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The deat o Pallas o the ne fide, and of Lausus an Megentiu Onthemther m es a rea in the stor of the war, hil both sides pauSet bur thei dead Aeneas aises a troph o Megentius spolis and thebod o Pallas is sent home o Pallanteum, here Evander lament ove it ll. 1 - 18I . The buriat scenesonet therside arebrieflydescribed ll. 182-a a ): and we are then introduce to the discord in the Latin camp, by hichthe Rutuli an fortunes, atready on the wane, are Stili further depreSSed. Latinus alis a Counci a Laurentum and after the ambasSadors Sent toas aid fro Diomede have reported the lallure of thei mission it 2 3-295 , PropoSe to come o term wit the Trojans a proposa Supporte by DranceS, and opposed by Tumus in a vigorous speech, ut of the insolenceand violentia' hic wil be his ruta li. 225- ). A the alarm of the approach of Aeneas Turnus realis of the councillandirepares for fight: and the remainder of the book is devotexto the batile etween the Rutu-lians an Volscians o the ne si de an Trojans and Etruscans On theother, the hie interest centrein o the prowes of the Volsci an Amazon Camilla a strihin and origina figure, reli evin the omeWhat rearydetatis of fighting. Withae deat the Rutuli an cause Sesost, an TurnuSalone remesnS, to e confronte wit Aeneas in the final scenes of Book
I. interea, of transition to a res scene, as x. I, etc. I cannot here
daWn. Foris . . . quo Whichioes notin both ... and ' cp. Cic. Fin V. 22. Quis est quin intelligat et eos . . . immemores sui Me utilitatum Suarum, OSque nulla alia re nisi honestate duci γ' or are in ut daret' se note loci. 527 Eoo, G. i. 288. 5-ΙI. In his description os a tropaeum the trunk of a re represenis
i. e. ith disgrace . Dulsum in puto flight; Pallas' ound were alli front showing that he had fallen honourably. osvite nato, abi abSO-lute. It is possibi that Diadis funus may- wis that he were ead; 'in hic cas the constructiori ould e parallel to Juv. i. 69 7 occurrit
matrona potens, quae molle Calenum Porrectura viro miscet Sitiente rubetam' i. e. viro Sitiente, miscet ei' .
59. Onovit intensive de-' . o lamentin for the ead vi 22o; P. Lucr. iii. o At nos horrifico cinefactum te prope busto Insatiabiliter de
68-7I. So, luched by maidera' finger, ies a tende violet o droopinghyacinth, iis right hues et undimmed iis grace unwithere stili; ut Parent earthis longe givescit lis and lend it strength. Cp. ix. 435 and
funera fames. The antecedent om uos must e supplied rom RouS,Sc. eorum; CP. v. 597. Caeso sanguino in caeSOrum Sanguine; CP. caPtivo sanguine X. 52o, mortali vulnere' xii. 797, curae mortalis G. iii 319 the practice of human Sacrifices e X. I9, note. 85. aevo Confoetus, ,Orn it years: See o Ecl. X. 3.
grief). terras, perhaps dative in terram, as it caelo, etc. but it mightae a reminiscence of locative se o G. i. 29O. 89 Dellato equus, G. i. I 5 venator canis xii. 75 I. The weepingo the orse is perhaps suggeste by Il. xvii. 426 sqq. Where AchilleS immortat Orse wee instincti vely, μαχης ἀπάνευθεν ἐοντες, at the death os PatrocluS. Pliny however Nat. Hist. viii. a. 6 ), state a a fac orcommon belles that equi praesagiunt pugnam et amissos lugent OminoS, lacrimasque interdum desiderio fundunt.'
modern militar funerais in hic also the rideries hors and SWord, etc. of the deceased are familia Datures : But hen the warrior leth, His comrades in the war, Wit arm reverse an mussie drum, Follo his funera car: They ho the anner talien, The teli his batile Won, An after hi lea his masteries Steed, While eat the minute- un.' Mrs Alexander, The Buria o Moses, in lyra Anglicana').94. DrueCesserat MSS.J, hau advanced sar, i. e. had passed on. Con. defend the v. l. processerat' Gud. 4.
97, 98. Salve mihi dativus ethicuS , p. χωρ stiri Diad xxiii. I9, etc.
valo the movissima verba at a funerat; See vi 23 I. Io I. velati, arrayed with olive-branches-i. e. car in them in theirhantis non coronati nec enim lugentes decebat: sed ornati et instructi' Servius). Se vii. 15 an note ad loci and p. Plaut. Amph. i. I. O velatis manibus orant; Ovid. Mel. i. 279 velamenta manu praetendenS
supplice; Tac Hist. i. 66 of person imploring eace velamenta et
infulas praeferentes; Liv xxiv. 3 ramo oleae et cetera Velamenta VP-plicum porrigentes. veniam, grace; See Onci 5 I9. Ioa The indie laeshant seem irregula in a dependent claus os oratio obliqua forcit an hard lyae accounte sor here as an inserte observationo the writer. But omelimes, here a relative claus is equivalent to an epithetis definition the indicative remain e. g. Liv lii. I. 68 ScaptiuS infit annum se LXXXIII qm agere, et in eo agro, de quo agitur the proPertyi question ' militasse non iuvenem: Sall. Jug. 5 Metellus milites hortatur ad Cetera, quae levia sunt, parem animum gerant; ib. 63. C. Mario magna atque mirabilia portendi haruspex dixerat; proinde, quae animo agitabat his present designs' . fretus dis ageret: and ther X- amples quote by Κrit ad loc. So here corpor quae iacetiant corpora iacentia.'IO , IO5. Ottiere QRSSis, Shom o breath; ' p. i. 85 and sor asitiere of the atmosphere os eari se note loci. 457. soceris, ecause LatinuS S
Trojans helice, he hould rathe have et me here in fight then te of ush ad lived to hom heaven or his own stout arm ad grante lise. The sirst in of the single combat hic is ultimatet to decide the Ssue.
I 22, 23. The Drances, id in ears and eve so in though and wordio his ouia rival Turnus, thus spoli his in in angwer.' octiis, laetin Sof hatre M orimine, the expression of them in Ord. I 26. iustitiae, o thy justice genitive os auge, o the analog of Gree θαυ χάζειν τινα τινος, etc. ; CP. l. 73 bove an Hor Sat. i. 6. 84 neque ille epositi ciceris nec longae invidit avenae.' I3O fatales, reserring to l. II your destine Walis.'I33. Re SedueStra, withieace belween them ' sequester, originalty a truSte in hos hand disputed propert was placed ill the laim on it
could e adjudicate&: so Plaut. Rud. iv. 3. o Tu istunc vidulum, the
treasure-trove casket hodie non seres nisi a sequestrum aut arbitrum, Quoius haec res arbitratu fiat. Cicero Ses it for the depositan os moneyintende sor ribem . et ther judicia or electioneering e. g. Cluent. S. 25 quo sequestre in illo iudice corrumpendo dicebatur esse usus; ib. 26. 72Sequester et Confirmator marantee pecuniae: Planc. 16 38 cuius tu tribus Venditorem et corruptorem et sequestrem Plancium fuisse clamitas; 'ib. I9. Per quem sequeStrem quo divisore corrupta sit tribus . In
I 52, 53. Not Such, m PallaS, the promis that ou ad me thepromis to trusi ourset les rashly to the perils of war. Most editora includin Con. Ribb., and e . seem to accepi his interpretation in preserence to that hic put a Sto a Darenti, an takes ut velles Soptative cp. x. 63Ι though the construction promitto ut is unknown in classica Latin the sens here seem to require that ut velles hocid in SOme a be explanator Dromissa. Conington' referenceo l. 796belo ut temeret . . . annuit' is hardi to the oint se note ad loc. :but e might perhaps compare the appositionat' explanatory use of ut in . g. Cic. Leg. Man. I. 62 Quid tam inauditum quam equitem Romanum triumphares . . . Quid tam inusitatum quam ut eque Romanus ad bellum maXimum pro consule mitteretur 3'-where ut mitteretur is paralleloo triumphare. Servius mentions and Madri acceptS, a V. l. petenti formarenti: and eerthamp conjecture precanti.'
166 168. But is tanti mel deat was latexsor, son, twil gladde methat he sell,hile lea ling Trojans against Latium, illi many a Volscian
Ι 85-I87. WRS, accordi nito Servius, are the piles os Wood, rogos l. 189 the Same heia burning, usta l. o 1 the fame hen humi: ut perhaps it Virgil the are poetica varieties os expression For Ouctitur in tonetiras p. conditus in nubem M. i. 442.189. eourrere, marche round . Liv xxv. I describe a decursio funebris, i. e. a marchias of troops round thei generar funera pile; p. Tac Ann ii. 7. 4 o Germanicus at the burying-place of the legion ofVarus restituit aram, honorique patris princeps ipse cum legionibus decucurrit. The custo is asil as Homer : p. Il. xiii I3 ι δε τρὶς περὶ
I9 - I96. igni, ablative, a G. i. 234 so the constructio se notes toG. i. 43O, Aen. viii. 78. ferventes, Howing: a stoc epithet, essappropriate here than servidus axis G. iii Io 7. munera nota, familiargear cp. i. a I) further define as oliveos and tela. I97-I99. Morti, to eath ' i. e. Orco; p. iv. X. o eo se Orco mactare dictitans turbavit ordines.' in flammam, ive the ames ' p. l. 8a aboVe, ii 2I4.2o2. For the idea os turning the k round se note ocii. 25o, and p.
undistinguished ea os ead the burn without an or distinction.'
numero in position,' digni ty, a G. v. 2 2 7 se note ad loc.); p. the doublemean in of ur ord account.' So Caesar, B. G. vi. ID hominum qui aliquo sunt numero et honore' of some account an position).2II, 2I2. Sadly the gatheredis into a hea the ashes an hones allmingled in therares, an pile them p in a stillismoking mound. focisare the rematris of the crebri ignes' l. o9): and Virgil apparenti means
processano in ' ossi legium.'a I 3. Praectivitis is not a Servius thought, an 'incongruous epithet; butioint the contrast belween ast prosperit an present missortuneS- Latinus lordi town.' Gosfrau distingui Ahin epitheta necessaria ' and ornantia, classes it among the lalter: hic, he says thoughio necessaryto complete the ense, et give it additiona poliat an clearness, it plus Videre videamur adiecto adiectivo quam omisso. He further subdivides epitheta mantia into I proxima necessariis, a presumabi Praeclivitis here; a perpetua or constantia, as e g. crinitus Apollo,' pulcher Iulus,' spirantes aurae, etc. 3 otiose or incongruous epitheis e g.
SOPOriserum papaver iv. 86 servente rotas l. 95 above. 223. Bumlarat, screen him; CP Li V. Vii. 3o. itaque umbra vestri auxilii, Romani, tegi possumUS.'226. SuPer, a crown ali ' p. Vii. 462.227 sqq. nihil omnidus actum, etc. :
Gisis, old, entreaties ali in vain; Elgewhere must Latium fee relies,
23 I. eficit, loges eari; cp. Cic. Att. i. 16 9 Wataon, ne una Plaga accepta patres conscripti conciderent, ne deficerent.'232. That Aeneas comes hi thera late unde Clear ill of heaven . . .'239. Aetola urbe Arpi CP. X. 28. 2 3. Diomeclom though mund ni in late SS, Seem preferable to Diomede' l. J. approve by Servius as a Gree accuSative Διομηδεα, η),
and adopted by Ribbeck It is indirecti supporte by Diomeden' Med. ,
Pal. Rom. Gud. , hicli is impossibi metri gratia final -m an nybein osten confused, speciali in accus o Proper ameS. Lachman onLucr. i. 73 approves t. 246, 2 7. Argyripam, sal to e fro- Αργος et rarioν. Diomede a an Aetolian l. 239 bove), ut marrie Aegialea, heires of Argos. Forhelpin Danaus in his a against the Messapi he received territor round
Mount Garganus in Apulia Iapygis is sed looseI sor Apulian: 'Iapygia ein in another par of that districi.
252. Saturnia regna, realms here Saturn once a Ling; cp. viii.
319 Sqq. 255-257. Violavimus, quasi sacros' Servius have desecrated: ' p. ll. 277, 9 I. --Sta, as in x. 56, suggest long endurance- at theton totis of warieneat Troy's Oft walis, the dea that Simois hides.' 259, 26o. Vel Priamo miserancta is like Aeneas language in ii. 6 Quis talia fando, Myrmidonum Dolopumve aut duri miles Ulixi Temperet alacrimis 3 triste Minervae ictus, the sto lit gloomy eather that Minerva Sent; ' p. v. 578, xii 45 I, G. i. 3II and O the alluSion, i. 39- I. Castiereus, a promontor in Euboea here many of the Gree shipswere,rechedis thei retum rom Troy hene Called ultor, invenging,' 26I-263. abaeti agrees it in genera subjeci, hic is subdivided
into Menelaus and Ulixes clivorsum litus, notis diversa litora, but a iii distant stior : so that it applies to acti Separalely. Protei Columnas i a Curiou expression or gypt at the eastem en of the Mediterranean, n the analog of Herculis columnae, the well-known
Piliars o Hercules' i. e. the Rock of Gibraltar an ei ther Ceuta or the Apes Hill opposite at iis ester end. For Proteus, the mythic ingos Egypt and the legend of Menelaus visit to hi aster Troy See Hom.
Od. i V. I Sqq. 35 Sqq. , di ii. II sqq. and Ur Helena. d. SQuo, at the way to; cp. Hor Sat. i. I. 97 adusque Supremum tempuS, X. 96 via peior adusque Bari moenia piscosi: an sor usque' with ther pre-POSitions vii. 289 ab usque'), and l. 3I above Super usque ). exsulat, Wander in exile.'264, 265. The malimo Neoptolemus ad been divide on his death:
Se iii 333 Sqq. vorsos probably- mutatos, as in the phrase vertere solum' Cic. Phil. v. 4 Liv. iii. 3. Io Juv. i. 49 , hici Cicero, Pro
Caec. 34. Oo, explainS, Solum vertunt, hoc est, Sedem ac locum mutant.'
The Opuntia Locri an followed Nax Oileus Iliad i. 527 sqq. to Troy,
and post-Homeri legend ook some of them to Africa aster his death. 266-268. Wh teli of these 3 Mycenae' lord, the tender of the mightyGreelis himself, ted by the hand of an accursed spous orire he came ithin his hali an adulterer lay in ait for the spolis ors spolier' of Asia.'Dxima inter limina is ni a poetica expression for Agamemnon' deathon reachin home, and need notioin to an disserent version os the storyhom thalano rio Homer ann Aeschylus. svictam Asiam victoriam ex Asia reportatam ' cp. Prop. i. 7 6 devictae gentes nil in amore valent' , an So by a light stretch o language, a suggesta victorem Asiae: butthe idea seem rather that Aegisthus la in ait ille a robber for at thegior an spoi that Agamemnon brought home For SuhSectit P. Lucan. v. 226 subsidere regnum Chalcidos Euboicae, vana Spe rapte, ParabaS 'an as a neuter verti Cic. Mil. 19 5 nec eo in loco subsedit, quo ille noctu venturus esset Conington' suggestion that subsedit in acie asεφεδρος ' supposititius, i. e. the od man who ait to figlit the conqueror , and so took up the seud, is ingenious but lach authori ty and aSSumingiliis to e a possibi meaning Aegisthus ould more properi be aid subsidere Agamemnona than subsidere Asiam. Servius approve a v. l. devicta Asia' Gud a bis, J, hich ould remove much difficulty but Med. Pal. Rom. Gud. I, LI give devictam Asiam.'269, 27o invictisso depend upon reseram' l. 26 the constructionbein resume aster li. 266-268, hich, i no actuali parenthetical, et a Dr. Kenned potnis ut stan tocli. 264 265 ascis connected by cum . The genera senseris, h teli os eoptolemus IdomeneuS, and Locrians, When even Agamemnon et it Such a fate:-wh teli that heaven grudged in retum γ' Conington ahes invictisse a infinitivus exclamantis thin that heaven grudge m retunil'-but this seem foreignto the genera tonem Diomede' Speech ut . . . victerem re κατελθοντα
ἰδεῖν, an corresponds to the accusative os the thinga diled a in viii. 5o9, Ecl. vii 58 the sua construction etiam invidere ne, a above l. 3. Sola Gree werandis. g. κωλυσει ὁ δρῆν Soph. Phil. I 2 Ι), an κωλυσαι . . .
ah πρὸς ἀλληλοι θανειν Eur Phoen. I 268) coniugium m coniugem, asu. 579. 27 sqq. The stor mas that Diomede' companions se insulto Venus, were changed into ea-birdi Diomedeae aves'), whic have been identisied withiumns Ovid' vague description Met xiv. 5o SD Si volucrum quae sit Subitarum forma requiraS, Ut non cycnorum sic albis proxima cycnis, might indicate an large guli, o Wild goOSe. 275. Notcles tha this had I odoo D seo that verylour, inen laol that I wasi I struch at form divine an prosane the hand of Venus illi
The inunder of his lis ted hield, The lighining of his lance.'
Caesaris haesit.'292. Dieitate, si ou Worth ' Se note O . 378. 295. magno deIIo, probabi abl. - de magno bello: cp. a correspond-ing Se o Gree genitive, Soph. El. 3I Και δὴ ' ἐρωτα του κασιγνητου τι paps, 'Hξοντος δε μελλοντος It is algo explainexas dative for, i. e. Mithregaresto ), or a ablative os circumstance quum magnum bellum sit.'3Oo, 3ΟΙ. treDicta implies confusion and uro , a X. 283 8 Soon Sthei mind were alme and the stor o longues a stili. Praefatus clivos, accordindito a Common praetice of Greel orator. e. g. Demosthenes
at the pening of the me Corona'), and as Servius says o Cato and theold Romans Cicero Divin. 13. 3 Speak of it a obsolete- Tu si quid
ex vetere aliqua oratione IOVEM OPTINIUM MAXIMVNI . . . aut aliquid eiusmodi ediscere potueri S praeclare te paratum in iudicium venturum arbitraris 3 VOL. II.
morat, it hau been beller'-i. e. at fome time paSt; p. l. II 5 abΟVe. 3o5-3o7. iiDortunum, inlucky, 'ill-latex; See o G. i. 47o, an Cp. xii. 864. fatigant, tire ut: for ther se se note tori. 3I6. Forneo victi, etc., r. tormwel compares apoleon' saying of the English- The domo know when the are beaten.'3O Donite. De . . . a metrica licenc unique in Virgil perhaps justi fied by the paus in sense, ille the hiatus in . o5. Horace a astiori vowelaesore si three times-al in the sermoni propior hexameter of his Satires, e g. Saepe stilum vertas i. o. 72, p. i. 2 3o 7 Virgilseem to avoid the occurrence of suc a vowellat allaesores sp si,' isc, excepi in certain cases here it is tengthene in imitation o Homericrhythm. Se Introd. IV, p. iii an note i iii 464, ix. 37. Lucto, C.
right up to an beyond: se on l. 26 above. Latinus has a domati τέμενος), long attachex tantiquus to the crown stretchin to thesest longus in occasum along the Tiber sormeri occupie by Sicani viii. 328, note , no by Auruncans and Rutulians exercent, Subdue; ' P. G. i. 99. Daseunt, graZe, i. e. see sociis pon; p. the l. pascuus' ager). Generali pasco' is sed illi accus of those ho re sed an abl. of that with orin whicli the are sed with preposition is the placeris specifled e g. Pascitur in magna Sila' G. iii a I9, Saltibus in vacuis pascunt 'ib. 1 3 cp. Aen. i. 164. Tibullus, however ii 5. 253, hac Sed tunc pascebant herbosa Palatia vaccae. Martialisses pascere With accus in thesens o culti vatin or enrichin land-e g. X. 58 9 Dura suburbani dum iugera paScimus agri; ib. 96 7 lascitur hic ibi pascit ager here elae the soli, there it laedous')-but this approaches eare the ordina
xxvii. dona tulere togam et tunicam Purpuream, Sellam eburneam, Pateram ex quinque Pondo auri actam.'