장음표시 사용
79. O the suppo sed Lydia origi of the Etruscans se note socii. 78I, 782. urbis Agyllinas, Agni or Caere Cp. vii. 5a, an See Demis,
and ac to sace-a monstrous torment an in such foui embrace, alistream ing 'er With noisome decay, e te them by a lingering deat h.'tormenti genus, in apposition to the Sentence cp. i. 223), has a COD. potnis ut Something of the force of an exclamation. Sio reSumptive See
impossibie conjectures Me vera, OSPeS, ne quaere, Profat . . ., When
I shal have declare to ou the truth.'534. Cecinit, Predicted or promised: se on ii. 12 . his promiseos Venus has no been mentione before an Goggra is perhaps right in
inferring rom the hemistich l. 536 that Virgil ad not fud worked ut
5 2. Herculeis ignibus oes no impi et ther a regii sacrifice at the Ara Maxima Wagner), o sacredire brought the da before rom the Ara Maxima to Evander' domestic altar Hercules bella probabi one os Evander househol gods These varie with disserent perSonS; P. V. 63,
556 567. Dericlo, Suali explaine a dative, sea comes earer todanger, i. e. antici patescit: ut better a abi. O circumstance or cause 'sear strihes home as ange di aut ora, and large loom the a god's
559. Servius mention three readings; I inoxDIstus lacrimans Pal. et Rom. Gud. I , 2 inexpletum lacrimans' Pal. I, J, 3 inexpletus lacrimis' Med. , of hicli e refers a). Ribbeck, Con. etc. followWagne in adopting Ι a the ardest an mos lihelyrio have gi ven riset the the two It is parallelle in Virgil by e. g. . i. 163 tarda volventia'), ii 377 gravis incumbens' , iii 28 magnum uentem'), iv.
active. n. Hor. Dd. i. I Vix durare carinae Possunt imperiosius
585 iamdu acteo, even OW; ' p. i. 567 V. 268 864, i. 75, 487 and o the geneial force of acteo, G. i. 24. 588. Diotis 3 enamelled, or patiated: se ora vii. 796. For On-SOEotu conspicuous cp. Liv. xi of Hannibal vestitus inter aequale excellens arma atque equi conspiciebantur.' 59 . Qua Porima, ete , Where the goa of their ourne is nearest: 'i. e. the tali the hortes route.
h Ollo valley se on l. 16. Macrobius cites the line illi tingit.' toWhich nemus Wouldae nom. anx nigra abiete' moda abl. but alimSS.give ingunt. On the Caeritis amnis no accina' se Denni S, Etruria,' i. p. 28 Insignificant a this turbid rook may appear, et the travelle pause a momen on the ridge, and ethini him that it has had the hono ur of ein sun by Virgil The large naturat Oundclos to the ridg may be the celsus collis, ,henc Aeneas gage on the
6OO-6o a The region about Agnia Caere was lamed sor catile Deianis, i. c. P. 229). The Pelasgi origin of the place is asserte by Dionysius,
Strabo, Pliny, and other ancient,riters : ut omnisen Hist. o Rome.' book i. h. . consider 'Agylla ' orae a Phoenician orct - round own.'6O3-6os tuta locis, Safel placed ' abi. o resp. . tenctebat, Were camping; See i. 29. latis arvis at this Jay, standin by the Stream, the ye Wander ove har undulatin downs the lata arva V of ancient soni' Dennis, P. 28 . 6 Io. Vhen in the quiet vale sar he pie her son' retrea by the Cool Stream. For Drocul et secretum p. 'longius ex altoque G. iii 238, extremus galeaque ima 4 498. Et gelicto, Pal. Rom. Med. 2, Gud. but Forb. GoSSr. and ther read egelido fro Med. 1 Ribbeck ecgelido, a form uni nown to Latin , regarding χ- a intensive cp. induruS G. iv I 5). ut though egelidus is founo in cool in Plin N. H. xxi. a. 6 Albulae aquae egelidae' Strabo, Aλβουλα δατα ψυχρα), and AuSoni US A. D. 395 CaeS. impiger egelido movet arma Severus ab Istro, iis regula classica senseris lukewarni,' with the chil ofs: e g. Catuli. xlvi. Iam ver egelidos resert tepores; Columella A. D. 2 X. 8a 'Nunc ver egelidum, nunc formosissimus annus ' vin Am. i. II. 1 Et gelidum Borean egelidumque otum; Celsus A. D. 37 Ulcus, si hiems St, egelida, si aliud tempus, frigida aqua fovendum ' Suetonius A. D. II 6)Aug. 82 perfundebatur egelida aqua, vel sole multo calefacta. In face of
these examples, and the fac that Virgit has usi calle the stream inquestion gelidum ' l. 597 , a Word expressi contrasted with his by Ovid,
I. it is dissiculi to accepi, ora eaher S. authori ty, egelido'-thoughSanctioned I observe by r. Ellis in his note ora Catullus I. c. The fac that a appear stomon sonius . . it ha acquire the meanini cool at thetime Cod Med. a Writ tela Introd. II, p. xxii might helint account sorit appearance in that S.
tem Ribbec frona Pal. Gud. I, o constructionis hieli P. X. 96. 624 6 25. The polished greaves of electrum an fine gold the Pear, and the hield, a Work of unto id mar l. The reave are os eleetrum,
626 sqq. The ead in thought of Virgir description of the hiel of
Aeneas is that very cene is a Prophetic conception os event in Roman history, culminat in With the loties of Augustus and thus, as has beenal ready remarhed in the Introduction to this book it is stricti in harmonywith the lea lin purpOSe of the poem, as an epici nationa glory. The Iliad is an epic o human ii se an so e fila in Homer description os the hiel of Achilles Iliad xviii. 78 sqq. a representatior of the varie lspectacle of humandi se in cit and country, in eace Or War Ploughing, reaping, intage catile; it music and the ance. The genera idea fAeneas' hield is of course suggeste by that o Achilles; ut the onlycletali common to the wo is that of the ocean stream Ii xviii. 6o Aen. viii. 7 i): and Pr0L Sellar ei potnis ut ' Virgil,' p. 19, 32o that this Passage like the descent into Hades of Aen. i. compared illi the νεκυια of Odyss. xi is a typica illii stration both of the relationis Virgillo Homer, an his poliat o departure rom hi m. An ingenious artistic restoration o Homer' shield, and a comparison illi that of Virgil here and the 4hiel o Heracles ascribe to Hesiod, ill e found in r. . . Murray's Histor o Greeli Sculpture,' ch. iii. r. Murranthiniis ' that Virgil had throughout obtaine ver definite suggestion hom actu a WorkSos ari; instancin particulari the description of the olf ll. 63o-63 ), os Augustus at Actium it 68o, 681 , and of the Nile it 7II-713). See further helow on it. 67I-67 .
627. Vatum, of propheis lore.'
de r. iii 52. 99. AS a poetica description this passage sufficiently represent the ronge figure o known a the Mol of the Capitol 'whicli C. O. Militer belleves to e Etrusca work, and the Same a that mentione by Liv X. 23 a Placed there about 2984. C.
635 636. Sine more Se V. 694. Caveae properi the seat at a theatre Cp. V. 3 O , here of the Circus Maximus actis, in the old in os thegrea Circensi an games; the past participi havinito Suppi the want os a Present Participle, as e g. ' Vectus. Accordi nito Liv i. 9 the rape os the Sabines Ooli place at the consualia ' or eas of Consus ' in Neptune. 6 3. maneres ou hould have stood by our ord is the on lyEnglisti rendering or his diom, in hic the impers conj. denotes the Supposition o a lac in ast time See note o Ecl. iii 2I, and cp. G. V.
5O Aen. Vii. I , i. 53, 64. 6 8 in ferrum Duebant, Mere rushing upo the word ' p. . ii Oa. 65o. RctsDiCeres, potentiat, o ou might see.' aucteret, cori in virtualoratio obliqua implied by inctignanti minanti. 652. in summo, se clipeo. Other tali it it Tarpeiae arcis, which, however, Seem more naturali to elongrio euStos.
Casa Romuli, a ooden ut thalched illi stra i reeds, a PreServeddo it Virgir time on the Palatine ill and hept in constant repair Sothat recens horrebat conveyed a picture familia to veryda Romanexperience. It is mentione e g. by Vitruvius B. C. O), and Ovid Fastitit. 83-Mars loquitur Quae fuerit nostri si quaeris regia nati, Spice de canna straminibusque domum. See also Burn, Mome, p. 56. 635. For the stor os Manlius savin the Capito Se Liv. v. 7. Ruratis, an argentsus, of the meta employed in representation to hichalso mustae referrex aurea' l. 659 and lucent' l. 66o . 66o virgatis, striped: so Sil. Ital. v. I S describes a WarhorSe S Caucasiam in Stratus virgato corpore tigrim. For the ordinar mean ing of iche inork' p. Catuli lxiv. 32o virgati calathisci; see Ellis ad
663 666 A picture of id religious institutions the Salii or ancingPri est o Mars above l. 285 the Luseret, priesis of Lupercu the Roman Pan See on l. 343 the flamens caps and the sacre Shield of Mars Liv. i. o) and the honour grante to the Roman matron o rid ingin Dilenta, in return o devotin their olden ornaments o di Scharge Camillus vo os a tentii of the spoli of Veii to Apollo B. C. 392, Liv. V.
25 . nother legend. representin them a contributor to the anSompat to the auis, has the authorit of Varro apud Non. iii 43 and
Diodorus Siculus iv. II 6 B. C. 8).668-67o Nationa benefactor an criminals are pictoriali repreSented by thei fortune in the the worid se Conington' note here, and CP. G. iii 37-3 sor a simila expression os seeling it regar to the nemies of Augustus Catiline could e salal single out as ne hom ali parties agree to condemn while Cato Uticensis ad been an nem os Julius Caesar only not of Augustus, and i algo eulogi sed by Horace Od. i. 12.35 ii. I. 2 . AS a uici de Cato hould, accordin to t. 43 - 39, e
place no in Elysium, ut in the lugentes campi; but Virgil is notbound to Such minute consi Stency. Cato' character in iis Warranted his
ποιητοι : ut Virgil seem to impi a distinc panel of the hield ThesiSh are seen in the conventiona representation of water in ASAyria sculptureS, Which r. Murra reproduces on the hiel o Achilles Greel Sculpture, P. 5 an a row of dolphins, illi a rolliniborde beneati torePreSent the aves in hicli the are porting, is a common decoration OsEtru Scan tombs Dennis Etruria,' i. p. 169 . Virgi P description Sprobabi Suggested by so me actua picture or ork of art. 675-728. Four cenes rom the exploits of Augustus: I Batti os
nations ll. 72o 728). There have been et glit group previ OuSty vi Z. I. The Wolf illi Romulus and Remus et Rape of the Sabines 3. MettuS 4. Porsena 5. Manlius savin the Capitol; . alii, Luperci, etc. 7. The Wori below 8. The Ocean malitia tu elve in all. On Homer' Ahiel dthere are twelve cenes the centre umbo fho in the heavenlytodies, an Ocean encirci in the whole.
bronge an Actium' figlit Leucate ali aklow it martiat lines, and waves O rudd gold. fervore, se G. i. 56. On the national seeling of peacean orde secured, and civi discor ende by the victor of Augustus at Actium, to hicli Virgil here ives expression se Sellar Virgil, Pp. 8Sqq. and P. the sentence of Tacitus Hist. i. 1 which gives the kento
Roman acquiescenc in Imperialism- Postquam bellatum apud Actium et Omnem potentiam ad unum conferri pacis interfuit.' 678-681. ino, on one Side, corresponds to hinc' l. 685. Penatibus et magnis Dis se on ii. 12 laeta, ' propitious, ' bright.' 683. arctuus, i. q. stans celsa in puppi l. 68O. insigne, nom. in loosea PPOSition to the sentence' Con. . ' On hos temples illit te the beaks of a navat crown that proudes mee of war.'
685 688. Elsewhere is Antonius illi barbari an aliis se on ii. o an arm os every hue, victorious rom the orning lan and the ed-sea Shore, eading on the might of Egypt and the East, an Bactrians Domthei distant home: ehin him comes foui hamel his Egypti an bride.'For the Roman seel in against marriage it a foret grae Cp. Hor. d. iii 5. D milesne Crassi coniuge barbara Turpis maritus vixit γ' and Liv. xliii. 3 an for thei specia detestation o Antony's alliance illi Cleopatra Hor. d. i. 37 Epod. X. 689. Pectuotis, pulle honie' to the hest); p. adductis lacertis'
693. tanta mole quali fies the whole clause- so vast the charge of heroes o thei tower-armed Ships.' 694, 695. Elis, a descriptive abi. With volatile- in iron Shower of wingeddaris; cp. saxis l. 9 a bove, iaculis iii. 6 partu vii. 66o manu With spargitur the suggestio that manu telisquo in With an or
696 697. Cleopatra is represente holding the sistrum σειστρον orratile used in the orgies of Isis, With two snahes ehin her, in allusion to her comin late. 698 7oo. here to are hi deous hapes of allisutiandishiods, dog-saced Anubis amon them in arm against Neptune and Venus an Minerva. 'Cp. Prop. v. II. of Cleopatra 'Ausa Iovi nostro latrantem opponere
Anubim ' Propertius had Seen the Aeneidae recit publication an sortii conceptio of the victor of Actium a the triumph of the old Romanreligio ove foret g an degraditi culis se Sellar, 'Virgil P. I LSqq.,
7o . O Aetius Apollo se iii 275 and cp. Prop. V. 6 27 36 sor a ne poetica description o Apollo id in Augustus at Aetium. 7O7 7I3. There too a the queen emel f spreading, Scit Seemed hersalis to the winds he had invoked 'er han in ac to oos the lackeningsheet Heri ad the Lor of ire hown in id the carnage, ali pale at hercoming oom cp. iv. 6 borne o by in and wave an ove againsther Nile, his might seam distressed his garment opened wide, illi ut- Sprea robe callin his conquere sons into his lapis lue ater an therefuge of hi Streams.'7O8. iam iamque despicit rem suturam, sed imminentem' Forcell. :CP ii. 53O, Vi. Oa xii. 75 , 9 o Cleopatra is represented illi her hando the ope whic let the sat out o Calch the wines see o iii 267 laxare
7Ι -716. triplici. Suetonius Oct. a telis us that Augustus o his retum to Rome in B. C. 29 ad three Jay of triumph for his succesSes at Actium, in Dalinatia, an at Alexandria himself en tertia Rome on thelast. The three Jay are for descriptive purposes combine into ne and AuguStucis poeticali represente a consecrat in at orace at the temples restore in his rei gn-tor centum bein a round number Such restorationWa par of his polic Sellar, p. 13; p. Hor. d. iii. 6), an is Speciallycommemorate by himself among the great act of hi rei in e g. o the
Monumentum Ancyranum.'72I. TECognoscit, reviews,' telis over.'72 . MACincitos, I disarmed si e conquered): Cp. Juv. viii. 2 o suum Marius tenues nuper discinxerit Afros ' iv xxvii. 13 os a militarypunishment destrictis gladiis discinctos: ' a ungiri or 'loose-giri, in
reseretice to thei nationa costume; CP. Plaut. Oen. V. 2. 48 here an
Carthagini an troops) vestigia nuda sinusque Cingere inaSSuetum ' LiU. XXX. II discinctus et inermis eques ' 3 - loose, ' dissolute, and so effeminate'
a oose-sowing robe argutia essemina cy), hici possibi is the allision in Plaut. l. c. cp. Hor Epod. i. 34 di Scinctus nepos.' GosSra preser I), Conington a), Forbiger . Q ith som hesitation I solio Conington. 725. The Leleges an Caros represent Asia Minor the Goloni called pharetratos Hor. d. iii 4 35 were a Scythian eople; CP. G. i. II 5 iii. 6 I. 727, 728. The orin were in Gallia Belgica thematist o the Caspian. hicornis of the wo embouchures, the Rhine prope and the Waal Uahalis . 729 73I. Such legend trace o Vulcan's hield, his mother' gist, Aeneas Sees in onder, rejoicing heanows no why, in the picture of thingsto be ache rear upon his houlde theriam an fortunes of his line.'
During the absence of Aeneas, his camp. at the instigation os Iris themeSSenge of Juno, is besieged by Turnus, hoae in by settin fire to the Ships, hicli are change into ea nymphs il 1 167 . Nisu and Euryalus mali a night attach upo the Rutulians, an are lain ii. 168-4 9 . Thebesi eger then attac in the moming, and after great deed of Prowes onei ther Side, ut speciali on the par of Turnus himself, are beaten bach ll. 45o-818 . it the exceptio of the incident of Nisus and Euryalus, whichris one of the crownin instances of Virgil power os appeat in to human Sensibili ty, the matter of this book is no very happii conceived. Why, sor instance, hould Aeneas' oume to Evander, undertaken bySupematura advice leaesto so much dissiculi for his si de 3 1 book ,efin the god disputin about it Venus complaining Juno retorting that Aeneas tirought itin himself, an Iupiter declining o say hether late orhum an error is to tame and the poet Seem there to e to in to diSentan te his stor stomahe complication in hicli it has become involved. Considerable light is thrown in his book upo Virgi P conception fine character of Tumus, ho in the absence of Aeneas become the prominent figure. He is a bold warrior, ut it an Semi-barbarous Se e. g.
ShO V in Stron contrast to Aeneas a contrast hic appears stili more
6, 7. Planti in si optares,' the apodosis to hichris aucteret volvencta Mes, time in iis courge; see o i. 269. ultro actually,' i. e. inSuper quam quod optares ' See o ii. I 5. 9-II. Detit, present, i mali in sor.' Aeneas expedition is no goingon 'e has atready reached penetravit . Io Cortona, and is there ais g armat allies the change of ense is thus qui te natura and gives no Ountenance to the view that stit is a contracte perfeci; p. vii. 363 For
heavens rent in twain, and tars that wander in the firmament. Suchmight signA I solio , hoe'er thou ar that calles me to arm S. Forquisqui e See n V. 576. 26. Diotai, archai genitive, p. iii 35 and so the construction, Ecl.
37. Seonctito Pal. Med. is justi preserre to scandite Med. onmargin the read in os id editions for the tengthening o tota in thesi
besore ac is a licenc uni nown to Virgil que is long e re in,' x,' si in G. i. 37Ι, iv. 336 an Aen. viii. a respecti vel γ, ut alWay inni Si CP. X. 25 I. et Scandite' Vat. Rom. b c might e the ruereading, ut an hardi be ahen a Ribb. to impi an original ecscandite' escendite.' I. fuisset in oratio obliqua represenis fuerit' an fui. in oratio
thera ranges towering 'er the lain. Most editor place a colon after Rctest, re ardin Turnus as it subjeci, and et in Mas coupling the notProperi coordinate ideas comitatus and improvisus. I have followed Dr. Kennedy's suggestion that Turnus is subjectis nit ut ante . . . acteStiei nila dependent tempora clause, an maculi . . . rubra a ParentheSis. Forthe constructiora lectis comitatus see o i. 12 an sor Princisium, accuS in apposition to the Sentence, P. Vi. 22.