Opera. Virgil with an introd. and notes by T.L. Papillon and A.E. Haigh

발행: 1882년

분량: 445페이지

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87, 488. corruit in vulnus, he talis upon the wo d, i. e. pon his breast: cp. i. 669 Liv. i. 6. D telo extracto praeceps Fabius in vulnus abiit; 'ib. i. 58. 3 of Lucretia' death prolapsa in ullius moribunda cecidit.' Virgil seem to e thinking of Lucr iv IO Namque omne Plerumque cadunt in ullius, et illam Emicat in partem sanguis unde icimur ictu, 'where in vulnus seem to loward that hic deal the wound huisuch discrepancies are characteristic of his imitatio of Lucretius : se noteto Ecl. x. hic association perhaps accounts for the proSod of Sanguis See Introd. IV. p. lii. 492-494. Qualem meruit, C. Evander recipere Pallanta. The honouro a tomb the solace of buriat, hale'ercit e, I reel give dear noughwillae the costis his friendshi for Aeneas ' i. e. ithout deprivin him of the solamen tiumancti . For statiunt P. Liv xxxiv. Polybius Scribit centum talentis eam rem Achaeis stetisse, and the Englis phrase

din night a band of outh ait ouil flain, an brida couches stat nedwith lood.' e liould expect caesam manum' and thalamos, in appoSition to nefas; ut ei ther a Kenn suggeSis metri gratia, o sorvariet an vividness, Virgi has nom. a thoughrior a freSh clauSe Cp. Vii. 787 The nefas is the stor of the Danaides.

is in the spiritis Gree tragedy, it it lessons of φθόνος an νέ-σις thata ait ove helm in or in ordinate exultatio an PrOSPerity. P. e. g. Aesch. Agam. 78 Sqq.: Παλαίφατος δ' ἐν βροτοις γερων λόγοy

or the stor of the in Os PolycrateS.5o3-5OS. Turnus hali se the day. he he would ive the wori tohave et Pallas go, and shal loathe these potis and this fata hour.' p. xii. 4 sqq. here the sight of this et hastens the retributio for Pallas. intactum Pallanta se se Pallanta non tetigisse: ' p. suis gloria Turni 'above l. 43. the force of ista se note to t. 37. 5o5. The peculia rhythm of this line is suggestive of pathoga p. v. 667, and se Intro IV, p. liv lv.


o Pallas),' p. i. I. Virgil ascribes to Aeneas as Homero Achilles Iliad xxi. 27, 2, . the barbarit os human sacrifices. Livy, speahing of the sacrifice of three hundred Roman soldiers by the patet os Tarquin vii. 15. 7), says qua Meditate supplicii aliquanto ignominia populi Romani insignitior fuit: si om hicli it is perhaps to hastil inferre that the Romans of

Virgir time regarde the practice illi horror. Suetonius, at an rate, record an gly stor of a simila offering b Octavianus Augustus atthe altar of ' Divus Julius' Suet Octav. 5 and a Roman accustomedio gladiatorial shows, o in asteraear to the cenes of Christi an persecution, was probabi nei ther Suipri sed nor hocked a findita suci practices here ascribe to the hero os the Aeneid.

Achilles for Patroclus is a natura precedent for Aeneas aven in Pallas. Cp sor ther delatis Ilia vi. 47 sqq. X. 378 sqq. the offer os ranso in by Adrastus and Dolon to Menelaus and Diomede respectively). Enos Iuli, cp. i. 36 hano animam, myclise; Cp. X. 2o5 Ecl. ix. 6. 528, 29. ot here the risis of the Trojans victory nor illisne poortis malle so much disserence.' p. Lucan. iii 337 non pondera rerum, Non momenta sumus. The dea finio vortitur is that of the ointinwhicli a balance turias ρεπει cp. Liv. v. 3Ι in eo dictatore verti spes civitatis. ctabit almost saciet; se on l. 3. 53I-533. The Silve and the gold of Which o speah Lee it sor our sons Suchiarier of war ath uinus close atready at the our hen Pallas fell. talentis the prope dative aster Dareo natis bella dat. commodi and antecedent to Quae memoras is attracte in to the relative clause; P. i. 573. SerVius, Supposing that parco is here sed ithaccus. cite Plaut. Mil. l. iv. parce vocem' where itsch reads voci '): to hicli orbiger add Curc. iii Io misi eam pecuniam mature parsit, mature Surit; Cato R. R. 58 59 eas oleas condito, parcito v. l. et partito . There S. owever, o necessit to credit Virgil, illi anidiom socii ille paralleled. Sustulit Pior, ἔφθασε παυσας. 53 . Aenea anSWer MaguS' appea to the names of Anchises and Iulus.

Ausoniae pars illa procul. But there est occurs immediatet be re, an is there fore naturali suggeste here the construction is more Probabi an anacoluthon, reat in Of in to the relative clause quom Congressus, etc. besore an Ver has been supplied so the subject Haemonictos. sacra vitta perhap deScriptive os infula cp. . iii 487 or abi instr. with roctimitiat op Aen. iii. I). For armis Med. Pal. 2 Rom. Gud., b c Ribbeck accepi albis' on the testimon of Servius, Probus vero insig=tibus albis dicit legendum, ut albas vestes accipiamu quae Sacerdotibus congruae sunt. His clites authori ty, Pal. i ambiguous A . . . bein ali that is legibie, an armis' written veri a lateriand. 5 O, 5 I. git Cainoo, 'drive ove the lain; the whole campus'


heing, ascit mere the place at whici, the cene os the action describe&: p. ii. 21. iugonti umbra, deatli' might Shade; cp. wit Con. Hom. Il. xiii. 25 Η τινα Τρωων ἐρεβεννὴ νυκτὶ καλυψαι tegit, facit ut tegatur,' and 'er hi bring the hado os death. Virgil orget that Sors stas is est in the camp it Mnestheus. ix. 7I, 779 See the remarkS PonSuch inconsistencies, Introd. I, p. iii. 5 5 55o Aeneas ad jus struch of ctoiseerat Anxur' shiel arm when Tarquitus et im fortasse, I Ween,' k πο . p. i. 86, and ad to the examples theremi venior Sat. i. 6. 8 demens Iudicio vulgi, Sanu fortaSse tuo quod Nollem nu . . . portare moleStum; Cic. Tusc. iii. 22 53 hi Corinthii poterant omnes eadem illa de Andromacha deplorare Maec omnia vada V sed iam decantaverant fortaSSe. Eo enim vultu erant . . . ut eo Argivos aut Sicyonios diceres.'553 imDectit in not entangles,' hinder Dom using, but pins together' shiel an corsiet; i. e. rives the spea through both, thus pinioning Tarquitus, homo then ills Wit his Word Cp. orbibus orbes Impediunt viii. 4 8. 555 556. eturbat terrae, strike down to arth; ' p. demisere neci 'ii. 5. super, ove him; cp. i. 29 Vii. 462.557-56o. Lie there, rea Mel o mollier dear hal lay o in theground Or est our bones in Our ather' tomb: ou hali laed the birdso the air, o the Stream hal bear o down iis flood, hil hungo sisheslic your,ounds. Cp. Iliadrii. 52 Sqq. XXi Iaa Sqq. 558. tiumi, Med. I, Pal. Rom. Gud. b, c So Ribbeck, Wh ho everreser torix. ΙΑ, . o perhapso account for the correction humo' Med. J. Wagne adopi humo, denying that humi can 'in humum, 'or intra humum in Virgil, even i it oes in Sallust e. g. Cat. 55. 3 Est locus in carcere, quod Tullianum appellatur, ubi paullum descenderis ad laevam, circiter duodecim pedes humi depressus '). ut o Aen. i. 193 headmit that humi is sed not ni in terra Ecl. iii. a, ut so ad terram' a there, accordinit hi reading Aen. V. 78 48I, Vi 423, X. 754, x. 697, i. 6 o to hic he add ii 38o xl. 665. p. terrae' dat. in G. i. 29o, Aen. i. 87, an above l. 555. rit o Sallust l. c. regaessthese locative a no reatly m accuS. it preposition, ut as sed prolepti-

catly E. P. J. The idio is best paralleled by the se of the loca ablative



59 a. p. the taunt os Patroclus ver Hector' charioteer Il. xvi. 7 5 , Ω

6o I. Iaiolara animas. the spring of breatli ' p. ix. 58o. 6O6. ultro graci ously. For Iupiter o addres even uno is an ac os condescension and Iuno repties submissa' l. II . 6I3 616. O hades ut the o Ner in love that once a mine, an diday befit me- 'twere ell) so the would no thine almight power deny me his, the power o rescue Tumus rom the figlit, an save his lis for Daunus his si rei' The apodosis to si . . . foro is suppreSSed a in Vi. 87, viii. 56o namque then has it ordinar causa sense, it positio late in the sentence ein paralleled by Ecl. i. 14 Aen. v. 733. Other mali non

. . . negare aPodΟSi t Si . . . foret inivinito namquo the assirmative

For veri vana ep. vii sor feror, v. II and so the se of aut Hor. A. P. Ordinis haec virtus erit et Venus, aut ego fallor. quo ut


6 1, 6 2. Like the spectres that me sansit about aster death, o visions that mock our senses in fleep. For morte obita p. Lucr. i. 35 Orte obita quorum tellus amplectitari ossa: an sor pass. parti . fro neuter Ver Se note to v. 332. figuras - εἴδωλα, a Lucr. V. 3 . In V. 7 9-793 Lucretius discusses the question os phantom and appearanceS. 6 8 animo turbictus, in the whir of passion; cp. X. 57, ii. O.

like roch see o Ecl. v. II . conixineta, raret With ablat only; P. Cic. Cluent. V. Ia libido non solum dedecore, verum etiam scelere coniuncta; 'an De r. i. 5. 17 quote by on.

66O. revoluta per aequora, lachwardido the stream. The waters

the margin . 666. Me tum unconscioris of the truth, and thanksul sor escape.' e constructio ingratus salutis an extenSion, a Con. Oint out of gratia alicuius rei' is perhaps suggeste by ignarus rerum; P. i. 28o, IS.

quos γ' a contractio frequent in Plautus . g. Amph. i. a. 74 Paulispermane, dum edormiScat unum somnium. Μ. quaene vigilans somniat 3 i. e. quid opus et Somno ei quae . . . : p. Ter And. iv quemne ego heri


patris auxilium sperem quemne ipsa reliqui 3 For ther examples Dom

6SI, 8a hali hemadi throw himself upo his Wor aster suo dis- grace, andirive the cruel steel into his si de 3 For the ablat muciron Cp. G. i. 43o an for induat ib. 88 and so the Phrase, Caes. B. G. Vii. 73 of a sortis cheet ait de fris in a itch quini erant ordines Stipitum, coniuncti inter se atque implicati, quo qui intraverant, se ipsi acutissimis

vallis induebant: Liv. xliv. Si adversus instructam phalangem On- cumSSent . . . induissent Se hasti S. Cp also Soph. m. 82 Πε πτῶτα τῶδε περι νεορραντφ ξίφει, 89 κρυφαίφ φασγὰνα περιπτυχης.

686. animi, 'in herleari: se on . iii 289.691 692. The Tusca lines clos in and preS a hos against a man, with gatheredaate and ceaseles blows.' 693-696. p. the simile of Latinus resistin his subjecis clamour, vii. 586 sqq. an Hom. Il. xvii. 7 7 of the Trojans pressing the two AjaceS. 698, 99. But Latagus he meet fui in the face it a ponderous stone.'

7o2-7o6. Phrygia Euanthes o he lew, and imas compee and frien o Paris, hom Theano ore t Amycus the seissam night that Cisseus royaliauilliter, regnant with airebrand gave Paris to the light: Paris fleeps in the cit of his sathers, ut Mimas lies a Strange On Laurenti an hores. The S. readin os t. o is 'Cisseis regina Parin creat; urbe paterna; in hic case Paris must e supplied a the subjec os Oeeuhat. The antithesis howevertetween his sate and that o Mimas soobviousi requires the repetitio of his name, that mos editor acceptrintley's conjecture Paris for creat' se his note o Hor Epod. V. 28 , despite the difficult os seein how creat could have go into the texi: Gosfra an Conington alone advocatin the S. reading. ignarum,

Ribb. rom Pal. In an case a Servius notes que mus have almoStthe force of ve: so the boari Mount Vesulus in Liguria the waterShedos the o cannot e the fame a that of the Laurenti an mars nea themouth of the Tiber. 714, 15 These lines illo autem impavictu . . . eoutit astas), Whicli obviousi reser to the boar are in mos MSS. Placed after i. I 8 Soa i reser o Mezentium an arrangement whicli Coningio defendi se his note). Heyne, Forbiger, Ribbeck, etc. accepi the orde give in ur text. Duries unotatur in omnes, drom si de to si de tum round in doubt: ' cunctanter se vertit dubius quo impetum faciat' Heme . 7ao, a I. Profugus hymenaeos, e latrod. IV, P. iii miscentem,

723-727. Atabula alta peragrans, ranging the forest; χp. i. 79.


Saeta gentem in cornua, Josty-antlered: ' p. i. IS an Ovid' imitation Met x. 538 celsus in comu cervus.' Dictum arbitror pro erigere se cornibuS,' ut arbor surgit in ramos, mons in cacumen' Heyne . improba

fallente sagittarion hic See ix. 57 a), hic define the respective insidiae' by hic Salius ste Thronius, and Nealoes Ste Salius Servius suggestio that iaculo et sagitta is hendiady iactu longe fallentis sagittae' seem contradicte by ix. 572, here iaculo and sagitta mustae distinctweapons Con adopi the v. l. insignis' Med. correcteduo insidiisJ, and refers the whole line to Nealces. 756. vehant, Were falling: cp. G. i. 32 , and on the variou meanings of ruo se note o G. i. IO5. 763 767. ' Huge as Orion, hen o Mot he Strides and leaves a Waythrough Nereus mimos depths his houlder Sing 'er the waves orwhen, like a many-wintere aS upo the mountain-tops, he plant his Dolupo the ground and his head is tost in the clouds. referens, recallui g, i. e. resembling cp. iv. 329. The Various legend about orion agre in mahinghim a gigantic hero : so Virgil represent hi as aikin through the ea

769. in agmine Iongo, o Merentius position harin Walched hi in the long line'-i. e. Dom placerio place incit. 77 I. mole suis Stat is like ' sese mole tenet vii. 589 of a roc resistingthe waves hut the expreSSion Seems es applicabie to a man whei no oneis physicali PuShin against hi m. mole sua is moda abl. standifirm in massive strength; ' p. for Sta ii. 659. 773. o hear m prayer, my good right an an spea that o Ihuri: lit. may the hel me a m god ' a in mitii cteus . The wordsare characteristic of the contemptor divum' vii. 6 8 p. X. Soh: Con.

wel compares AeSch. Sept. 29 Oμ σι δ' αἰχμην τὶν εχε μ αλλον θεου Σέβειν, an Stat Theb. ix. 5 8 Ade o mihi dextera tantum: Tu praesens bellis et inevitabile numen Te voco, te Olam Superum contemptor adoro.'



774. Oveo, etc.

Qiono, p. Sit Ital. viii. 63 telo non in Sua vulnera misso.' 784. cavum, aere cavo iii. 286, Seem t reser to the concave hape

materia used for hields. 786. vires haud Dertulit, 'it force a Spent.'702. I tength of time canis'er mali such high deed belleved. vetustas in lapse of time,' antiqui ty, as in ii. 4IM: P. Cic. Mil. 35. 98 de me, inquit Milo), semper populia RomanuS, SemPer omne gente loquentur, nulla umquam obmuteScet vetustas; Ov. Mel. i. 445 Neve operis famam possit delere Vetustas. That it cannot as has been thought in posteri ty' is hown here by the phraseictem ferro, hich - to mali credibie, not to hol credibie; e. g. Cic. Orat. 34. 2 commemoratio antiquitatis exemplorumque prolatio et auctoritatem orationi asser et fidem ' p. ix. 79.

36o a passage hic Virgil Seem to have in ind-Se Con note . 8o7-8o9. um luit in terris i ho Lucr. i. 63 Compluit in terris et venti nubila portant.' Servius Wishe to tali in terris illi hat follows- nam si iunxeris dum pluit in terris, V erit archaismos, debuit enim dicere in terras. hile it mineth on the arti, is however, a natura amplification. ed. I, Pal. and Rom. give pluvii, whicli Ribbeckadopis: ut though pluvi' pers his found in Plautus, pluit is the on lyform nown in Augustan times exorcore, to Spen in toti; se on l. 43o. Quin cletonet, nil the tormae ver.'


and sace-theriace so stranget pale, he groane in pit fore an stretched forti his harid, and his heart was ouched by the si glit os a Son'sareat love.'No translation-much les comment-ca adequalet rende the patheticbeaut of this passage, it it powersu picture of the sudden revulsionis seeliri in Aeneas rom rath to pit at the deat, of ouia Lausus indelanceis a fallier The Mild patheti rhythm ' of the line. 8a I, 822 At vero ut vultum vidit morienti et ora, Ora modis Anchisiades pallentia miris '- is nequalle in iis suggestive beaut by anything that even Virgi has written the wor Anchisiactos ein just nough to recal that ove of Aeneas for his own fallier. hic is the keynote of his sympath sor Lausus. The contrast,illi Turnus savage exultation ver Pallax aboVeril. 49 Sqq. is of course intentional se introduction to Book x. 827, 28 laetatus, Sc. es; see o i. 237. Si qua est a Cura, is that stili claim Our care' i. e. is the dea care for such hings cp. With

CP. V. 678, i. 62. duoem relinquo, P. V. 53, an se note ocii. 5.857. arctat Somed. Pal. Rom. the wo forme correcte to tardet' Gud. I) is est alienos intransitive- though his strengi is sto byreason of the wound ' p. Cic. Brut. i. 18 an tardare et commorari te melius esset: ib. Att. i. . a num quid putes reipublicae nomine tardandum esse nobis: and the Vulgate of Exod. xii. 29 non tardabis reddere; Heb. X. 37 qui venturus est veniet, et non tardabit.' Servius,taking arctat in iis more sua active sense, explain Vi alto vulnere Sin alti vulneris violentia: while ther mali vis his fallita strength. Ribbeck eads quamvis dolor alto vulnere tardet, adoptin a conjecture based on the fac that Pal. has mark of erasure ver the rst syllabie



os quamquam conjecture good in iiself, but without supportis absolute

899. hausit Caelum. ore breath: cp. JuvenaPs imitation iii. et nostra infantia caelum Hausit Aventinum; and . i. lucem
