . In the episode of the worshimo Hercules the godio honoured by the Stoic supporter of Roman orthodoxy, Virgil shed a poetic lustre ver therevivalis the old state religioni Augustus see eitleship Suggestions,'pp. I9, 38- Ο while that of the hiel of Aeneas ives nother opportunitri Such a Was assorde by Anchises expositio of the anima mundi in Book VI, o descantingi the great names and deed of Roman history. Both pisodes, there re are stricti in harmon wit the genera purposeos the epic on hic se Introd. to Aen i . I-5. These lines have been supposed to allude to later Roman customs-e g. belli signum to the red fla hun out besore the praetorium Q at Some ceremonia ac of the generat, o to a dril exercitatio militum'): and coniurat to coniuratio a distinc seo the regular delectus.'But it seem more lihely that Virgil intend no specific allusions ut a generat picture os musterinisor War, expressed naturali enough in Roman militar termS.
viii. 24. Diomectis urbem, Argyripa Arpi in Apulia, the similarit of
the nam to Argo perhaps Suggesting the legend cp. X. 28. ΙΟ-I3. Detat, Subj. it fina relative. On octo sat depend si infinitive Clauses, ne of them Moero l. II havin another dependent upon it. I 5-17. Qui Struat, C. Aeneas ipsi, Diomede, ho ould seel that the Trojans wed him retallation sor the Gree victor a Troy. I 8-25. Suc is the stir in Latium and seein ali his the hero-descendant of Laomedon osse in a great surge of eare no here, no there, hethrow his nimbi thought, an hurries it to this fide an to that, an bidsit eour at the eid. ike the ancin light rom ater in bragen ais, when redi reflectio of the sun or the hado os the radiant oon, itfliis re ove ali the place an no is liste high in i an strikes thecelling of the oo above ' E. P. . Lines o, I re repente fro iv. 285, 86 the simile hic here explain them is suggeste by Apoll. Od. iii: 755 o Medea's ulterin heari Πυκνὰ δέ οἱ κραδίη στηθέων
4 sqq. The prophec o Helenus iii 389 sqq. is here repeate almost verbati mr an Ribbeck supposes that tametuo tibi . . . tiaux ine 2rta cario l. 9 is interpolated. But the lines occur in ali Sy and Sit Ital.
Vii. 79 ne salsa putes haec fingere somnum' seem to imitate . a. The mere ac is repetition is no argument against genuineneSS and GOSSra on his passage cites ome twenty-five instances seo Virgil of the verbati repetition o one or more lines. 46. Omitte by Med. Pal. Gud. I occur in Rom. Vat wanting), and In late cursives. Externa evidenc is thus against it an it ni embarraSSe the contexi, the sit of Lavinium eing twelve miles rom theliber Without it ex quo in ex quo prodigio, or ex quo tempore 'Willi ex quo loco '- ,hene Ascanius Ahali found Alba.'
8 clari, is amou name.' Alba was o called Do the white Ochson hic it stood. 52. For the stor o Evander se Liv. i. 7 v. Fast. i. 469 Sqq. Prop. V. I. 3, 4 Ubi navali stant sacra Palatia Phoebo, Evandri profugae concubuere boveS.
rumore Mosellae: but the prevallin sense of rumor i tal , e. g. Cic. Div. I. I 6 citin an id poetὶ Solvere imperat Secundo riamore adversaqueavi; Hor. Epp. i. o. Vivo et regno, Simul ista reliqui Quae vos ad caelum sertis rumore secundo, Tac Ann. iii 29 Utque haec secundo rumore, ita adversis animis acceptum quod filio Claudii socer Sejanus destinaretur '-three passages hic Seem decisiverior I .
get past; ' p. l. 58 bove, Cl. viii. 6 an reserences. Servius explainedsocant silvas of uttin through the reflectio of rees in the water-an ingenious but to artificiat dea.98. Proeul See Introd. IV, p. lii, and note to Ecl. i. 39. Ioa sqq. O the appropriatenes of this episode se Introd. to this book, and note o l. 185-I 89 elow. Io . uio, accordindit Servius, illi una in cum hoc; cp. huic iuxta' vii. 6 9. Sorio Forcellini, comparin simul his v. 357 Whicli, however asit the examples of simul',ith dat.) may be, an probabinis, ablative. I seems est to regard ui as an ordinar dat os indirect reference. Pallas his son as it him una there there to the captains of his hostand rusti senate ere offering incense.'Io8 taeitos Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. b c is by mos editor regardedas a glos ori taciti S' Servius tacitis fro ipsi taciti' , the generali ac
huc coram adducam.'Ia . EXCEDii, wel comed. antiaosit, is, ἄρα οἱ φυ χειμ m. i. O6. I 27. Cui illi reeari, a very unuSual construction: p. Plaut. Amph. ii. a. 17 prodigiali Iovi comprecatam oportuit, Ter Phorm. i. a. O qui mihi sic oret.'I29, 3O. non extimui non extimescendum putavi.' foros, cori in virtua oratio obliqua. 132, 33. ictita, Spread, a vii. 44 a Lucretian Ord-e. g. in venascibus omnis diditur ii II 36, Sensi seros motus quae didit prima per artus iii. 246. volentem Memphatic- have made me the willing instrument of sate.'
169. Anyso I have lighte the troth ou ask: i. e. have grante italready without surther partey. Other reser it to the past friend shi os Evander an Anchises: ut a Con potnis ut it is Evander' repi to Accipe daque fidem' l. ISO.
173. Celebrate faventes, Aen. i. 735. I75 reponi here clearly replaCed ' p. vii. 134, G. iii 527 iv. 378. The esset ha been remove sudiata on the appearance of the Trojans l. II above).I76-I78. Solio, ablative but whether modat invites hirn with, as Plaut. Rud. ii 3 32 ierit potando . . . Neptunu magnis poculis hac nocte eum invitavit'), or locali invites hi miri, Le. in to.' as i 676 invitant moenibus 'Cic. Verr vii. tecto ac domo invitare his no qui te clear. erhaps soctili
183. The long chine and sacrificia entralis of anix. Cp. the Homeric
I 85 sqq. Accordin to Liv i. 7 the worshi os Hercules a the onlyforei gn orghi introduce by Romulus Virgil, in phold in it, is thini ingos the reviva of the old Roman religion hic li forme par of the polic os Augustus mercules ei nil specialty honoured by the Stoic supporter of
2O5-2O8. ne qui missot that nothing might have been uniried ' when ali wasione . Ne quid esset would express simple purpOSe- that nothing might be est undone: the lupers carries the thought on to thepo in os accomptishment by a in os menta gramma analogous to the Constantisse os future perfeci instea of simple future. The ood here isdue to oratio obliqua, a par of Cacus thought avertit, histori PreS.; for the meaning p. i. 72, x. 78 Cat. lxiv. Auratam optantes Colchis
aVertere pellem.'2o9. Dectibus perhaps dative: ut more probabi abl. os circumst. that no tractis might sho the true directionis heir feet.'2II. raptos ' falso legit librarius,' says Ribbeck, who reads raptor, onthe ground that l. o8-21 have sufficienti indicated that the Xen ere rapti,' a needies an arbitrar Piecem critici Sin Proll. p. 365 .
212. Quaerenti, dat ethicus see i. O 2.
263. iuratae, sors om; lit. hich he had swom he had notiol. So qui in iure abiurant pecuniam Plaut. Rud Prol. 4. 269-272. The worshipi Hereules a the Ara Maxima Was originali alami ly orship sacrum, more usuali in plur sacra privata ' P. Cic. Mur. I 2. 27 attachin to the gente Potitia and Pinaria se Liv i. 7. 6. The Ara Maxima stood in the Forum Boarium- i. e. the districi et Neenthe rive nea the Pons Sublicius, and the Velabrum, Palatine hill, and northen of the Circus Maximus. This disti ic included the remaius of the Cloaca
Maxima and the well-known round temple commoni calle o Vesta, ut probabi os Hercules in foro bovario ad aedem rotundam Herculis Liv. X. 23. 2): se Bum, Rome and the Campagna,' p. 279, 29o It SPOSSible, a Con. Suggesis o l. 9 that his nam may have had somethingrio do illi originatin the tornos Cacus and the Xen. 273-275. in munere 'as an honouriai to such high deeds; ' p. v. 37. Others les probably translate la the festiva in honour L communemcteum, the god, both revere.'276. For the associatio of the poplar illi Hercules see Ecl. vii. 6 and note to G ii 66. 28o. evexo olympo, in heaven topen do inclinante die'); seeon ii. 25o, and p. Hor. d. i. 28. I devexi Orionis, of Orion's Setting. Vesoer, apparent ly the evening star, a G. i. 25 Hor. d. ii . . Io nec tibi e Spero Surgente decedunt amores: but generali it in evening.'283 inStaurant, rene ς' p. v. 63. mensa Secunctae, not a G. ii.
Io I hos the secon coursem a Dast: ut impi repeatin the idea of in-Staurant epulas, the resti or second hoard.' 285. The Salii ere pri est o Mars Liv. i. o. 3h: ut Macrobius iii. 12 States that Mars an Hercules ere identi fied by the pontiffs and by Varro in his Sati Menippeae.'
288 ut, hoW' oblique interrog. novereas, 'Iunoni S.'29 I, 291. Hercules took Troy because defraude by Laomedon more suo, cp. v. 8 II of his reWard or layin a sea-monster Oeotialia, becauSeit king, Eurytus refuse to give hi his aughter Iole. The celebrationo the forme victor seem mal a rogos in presenceis Aeneas. 292 fatis Iunonis iniquae, late sent or, caused by cruel Iuno.'293 295. aetas, inrt the laye os; se ii 275. 663. Hylanus and Pholus ere CentaurS, p. . it. 456. CreSi Dromnia, of the wil buli, whicli, in the common to , Hercule brough alive to EuryStheu S.
298-3OD. No hapes could right thee, o Typhoeus himself, as hebrandished high his arms no lach was hine os counget when round theepresse the Hydia illi his hos of heads.' facies i. 658. rationis, ii.
haps in Mike, as Sali Cat. i. eorum ego vitam mortemque iuxta aestimo, li 3 'iuxta bonos et malos interficere.'3IO-3I2. Mandering Aenea turn quic glancing yes o ali around, and seel the charm of the spol an gladi astis an hears ac recor of the me of old.' 3I3. Evaricts i Romanas Conctitor aretis, as havingiuili Pallanteumon the Palatine hili, here Romulus Munde his ity, and Augustus had his palace GoSSrnu . 3I . p. Lucr. V. 58o, 58 ' Haec loca capripedes satyro nymphasque tenere initimi fingunt et faunos esse locuntur; on hic Munro cites Probus o G. i. 1 rusticis persuasum est incolentibus eam partem Italiae quae Suburbana est Saepe eos faunos in agri conspici.'
lesten o Deucalion allude to G. i. 3 an sor Virgi P description os primitive Ociet CP. Lucr. v. 25 sqq. AeSch. Prom. V. Sqq. Hi Scombination illi it of the notion o a goiden age os origina persectio is
of course inconsistent See Conington' note .
mission o Aeneas ' moresque viris et moenia ponet, an Lucr. V. 958 Ofprimitive an neque ullis Moribus inter se scibant nec legibus uti.'3I7, 3I8. Comsonero, Stoie P; cp. Hor. Epp. i. I. a Condo et compono quae mox depromere OSSim, Tib. i. I. composito securus acervo Despiciam dites. asper victu venatus, rough hunter' fare.'3 I9. Saturnus, the Italian od of sowin Saeturnus,' p se-vi Sa-Vi, Ctta, CorSsen, inusspr. i. P. I 7), was identi fied by the Romans
322. Comsosuit aV union to ' h. συνοικίζειν. The derivation os Latium rom lateo appears to e Virgir own to give the tor a more Latin colour. 326. eoolor, ulter' i. e. ron or bras as opposed to gold.
328, 29. Virgil identi fies the Sicani and Siculi' Σικελοι) the two original ut distinc races inhabitin Sicily . Accordiri to Thucydides
said agmeyne poliat out os a Gree mal in his a to the estward. 336. Carmentis or Carmens'), the prophe mother of Evander: v. FaSt. i. 467 Ipsa mone, quae nomen habes a carmine ductum. Liv calig
338, 339. Romani nom. plur. The v. l. Romano ' Rom. b c perhapsarose hom nomine following. honorom, in apposition to the Previ ou clauSe,
The Asylum Was an enclosed pace etween the two summits of the Capitoline hili perhaps originalty a temple of refuge, hos Saset Romulus guaranteed Burn, Rome, p. 196). The Luporcal Wa a caver under the est comer of the Palatine hill ib. p. 56), associaled by Roman ancywit the olf o Romulus and Remus, ut probabi connected illi theworshi of Lupercus, an Italia pastora deity, analogous to Gree Pan, WhoSe nam Λυκα ς ould Suggest thei identification. 3 4 Parrhasio, ' calle aster Parrhasian i. e. Arcadian, seo the oldcit Parrhasia fashion the place of Lycaean Pan.' 3 3. The districtaehin the bulldings north-east of the Forum a called Argiletum, and was apparenti a loca o booksellers Shops, a Martialhid his friend go there o u his books i. 3, i. II p). Cicero Att. xii. 3a say he had properinthere. Popular etymolog connecte it it the dea in o Argus, a reacherous gues of Evander Varro L. L. V. 157)derive ituro argilla, statin that potier' clay a Mund there Bum, P. a 9 . 3 8. olim, then ' see o G. i. 4 3.349, 35o. E'en then iis solemn we ad tremblingueasanis ea thespot, 'en ine the quaked e re the ood an roch. On religio see
353, 354. nigrantem, seo the connectio of the Regis it sto s; See o ii. 616, and p. Homer' ἐρεμνὴν αἰγίδα Il. v. 167. iiDos cieret
recalis the Homeri νεφεληγερετ ZεUS.
355-358. These legend may be trace to the religious seel in WhichaSpire t divine origin in the ston o Evander an his Arcadians may betrace to the destre to connec Palatium', it the Gree language Bum, Rome, Pp. 28, 29 36Ι. lautis, stately: seo the houges of wealthy Roman whic stood there-e. g. O Pompeius, eiZed by Antony, and on his death, confiscat ed by
the Emperor an finali soldi Trajan to the Gordia famil Gibbon ch. vii). r. Bum places it o the west en of the Esquiline perhaps includi nil par of the depression etween that and the Caelian hili se Rome and
al Virgir art an hardi conceat Thetis filia Nerei mal es a similar
kee her hiisband 's e Dom sta in and rear thei titile babes: 'en o atthat hour, astriskl a She, rose the Lor o Fire rom his couch of eas tollis smithy' toti.' O9. Minerva, i. e. tela; cp. Citam. D. i. 23 6 illud, quod erat adeo donatum, nomine ipsius dei nuncupabant maiores); ut quum frugeSCererem PpellamuS, Vinum autem Liberum ex quo illud Terentii, Sine Cerere et Libero friget Venus. I6. insula, i. e. Hiera, ne of the Aeolia istes etween Lipari and
I9- 2I. Aetnaea like hos of Aetna.' strict as, iron ars' of Wrought iron), o perhaps mela in the ore. The Chalybes fleel expresses the idea. 23. oo archai sorin f huc, frequently in Plautus see ordsworth, Fragm. and Spec. Intro xxiii. 28.
29. actios, Hengilis' or rays, in reserene to the conventional representation of the thunderboli as a sortis bundie of daris. imhris torti, iati' - constricti et coacti in grandinem Servius). 32. AmmiSque sequacitius iras, ' and wrath with a train f re. 433, 3 . inStahant, illi accus κατα συνεσιν, were busted on; more