Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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epithet, bracatae cognationis dedecus' Cic. Pis. 23. 53 Bracatorum pueri Juv. viii. 234 Cp. Tacitus account Hist. i. o o Caecina givingoflance in the Italia towns quod versicolori sagulo, bracas barbarum tegmen indutus, togatos alloqueretur.'778 78 a se ferret suggeSt display flaunt herseis in golde spoli. 'The mixture os semini ne illi Warlike motive is very happil touched in this description o Camilla. Venatrix, heen in the ChaSe. Caeca, blindly, i. e. caretes of the danger so ineaut in the nex clause. 785 sqq. Apollo had a temple onmt Soracto, at hic certain Faliscansamilies calle Hirpii Plin vii 2 or Hirpini Varro apud Serv. offered

common in Livn no in Cicero Wit partiti ve genitive, and Dom the time of

Plautus an Terence in more colloquia Latin-e. g. Ter And i. I. I forte unam adspicio adulescentulam,' here it is virtuali an indefinite article, like iis derivatives un,' uno, ete in modern Romance languageS.

82I, 22. Quicum, the olde formos ablative, een in qui-ppe,' quin' qui ne , etc. et ther locative in form quoi or abi increased by t. like Greeli τουτωί, υτωσί, etc. Here it anSwer tessem ablative. Partiri, historicinfinitive represent in the imperfect of habit: p. v. a for both constructio anct thought here. 826. Aucoectat, petitio obliqua aster mandata. 828-83o non sponte fluens, Sinhin persorce; Cp. G. iii 52 . exsolvit e Corsor is usuali explained, o the analog of neque isto corpore solvo iv. okand certain passages in Lucretius i. Io, iii. 397,

toto corvors Ma no Virgilae reflectin Homer' λυτο γουνατα etc. i. e. the gradua relaxis of the limbs a deati creeps on 3 his ould agre better Wit the immediate contexi, and with the expression toto Corpore nor ould the se of Lucretia phrases in a disserent connectionbe an difficulty-see o Ecl. x. 5 Translate Her hole frame lowly



grows relaxe and chili her languid nech, he head that stet the grasp

86 . una . . . Que at the Same time that.'

force a a in aster them. 88 89O. urgente ruina, in saltingi another - ruina aliorum alios urgente ' P. i. 653. immissis, et Q. Vsome illi lin haste and

loosene rein das head long on the gales an stubbom cturos obiice




Turnus, no the res hope of the Rutuli an cause, agrees o meet Aeneas in singleight Latinus, nolle theriand being illing to mali a reatyan give Lavinia to Aeneas. The arrangement for theoreat a re Concluded Aeneas and Latinus ratis it illi an ath, and the combat is bout to e n ll. Ι-2I5): hen the nymphesutuma, Turnus sister, instigated by Juno ll. 13 - 16o), incites the wil Rutuli an to rea the truce. mPle erigues, in hicli Aeneas i Wounde an reti res: hile Turnus,makin no attempi, as Aeneas has done to kee the eace, deat great havo among the Trojan. ll. 2I6-332 . Aeneas, miraculousi healed by Venus, return to the fight o see Turnus; but Jutuma, actin as herbrother' charioteer evades his pursuit it 333-499 . Aster great laughtero both sides il 5oo-553 Aeneas threatens Laurentum iiseis it 55 -59a r Amata commit sulcide l. 595 and Turnus, his belle set an soldierly instinet reasserting themselves, rusheso Save the cit by lai ming the

combat illi Aeneas it. I -696 . He has forseited sympath b hisso er violentia: but the spirit in hichae at ast resolves o meet his late ll. 665-695 compensates for much that has one hesore. The re- mainder of the book ll. 697-95 et is occupie wit the uel Iupiter reconciling uno to the late os Turnus, and orbidding Iuturna fro surther

interseretice li. 79I-886). The frequenc os supernatura intervention is a noticeabie seature in hisbook e. g. l. 222 Sqq. II, 68, 5 4, 8 -787 , due perhaps a Con. remariis to imitation o Iliad xl x xxii, here such interventions ecomemore requent a the stor draws to iis catastrophe. In the sulcide os Amata li. 595 qq. We ma trace the influence of Gree tragedy while Juturna like Camilla, is apparenti Virgi Ps Wn conception.


vi. 67 ), ete , it is possibi that by comantes toros Virgil a simplymean toros comarum '-the welling, bulon mane of the lion-without an reserence to the muscies of the nec iiself. The comantia colla os l. 86, ite a parallel to comante toros, is reali a much imple and more ob riou phrase latronis, linter 'cio calle because e eget thelion' path like a 'brigand or uobber' the ordinar meaning . There is an older se of the wor foris ire soldie or mercenary Gh. λατρις, λατρευειν), e. g. Plaut. Mil. l. i. I. 74, 6 the transition rom hic to guerilla an bandi is natural enough.

II-I5. in Turno, abi. O circumstance, Where Turnus is concerned: 'Se note o Ecl. viii. 3. concipe, Sini: a technical term for the se offormulae of aths, adjurations, etc. So iusiurandum,' vadimonium,'

prece concipere.'

3I. genero: Rrma. The hiatus is justified by the paus in sense See Introd IV, p. liii.



the Homeri λείπειν φαος γ ελίοιο.

copper or brass, the ὀρειχαλκos o Hesiod and the Homeri hymns see Liddeli and coit, . . . The Latins Domin salse etymology, osten spei it aurichalcum, an consequently Conceived it to e a mixture o gol and braSS: his spellingaein require e g. by the metre in Plaut. Mil. l. iii. 1. 66, Seud. ii 3. I, an adopte by Pli ny Ν. H. xxxiv. a. Virgil here, an Horace A. . o a restore the right pelling. ut etain the hortantepenultimateri irIchalcum' Whic the Plautine Passages exhibit, as


might be expecte in an naccente syllabie of so longo ord albo, Pale. aptat alasncto, fit for ear: se on Ecl. ix et , . i. 239 cornua, of the phimes standi nil ut in different directions Dom the helmet- his re home crest. For the prosod sussique See Introd. IV, p. liii. an note to iii. 6 Dse, wit his own harid. '92. Sin, Rom. δ,c: exim Ribb. from Med. as also vii. 3 I viii. 3o6; CP. Lucr. iii. 6o, an Lachmann p. I 8 , ut the ordinar spellin is JublIsiable Columnae, Med. Rom. ya, columna' ablat. Ribb. rom Gud. I. Vat. Pal. are antin here. The ablat is accepte by Con. a the rarer se, an a supporte by the testimon o Arusianus circ. 98 A. D. author of a rhetorical Wor Exempla locutionum ex Vergilio, Sallustio, Terentio Cicerone ').9 . tremΘntem, proleptic, p. v. 21- shoo it tit it qui vered. '

Io8. acuit artem is probabi a figurative expression sor parat Pugnam: cp. Martem accendere ri. 165 Martem fatigant vii 582, movent in proelia Martem ib. 6o3, Martemque ciente. ix. 766. Others



I 34. The Athan mount, about laurteen miles ouili os Rome, as ster ward the scene of the ieriae Latinae.' I39. Conington thinks that Virgil, ahes Jutuma in presidin nymph flahes an river generally:' ut the word stagnis quae numinibusquo praesictetore orat a poetica description o a ater-nymph like secus fluviorum below l. I a There as Iahe of Juturna ea the Fons u-mici vii. 15o an Ovid Fast. i. 63 impli es that here a some oolor ater in Rome sacre to Juturna- Te quoque lux eadem, Turni Soror, aede recepit, Hic ubi Virginea Campus obitur aqua; cp. b. 7o Iutumae lacus. The similarit o names may have te Virgilo represent her assister of Turnus and Ovid would naturali accepi his o hi authori ty. I 2-145. Qeoua uviorum, iride of ali streams; χp. ix. o5 ut, how. ingr&thun, thankless' i. e. to those ho have entere it. Juno impli es that the avoursis Jupiter are δωρα δωρα.

Macrobius Sat. i. 6 notescit amon Virgir innovation quod de duobus incipit dicere et in unum desinit: ' ut the idio is as id as Homer,

sortii Latinus of majestic ram o Mur-horse chario bome his gleamingbrows giri by twelve goiden rays emblem os his ancestor the u Turnus with two snow-white ieeds.' Solis avi nee no b inconsistent ii vii. 7 sqq. Where Latinus is son o Faunus the so os icus an great- grandson os Saturn sor Circe daughter of the Sun was able to aveheen in love illi Picus se note to vii. 89 , an Faunus may lia e been represente a thei os Pring The Sun ould then e Latinus great- grandisther o the mother' si de Saturn o the ather's. I 65. orisDans, irandishing, here denotes the mere car in in theliand p. i. 313, rom hic this line is repeated. 169. Dura in veste, With unspotte robe: se note to v. 5I8.172-175. The turne thei faces to the risin sun an strewed saltharte calies, scoring illi the fleel the victims foretieads and ouringlibations o the altar. For conversi a solem p. viii 68, and Soph.

iti 28. For fruges Salsas se ii 133 an for the sacrificia procedure

ligiosi est.' p. Agamemnon appeal Il. iii 27 sqq. to Zeus, the Sun, Rivers, Earth, and the power belowQ and in the invocation os pring and


NOTES. 13 233. 357

Streams, Cic. N. D. iii. o. 5 itaque et Fontes delubrum Maso ex Corsica dedicavit et in augurum precatione Tiberinum, Spinonem, Almonem Nodinum, alia Propitiquorum fluminum nomina videmus.'I83-I86. I hapi victon Shal pas to Turnus. CeSSerit, p. iii 297. rebelles rene in War' i pleonastic it arma roserent; p. retro referri' G. i. oo. 187. nostrum is predicate: is Victor wilis the da to e urs.' artem, fortune of War, as in the phraS aequo Marte pugnatum est.'

aequis seems righil explaine by agner a ablat o qualit viribus impares: though Conington illiso admit the appoSi tenes of his quo-tation rom ac Ann. i. ID Tiberio nulla vetus in Arriantium ira sed di-Vitem, promptum, artibus egregii et Pari fama publice Suspectabat. Cp. also Aen. iii. 618, i. 6 o.

that Drogressus Turnus in progressio Turni: for the sense is that Turnus himself, instea of inspirin confidence, increases thei dismay.tahentes wasted '), Ribbeck an mos editor homo an some later codices: iubentes ' Med. Pal. Rom. etc. havin no POin here. 227. Auxneseia rerum, inowing et her ask.'229. talibuS sue a W are, i. e. thei equat in Stren th. 23 I, 232. omne ii predicate. ' See these Trojans and Arcadians are allthei force-these, and yon me of sate Etruria o to Tumus.' fatales appeam an ironica allusion to the oracle whic bad the Etruscans choosea foret g chies vii. o a); hic oracle, utum implies, ill e a falsemide. The Etruscans ate Turnus for heltering thei tyrant Mezentius



the proportion etween the wo armies congroctiamur, the contingen cyos a batile. 23 - 237. Aye, Turnus nam to heaven hali rise, Devote to hos stirines e dies, On ip of thousand bomeri We, as in isties ease e Sit, T soreim tyranis hali submit,

σκομεναων, and Aen. i. 93 qq. The cycnus excellens betokens Turnus. 252 convertunt olamore fugam, ,heel scream in round ' P. V. 58 2, viii. 216.

258. exsectiunt manus, mahe ready thei hands' sor fight : p. arma expedient' iv. 592, and Sall. Jug. Io5 igitur se quisque expedire, arma atque tela temptare, intendere; ' here rit explain se expedire est Se accingere ad pugnam, omisSis et abjectis iis quae impetum impedire

273-276. ' ne of these a haradsome out in glitterin armS, the Pear Struch sud in the waist, here theraei rub against the bell and the buchlegrip iis meetin edges right throuilli his siderit passed, and stret ched hi m