The de senectute, de amicitia, paradoxa, and somnium scipionis of Cicero ...

발행: 1848년

분량: 370페이지


분류: 미분류


eo ira o liso, ense ed by no libidinoua indulgeno , but amni in in activo disinarge of military, aenatorial and agriculturia Emmo

da in Archyta o Tarentum.' Moisina, a Gree o Tarentum, Wa distinguis dis a philosopher, mathematicinn, generat, audatat man, an lem admiro sor his integrit an virtus, both in publio an privato lila. o lived probabim a ut os B.C. Η . raro nox hiis ponis vago on in Adriatio. Com remor. Od. i. m. --Tarenti cum Q. Maximo This Ma aster in cit in re vero stomino Carthaginiana is Quintus Fabi maxima, Wit Whom Cato a then serving. Comparso p iv., I. The diae ramos Archyta Wa oommuni ted is Cato by the Pythagorean Nearchua Ieam stomi 4I.-Capia


gationis in implied on the par of th giver In the present i maneE, therestro, in mine in terme munus, Mea erit is the a customa gist of the deit in man anxit is, at tho amo time, viso righureauod donum, Mea erit ima rem ill gist, or in other Worda, lavor Compare Cromisie Gymnasivm Vol. i. P. I 15.

I plaeed a minis eis, o aster animo it ould haveaivenia is ambiguity on account of the Mamen osjubebat. hic mirat hausaeome to orern it.-Quanta percipi posse maxima. greata ons a couldi alia be conceived. V Suppi mente aster percipi, an observe tho peculia oonstructionis the superlative maxima missi Mansa, here the latis supplies the place of quam Consultri, 4 68s, Whore ther examyles armcited. Tamdist, dum Apleonasti form s expression notonsi equent in C ero. Conauit se hard ad loe., and the numerous passage oued by Sohollar, and


Ρωμαίων μεριενηκυιων.-L. Camillo, Appio Claudio consulibua Cicero


18s havin destate Cato, holad in his ear atoo candidatosor in censorahi so the ira time. Haeeo L. Valerius Flaccus, Cato' old Diend wholad been ametrabor of his in early liis, Whenthe lauer Was livingin his Sabine estate, and who had recommendod Catorio transplant his ambition to the niter soli and ample field os

Rome. Perdita. Mandoned. - cum probro privato, Le.

Sine it unite Wit private insam the disgrace of tho highoat

militar ossice, t. e. the consulfhip. observe, again, in empla' mentis in subjunctive Wit in relative. cause the lauera ignathe reasoni moti .

443. C. Fiarisium Consul chapter i. 15.-Cum apud regem ' rhum lega rus esset He Wa sentina amba adora rimus to reat respecting a ranaoming ο Roman prisonem. t. o. 14 De F., iii. 22 LM. Epit. 13.)- Cinea. Consul note n eum Pyrrho, si 16.-Quendam Epicurus a meant.-Qui proueretur. The sum junctive is emplo dieres cause the language of another a quoted.


muri time, an had Q. Fabius Maximus sortia colle uo. In thedaeisiva batile of Sentinum in Umbria, he commande the lest,ingos the Roman amy, and Wa op ae in tho Gaula; and when his troopa besan is vive Way unde tho terribis attacis of the me heresiave to imitate tho examplis of his ather, an havini voted hucaei and the arm of the enem to the wd of the dea in sell


oon, and a me nam tune a more natural gradation in the effecta that are here mentioned. Dandum est. Is to e conceded.'


lias been soliowed by om editora, but the SS. M againat him. Qua sibi niali exemplo, &c. The languam here employe canovi mea that Duiliua ad Maumed theae mare o distinctionhimaeis: here itur Epiι , Vii. istate expresaly that the were oonferre umn him by theseople. Sed quid ego adis, Suppi nomino.-Sodatis. M My tablearet, Ten V The term sodalis, achere emplayed, meana a member os aeonfraternit orirother od Est liahe in honoris nome partio lar divinity, so the purmae of celabrating an annues stativat. While the statiunt of the divini danted, me sodales Ilvedit a eommon table.

this is maderio have occurre one Bar previs .Huctis Cybelsma calle the Idaean goddeas, an her rite in Idaea rites, stomΜount Ida in Phrygia, an ala stom ita nam ais in Crete. Sedera quidam fervor aetatis. Althoug there Was, at the,am time, sit mustine conse-ed , a certain Myetro spirita natural totur age,'

δειπνον, in semerm Whic means a driniungi ty, and the latrara suppin or eatin together; hil both term aeem to suppossinat, accordiunt tho Gree Way Pthinking the prima indvan, age os a Raat conatate in the gratificatio of the appetite: horea eonvivium, a Cicero remarya, impliea an interchange of


aentiment, and rationia e verno, or in oth Moras, the enjomento the true leanum os eximenee.--Isinimum. Mem eatin and drinhing.- Uaxime probare. Tho Greerima at thia time the reputationis indulgin in in ple ure of the tabis to a much mater degre than the Romana, uni in progres os luxur levelis alla Nearlier distinctiona.

Sermonis detietationem. Tho delights of sooia converse. Tampestivis quoque consistis delector Ta areat plemure, alam in prolonge banquela.' B tempestis eonvivia are meant banquelawhic commenoe besore, an ars prolonge astor the auia time; and the generali have connecte Wit them the idea os revelryan eamusing. o aue idea homever is intende here, in theresereno in meminis in enteriainment long ened ut in social


this Cicero' definition os emere, in uae. i. 36, amely carere hoc signi at egere eo quod habere velis. Bona vitias sine aeason satis,' i. a. Muth and manhood, an op aed is mala alas, or id age. -Parvulis rebus. Thinga

os ver litus real value.'-Tuunon Ambirio L. Turpio Ambivi Was a Roma aetori ho distinguiabed himaeis in the time o Te enos is in truth Wit Whio he acte his paria o the atage Bianam occum in early at the id erit os the play os Terenco, an in later Romana mention him it Roscius an AEaopus.

ano in theton seria os the theatro. ore literalty he whogagoarium in pisce in the nrat par of the Mea. V In the an- olent theatre in Whol of the place so the apectator Wa called, in rein κοιλον in Latin eavea Among the Romana the frontaeata ero eo ted by the aenatora, an immediaiel aster theminino the equites Behin the equite the greatlod of the eople

thorityrus Nonius, a. v. --Tantum, quantum sat eat muc acta